1,161 research outputs found

    Analysis of Spectral Irradiance Variations and Their Impact on the Performance of Different Photovoltaic Modules

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    I denne avhandlingen har to år med global horisontal spektral innstrålings og global vinklet spektral innstrålings data har blitt analysert for å se hvordan spektral distribusjoen varierer over disse to årende. I tillegg skal det prøves å estimere energi utbyttet fra fire forkjellige PV moduler, ved bruk av de to årene med global horisontal og vinklet spektral innstråling. Disse modulene er en c-Si modul, en a-Si modul, en CdTe modul og en CIGS modul. I utgangspunktet skulle oppgaven gå ut på å teste et håndholdt spektrometer og bli sammenlignet med et stasjonært spektrometer. Grunnet et defekt kalibrerings instrument kunne ikke dette bli undersøkt videre og hovedfokuest ble satt på spektral dataene. Et gjennomsnittlig spektral distribusjonen for hver måned ble laget untatt for månedene som manglet i data settet. Energi utbytte for de fire PV modulene ble estimert gjennom et python-skript. Energi utbyttet som ble regnet ut viste seg å være ikke riktige grunnet en feil i data prosseseringen i metode delen. Målingene til CIGS PV modulen spesifikt virket også til å være noe galt med grunnet dens høye ytelse i forhold til de andre modulene.\\ This thesis analyzes two years of global horizontal spectral irradiance and global tilted spectral irradiance data to see how the spectral distribution varies over these years. In addition, an attempt will be made to estimate the energy yield from four different PV modules using two years of global horizontal and angled spectral radiation. These modules are a c-Si module, an a-Si module, a CdTe module, and a CIGS module. Initially, the task was to test a hand-held spectrometer and be compared with a stationary spectrometer. Due to a defective calibration instrument, this could not be investigated further, and the main focus of the thesis was moved to the spectral data. An average spectral distribution for each month was created except for the months that were missing from the data set. The energy yield for the four PV modules was estimated through a Python script. The energy yield that was calculated turned out to be incorrect due to an error in the data processing in the method section. The measurements of the CIGS PV modules were also off due to their high performance compared to the other modules

    A critical view on the mobility need in high-competence organisations

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    Our objective in this paper is to investigate the relationship between mobility need in Danish high competence organisations and ICT. In section 1 we begin by introducing different theoretical perspectives on mobility and ICT. In section 2 we will explore the amount and characteristics of long-distance work-related mobility among the employees in two Danish high competence organisations. This section will methodologically be based on a multiple-case study design, which involves a survey and in-depth interviews considering transport work for the employees in the two selected cases. Finally, in section 3 we will analyse the potential for reduction of mobility needs in companies through increased use of ICT. This section will partly be based on the results from the multiple-case study and partly on the experiences from the research project Nettlaer, which focuses on how effective training and learning can be carried out supported by ICT tools. We end the paper by reflecting on the limitations and possibilities of using ICT as a tool for transport reductions in Danish high competence organisations

    Language Management in a Multinational Workforce: The Knowledge Worker Perspective

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    Organisations recruiting knowledge workers worldwide face a considerable challenge with regard to the choice of corporate language. The use of English as a lingua franca is often perceived as the most obvious option. However, there may be good arguments for using the host country language even in cases where the language in question is relatively small and the English skills of the local population are high. Our paper reports on the results of a study of a Nordic organisation that has chosen the local language as its corporate language. We investigate the implications for the employees’ professional and social identity and also discuss the language ideology underlying this choice. The study is based on both interviews and a survey conducted among both local and international members of the organization

    Pingers reduce harbour porpoise bycatch in Norwegian gillnet fisheries, with little impact on day-to-day fishing operations

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    A field trial was conducted to determine the effect of acoustic deterrent devices (ADDs, or pingers) on harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) and harbour seal (Phoca vitulina) bycatch in three Norwegian commercial gillnet fisheries targeting cod (Gadus morhua), saithe (Pollachius virens) and monkfish (Lophius piscatorius). Catch data on 3500 net-km-days were collected by 8 fishing vessels operating gillnets in high bycatch regions over two years. A total of 20 harbour porpoises and 9 harbour seals were bycaught, with 19 harbour porpoises and 6 harbour seals taken in control (non-pingered) nets. Bycatch was modelled using a generalized additive mixed modelling approach and fitted with penalized maximum likelihood. Modelling results indicated that using pingers on gillnets reduced the risk of bycatching a harbour porpoise by an estimated 94% (95% confidence interval CI 77–100%) compared to ordinary pinger-free nets. The effect of pingers was not significantly different between different fisheries. The pingers also had no significant effect on catch rates of fish (Wilcoxon rank sum test, p = 0.24) or harbour seals (Wilcoxon rank sum test, p = 0.19). Self-reported pinger-associated extra time costs on day-to-day fishing operations were low, averaging about 2.8 min per operation. These results add to a growing body of scientific evidence that pingers can lead to substantial reductions in harbour porpoise bycatch rates in gillnet fisheries, and that extra time costs associated with operating nets with pingers are low.Pingers reduce harbour porpoise bycatch in Norwegian gillnet fisheries, with little impact on day-to-day fishing operationspublishedVersio

    Linguistic competence and cross-cultural negotiations: A Mexican-Norwegian example

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    In the present paper we look at the connection between level of linguistic competence and negotiation outcome in cross-cultural negotiations. The corpus consists of six Mexican-Norwegian dyads participating in a negotiation simulation. The language of communication was English, which means that none of the participants negotiated in their native language. The negotiation transcripts were submitted to a qualitative linguistic analysis and graded according to level of competence. These results were coupled to negotiation outcome, which was calculated according to a cost matrix. The findings showed no statistically significant connection between language competence and outcome

    Characterisation of Norwegian Battery Electric Vehicle Owners by Level of Adoption

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    In this paper we investigate differences between groups of Norwegian electric vehicle owners, sorted by their adoption level. The grouping is based on adoption theory and the share of battery electric vehicles in new car sales numbers. We investigate Norwegian adopters’ preferences, values, and motivations for choosing a battery electric vehicle. The main data source is a yearly survey between 2015 and 2020 amongst Norwegian electric vehicle drivers. The motivation of the study is to reveal different choices by the adopter groups, contributing to policy recommendations and incentives for other countries. However, the Norwegian case might be a special one, having economic advantages which many other countries do not have access to. We assess the validity of the results and policy recommendations by analysing the results of a survey amongst the Nordic countries on investment choices concerning battery electric vehiclespublishedVersio

    Pedagogiske identiteter i Fremtidens skole

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    Studien tar for seg hvordan NOU 2015:8 konstruerer ulike pedagogiske identiteter og identifiserer hvilke pedagogiske identiteter som er dominerende. Studien tar i bruk det teoretiske rammeverket til Basil Bernstein.Masteroppgave i pedagogikk IKTPED396MAPS-PEDI

    Skattelegging av digital økonomi fra multinasjonale selskaper uten fysisk tilstedeværelse innenfor norsk jurisdiksjon

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    Tema for avhandlingen er skattelegging av digital økonomi fra virksomheter uten fysisk tilstedeværelse innenfor norsk jurisdiksjon. De siste tiårene har informasjonsteknologi fullstendig endret hvordan multinasjonale selskaper skaper verdier. Samtidig gir digitaliseringen større muligheter for overskuddsflytting og uthuling av skattegrunnlaget. Avhandlingen tar for seg hvordan Norge skattlegger digitalisert økonomi fra multinasjonale selskaper uten fysisk tilstedeværelse innenfor norsk jurisdiksjon. Formålet med avhandlingen å avdekke om gjeldende skatteregler er egnet til å skattlegge slik virksomhet. Innledningsvis undersøkes norsk intern skattelovgivning med hovedvekt på regelen om begrenset skatteplikt etter skatteloven § 2-3 første ledd bokstav b. Deretter granskes skatteavtalerettens egnethet i relasjon til avhandlingstema. Til sist analyseres det pågående arbeidet i OECD for å danne et internasjonalt rammeverk for skattlegging av den digitale økonomien. Dette er av vesentlig betydning fordi det forventes at norsk skatterett i stor grad vil påvirkes av arbeidet i OECD

    Norway – 2016

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