280 research outputs found

    Radiologic Imaging of Renal Masses

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    Structure and dynamics in polystyrene/single-walled carbon nanotube nanocomposites via neutron scattering techniques

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    Small angle and quasielastic neutron scattering (SANS and QENS) were used to investigate the cause of the minimum in the diffusion coefficient for polystyrene (PS)/single walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT) nancomposites (M. Mu, N. Clarke, R. J. Composto and K. I. Winey, Macromolecules, 2009, 42, 7091–7097). Radius of gyration (Rg) values for PS/SWCNT nanocomposites were obtained by fitting SANS data with the Debye equation, and were found to increase by ~450% (110 kg mol–1) and ~500% (230 kg mol–1), indicating agglomeration or incomplete contrast-matching of the matrix and the nanotubes. Elastic scans recorded via QENS on ring and chain-labelled samples indicated that the PS rings were more mobile in both the polymer and the nanocomposite, and that adding SWCNTs increased the mobility of the chain at SWCNT concentrations above 1 wt%, especially around the glass transition temperature (Tg). Slower motions of the ring also increased, but only at 4 wt% loading. The stiffness values for the chain and ring were isolated for the first time, indicating reduced chain stiffness on addition of increasing levels of SWCNTs. QENS peaks were Fourier transformed and the decay curves fitted with the KWW function. Only the data recorded at 177 °C returned relaxation times that could be resolved, suggesting that the motions at lower temperatures are slower than could be detected. Tg values were extracted calorimetrically and from neutron data. The calorimetric Tg had a minimum at ~1 wt%. The neutron Tg was recorded from data on two spectrometers, IRIS (2-200 ps) and HFBS (100 ps–10 ns); the ring data recorded on IRIS increased relative to the bulk on loading, while the chain data recorded on HFBS decreased, indicating that the chain and rings are affected by SWCNTs on different timescales. The neutron static structure factor was affected at loading levels of 0.1–3 wt%, and the effect was more pronounced for the chain than the ring. This work clearly indicates that adding nanoparticles influences the local structure and fast local dynamics of PS/SWCNTs, and while it does not identify the origin of the minimum in the diffusion coefficient, it does narrow the time window where the origin must lie

    Mind the Gap! : Supporting Graduate Teaching Assistants and bridging the information skills gap

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    Draft Genome Sequence of Antarctic Methanogen Enriched from Dry Valley Permafrost

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    A genomic reconstruction belonging to the genus Methanosarcina was assembled from metagenomic data from a methane-producing enrichment of Antarctic permafrost. This is the first methanogen genome reported from permafrost of the Dry Valleys and can help shed light on future climate-affected methane dynamics

    A systematic scoping review of Photovoice within mental health research involving adolescents

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    Photovoice is a research method that changes perceptions of mental health. However, there is a lack of evidence exploring how Photovoice is used in mental health research involving adolescents. Our review aimed to understand the nature and key themes across findings of Photovoice studies exploring mental health among adolescents. We used pre-existing data and updated a search strategy. Popay and colleagues’ guidance was used to analyse the studies and the quality of each study was appraised. Our review found that Photovoice studies exploring mental health among adolescents are limited in quality and that Photovoice is a flexible, adaptable, inclusive, and emerging method. Coping; resilience; beliefs about oneself; family; friends; safety; living in a lower socioeconomic area and treatment emerged as key themes across study findings. Our review is the first of its kind and highlights ways Photovoice studies in the future can be developed and is helpful to multiple stakeholders

    Psychometric evaluation of the Questionnaire about the Process of Recovery (QPR)

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    Background: Supporting recovery is the aim of national mental health policy in many countries, including England. There is a need for standardised measures of recovery, to assess policy implementation and inform clinical practice. Only one measure of recovery has been developed in England: the Questionnaire about the Process of Recovery (QPR) which measures recovery from the perspective of adult mental health service users with a psychosis diagnosis. Aims: To independently evaluate the psychometric properties of the 15-item and 22-item versions of QPR. Method: Two samples were used: Dataset 1 (n=88) involved assessment of QPR at baseline, two weeks and three months. Dataset 2 (n=399; ISRCTN02507940) involved assessment of QPR at baseline and one year. Results: For the 15-item version, internal consistency was 0.89, convergent validity was 0.73, test-retest reliability was 0.74 and sensitivity to change was 0.40. Confirmatory factor analysis showed the 15-item version offered a good fit. For the 22 item version comprising two sub-scales, the Interpersonal sub-scale was found to under-perform and the Intrapersonal sub-scale overlaps substantially with the 15 item version. Conclusions: Both the 15-item and the Intrapersonal sub-scale of the 22-item versions of the QPR demonstrated satisfactory psychometric properties. The 15-item version is slightly more robust and also less burdensome, so it can be recommended for use in research and clinical practice. Declaration of interest: None

    Development and evaluation of an Individualised Outcome Measure (IOM) for randomised controlled trials in mental health

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    Predefined, researcher-selected outcomes are routinely used as the clinical end-point in randomised controlled trials (RCTs); however, individualised approaches may be an effective way to assess outcome in mental health research. The present study describes the development and evaluation of the Individualised Outcome Measure (IOM), which is a patient-specific outcome measure to be used for RCTs of complex interventions. IOM was developed using a narrative review, expert consultation and piloting with mental health service users (n=20). The final version of IOM comprises two components: Goal Attainment (GA) and Personalised Primary Outcome (PPO). For GA, patients identify one relevant goal at baseline and rate its attainment at follow-up. For PPO, patients choose an outcome domain related to their goal from a predefined list at baseline, and complete a standardised questionnaire assessing the chosen outcome domain at baseline and follow-up. A feasibility study indicated that IOM had adequate completion (89%) and acceptability (96%) rates in a clinical sample (n=84). IOM was then evaluated in an RCT (ISRCTN02507940). GA and PPO components were associated with each other and with the trial primary outcome. The use of the PPO component of IOM as the primary outcome could be considered in future RCTs

    Evaluating the feasibility of complex interventions in mental health services: standardised measure and reporting guidelines

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    Aims: To develop a) an empirically-based standardised measure of the feasibility of complex interventions for use within mental health services and b) reporting guidelines to facilitate feasibility assessment. Method: A focussed narrative review of studies assessing implementation blocks and enablers was conducted with thematic analysis and vote counting used to determine candidate items for the measure. Twenty purposively sampled studies (15 trial reports, 5 protocols) were included in the psychometric evaluation, spanning different interventions types. Cohen’s Kappa was calculated for inter-rater reliability and test-retest reliability. Results: 95 influences on implementation were identified from 299 reviewed references. The final measure - Structured Assessment of Feasibility (SAFE) - comprises 16 items rated on a Likert scale. SAFE demonstrated excellent inter-rater (kappa 0.84, 95% CI 0.79 - 0.89) and test re-test reliability (kappa 0.89, 95% CI 0.85 - 0.93). Cost information and training time were the two influences least likely to be reported in intervention papers. SAFE Reporting Guidelines include 16 items organised into 3 categories (Intervention, Resource consequences, Evaluation). Conclusion: SAFE is a novel approach to evaluating interventions, and supplements efficacy and health economic evidence. SAFE Reporting Guidelines will allow feasibility of an intervention to be systematically assessed

    VprBP/DCAF1 Regulates the Degradation and Nonproteolytic Activation of the Cell Cycle Transcription Factor FoxM1

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    The oncogenic transcription factor FoxM1 plays a vital role in cell cycle progression, is activated in numerous human malignancies, and is linked to chromosome instability. We characterize here a cullin 4-based E3 ubiquitin ligase and its substrate receptor, VprBP/DCAF1 (CRL4VprBP), which we show regulate FoxM1 ubiquitylation and degradation. Paradoxically, we also found that the substrate receptor VprBP is a potent FoxM1 activator. VprBP depletion reduces expression of FoxM1 target genes and impairs mitotic entry, whereas ectopic VprBP expression strongly activates a FoxM1 transcriptional reporter. VprBP binding to CRL4 is reduced during mitosis, and our data suggest that VprBP activation of FoxM1 is ligase independent. This implies a nonproteolytic activation mechanism that is reminiscent of, yet distinct from, the ubiquitin-dependent transactivation of the oncoprotein Myc by other E3s. Significantly, VprBP protein levels were upregulated in high-grade serous ovarian patient tumors, where the FoxM1 signature is amplified. These data suggest that FoxM1 abundance and activity are controlled by VprBP and highlight the functional repurposing of E3 ligase substrate receptors independent of the ubiquitin system
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