65 research outputs found
Lithuanian pension system’s reforms transformations and forecasts
The aim of this article is to describe the Lithuanian pension system, its reform process and its long-term financial sustainability. We define therefore the current reforms in the public pension system, influenced by the last economic crisis and social challenges. Also, we forecast the financial dynamics of the public pension system, in the light of raising social expenses (due to second pillar pension reforms) and of demographic trends (like ageing society and low fertility). Results reveal the long-term sustainability of the system, albeit at a cost of initial negative balances to be covered with public budget. Policy solutions could improve sustainability by encouraging and extending employment (especially for the disadvantaged) and by building trust in both public and private pension systems
Repetitive Late Pleistocene soft‐sediment deformation by seismicity‐induced liquefaction in north‐western Lithuania
Liquefaction can cause deformation of unconsolidated sediment, but specific processes involved and the trigger mechanisms often remain obscured. This study describes multiple deformed sediment layers in a succession of lacustrine sand, silt and clay deposited during the Marine Isotope Stage 5d in north-western Lithuania. The deformation structures (load casts, pseudonodules, ball-and-pillow structures, broken-up laminae and injections) are embedded in ten separate layers of fine-grained, laterally continuous sediments. Detailed mesoscale sedimentological analyses suggest that each deformation event consisted of numerous successive stages of sediment advection facilitated by liquefaction. Low-permeability fine-grained laminae contributed to localized pore-water pressure build-up and lowering of sediment strength. Erosional top surfaces that truncate layers with soft-sediment deformation structures suggest that at least seven deformation events were separated by successive periods of initial erosion and then uninterrupted deposition in the lake. The most likely trigger of the deformation was recurrent palaeoseismic activity possibly linked to a late glacial isostatic adjustment following the Scandinavian Ice Sheet melting after the Saalian glaciation. This study emphasizes the potential role of seismic processes in shaping the sedimentary record of the intraplate region of north-eastern Europe and contributes to constraining the depth of liquefaction, regardless of the actual trigger mechanism
Arts Education of Pupils with Special Educational Needs: Objectives and Principles
Nepriklausomybės laikotarpiu prasidėjusią neįgaliųjų integraciją Lietuvoje keičia įtraukiojo (inkliuzinio) ugdymo poreikis. Atliekami moksliniai tyrimai, analizuojantys, kaip keičiasi visuomenės požiūris į negalią turinčius žmones, tiriama meno įtaka neįgaliųjų socializacijai, stiprinama juridinė šių asmenų ugdymo bazė. Meninio ugdymo dalykai (muzika, dailė, šokis, teatras) taip pat padeda ugdyti mokinių kompetencijas, reikalingas mokymuisi ir bendravimui, kūrybingai saviraiškai, komunikacijai ir individo vidinei darnai. Straipsnio tikslas – pasitelkiant mokslinės literatūros analizės metodą išryškinti specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių turinčių mokinių meninio ugdymo tikslus ir principus.Changes in society, democratisation of education enable to shift towards persons with disabilities, in order to integrate them into society without causing discomfort neither the person, nor those around him. Categorization of disabilities and disorders according to medical criteria does not meet the educational objectives of pupils with special educational needs, as both developmental disorders and learning difficulties create the variety of abilities, needs and interests of pupils in the class. Such variety refers to school for all pupils, to involving (inclusive) education. According to the results of surveys, although the pupils with special educational needs are involved in general education, the teacher still remains alone with his philosophy and methods, without being offered an opportunity for cooperation, consultancy support, which is one of conditions for success in the involving (inclusive) education. Lack of systematic research is still observed, which brings out the didactics issues of art education of pupils with special educational needs, therefore, the analysed scientific problem is relevant. The objectives of special art education are focused not only on the pupils having special educational needs, but also to the surrounding people – teachers, classmates, family, society, and even more, to their mutual interactions. Such change of didactic goals reveals the new art education principles. The subjects of the article are the didactic goals and principles, educating the pupils with special needs by art. Applying the method of analysis of the scientific literature, the article reveals the research of the world and Lithuanian scientists in the field of special art pedagogy and theoretically justifies six principles of art education: art education focused on the emotionally positive interaction between the learner and teacher, directed to the learner’s family and society; art education is of moral aspect; content of art education is integral and perceived; educational methods are applied in complex; in the process of art education the verbal and nonverbal reflections predominate; art education is personally and socially meaningful for the pupils with special educational needs
The Littorina Sea at the Lithuanian Maritime Region
In the recent decade a number of data of different investigations (pollen, diatom, molluscs analysis, lithological investigations, dating by methods of absolute geochronology, etc.) have been collected during the large-scale geological mapping of Lithuanian Maritime region (Lithuanian Coast). The results of investigations confirmed that there were three Littorina Sea transgressions at the Lithuanian Coast: the first manifested approximately in 8500-7800 conventional 14C years BP, the second (maximal) - in 6200-5900 and the third - in 5300-4000 conv. 14C years BP. The Post-Littorina Sea maximum was in about 3600-3400 conv. 14C years BP. The Littorina Sea shoreline displacement curves were carried out. The present-day positions of shorelines of the Littorina Sea as well as other Baltic basins are displaced in different altitudes in separate parts of the Lithuanian Coast due to oscillatory neotectonic movements of Earth crust blocks during Late Glacial and Holocene
Framework for introducing a second-pillar pension system in Azerbaijan
This paper presents a possible framework for implementing the second-pillar pension system as called for by the Law “On Labor Pensions” of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The proposed option consists of a defined contribution plan, in which both employee and employer contribute on a regular basis, with partial support of government. Simulating the effects for representative workers shows that, even in the most pessimistic scenario, participants in the second-pillar system who reach pension age can maintain a viable standard of living at retirement. This result is even more pronounced for workers in the lowest income group, because of the redistributive effect of the proposed reforms
Glaciotectonic features in Lithuania
Systematic investigations of glaciotectonic features in Lithuania started in 1994. The first glaciotectonic review map of Lithuania has been carried out as a constituent part of the glaciotectonic map of central Europe. Two groups of landforms linked with glaciotectonic structures (composite ridges and massifs, drumlins and flutings) have been distinguished. Distribution of the pre-Quaternary megablocks in the Quaternary deposits is presented also, and the number of megablocks composed of rocks of different age and lithology is directly proportional to their extension in the sub-Quaternary surface. The other more detailed investigations of glaciotectonic features in Lithuania are connected with regular geological mapping in scale of 1:50 000. Results of the first detailed studies of glaciotectonic features (folds, thrust faults, diapirs) investigated in two outcrops in southeastern Lithuania and in the Lithuanian maritime region are presented in the paper
Palaeoseismic deformations in the Eastern Baltic region (Kaliningrad District of Russia)
The article presents new data on sedimentological structures, which have been discovered at the Ryadino archaeological excavation in the northeast of the Kaliningrad District of Russia (the Šešupė River Valley). Tongue-shaped and dome-shaped diapir-like structures indicate liquefaction-induced features. As the most plausible reason, the earthquake-induced shaking is discussed. A preliminary estimation of the time interval for the seismic event covers the period from the early up to the late Holocene. The reasons for seismic activity in this region can be related to neotectonic movements (including glacio-isostatic rebound) as recorded in the southeastern Baltic Sea area of the Fennoscandian ice sheet margin zone. The relation between a palaeoseismic event and the essential changes in the hydrographic network in the region is also discussed
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