2,326 research outputs found

    In Blockchain We Trust: Does Blockchain Itself Generate Trust?

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    © 2020 by the Southwestern Social Science Association Objectives: This study considers the affordance of users\u27 perceived technological property of blockchains and investigates how users discover the possible actions that can be performed within blockchain media. With a focus on the role of trust, it analyzes how motivational affordances in blockchain media influence user experience. Methods: Qualitative methods are used to obtain the depth of understanding and elicit the perspective of blockchain media. We then conduct a survey to analyze the affordance of trust in the acceptance of blockchain media. Results: Our confirmed model indicates a heuristic dimension of trust regarding underlying ties to affective and technological affordances. These findings imply that cognitive heuristics affect users\u27 decision making about privacy and security on blockchain media. These heuristics lead users to engage in uncertain and even risky transactions in blockchain media. Conclusions: Despite the exponential growth in blockchain development, there has been little attention paid on how technological innovations of blockchains can produce value in the media sector. Our findings provide a lens to understand the blockchain\u27s usability problems by pairing heuristics to blockchain design and user experience principles

    Ideal Bandgap in a 2D Ruddlesden-Popper Perovskite Chalcogenide for Single-junction Solar Cells

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    Transition metal perovskite chalcogenides (TMPCs) are explored as stable, environmentally friendly semiconductors for solar energy conversion. They can be viewed as the inorganic alternatives to hybrid halide perovskites, and chalcogenide counterparts of perovskite oxides with desirable optoelectronic properties in the visible and infrared part of the electromagnetic spectrum. Past theoretical studies have predicted large absorption coefficient, desirable defect characteristics, and bulk photovoltaic effect in TMPCs. Despite recent progresses in polycrystalline synthesis and measurements of their optical properties, it is necessary to grow these materials in high crystalline quality to develop a fundamental understanding of their optical properties and evaluate their suitability for photovoltaic application. Here, we report the growth of single crystals of a two-dimensional (2D) perovskite chalcogenide, Ba3Zr2S7, with a natural superlattice-like structure of alternating double-layer perovskite blocks and single-layer rock salt structure. The material demonstrated a bright photoluminescence peak at 1.28 eV with a large external luminescence efficiency of up to 0.15%. We performed time-resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy on these crystals and obtained an effective recombination time of ~65 ns. These results clearly show that 2D Ruddlesden-Popper phases of perovskite chalcogenides are promising materials to achieve single-junction solar cells.Comment: 4 Figure

    Genome data from a sixteenth century pig illuminate modern breed relationships

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    Ancient DNA (aDNA) provides direct evidence of historical events that have modeled the genome of modern individuals. In livestock, resolving the differences between the effects of initial domestication and of subsequent modern breeding is not straight forward without aDNA data. Here, we have obtained shotgun genome sequence data from a sixteenth century pig from Northeastern Spain (Montsoriu castle), the ancient pig was obtained from an extremely well-preserved and diverse assemblage. In addition, we provide the sequence of three new modern genomes from an Iberian pig, Spanish wild boar and a Guatemalan Creole pig. Comparison with both mitochondrial and autosomal genome data shows that the ancient pig is closely related to extant Iberian pigs and to European wild boar. Although the ancient sample was clearly domestic, admixture with wild boar also occurred, according to the D-statistics. The close relationship between Iberian, European wild boar and the ancient pig confirms that Asian introgression in modern Iberian pigs has not existed or has been negligible. In contrast, the Guatemalan Creole pig clusters apart from the Iberian pig genome, likely due to introgression from international breeds

    Kuiper Belt Occultation Predictions

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    Here we present observations of seven large Kuiper Belt objects. From these observations, we extract a point source catalog with ∼0.01″ precision, and astrometry of our target Kuiper Belt objects with 0.04–0.08″ precision within that catalog. We have developed a new technique to predict the future occurrence of stellar occultations by Kuiper Belt objects. The technique makes use of a maximum likelihood approach which determines the best-fit adjustment to cataloged orbital elements of an object. Using simulations of a theoretical object, we discuss the merits and weaknesses of this technique compared to the commonly adopted ephemeris offset approach. We demonstrate that both methods suffer from separate weaknesses, and thus together provide a fair assessment of the true uncertainty in a particular prediction. We present occultation predictions made by both methods for the seven tracked objects, with dates as late as 2015. Finally, we discuss observations of three separate close passages of Quaoar to field stars, which reveal the accuracy of the element adjustment approach, and which also demonstrate the necessity of considering the uncertainty in stellar position when assessing potential occultations

    Cripto enhances the tyrosine phosphorylation of Shc and activates mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) in mammary epithelial cells

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    Cripto-1 (CR-1), a recently discovered protein of the epidermal growth factor (EGF) family, was found to interact with a high affinity, saturable binding site(s) on HC-11 mouse mammary epithelial cells and on several different human breast cancer cell lines. This receptor exhibits specificity for CR-1, since other EGF-related peptides including EGF, transforming growth factor alpha, heparin-binding EGF-like growth factor, amphiregulin, epiregulin, betacellulin, or heregulin beta1 that bind to either the EGF receptor or to other type 1 receptor tyrosine kinases such as erb B-3 or erb B-4 fail to compete for binding. Conversely, CR-1 was found not to directly bind to or to activate the tyrosine kinases associated with the EGFR, erb B-2, erb B-3, or erb B-4 either alone or in various pairwise combinations which have been ectopically expressed in Ba/F3 mouse pro-B lymphocyte cells. However, exogenous CR-1 could induce an increase in the tyrosine phosphorylation of 185- and 120-kDa proteins and a rapid (within 3-5 min) increase in the tyrosine phosphorylation of the SH2-containing adaptor proteins p66, p52, and p46 Shc in mouse mammary HC-11 epithelial cells and in human MDA-MB-453 and SKBr-3 breast cancer cells. CR-1 was also found to promote an increase in the association of the adaptor Grb2-guanine nucleotide exchange factor-mouse son of sevenless (mSOS) signaling complex with tyrosine-phosphorylated Shc in HC-11 cells. Finally, CR-1 was able to increase p42(erk-2) mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) activity in HC-11 cells within 5-10 min of treatment. These data demonstrate that CR-1 can function through a receptor which activates intracellular components in the ras/raf/MEK/MAPK pathway