359 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this study is to determine the characteristics of teachers that are effective in classifying low- and high-performing schools in PISA 2012 for Singapore. The TALIS 2013 teacher survey was used to identify the variables and data were obtained from the OECD official website.  All schools participating in the PISA 2012 are ranked in terms of average achievement scores and the schools in the top and bottom 25% were selected for analysis. Given the structure of the research data, the IDB Analyzer program was used and the data were resolved using binary logistic regression analysis. According to the results, teachers' scores on the Classroom Disciplinary Climate, Self-Efficacy, and Teacher-Student Relations scale significantly changed the possibility of schools being successful in PISA 2012. The study's findings were discussed within the scope of the related literature and proposals were submitted for future applications and research

    Effects of aromatherapy massage on the sleep quality and physiological parameters of patients in a surgical intensive care unit

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    Background: Surgical pain is experienced by inpatients with clinical, disease-related concerns, unknown encounters after surgery, quality of sleep, restrictions in position after surgery is known to be serious. The study was conducted to determine the effect of aromatherapy massage on quality of sleep and physiological parameters in surgical intensive care patients.Materials and Methods: This is an experimental study. The sample of this study consisted of 60 patients who were divided into two groups as experimental group and control group including 30 patients in each one. The participants were postoperative patients, absent complications, who were unconscious and extubated. A data collection form on personal characteristics of the patients, a registration form on their physical parameters and the Richards-Campbell Sleep Scale (RCSQ) were used to collect the data of the study.Results: The Richards-Campbell Sleep Scale indicated that while the experimental group had a mean score of 53.80 ± 13.20, the control group had a mean score of 29.08 ± 9.71 and there was a statistically significant difference between mean scores of the groups. In a comparison of physiologic parameters, only diastolic blood pressure measuring between parameters in favor of an assembly as a statistically significant difference was detected.Conclusions: Results of the study showed that aromatherapy massage enhanced the sleep quality of patients in a surgical intensive care unit and resulted in some positive changes in their physiological parameters.Keywords: Intensive care patients, aromatherapy massage, sleep quality, physiological parameter

    Analysis of the function of the nuclear matrix-associated protein C1D

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    Ankara : Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics and Institute of Engineering and Science, Bilkent University, 1999.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 1999.Includes bibliographical references leaves 81-86.DNA Double-strand breaks (DSBs) are generated as intermediate stnictures during V(D)J recombination, as a consequence of oxidative metabolism, or can be induced by exogenous factors such as gamma irradiation and radiomimetic drugs. Mutational studies identified the serine/threonine kinase, DNA-PK, as an essential component of DNA DSB repair machinery. The activation of the multi-component DNA-PK complex requires either free DNA ends or an association with the nuclear-matrix associated protein CID, which facilitates the activation of DNA-PK in a DNA end-independent fashion. The activation of DNA-PK through its interaction with CID, joins an increasing body of evidence which suggests a role for higher order nuclear organisation in the orchestration of complex cellular processes such as transcription, RNA splicing, nucleotide excision repair, replication and double-strand DNA break repair. In this study, the yeast two hybrid system was employed to screen a B-cell cDNA library to identify the interacting proteins with CID, and the interactions determined were further characterised. It was found that, CID interacts specifically with the recombinational hotspot binding protein Translin and Translin associated factor X, TRAX, both in vitro and in vivo, providing evidence that C 1D may play a critical role in DNA repair and recombination. Interestingly, an interaction between TRAX and DNAPKcs has also been identified under in vivo conditions. Tlie interaction of TRAX with DNA-PKcs and C ID indicates a connection between DNA double-strand break repair, recombination, and dynamic nuclear architecture.Bilican, BiladaM.S

    Investigating pre-service primary teachers espoused pedagogical content knowledge for nature of science teachingÖğretmen adaylarının bilimin doğasına yönelik planlanmış pedagojik alan bilgilerinin araştırılması

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    The current study aimed to investigate pre-service primary teachers espoused pedagogical content knowledge for teaching nature of science. Mainly, the research was focused on how pre-service primary teachers’ interpretations of nature of science were attributed to their espoused pedagogical content knowledge for teaching nature of science. Participants of the study were 12 (10F, 2M) pre-service primary teachers who were supposed to teach to K-4 level.  Data was collected by means of qualitative data collection tools. Content representations (cores), lesson plans and feedback forms were the data sources of the study. The data was collected in the context of science teaching method course in which the intervention phase of the study have been taken and lasted four weeks. First, participants were introduced to “core” development task within the intervention phase. Through this task, participants formed groups of four and discussed and revised their cores within groups. During group discussions, participants were required to address issues like the importance of the content, the difficulties that students might face through learning of the content, the teaching methods they planned to use, nature of science integration to the content, and evaluation and assesment strategies. In addition to core development, each participant required to fill a feedback form in which they evaluated one of the peer’s cores for each week based on the pre-determined criteria.  Regarding data analysis, each data source analysis included category construction, and search for patterns regarding participants’ espoused pedagogical content knowledge for nature of science teaching. Findings of the study revealed that, few of the participants could be able to address nature of science in an explicit reflective way in their cores. However, majority of the participants demonstrated emergence of pedagogical content knowledge for theaching nature of science. That is, they indicated necessity of nature of science inclusion in an explicit reflective way in their responses to feedback forms. This result implied that, pre-service teachers could be taught on internationization of nature of science as a valuable learning outcome which is an important component of development of pedagogical content knowledge for teaching nature of science. ÖzetBu araştırma sınıf öğretmeni öğretmen adaylarının bilimin doğasını öğretimini belirlemeye yönelik gerçekleştirilmiş nitel bir çalışmadır. Çalışma, 12 üçüncü sınıf, sınıf öğretmeni adayı ile Fen ve Teknoloji öğretimi dersi kapsamında gerçekleştirilmiştir. Sınıf öğretmeni adaylarının bilimin doğası öğretimlerini incelemek amacı ile adaylardan içerik gösterimi hazırlamaları ve grup arkadaşlarının hazırladıkları üç adet içerik gösterimini bir yönerge ışığında grup çalışması ve tartışması yaparak değerlendirmeleri istenmiştir. Katılımcılar yaptıkları tartışma ve değerlendirme sonrası içerik gösterimlerini gözden geçirmiş ve son halini vermiştir. Yapılan nitel içerik analizi sonucunda öğretmen adaylarının bilimin doğası öğretimleri belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Analiz sonuçları, çok az sınıf öğretmeni öğretmen adayının bilimin doğasını açık yansıtıcı bir biçimde içerik gösterimlerinde yer verdiğini göstermiştir. Öğretmen adaylarının hazırlamış oldukları içerik gösterimlerinde bilimin doğası konusuna çoğunlukla dolaylı olarak değinilmiş, yapılan etkinlik ve deneyler sonucunda bilimin doğası ile ilgili gerekli çıkarımların yapılacağı varsayılmıştır. Buna karşın, adayların değerlendirmesini yapmış oldukları içerik gösterimleri çoğunlukla bilimin doğası açık yansıtıcı bir yaklaşımla vurgulanmadığı için eleştirilmiştir. Yani, katılımcıların büyük çoğunluğunun bilimin doğasının açık ve doğrudan bir şekilde entegre edilmesi gerekliliği düşüncesinin oluşturulmasında, katılımcıalra katkı sağlanmıştır. Bu bulgu, bilimin doğasını öğretmeye yönelik pedogojik alan bilgisinin önemli bileşenlerinden biri olan bilimin doğasının önemli bir öğrenim kazanımı olarak algılanmasının, öğretmen adaylarına benimsetilebileceğini ve bu algının geliştirebileceğini göstermişti

    Natural β-chitin-protein complex film obtained from waste razor shells for transdermal capsaicin carrier

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    In the literature, the produced β-chitin samples are in powder or flake forms but there is no natural β-chitin based film. Also, the commercially available transdermal patches are produced from synthetic polymers. In this regard,we produced natural β-chitin-protein complex (CPC) film fromthewaste shells of Ensis spp. The obtained natural filmwas characterized by FTIR, TGA and SEM. Additionally, swelling, thickness, contact angle and antioxidant tests were done to learn more about the films. After production and characterization of the film, capsaicin, which is commonly used for pain reliefwas loaded into the film. The loading capacitywas recorded as 5.79%. The kineticmodelswere studied in three different pH, then the resultswere fittedwith Higuchimodelwith high correlation at pH 7.4. After considering all the obtained results, the capsaicin loaded CPC film may be an alternative candidate for transdermal patch instead of the synthetic ones.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Mushroom body-specific profiling of gene expression identifies regulators of long-term memory in Drosophila

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    Memory formation is achieved by genetically tightly controlled molecular pathways that result in a change of synaptic strength and synapse organization. While for short- term memory traces rapidly acting biochemical pathways are in place, the formation of long-lasting memories requires changes in the transcriptional program of a cell. Although many genes involved in learning and memory formation have been identified, little is known about the genetic mechanisms required for changing the transcriptional program during different phases of long-term memory formation. With Drosophila melanogaster as a model system we profiled transcriptomic changes in the mushroom body, a memory center in the fly brain, at distinct time intervals during long- term memory formation using the targeted DamID technique. We describe the gene expression profiles during these phases and tested 33 selected candidate genes for deficits in long-term memory formation using RNAi knockdown. We identified 10 genes that enhance or decrease memory when knocked-down in the mushroom body. For vajk-1 and hacd1, the two strongest hits, we gained further support for their crucial role in learning and forgetting. These findings show that profiling gene expression changes in specific cell-types harboring memory traces provides a powerful entry point to identify new genes involved in learning and memory. The presented transcriptomic data may further be used as resource to study genes acting at different memory phases

    Desenvolupament d'una identitat STEM positiva i autoeficàcia STEM als primers anys de la infantesa

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    The reasons of families for being a protecting familiy (Sample of Sivas)Ailelerin, koruyucu aile olma nedenleri (Sivas ili örneği)

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             In this study it is mentioned about family, smallest and most important touchstone of the society and protecting family one of the nursing services emerging as the result of its corrosion/break-up and enabling children to hold on the life again and create healthy personalities.        Family shoulders many functions (love, protection, biological, economical, education etc…) in social life. These functions provide the adaptation of individuals to the social life easier and prepare them to the life. But that the family can not fulfill these functions because of many reasons brings about alternative nursing services. One of these alternative nursing services is protecting family.         So, the aim of this study is to put forward reasons why the families in Sivas become a protecting family which is one of the alternative nursing services. The data obtained from the application is presented he sample and evaluated as general findings. According to research results the reasons why families who are in the sample become a protecting family are helping helpless children (% 85.0) , not having a child (%55.0), not having a daughter (%20.0), feeling loneliness (%5.0), and not having a son (%5.0) . Özet        Bu çalışmada, toplumun en küçük ve en önemli mihenk taşlarından biri olan aileye ve onun çeşitli nedenlerle yıpranması/parçalanması sonucu ortaya çıkan, çocukların hayata yeniden tutunabilmesine, sağlıklı kişilikler oluşturabilmesine imkan sağlayan alternatif bakım hizmetlerinden, koruyucu aileye yer verilmektedir.        Aile, toplumsal yaşamda birçok işlevi (sevgi, koruma, biyolojik, ekonomik, eğitim vb. gibi) yüklenmektedir. Bu işlevler, bireylerin, toplumsal yaşama daha kolay adaptasyonunu sağlamakta ve onları hayata hazırlamaktadır. Ancak birçok nedenden dolayı ailenin bu işlevleri yerine getirememesi, alternatif bakım hizmetlerini de beraberinde getirmektedir. Bu alternatif bakım hizmetlerinden biri de koruyucu ailedir.         Dolayısıyla bu çalışmanın amacı, Sivas’ta bulunan ailelerin, alternatif bakım hizmetlerinden biri olan koruyucu aile olma nedenlerini ortaya koymaktır. Uygulamadan elde edilen veriler, genel bulgular halinde sunulmakta ve değerlendirilmektedir. Yapılan araştırma sonucuna göre örnekleme giren ailelerin, koruyucu aile olma nedenleri; yardıma muhtaç olan çocuklara yardım etmek (%85.0), çocuklarının olmaması (%55.0), kız çocuklarının olmaması (%20.0), yalnızlık çekmemek (%5.0) ve erkek çocuklarının olmaması (%5.0)dır.         

    Nature of Science Teaching at Science Centers

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı, bilim merkezlerindeki rehberlerin bilimin doğasına ilişkin görüşlerini ve bilim merkezlerindeki etkinliklerde bilimin doğası öğretiminin nasıl gerçekleştiğini tespit etmektir. Araştırma, Ankara’da bulunan bir bilim merkezindeki üç rehber ile birlikte gerçekleştirilmiştir. Rehberlerin bilimin doğasına yönelik görüşlerine ilişkin veri toplanması için açık uçlu sorulardan oluşan Bilimin Doğasına Yönelik Görüşler anketi ve birebir görüşme yolu kullanılmıştır. Bilim merkezlerinde bilimin doğası öğretimine ilişkin veri toplanması için ise rehberlerin ziyaretçilerle gerçekleştirdiği etkinlikler gözlenerek gözlem notları ve ses kayıtları alınmıştır. Veri analizi katılımcı rehberlerin bilimin doğasına ilişkin görüşlerinin yetersiz olduğunu, bilim merkezinde gerçekleştirilen etkinliklerde bilimin doğasının yeterince vurgulanmadığını ve rehberlerin etkinlikler esnasında bilimin doğasına ilişkin ziyaretçilerde kavram yanılgısı oluşturabilecek ifadeler kullandığını göstermiştir. Sonuçlardan yola çıkılarak; bilim merkezlerinde çalışan rehberlerin bilimin doğasına yönelik hizmet içi eğitim aldığı takdirde bilimin doğası öğretiminin bu alanlarda etkin bir biçimde geliştirilebileceği ve toplumun bilimi doğru bir şekilde algılamasına bilim merkezlerinin katkıda bulunabileceği söylenebilir.This research explored the science center staffs’ nature of science views and nature of science communication -if any- during science demonstrations and one to one interaction with visitors. The study was a case study of three science center staffs. Data were collected by means of open-ended questionnaire -views of nature of science questionnaire, followup interviews, observation notes and audio records of science center visits. Analysis of data revealed that the science center staffs mostly had inadequate views related to nature of science. Regarding their science communication with the science center visitors, it was found that they mostly conveyed science as body of facts with lack of scientists’ imagination. They also failed to address how scientific knowledge was developed. The research suggested that science centers could be a great venue for enhancing public understanding of science if science centers’ staff was supported with professional developments regarding nature of science teaching