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    Achieving synergy between market demands and knowledge, competencies, and skills offered by higher education is a great challenge and represents a responsibility that most commonly resides with educators. The aim of this paper is to investigate the gap between the offered competencies and skills provided to students after they complete their higher education and the demands of the labour market in the area of marketing. In order to define the features of the gap, qualitative research was conducted using the group interview method (focus group), after which the results showed that the competencies and skills offered on the higher education market correspond to a certain extent to the competencies and skills demanded on the labour market. However, it was determined that the gap existed, and it was necessary to reduce it. Further adaptations and changes in higher education are necessary, but it is all held back by slow development, administrative overload, and inertia, both in higher education institutions and among its stakeholders.Uspostaviti sinergiju između potreba tržišta i znanja, kompetencija i vještina koje pruža visoko obrazovanje velik je izazov i odgovornost koja je najčešće na onima koji rade u obrazovanju. Cilj rada je prepoznati jaz između ponuđenih kompetencija i vještina koje student dobiva završetkom visokog obrazovanja i potreba tržišta rada u području marketinga. Kako bi se utvrdio jaz, provedeno je kvalitativno istraživanje putem metode skupnog intervjua (fokus grupe). Rezultati su pokazali kako su kompetencije i vještine koje se nude na tržištu visokog obrazovanja povezane s kompetencijama i vještinama koje se traže na tržištu rada. Ipak, nužna su daljnja prilagođavanja i promjene u visokom obrazovanju, ali sve koči sporost, administracija i inertnost, kako institucija visokoškolskog obrazovanja, tako i njihovih dionika