8 research outputs found

    Mörkun NASA : að fortíð skal hyggja ef frumlegt skal byggja, án fræðslu þess liðna sést ei, hvað er nýtt

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    Geimferðarstofnun Bandaríkjanna á sér langa og merkilega sögu. Áhrifamikil stofnun sem hefur verið drifin áfram af mikilli framsækni. NASA, eins og við þekkjum hana, gekk í gegnum blómaskeið mikillar velgengni og stuðnings bandarísku þjóðarinnar. En fljótt skipast veður í lofti, því um leið og halla fór undan fæti hjá stofnuninni varð hún mjög gagnrýnd. Hönnunarsaga NASA er ekki síður merkileg. NASA sá ástæðu til þess að láta endurmarka stofnunina árið 1974 en 18 árum seinna var nýja merkinu skipt út fyrir það gamla sem áður var. Sumar ákvarðanir geta verið umdeildar og aðrar á rökum reistar

    Könnun á uppruna útvarpsblossa með athugunum á hýsilvetrarbraut

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    We identify and analyze the host galaxy of the fast radio burst FRB191001, in order to constrain possible progenitors for this burst. We identify the host with P=0.0034 that the galaxy is unrelated to the burst and then find that FRB191001 has an offset of roughly ∼12kpc from the center of the galaxy. We measure the line fluxes of Hα, Hβ, OII and NII in order to obtain key pieces of information about the galaxy. The host galaxy has a redshift of z=0.235, stellar mass of 4:6±1:910M , a star formation-rate of 3:4M yr−1 and oxygen abundance 12+log(O/H) = 8.8. We then use these values to compare with other transients, eventually ruling out that the progenitor is an active galactic nucleus and finding little likelihood that the host galaxy would also host a long gamma-ray burst. However the galaxy may also host short gamma-ray bursts, SNe Ia or core-collapse supernovae

    Formgerð rétta í Húnaþingi

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    Fjárréttir eru ekki nýjar af nálinni á Íslandi og reyndar svo samgrónar íslensku samfélagi að fáir leiða hugann að þeim. Mögulega er réttin sjálf fyrir mörgum varla meira en girðingarhrúga eða grjóthleðsla. Staður þar sem fólk hittist einu sinni á ári í öðrum erindagjörðum en að velta fyrir sér formi, lögun eða efni réttarinnar. En fegurðin býr oft í því sem við sjáum ekki strax. Stundum þarf fjarlægð til að koma auga á það sem við höfum vanist og þykir hversdagslegt. Því þegar betur er að gáð er ákveðna fegurð að finna í réttarforminu. Nýtt sjónarhorn dregur fram mynd sem skapar nýjar tilfinningar gagnvart réttinni sem er óumdeilanlega mikilvægur menningararfur Íslendinga


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    Technology (BTH). The bachelor thesis has been carried out within the Space Studio at Interactive Institute, which have supplied us with the necessary equipment for our work. First we want to thank our supervisors Philippe Rouchy and Hans Kyhlbäck, for pushing us in the right direction and helping us with the report, and our team at Interactive Institute Erling Bjarki Björgvinsson, Per-Anders Hillgren and Eva Brandt. We couldn’t have done it without you. We also want to thank Sue Harden and the rest of the staff at intensive care unit (ICU) and awakening care unit (ACU) who have been cooperative and willingly welcomed us. In the report are all names fictive excep

    Ways of Knowing When Research Subjects Care

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    This paper investigates a hidden dimension of research with real world stakes: research subjects who care -- sometimes deeply -- about the topic of the research in which they participate. They manifest this care, we show, by managing how they are represented in the research process, by exercising politics in shaping knowledge production, and sometimes in experiencing trauma in the process. We draw first-hand reflections on participation in diversity research on Wikipedia, transforming participants from objects of study to active negotiators of research process. We depict how care, vulnerability, harm, and emotions shape ethnographic and qualitative data. We argue that, especially in reflexive cultures, research subjects are active agents with agendas, accountabilities, and political projects of their own. We propose ethics of care and collaboration to open up new possibilities for knowledge production and socio-technical intervention in HCI