8,778 research outputs found

    On the fine structure of medium energy electron fluxes in the auroral zone and related effects in the ionospheric D-region

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    This study is based on measurements of trapped and precipitated electrons of energy &gt;30 keV and &gt;100 keV observed by polar orbiting environmental satellites during overpasses of the imaging riometer at Kilpisjärvi, Finland. The satellites are in sun-synchronous orbits of about 850 km altitude, recording the electron fluxes at 2-s time resolution. The riometer measures the radiowave absorption at 38.2 MHz, showing the spatial pattern within a 240 km field of view. <br><br> The analysis has focussed on two areas. Having found a close correlation between the radiowave absorption and the medium-energy electron fluxes during satellite overpasses, empirical relationships are derived, enabling one quantity to be predicted from the other for three sectors of local time. It is shown that small-scale variations observed during a pass are essentially spatial rather than temporal. <br><br> Other properties, such as the spectra and the relation between precipitated and trapped components, are also considered in the light of the theory of pitch angle scattering by VLF waves. It is found that the properties and behaviour depend strongly on the time of day. In the noon sector, the precipitated and trapped fluxes are highly correlated through a square law relationship

    Mobile integrated conditional access system

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    This paper presents design of a novel security architecture integrating mobile and broadcasting technologies in the Pay-TV system. The security architecture proposed herein is a state-of-the-art solution to tackle well-known problems challenging current Pay-TV systems including but not limited to interoperability amongst service providers, relatively high cost of the service deployment, the security compromise, limited interactivity and bespoken services offered to subscribers. It also proposes the Follow-me service that enables subscribers to access their entitlements via an arbitrary set-top box

    Tyrosine photophysics during the early stages of β-amyloid aggregation leading to Alzheimer's

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    We have monitored the formation of toxic β-amyloid oligomers leading to Alzheimer's disease by detecting changes in the fluorescence decay of intrinsic tyrosine. A new approach based on the non-Debye model of fluorescence kinetics resolves the complexity of the underlying photophysics. The gradual disappearance of nonmonotonic fluorescence decay rates, at the early stages of aggregation as larger, tighter-packed oligomers are formed, is interpreted in terms of tyrosine-peptide dielectric relaxation influencing the decay. The results demonstrate the potential for a new type of fluorescence lifetime sensing based on dual excited-state/dielectric relaxation, with application across a broad range of biological molecules. The results also reconcile previously conflicting models of protein intrinsic fluorescence decay based on rotamers or dielectric relaxation by illustrating conditions under which both are manifest

    Precise measurements of UV atomic lines: Hyperfine structure and isotope shifts in the 398.8 nm line of Yb

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    We demonstrate a technique for frequency measurements of UV transitions with sub-MHz precision. The frequency is measured using a ring-cavity resonator whose length is calibrated against a reference laser locked to the D2D_2 line of 87^{87}Rb. We have used this to measure the 398.8 nm 1S01P1{^1S}_0 \leftrightarrow {^1P}_1 line of atomic Yb. We report isotope shifts of all the seven stable isotopes, including the rarest isotope 168^{168}Yb. We have been able to resolve the overlapping 173^{173}Yb(F=3/2F = 3/2) and 172^{172}Yb transitions for the first time. We also obtain high-precision measurements of excited-state hyperfine structure in the odd isotopes, 171^{171}Yb and 173^{173}Yb. The measurements resolve several discrepancies among earlier measurements.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Computational Fluid Dynamic Studies of Vortex Amplifier Design for the Nuclear Industry—I. Steady-State Conditions

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    In this study the effects of changes to the geometry of a vortex amplifier are investigated using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) techniques, in the context of glovebox operations for the nuclear industry. These investigations were required because of anomalous behavior identified when, for operational reasons, a long-established vortex amplifier design was reduced in scale. The aims were (i) to simulate both the anomalous back-flow into the glovebox through the vortex amplifier supply ports, and the precessing vortex core in the amplifier outlet, then (ii) to determine which of the various simulated geometries would best alleviate the supply port back-flow anomaly. Various changes to the geometry of the vortex amplifier were proposed; smoke and air tests were then used to identify a subset of these geometries for subsequent simulation using CFD techniques. Having verified the mesh resolution was sufficient to reproduce the required effects, the code was then validated by comparing the results of the steady-state simulations with the experimental data. The problem is challenging in terms of the range of geometrical and dynamic scales encountered, with consequent impact on mesh quality and turbulence modeling. The anomalous nonaxisymmetric reverse flow in the supply ports of the vortex amplifier has been captured and the mixing in both the chamber and the precessing vortex core has also been successfully reproduced. Finally, by simulating changes to the supply ports that could not be reproduced experimentally at an equivalent cost, the geometry most likely to alleviate the back-flow anomaly has been identified

    The size of Selmer groups for the congruent number problem, II

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    The oldest problem in the theory of elliptic curves is to determine which positive integers D can be the common difference of a three term arithmetic progres-sion of squares of rational numbers. Such integers D are known as congruent numbers. Equivalently one may ask which elliptic curve

    Reconstruction of Solar Subsurfaces by Local Helioseismology

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    Local helioseismology has opened new frontiers in our quest for understanding of the internal dynamics and dynamo on the Sun. Local helioseismology reconstructs subsurface structures and flows by extracting coherent signals of acoustic waves traveling through the interior and carrying information about subsurface perturbations and flows, from stochastic oscillations observed on the surface. The initial analysis of the subsurface flow maps reconstructed from the 5 years of SDO/HMI data by time-distance helioseismology reveals the great potential for studying and understanding of the dynamics of the quiet Sun and active regions, and the evolution with the solar cycle. In particular, our results show that the emergence and evolution of active regions are accompanied by multi-scale flow patterns, and that the meridional flows display the North-South asymmetry closely correlating with the magnetic activity. The latitudinal variations of the meridional circulation speed, which are probably related to the large-scale converging flows, are mostly confined in shallow subsurface layers. Therefore, these variations do not necessarily affect the magnetic flux transport. The North-South asymmetry is also pronounced in the variations of the differential rotation ("torsional oscillations"). The calculations of a proxy of the subsurface kinetic helicity density show that the helicity does not vary during the solar cycle, and that supergranulation is a likely source of the near-surface helicity.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures, in "Cartography of the Sun and the Stars", Editors: Rozelot, Jean-Pierre, Neiner, Corali

    An Assessment of Tarong Bottom Ash for Use on Agricultural Soils

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    Coal combustion by-products (CCBs), including fly ash and bottom ash, present a waste disposal problem in Australia due to a continuing demand for coal fired power. Pozzolanic Enterprises handle ash produced by the Tarong Energy coalfired power station in SouthWest Queensland, which produces approximately 1,200,000 tonnes per annum of CCBs. This comprises roughly 1,100,000 tonnes of fly ash and 100,000 tonnes of furnace bottom ash. The volume and unique properties of the Tarong bottom ash present a significant opportunity for agronomic use. Of particular interest is the ability of Tarong bottom ash to markedly improve the water holding capacity of soils. Given Australia's rural environment is currently enduring a 'one-in-one- hundred-year' drought a study of the ability of Tarong bottom ash to improve water holding capacity is timely. This paper details physical and chemical properties relevant to agronomic use and water holding capacity of ash/soil blends along with some results from initial field trials