388 research outputs found

    Financial services used by small businesses: evidence from the 1998 survey of small business finances

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    Using newly available data from the 1998 Survey of Small Business Finances, this article offers preliminary findings regarding the characteristics of small businesses in the United States and their use of credit and other financial services. The main goals of the survey are to provide information on credit accessibility for small businesses, their use of financial services, and the sources of those services. The survey also provides a general-purpose database that can be used to study small business financing. Preliminary findings suggest that although the financial landscape has changed markedly since the previous survey in 1993, financing patterns and the use of particular suppliers have not.Small business ; Financial services industry

    'Making it count': incentives, student effort and performance

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    This paper examines how incentives to participate in online assessments (quizzes) affect students’ effort and performance. Our identification strategy exploits within-student weekly variation in incentives to attempt online quizzes. We find tournament incentives and participation incentives to be ineffective in increasing quiz participation. In contrast, making the quiz counts towards the final grade substantially increases participation. We find no evidence of displacement of effort between weeks. Using a natural experiment which provides variation in assessment weighting of the quizzes between two cohorts, we find that affected students obtain better exam grades. We estimate the return to 10% assessment weighting to be around 0.27 of a standard deviation in the in-term exam grade. We find no evidence that assessment weighting has unintended consequences, i.e., that increased quiz effort: displaces effort over the year; reduces other forms of effort; or reduces (effort and thus) performance in other courses. Finally, assessment weighting induced effort increases most for students at and below median ability, resulting in a reduction of the grade gap by 17%

    The Role of Race and Birth Place in Welfare Usage among Comparable Women: Evidence from the U.S.

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    There is evidence that women are more likely to live in poverty than men. Given the fact that the poor are more likely to use welfare, it becomes useful to consider welfare usage among women. A-priori welfare programs are set up in such a way that welfare usage should be based primarily on economic needs and health concerns. However, it is possible that an individual's experiences could affect their perception and preferences for using government assistance. In this scenario, differences in welfare usage will exist for individuals with similar characteristics but different experiences. We explore this possibility among women and investigate if race/ethnicity and birthplace still have a role to play in the decision to use welfare even after controlling for income, health and other demographic factors like employment. We find that race does not matter for welfare usage among comparable women. In addition, we do not find any significant differences in welfare usage among women based on birthplace - suggesting that comparable naturalized and native born women share similar preference for welfare. The only exception is women born in US territories. Our results suggest that among comparable women, women born in U.S territories seem to be more inclined to welfare usage in comparison to US born White women

    Асортиментний аналіз лікарських препаратів з хлоргексидином та дані закупівель державних і комунальних організацій

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    Chlorhexidine is an effective cationic antiseptic and disinfectant that has been used in medical practice for decades. It is generally recommended to use different concentrations of aqueous or alcoholic solutions of chlorhexidine for different therapeutic purposes. Objective. To determine the proportions of different chlorhexidine concentrations in medicines purchased by state and municipal organizations and to identify possible issue of chlorhexidine formulations utilization in the suboptimal or insufficient concentrations. Results. The vast majority of the chlorhexidine-containing medicines found in the State Register of Medicines of Ukraine are 0.05% solutions for external use, 0.05% gels for dental and urological use and vaginal suppositories (pessaries) with 16 mg of chlorhexidine in one dose. While the most common representatives of chlorhexidine-containing medicines abroad are solutions with a concentration of 4% and 2%, as well as mouthwashes with a concentration of 0.12%. The highest share - 96% - among the procurements of chlorhexidine-containing medicines by state and municipal organizations is 0.05% aqueous solution for external use. Instructions for medical use of 0.05% aqueous chlorhexidine solution for external use contain indications that are not supported by international documents: WHO Model List of Essential Medicines and British National Formulary. Conclusions. The obtained results suggest probable cases of irrational use of chlorhexidine medicines in medical practice in Ukraine. The consequences of such cases are not limited to the failure to achieve therapeutic goals or to the development of nosocomial infection, but includes also the selection of chlorhexidine-resistant strains of microorganisms. Key words: chlorhexidine; assortment analysis; medicinal procurements study; suboptimal concentration; rational pharmacotherapyХлоргексидин является эффективным катионным антисептиком и дезинфектантом, который десятилетиями используется в медицинской практике. При этом для различных терапевтических целей рекомендуется применение различных по силе концентраций водных или спиртовых растворов хлоргексидина. Цель исследования. Определение соотношения между различными концентрациями хлоргексидина в препаратах, которые закупаются государственными и коммунальными организациями, а также идентификация возможной актуальной проблемы, связанной с применением препаратов хлоргексидина для целей, при которых концентрация активного фармацевтического ингредиента является неоптимальной или недостаточной. Результаты. В Государственном реестре лекарственных средств Украины подавляющее большинство ассортимента лекарственных средств на основе хлоргексидина составляют 0,05% растворы для наружного применения, 0,05% гели для стоматологического и урологического применения, вагинальные суппозитории (пессарии) с 16 мг хлоргексидина в одной дозе. Тогда как наиболее распространенными представителями лекарственных препаратов с хлоргексидином за рубежом являются растворы концетрации 4% и 2%, а также жидкости для полоскания полости рта концетрации 0,12%. Самую высокую долю - 96% - среди заказов лекарственных препаратов хлоргексидина государственными и коммунальными учреждениями занимает 0,05% водный раствор для наружного применения. Инструкции к применению лекарственных препаратов 0,05% водного раствора для наружного применения содержат показания, которые не поддерживаются международными документами: Модельным перечнем основных лекарственных средств ВОЗ и Британским национальным формуляром. Выводы. Полученные результаты позволяют предположить возможные случаи нерационального применения препаратов хлоргексидина в отечественной медицинской практике. Следствием таких случаев может быть не только недостижение терапевтических целей и развитие внутрибольничной инфекции, но и селекция резистентых к действию хлоргексидина штаммов микроорганизмов. Ключевые слова: хлоргексидин; ассортиментный анализ; исследования закупок лекарственных средств; субоптимальная концентрация; рациональная фармакотерапияХлоргексидин є ефективним катіонним антисептиком та дезінфектантом, що десятиліттями використовується у медичній практиці. При цьому для різних терапевтичних цілей рекомендується застосування різних за силою концентрацій водних чи спиртових розчинів хлоргексидину. Мета дослідження. Визначення співвідношення між різними концентраціями хлоргексидину у препаратах, які закуповуються державними і комунальними організаціями, та ідентифікація можливої актуальної проблеми, пов’язаної із застосуванням препаратів хлоргексидину для цілей, при яких концентрація активного фармацевтичного інгредієнта є неоптимальною чи недостатньою. Результати. У Державному реєстрі лікарських засобів України переважну більшість асортименту лікарських засобів на основі хлоргексидину становлять 0,05% розчини для зовнішнього застосування, 0,05% гелі для стоматологічного та урологічного застосування та вагінальні супозиторії (песарії) із 16 мг хлоргексидину в одній дозі. Тоді як найбільш поширеними представниками лікарських препаратів з хлоргексидином за кордоном є розчини з концетрацією 4% та 2%, а також рідини для полоскання ротової порожнини з концетрацією 0,12%. Найвищу частку – 96%, – серед замовлень лікарських препаратів хлоргексидину державними та комунальними закладами займає 0,05% водний розчин для зовнішнього застосування. Інструкції до медичного застосування лікарських препаратів 0,05% водного розчину для зовнішнього застосування містять показання, які не підтримуються міжнародними документами: Модельним переліком основних лікарських засобів ВООЗ та Британським національним формуляром. Висновки. Отримані результати дозволяють припустити імовірні випадки нераціонального застосування препаратів хлоргексидину у вітчизняній медичній практиці. Наслідком таких випадків може бути не тільки недосягнення терапевтичних цілей та розвиток внутрішньолікарняної інфекції, а й виведення резистентих до дії хлоргексидину штамів мікроорганізмів. Ключові слова: хлоргексидин; асортиментний аналіз; дослідження закупівель лікарських засобів; субоптимальна концентрація; раціональна фармакотерапі

    A Nutritional Survey of Commercially Available Grass-Finished Beef

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    Consumer interest in the source of their food, its environmental footprint, and the impact of diet on health has supported the growth of the grass-finished beef (GFB) industry. Studies have concluded that GFB has distinct nutritional differences from conventionally-finished beef. As the GFB industry continues to expand, it is vital to continue to explore the nutritional complexities and variation in the product. To achieve this, a survey of grass-finishing production systems throughout the USA was conducted, and beef finished on the participating farms was analyzed for its nutritional composition, including fatty acid (FA), mineral and fat-soluble vitamin contents. Samples were analyzed from 12 producers and annual production capacity of farms ranged from 25 to 5,000 cattle, with a mean age of cattle at harvest of 26.8 ± 2.30 mo. An array of finishing diets included grazing exclusively in perennial pasture, incorporating annual forage crops, and feeding a variety of harvested forages with supplementation of non-starch feed byproducts. Beef muscle tissue FA content was analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC–MS). The mean ratio of omega-6 (n-6) to omega-3 (n-3) FA in samples varied significantly by producer, ranging from 1.80 to 28.3 (P < 0.0001), with an overall sample set median of 4.10. A selection of minerals including iron, magnesium, and potassium were analyzed by ICP emission spectroscopy and mineral content significantly differed by producer for all minerals (P < 0.001). Mean α-tocopherol and β-carotene content was 610.6 µg/100 g beef and 32.2 µg/100 g, respectively. The amount of these antioxidants also varied between producers (P < 0.0001), but tended to be greater in beef finished solely on fresh forages. This survey indicates that commercially available GFB can vary in nutritional composition due to the diverse practices used to grass-finish cattle

    The Impacts of Reduced Access to Abortion and Family Planning Services: Evidence from Texas

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    Between 2011 and 2014, Texas enacted three pieces of legislation that significantly reduced funding for family planning services and increased restrictions on abortion clinic operations. Together this legislation creates cross-county variation in access to abortion and family planning services, which we leverage to understand the impact of family planning and abortion clinic access on abortions, births, and contraceptive purchases. In-state abortions fell 20% and births rose 3% in counties that no longer had an abortion provider within 50 miles. Births increased 1% and contraceptive purchases rose 8% in counties without a publicly-funded family planning clinic within 25 miles

    The spectrum and clinical impact of epigenetic modifier mutations in myeloma

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    Epigenetic dysregulation is known to be an important contributor to myeloma pathogenesis but, unlike in other B cell malignancies, the full spectrum of somatic mutations in epigenetic modifiers has not been previously reported. We sought to address this using results from whole-exome sequencing in the context of a large prospective clinical trial of newly diagnosed patients and targeted sequencing in a cohort of previously treated patients for comparison.Whole-exome sequencing analysis of 463 presenting myeloma cases entered in the UK NCRI Myeloma XI study and targeted sequencing analysis of 156 previously treated cases from the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. We correlated the presence of mutations with clinical outcome from diagnosis and compared the mutations found at diagnosis with later stages of disease.In diagnostic myeloma patient samples we identify significant mutations in genes encoding the histone 1 linker protein, previously identified in other B-cell malignancies. Our data suggest an adverse prognostic impact from the presence of lesions in genes encoding DNA methylation modifiers and the histone demethylase KDM6A/UTX. The frequency of mutations in epigenetic modifiers appears to increase following treatment most notably in genes encoding histone methyltransferases and DNA methylation modifiers.Numerous mutations identified raise the possibility of targeted treatment strategies for patients either at diagnosis or relapse supporting the use of sequencing-based diagnostics in myeloma to help guide therapy as more epigenetic targeted agents become available

    SWI/SNF catalytic subunits’ switch drives resistance to EZH2 inhibitors in ARID1A-mutated cells

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    © 2018, The Author(s). Inactivation of the subunits of SWI/SNF complex such as ARID1A is synthetically lethal with inhibition of EZH2 activity. However, mechanisms of de novo resistance to EZH2 inhibitors in cancers with inactivating SWI/SNF mutations are unknown. Here we show that the switch of the SWI/SNF catalytic subunits from SMARCA4 to SMARCA2 drives resistance to EZH2 inhibitors in ARID1A-mutated cells. SMARCA4 loss upregulates anti-apoptotic genes in the EZH2 inhibitor-resistant cells. EZH2 inhibitor-resistant ARID1A-mutated cells are hypersensitive to BCL2 inhibitors such as ABT263. ABT263 is sufficient to overcome resistance to an EZH2 inhibitor. In addition, ABT263 synergizes with an EZH2 inhibitor in vivo in ARID1A-inactivated ovarian tumor mouse models. Together, these data establish that the switch of the SWI/SNF catalytic subunits from SMARCA4 to SMARCA2 underlies the acquired resistance to EZH2 inhibitors. They suggest BCL2 inhibition alone or in combination with EZH2 inhibition represents urgently needed therapeutic strategy for ARID1A-mutated cancers

    EGFR-Mediated Carcinoma Cell Metastasis Mediated by Integrin αvβ5 Depends on Activation of c-Src and Cleavage of MUC1

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    Receptor tyrosine kinases and integrins play an essential role in tumor cell invasion and metastasis. We previously showed that EGF and other growth factors induce human carcinoma cell invasion and metastasis mediated by integrin αvβ5 that is prevented by Src blockade [1]. MUC1, a transmembrane glycoprotein, is expressed in most epithelial tumors as a heterodimer consisting of an extracellular and a transmembrane subunit. The MUC1 cytoplasmic domain of the transmembrane subunit (MUC1.CD) translocates to the nucleus where it promotes the transcription of a metastatic gene signature associated with epithelial to mesenchymal transition. Here, we demonstrate a requirement for MUC1 in carcinoma cell metastasis dependent on EGFR and Src without affecting primary tumor growth. EGF stimulates Src-dependent MUC1 cleavage and nuclear localization leading to the expression of genes linked to metastasis. Moreover, expression of MUC1.CD results in its nuclear localization and is sufficient for transcription of the metastatic gene signature and tumor cell metastasis. These results demonstrate that EGFR and Src activity contribute to carcinoma cell invasion and metastasis mediated by integrin αvβ5 in part by promoting proteolytic cleavage of MUC1 and highlight the ability of MUC1.CD to promote metastasis in a context-dependent manner. Our findings may have implications for the use and future design of targeted therapies in cancers known to express EGFR, Src, or MUC1