7 research outputs found

    Profengineering: from Kindergarten to a Future Profession

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    В статье говорится о проекте «Профинжиниринг: от детского сада в будущую профессию» направленном на развитие инженерно-технологического образования и предпосылок ранней профориентации.The article talks about the project "Professional engineering: from kindergarten to the future profession" aimed at the development of engineering and technological education and prerequisites for early career guidance

    Driven Assembly of Lignin into Microcapsules for Storage and Delivery of Hydrophobic Molecules

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    Oil-filled microcapsules of kraft lignin were synthe- sized by first creating an oil in water emulsion followed by a high- intensity, ultrasound-assisted cross-linking of lignin at the water/oil interface. The rationale behind our approach is based on promoting documented lignin hydrophobic interactions within the oil phase, followed by locking the resulting spherical microsystems by covalent cross-linking using a high intensity ultrasound treatment. As further evidence in support of our rationale, confocal and optical microscopies demonstrated the uniformly spherical morphology of the created lignin microparticles. The detailed elucidation of the cross-linking processes was carried out using gel permeation chromatography (GPC) and quantitative 31P NMR analyses. The ability of lignin microcapsules to incorporate and release Coumarin-6 was evaluated in detail. In vitro studies and confocal laser scanning microscopy analysis were carried out to assess the internalization of capsules into Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. This part of our work demonstrated that the lignin microcapsules are not cytotoxic and readily incorporated in the CHO cells