1,578 research outputs found

    Towards smooth (010) beta-Ga2O3 films homoepitaxially grown by plasma assisted molecular beam epitaxy: The impact of substrate offcut and metal-to-oxygen flux ratio

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    Smooth interfaces and surfaces are beneficial for most (opto)electronic devices based on thin films and their heterostructures. For example, smoother interfaces in (010) beta-Ga2O3/(AlxGa1-x)2O3 heterostructures, whose roughness is ruled by that of the Ga2O3 layer, can enable higher mobility 2DEGs by reducing interface roughness scattering. To this end we experimentally prove that a substrate offcut along the [001] direction allows to obtain smooth beta-Ga2O3 layers in (010)-homoepitaxy under metal-rich conditions. Applying In-mediated metal-exchange catalysis (MEXCAT) in molecular beam epitaxy at high substrate temperatures (Tg = 900 {\deg}C) we compare the morphology of layers grown on (010)-oriented substrates with different unintentional offcuts. The layer roughness is generally ruled by (i) (110) and (-110)-facets visible as elongated features along the [001] direction (rms < 0.5 nm), and (ii) trenches (5-10 nm deep) orthogonal to [001]. We show that an unintentional substrate offcut of only 0.1{\deg} almost oriented along the [001] direction suppresses these trenches resulting in a smooth morphology with a roughness exclusively determined by the facets, i.e., rms 0.2 nm. Since we found the facet-and-trench morphology in layers grown by MBE with and without MEXCAT, we propose that the general growth mechanism for (010)-homoepitaxy is ruled by island growth whose coalescence results in the formation of the trenches. The presence of a substrate offcut in the [001] direction can allow for step-flow growth or island nucleation at the step edges, which prevents the formation of trenches. Moreover, we give experimental evidence for a decreasing surface diffusion length or increasing nucleation density with decreasing metal-to-oxygen flux ratio. Based on our results we can rule-out step bunching as cause of the trench formation as well as a surfactant-effect of indium during MEXCAT

    Efficient suboxide sources in oxide molecular beam epitaxy using mixed metal + oxide charges: The examples of SnO and Ga2O

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    Sources of suboxides, providing several advantages over metal sources for the molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) of oxides, are conventionally realized by decomposing the corresponding oxide charge at extreme temperatures. By quadrupole mass spectrometry of the direct flux from an effusion cell, we compare this conventional approach to the reaction of a mixed oxide + metal charge as a source for suboxides with the examples of SnO2 + Sn → 2 SnO and Ga2O3 + 4 Ga → 3 Ga2O. The high decomposition temperatures of the pure oxide charge were found to produce a high parasitic oxygen background. In contrast, the mixed charges reacted at significantly lower temperatures, providing high suboxide fluxes without additional parasitic oxygen. For the SnO source, we found a significant fraction of Sn2O2 in the flux from the mixed charge that was basically absent in the flux from the pure oxide charge. We demonstrate the plasma-assisted MBE growth of SnO2 using the mixed Sn + SnO2 charge to require less activated oxygen and a significantly lower source temperature than the corresponding growth from a pure Sn charge. Thus, the sublimation of mixed metal + oxide charges provides an efficient suboxide source for the growth of oxides by MBE. Thermodynamic calculations predict this advantage for further oxides as well, e.g., SiO2, GeO2, Al2O3, In2O3, La2O3, and Pr2O3

    Acceptor and compensating donor doping of single crystalline SnO (001) films grown by molecular beam epitaxy and its perspectives for optoelectronics and gas-sensing

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    (La and Ga)-doped tin monoxide (stannous oxide, tin (II) oxide, SnO) thin films were grown by plasma-assisted and suboxide molecular beam epitaxy with dopant concentrations ranging from ≈5×1018\approx5\times10^{18}cm−3^{-3} to 2×10212\times10^{21}cm−3^{-3}. In this concentration range, the incorporation of Ga into SnO was limited by the formation of secondary phases observed at 1.2×10211.2\times10^{21}cm−3^{-3} Ga, while the incorporation of La showed a lower solubility limit. Transport measurements on the doped samples reveal that Ga acts as an acceptor and La as a compensating donor. While Ga doping led to an increase of the hole concentration from 1×10181\times10^{18}cm−3−1×1019^{-3}-1\times10^{19}cm−3^{-3} for unintentionally (UID) SnO up to 5×10195\times10^{19}cm−3^{-3}, La-concentrations well in excess of the UID acceptor concentration resulted in semi-insulating films without detectable nn-type conductivity. Ab-initio calculations qualitatively agree with our dopant assignment of Ga and La, and further predict InSn_\text{Sn} to act as an acceptor as well as AlSn_\text{Sn} and BSn_\text{Sn} as donor. These results show the possibilities of controlling the hole concentration in pp-type SnO, which can be useful for a range of optoelectronic and gas-sensing applications.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Etching of elemental layers in oxide molecular beam epitaxy by O2-assisted formation and evaporation of their volatile suboxide: The examples of Ga and Ge

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    The delivery of an elemental cation flux to the substrate surface in the oxide molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) chamber has been utilized not only for the epitaxial growth of oxide thin films in the presence of oxygen but also in the absence of oxygen for the growth temperature calibration (by determining the adsorption temperature of the elements) and in-situ etching of oxide layers (e. g., Ga2O3 etched by Ga). These elemental fluxes may, however, leave unwanted cation adsorbates or droplets on the surface, which traditionally require removal by in-situ superheating or ex-situ wet-chemical etching with potentially surface-degrading effects. This study demonstrates a universal in-situ approach to remove the residual cation elements from the surface via conversion into a volatile suboxide by a molecular O2-flux in an MBE system followed by suboxide evaporation at temperatures significantly below the elemental evaporation temperature. We experimentally investigate the in-situ etching of Ga and Ge cation layers and their etching efficiency using in-situ line-of-sight quadrupole mass spectrometry (QMS) and reflection high-energy electron diffraction (RHEED). The application of this process is demonstrated by the in-situ removal of residual Ga droplets from a SiO2 mask after structuring a Ga2O3 layer by in-situ Ga-etching. This approach can be generally applied in MBE and MOCVD to remove residual elements with vapor pressure lower than that of their suboxides, such as B, In, La, Si, Sn, Sb, Mo, Nb, Ru, Ta, V, and W

    Offcut-related step-flow and growth rate enhancement during (100) β\beta-Ga2O3 homoepitaxy by metal-exchange catalyzed molecular beam epitaxy (MEXCAT-MBE)

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    In this work we investigate the growth of β\beta-Ga2O3 homoepitaxial layers on top of (100) oriented substrates via indium-assisted metal exchange catalyzed molecular beam epitaxy (MEXCAT-MBE) which have exhibited prohibitively low growth rates by non-catalyzed MBE in the past. We demonstrate that the proper tuning of the MEXCAT growth parameters and the choice of a proper substrate offcut allow for the deposition of thin films with high structural quality via step-flow growth mechanism at relatively high growth rates for β\beta-Ga2O3 homoepitaxy (i.e., around 1.5 nm/min, ≈\approx45% incorporation of the incoming Ga flux), making MBE growth on this orientation feasible. Moreover, through the employment of the investigated four different (100) substrate offcuts along the [00-1] direction (i.e., 0∘^\circ, 2∘^\circ, 4∘^\circ, 6∘^\circ) we give experimental evidence on the fundamental role of the (-201) step edges as nucleation sites for growth of (100)-oriented Ga2O3 films by MBE

    The two-dimensional electron gas of the In2O3 surface: Enhanced thermopower, electrical transport properties, and its reduction by adsorbates or compensating acceptor doping

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    In2O3 is an n-type transparent semiconducting oxide possessing a surface electron accumulation layer (SEAL) like several other relevant semiconductors, such as InAs, InN, SnO2, and ZnO. Even though the SEAL is within the core of the application of In2O3 in conductometric gas sensors, a consistent set of transport properties of this two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) is missing in the present literature. To this end, we investigate high quality single-crystalline as well as textured doped and undoped In2O3(111) films grown by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy to extract transport properties of the SEAL by means of Hall effect measurements at room temperature while controlling the oxygen adsorbate coverage via illumination. The resulting sheet electron concentration and mobility of the SEAL are 1.5E13 cm^-2 and 150 cm^2/Vs, respectively, both of which get strongly reduced by oxygen-related surface adsorbates from the ambient air. Our transport measurements further demonstrate a systematic reduction of the SEAL by doping In2O3 with the deep compensating bulk acceptors Ni or Mg. This finding is supported by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy measurements of the surface band bending and SEAL electron emission. Quantitative analyses of these XPS results using self-consistent, coupled Schroedinger-Poisson calculations indicate the simultaneous formation of compensating bulk donor defects (likely oxygen vacancies) which almost completely compensate the bulk acceptors. Finally, an enhancement of the thermopower by reduced dimensionality is demonstrated in In2O3: Seebeck coefficient measurements of the surface 2DEG with partially reduced sheet electron concentrations between 3E12 and 7E12 cm^-2 (corresponding average volume electron concentration between 1E19 and 2E19 cm^-3 indicate a value enhanced by 80% compared to that of bulk Sn-doped In2O3 with comparable volume electron concentration.Comment: Main article: 11 pages, 7 figures Supplement: 4 pages, 2 figures To be submitted in Physical Review

    In-situ study and modeling of the reaction kinetics during molecular beam epitaxy of GeO2 and its etching by Ge

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    Rutile GeO2 has been predicted to be an ultra-wide bandgap semiconductor suitable for future power electronics devices while quartz-like GeO2 shows piezoelectric properties. To explore these crystalline phases for application and fundamental materials investigations, molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) is a well-suited thin film growth technique. In this study, we investigate the reaction kinetics of GeO2 during plasma-assisted MBE using elemental Ge and plasma-activated oxygen fluxes. The growth rate as a function of oxygen flux is measured in-situ by laser reflectometry at different growth temperatures. A flux of the suboxide GeO desorbing off the growth surface is identified and quantified in-situ by the line-of-sight quadrupole mass spectrometry. Our measurements reveal that the suboxide formation and desorption limits the growth rate under metal-rich or high temperature growth conditions, and leads to etching of the grown GeO2 layer under Ge flux in the absence of oxygen. The quantitative results fit the sub-compound mediated reaction model, indicating the intermediate formation of the suboxide at the growth front. This model is further utilized to delineate the GeO2-growth window in terms of oxygen-flux and substrate temperature. Our study can serve as a guidance for the thin film synthesis of GeO2 and defect-free mesa etching in future GeO2-device processing
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