261 research outputs found

    Application of Laplacian-based Methods to Multi-echo Phase Data for Accurate Susceptibility Mapping

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    In Susceptibility Mapping (SM) using multi-echo gradient-echo phase data, unwrapping and/or background-Òeld removal is often performed using Laplacian-based methods. However, SM pipelines in the literature have applied these methods at di×erent stages. Here, using simulated and acquired images, we compared the performance of three pipelines that apply Laplacian-based methods at di× erent stages. We showed that Laplacian-based methods alter the linearity of the phase over time. We demonstrated that only a processing pipeline that takes this into account, i.e. by Òtting the multi-echo data over time to correctly estimate a Òeld map before applying Laplacian-based methods, gives accurate susceptibility values

    Investigating the accuracy and precision of TE‐dependent versus multi‐echo QSM using Laplacian‐based methods at 3 T

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    Purpose: Multi‐echo gradient‐recalled echo acquisitions for QSM enable optimizing the SNR for several tissue types through multi‐echo (TE) combination or investigating temporal variations in the susceptibility (potentially reflecting tissue microstructure) by calculating one QSM image at each TE (TE‐dependent QSM). In contrast with multi‐echo QSM, applying Laplacian‐based methods (LBMs) for phase unwrapping and background field removal to single TEs could introduce nonlinear temporal variations (independent of tissue microstructure) into the measured susceptibility. Here, we aimed to compare the effect of LBMs on the QSM susceptibilities in TE‐dependent versus multi‐echo QSM. Methods: TE–dependent recalled echo data simulated in a numerical head phantom and gradient‐recalled echo images acquired at 3 T in 10 healthy volunteers. Several QSM pipelines were tested, including four distinct LBMs: sophisticated harmonic artifact reduction for phase data (SHARP), variable‐radius sophisticated harmonic artifact reduction for phase data (V‐SHARP), Laplacian boundary value background field removal (LBV), and one‐step total generalized variation (TGV). Results from distinct pipelines were compared using visual inspection, summary statistics of susceptibility in deep gray matter/white matter/venous regions of interest, and, in the healthy volunteers, regional susceptibility bias analysis and nonparametric tests. Results: Multi‐echo versus TE‐dependent QSM had higher regional accuracy, especially in high‐susceptibility regions and at shorter TEs. Everywhere except in the veins, a processing pipeline incorporating TGV provided the most temporally stable TE‐dependent QSM results with an accuracy similar to multi‐echo QSM. Conclusions: For TE‐dependent QSM, carefully choosing LBMs can minimize the introduction of LBM‐related nonlinear temporal susceptibility variations

    Bleeding complications after pancreatic surgery : Interventional radiology management

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    Surgical intervention in the pancreas region is complex and carries the risk of complications, also of vascular nature. Bleeding after pancreatic surgery is rare but characterized by high mortality. This review reports epidemiology, classification, diagnosis and treatment strategies of hemorrhage occurring after pancreatic surgery, focusing on the techniques, roles and outcomes of interventional radiology (IR) in this setting. We then describe the roles and techniques of IR in the treatment of other less common types of vascular complications after pancreatic surgery, such as portal vein (PV) stenosis, portal hypertension and bleeding of varices

    Investigating the effect of flow compensation and quantitative susceptibility mapping method on the accuracy of venous susceptibility measurement

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    Quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) is a promising non-invasive method for obtaining information relating to oxygen metabolism. However, the optimal acquisition sequence and QSM reconstruction method for reliable venous susceptibility measurements are unknown. Full flow compensation is generally recommended to correct for the influence of venous blood flow, although the effect of flow compensation on the accuracy of venous susceptibility values has not been systematically evaluated. In this study, we investigated the effect of different acquisition sequences, including different flow compensation schemes, and different QSM reconstruction methods on venous susceptibilities. Ten healthy subjects were scanned with five or six distinct QSM sequence designs using monopolar readout gradients and different flow compensation schemes. All data sets were processed using six different QSM pipelines and venous blood susceptibility was evaluated in whole-brain segmentations of the venous vasculature and single veins. The quality of vein segmentations and the accuracy of venous susceptibility values were analyzed and compared between all combinations of sequences and reconstruction methods. The influence of the QSM reconstruction method on average venous susceptibility values was found to be 2.7–11.6 times greater than the influence of the acquisition sequence, including flow compensation. The majority of the investigated QSM reconstruction methods tended to underestimate venous susceptibility values in the vein segmentations that were obtained. In summary, we found that multi-echo gradient-echo acquisition sequences without full flow compensation yielded venous susceptibility values comparable to sequences with full flow compensation. However, the QSM reconstruction method had a great influence on susceptibility values and thus needs to be selected carefully for accurate venous QSM

    Towards high-resolution quantitative assessment of vascular dysfunction

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    Neurovascular alterations are increasingly recognized as a key feature of many brain diseases. They can manifest as a reduction in resting cerebral blood flow or cerebrovascular reactivity (CVR) in the whole brain or in specific regions, depending on the underlying condition. Neurovascular impairment is observed in hypertension, Alzheimer’s disease, stroke, multiple sclerosis and cerebral small vessel disease. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-derived CVR mapping is a reliable marker of vascular dysfunction and has been performed mainly at standard functional MRI (fMRI) resolutions of 2–3 mm using the blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) contrast. However, vascular alterations may occur at a finer scale (i.e., in the capillary bed) which would be better characterized with smaller voxel sizes. Capillaries in gray matter deliver oxygen and glucose to neural tissue and are arranged in a mesh structure, with variable density across the cortical depth. Given that the human cortex is, on average, 2.5 mm thick, submillimetric voxel sizes are effective in increasing the spatial specificity of measurements of hemodynamic and metabolic changes. Novel MRI sequences offer the possibility to map physiological parameters at high resolution with relatively simple experimental setups. In particular, pairing the BOLD acquisition with a contrast sensitive to blood volume changes, while administering a mild hypercapnic challenge, allows for simultaneous mapping of CVR, cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen consumption and other relevant parameters at a high resolution and can be performed at the clinical field strength of 3 T. We propose that this approach will help provide crucial insights into vascular impairment

    The spatiotemporal changes in dopamine, neuromelanin and iron characterizing Parkinson’s disease

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    Dopamine transporter; Iron; NeuromelaninTransportador de dopamina; Hierro; NeuromelaninaTransportador de dopamina; Ferro; NeuromelaninaIn Parkinson’s disease, there is a progressive reduction in striatal dopaminergic function, and loss of neuromelanin-containing dopaminergic neurons and increased iron deposition in the substantia nigra. We tested the hypothesis of a relationship between impairment of the dopaminergic system and changes in the iron metabolism. Based on imaging data of patients with prodromal and early clinical Parkinson’s disease, we assessed the spatiotemporal ordering of such changes and relationships in the sensorimotor, associative and limbic territories of the nigrostriatal system. Patients with Parkinson’s disease (disease duration < 4 years) or idiopathic REM sleep behaviour disorder (a prodromal form of Parkinson’s disease) and healthy controls underwent longitudinal examination (baseline and 2-year follow-up). Neuromelanin and iron sensitive MRI and dopamine transporter single-photon emission tomography were performed to assess nigrostriatal levels of neuromelanin, iron, and dopamine. For all three functional territories of the nigrostriatal system, in the clinically most and least affected hemispheres separately, the following was performed: cross-sectional and longitudinal intergroup difference analysis of striatal dopamine and iron, and nigral neuromelanin and iron; in Parkinson’s disease patients, exponential fitting analysis to assess the duration of the prodromal phase and the temporal ordering of changes in dopamine, neuromelanin or iron relative to controls; and voxel-wise correlation analysis to investigate concomitant spatial changes in dopamine-iron, dopamine-neuromelanin and neuromelanin-iron in the substantia nigra pars compacta. The temporal ordering of dopaminergic changes followed the known spatial pattern of progression involving first the sensorimotor, then the associative and limbic striatal and nigral regions. Striatal dopaminergic denervation occurred first followed by abnormal iron metabolism and finally neuromelanin changes in the substantia nigra pars compacta, which followed the same spatial and temporal gradient observed in the striatum but shifted in time. In conclusion, dopaminergic striatal dysfunction and cell loss in the substantia nigra pars compacta are interrelated with increased nigral iron content.The ICEBERG study was funded by grants from the Investissements d'Avenir, IAIHU-06 (Paris Institute of Neurosciences – IHU), ANR-11-INBS-0006, Fondation d’Entreprise EDF, Biogen Inc., Fondation Thérèse and René Planiol, Fondation Saint Michel, Unrestricted support for Research on Parkinson’s disease from Energipole (M. Mallart), M.Villain and Société Française de Médecine Esthétique (M. Legrand)

    Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM) is Sensitive to Hippocampal and Subcortical Gray Matter Changes in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy

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    Although temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) results in widespread changes in MRI measures of tissue volume, diffusion and functional connectivity, changes in tissue composition in TLE have not been investigated with MRI. Quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) is sensitive to changes in tissue composition, in particular to iron and myelin. Here, we show for the first time that QSM is sensitive to gray matter abnormalities in 31patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) compared to 23 healthy controls, and showed significant susceptibility changes in the hippocampus in left TLE patients, and in the bilateral thalamus in both left and right TLE

    Multi-echo quantitative susceptibility mapping: how to combine echoes for accuracy and precision at 3 Tesla

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    MRI; Multi-echo QSM; Quantitative susceptibility mappingImágen por resonancia magnética; QSM de ecos múltiples; Mapeo cuantitativo de susceptibilidadImatge per ressonància magnètica; QSM de ressò múltiple; Mapeig quantitatiu de susceptibilitatPurpose To compare different multi-echo combination methods for MRI QSM. Given the current lack of consensus, we aimed to elucidate how to optimally combine multi-echo gradient-recalled echo signal phase information, either before or after applying Laplacian-base methods (LBMs) for phase unwrapping or background field removal. Methods Multi-echo gradient-recalled echo data were simulated in a numerical head phantom, and multi-echo gradient-recalled echo images were acquired at 3 Tesla in 10 healthy volunteers. To enable image-based estimation of gradient-recalled echo signal noise, 5 volunteers were scanned twice in the same session without repositioning. Five QSM processing pipelines were designed: 1 applied nonlinear phase fitting over TEs before LBMs; 2 applied LBMs to the TE-dependent phase and then combined multiple TEs via either TE-weighted or SNR-weighted averaging; and 2 calculated TE-dependent susceptibility maps via either multi-step or single-step QSM and then combined multiple TEs via magnitude-weighted averaging. Results from different pipelines were compared using visual inspection; summary statistics of susceptibility in deep gray matter, white matter, and venous regions; phase noise maps (error propagation theory); and, in the healthy volunteers, regional fixed bias analysis (Bland–Altman) and regional differences between the means (nonparametric tests). Results Nonlinearly fitting the multi-echo phase over TEs before applying LBMs provided the highest regional accuracy of and the lowest phase noise propagation compared to averaging the LBM-processed TE-dependent phase. This result was especially pertinent in high-susceptibility venous regions. Conclusion For multi-echo QSM, we recommend combining the signal phase by nonlinear fitting before applying LBMs.Supported by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), award number: 1489882 (e.b.); by the EPSRC-funded UCL Centre for Doctoral Training in Medical Imaging, grant EP/L016478/1 (a.k.), and the Department of Health's National Institute for Health Research funded Biomedical Research Centre at University College London Hospitals (a.k.); by the UCL Leonard Wolfson Experimental Neurology Centre, grant PR/ylr/18575 (d.l.t) The Queen Square MS Centre, where part of the MRI scans for this work were performed, is supported by grants from the UK MS Society and by the National Institute for Health Research University College London Hospitals Biomedical Research Centre (UCLH/BRC). F. Grussu was supported by PREdICT, a study at the Vall d'Hebron Institute of Oncology in Barcelona funded by AstraZeneca (f.g.), and funding from the postdoctoral fellowships program Beatriu de Pinós (2020 BP 00117), funded by the Secretary of Universities and Research, Government of Catalonia (f.g.