31 research outputs found

    Geosmithia species associated with fir-infesting beetles in Poland

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    Geosmithia species (Ascomycota: Hypocreales) are common ectosymbionts of scolytine bark and ambrosia beetles that feed on coniferous and deciduous trees in different forest ecosystems. Geosmithia morbida is the canker pathogen that causes extensive mortality of Juglans nigra. Because little is known regarding the Geosmithia species on European silver fir (Abies alba), we have investigated the diversity and abundance of these fungi associated with insects infesting European silver fir in Poland. Samples associated with eight beetle species were collected from three fir forests. Fungi were isolated from beetles and galleries. Isolates were identified based on morphological characteristics, DNA sequence comparison for three gene regions (ITS, ßT, TEF1-α), and phylogenetic analyses. Geosmithia was detected in 33% of the total 531 beetle samples obtained from A. alba. Two undescribed species of Geosmithia were distinguished, Geosmithia sp. 9 and Geosmithia sp. 16. Associations of Pityokteines spp. with Geosmithia fungi were recorded for the first time. Pityokteines vorontzowi and Pityophthorus pityographus appear to be regular vectors for Geosmithia sp. 9 and Geosmithia sp. 16, respectively. Pityokteines curvidens and Cryphalus piceae were associated with Geosmitha sp. 9 at lower frequencies

    Notes on some Phytopythium and Pythium species occurring in oak forests in southern Poland

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    Phytopythium and Pythium species are known to be soil-born oomycete pathogens of forest trees in Europe. Little is known, however, about the presence of these micro-organisms in Polish oak forests. During the period 2007–2009 a comprehensive study of Phytophthora species in soils of oak forests in southern Poland was conducted using baiting technique. In this study, baits were also colonized by oomycete resembling Pythium species. Based on morphological characteristics and the ITS sequences comparisons, 10 species of Phytopythium and Pythium were isolated from the soil-root samples, including three putative new species belonging to the genus of Phytopythium. The most commonly encountered Pythium species was Pythium anandrum. The present study demonstrates for the first time that Phytopythium citrinum and Pythium diclinum can also act as soil-borne organisms in oak forests. In addition, these species were reported for the first time in Poland

    Six new species of Sporothrix from hardwood trees in Poland

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    Sporothrix (Sordariales, Ascomycota) is a well-supported monophyletic lineage within the Ophiostomatales, species of which occur in a diverse range of habitats including on forest trees, in the soil, associated with bark beetles and mites as well as on the fruiting bodies of some Basidiomycota. Several species have also been reported as important human and animal pathogens. During surveys of insect- and wound-associated Ophiostomatales from hardwood trees in Poland, many isolates with affinity to Sporothrix were recovered. In the present study, six undescribed Sporothrix spp. collected during these surveys are characterized based on their morphological characteristics and multi-locus phylogenenetic inference. They are described as Sporothrix cavum, Sporothrix cracoviensis, S. cryptarchum, S. fraxini, S. resoviensis, and S. undulata. Two of the Sporothrix spp. reside in the S. gossypina-complex, while one forms part of the S. stenoceras-complex. One Sporothrix sp. is a member of lineage F, and two other species grouped outside any of the currently defined species complexes. All the newly described species were recovered from hardwood habitats in association with sub-cortical insects, wounds or woodpecker cavities. These species were morphologically similar, with predominantly asexual states having hyaline or lightly pigmented conidia, which produce holoblastically on denticulate conidiogenous cells. Five of the new taxa produce ascomata with necks terminating in long ostiolar hyphae and allantoid ascospores without sheaths. The results suggest that Sporothrix species are common members of the Ophiostomatales in hardwood ecosystems of Poland.The National Science Centre, Poland and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Poland.https://mycokeys.pensoft.netam2022BiochemistryForestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute (FABI)GeneticsMicrobiology and Plant Patholog

    Two new species of Ophiostomatales (Sordariomycetes) associated with the bark beetle Dryocoetes alni from Poland

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    Bark beetles belonging to the genus Dryocoetes (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Scolytinae) are known vectors of fungi, such as the pathogenic species Grosmannia dryocoetidis involved in alpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa) mortality. Associations between hardwood-infesting Dryocoetes species and fungi in Europe have received very little research attention. Ectosymbiotic fungi residing in Ceratocystiopsis and Leptographium (Ophiostomatales, Sordariomycetes, Ascomycota) were commonly detected in previous surveys of the Dryocoetes alni-associated mycobiome in Poland. The aim of this study was to accurately identify these isolates and to provide descriptions of the new species. The identification was conducted based on morphology and DNA sequence data for six loci (ITS1-5.8S, ITS2-28S, ACT, CAL, TUB2, and TEF1-α). This revealed two new species, described here as Ceratocystiopsis synnemata sp. nov. and Leptographium alneum sp. nov. The host trees for the new species included Alnus incana and Populus tremula. Ceratocystiopsis synnemata can be distinguished from its closely related species, C. pallidobrunnea, based on conidia morphology and conidiophores that aggregate in loosely arranged synnemata. Leptographium alneum is closely related to Grosmannia crassivaginata and differs from this species in having a larger ascomatal neck, and the presence of larger club-shaped cells.202

    Fungicolous Fungi on Pseudosclerotial Plates and Apothecia of <i>Hymenoscyphus fraxineus</i> and Their Biocontrol Potential

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    In the present work, research tasks were carried out in the search for fungi with potential biocontrol possibilities in relation to the ash dieback pathogen, Hymenoscyphus fraxineus. In the years 2012–2021, dead petioles of F. excelsior and F. mandshurica were collected, on which morphological structures of H. fraxineus showed unusual symptoms of dying (apothecia) and signs of colonization by other fungi (pseudosclerotial plates). Based on morphological and molecular phylogenetic data, 18 fungal taxa were identified. Thirteen of them belong to Ascomycota: Clonostachys rosea, Cl. solani, Cordyceps sp., Minimidochium sp., Nemania diffusa, Fusarium sp., Pestalotiopsis sp., Trichoderma atroviride, T. harzianum, T. polysporum, T. rodmanii, T. tomentosum, Trichoderma sp., and five other taxa are represented by Basidiomycota: Corticiales sp., Cyathus olla, Efibula sp., Gymnopus sp. and Polyporales sp. In 108 dual cultures in vitro, three different types of interactions were distinguished: (i) physical colony contact (5.6%), (ii) presence of an inhibition zone between the colonies (0.9%), and (iii) copartner overgrowth of H. fraxineus colonies and partial or complete replacement of the pathogen (93.5%). In the dual cultures, various morphological deformations of H. fraxineus hyphae were observed: the development of apical or intercalary cytoplasmic extrusions, development of internal hyphae of the test fungi in pathogens’ hyphae, the deformation and disruption of significant sections of H. fraxineus hyphae via lysis and mycoparasitism, complete desolation of H. fraxineus cells and breakdown of hyphae into short fragments, and disappearing of pigment in the affected hyphae of H. fraxineus. The inoculation tests performed in vivo or in glass Petrie dishes showed that all the identified taxa were able to lead to pathological changes in H. fraxineus apothecia, and the mycelium of some of them completely covered pseudosclerotial plates of H. fraxineus. It was emphasized in the discussion that such activity of these fungi in forest stands may contribute to the reduction in the H. fraxineus inoculum reservoir

    Occurrence of the Green Shield-Moss Buxbaumia viridis (Moug.) Brid. in the Bieszczady Mountains of Poland

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    The small-sized gametophytes and sporophytes of the green shield-moss Buxbaumia viridis (Moug.) Brid. make it difficult to study. However, in Europe, there has been increasing interest in this species in the past few years, mostly as a result of the implementation of the Natura 2000 network. In Poland, B. viridis has only been reported in isolated studies that have been limited in terms of area and the number of participating workers. One of the Polish regions where B. viridis was recently recorded is the Bieszczady Mountains, but there have been no large-scale surveys of that region to date. The objective of the current work was to describe the B. viridis population in the Bieszczady Mountains in terms of its spatial distribution and abundance, investigate its selected microhabitat preferences, and evaluate the conservation status of this moss species within the Natura 2000 site Bieszczady PLC180001. The studied region encompassed 93,490.44 ha, including 69,056.23 ha of managed forests and 24,434.21 ha of forests belonging to the Bieszczady National Park. A preliminary survey was conducted in the Cisna Forest District (forest area of 19,555.82 ha) on 15–17 November 2017, while the main survey was performed in selected forest subcompartments of four forest districts—Baligród, Komańcza, Lutowiska, and Stuposiany—as well as the Bieszczady National Park from 5 to 16 November 2018. The field work consisted of searching for B. viridis sporophytes and setae and recording selected population and locality characteristics. The study led to the discovery of 353 new B. viridis localities in 202 study areas, with 9197 diploid individuals (sporophytes or setae only) growing in 545 microhabitats. The number of B. viridis localities discovered in the Bieszczady Mountains during 17 days of survey in 2017 and 2018 was two times higher than the combined number of localities previously found in Poland over more than 150 years (159 localities). Additionally, the number of sporophytes and setae identified was two times greater than their overall number in previous records. In addition, this study provides information about selected microhabitat preferences and the conservation status of this moss in the Bieszczady Natura 2000 site

    The Occurrence of <i>Apiognomonia hystrix</i> and Its Pathogenicity towards <i>Acer pseudoplatanus</i> and <i>Fraxinus excelsior</i> under Field Conditions

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    Apiognomonia hystrix is an ascomycetous fungus within Diaporthales that is found on maples and to a lesser extent on other hardwood trees in Europe, Northern America and Asia. To date, varying opinions on the species’ status as a cause of plant diseases have been expressed. In this study, we present the results of analyses conducted from 2012–2017 at forest sites in Poland on the occurrence of A. hystrix on Acer pseudoplatanus and Fraxinus excelsior and the pathogenicity of this fungus towards both tree species. For the sycamore leaves, A. hystrix conidiomata were detected in connection with 19.2% of galls caused by Dasineura vitrina, 20.4% of galls caused by Drisina glutinosa and 67.9% of extensive vein-associated necroses. The A. hystrix colonization of galls caused by both midge species resulted in statistically significantly larger necroses. On European ash leaves, conidiomata of A. hystrix occurred in connection with 0.8% of Dasineura fraxinea galls. Perithecia of A. hystrix were detected on overwintered leaf petioles in 8.1% of A. pseudoplatanus and 1.2% of F. excelsior samples. Twelve representative cultures were characterized molecularly by barcoding three marker genes (ITS, ACT, CAL). Results of phylogenetic analyses indicate that A. hystrix isolates are genetically variable, and three lineages are distinguishable. Eight isolates, including four originating from sycamore and four from European ash, were used to determine A. hystrix pathogenicity. Among the 48 A. pseudoplatanus petioles inoculated with A. hystrix, 41 developed necrotic lesions after 8 weeks, with the average necrosis length caused by particular isolates ranging from 14.5 to 67.2 mm. None of the 48 inoculated F. excelsior petioles developed necrotic lesions. Finally, selected aspects of A. hystrix morphology on natural substrates and in vitro are discussed in this paper, as well as the species’ potential to cause disease symptoms

    Forest management and hunting in areas adjacent to national parks: the example of the Magura National Park

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate arguments for hunting and its impact on forest management and conservation in national parks as well as areas directly adjacent to them. The issue was examined using the example of the Magura National Park (MNP) for which data on the number of deer and predatory mammals included in the statistical yearbooks for 2013–2014 were available. The quality and size of the food sources provided by this type of forest habitat were evaluated using data obtained from the literature. We also included data on the dietary habits of wolves and lynxes as well as their impact on the number of large ungulates in our analysis. The maximum carrying capacity of forest stands in the Magura National Park was determined to be 789 deer units (dear unit = 1 red deer or 0,3 elk or 5 roe deer), whereas in fact in 2014, the abundance of ungulates reached a total of 1230 deer units. Our analysis evaluating the impact of wolf and lynx populations on ungulates in the area showed that these predators can kill up to 212 deer per year (140 individuals by wolves and 72 by lynxes). The growth in deer population, however, varies from 25,8% to 27,7%, which in the MNP amounts to 258–277 new born individuals per year, meaning that the wolf and lynx populations in the MNP are not able to prevent the number of deer from growing. The current population of ungulates (1230 deer units ) having reached a density of 6,6 deer units/km2 exceeds the capacity of the MNP and thus poses a real threat to maintaining both, the nature of the park and the adjacent stands. This article shows that the natural maintenance of balance in the predator-prey relationship is unlikely under these conditions and failure to allow for anthropogenic interference to regulate the number of ungulates in protected areas may result in an increase in the density of their population. Potential destruction of other valuable assets such as forest habitats may consequently follow