2,023 research outputs found

    Patient satisfaction after auditory implant surgery. ten-year experience from a single implanting unit center

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    Conclusions: The satisfaction rate of the subjects with an auditory implant appears strictly related to the resulting auditory improvement, and the surgical variables would play a prevailing role in respect to the esthetic factors. Objectives: To assess the rate of satisfaction in subjects who underwent the surgical application of an auditory device at a single Implanting Center Unit. Method: A series of validated questionnaires has been administered to subjects who underwent the surgical application of different auditory devices. The Glasgow Benefit Inventory (GBI), the Visual Analog Scale (VAS), and the Abbreviated Profile of Hearing Aid Benefit (APHAB) have been used to compare the implanted situation with the hearing-aided one; a percutaneous bone conductive implant (pBCI) with an active middle ear implant (AMEI) on the round window in mixed hearing loss; and an invisible, fully-implantable device with a frankly and bulky semi-implantable device. Results: The mean GBI scores were higher in Vibrant Soundbridge (VSB)VR and BonebridgeVR subjects, without significant differences among the various devices. The mean VAS score increased for all the devices in comparison with the conventional hearing aid. The mean APHAB score was similarly better in the implanted condition as total and partial scores

    Limiting the valence: advancements and new perspectives on patchy colloids, soft functionalized nanoparticles and biomolecules

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    Limited bonding valence, usually accompanied by well-defined directional interactions and selective bonding mechanisms, is nowadays considered among the key ingredients to create complex structures with tailored properties: even though isotropically interacting units already guarantee access to a vast range of functional materials, anisotropic interactions can provide extra instructions to steer the assembly of specific architectures. The anisotropy of effective interactions gives rise to a wealth of self-assembled structures both in the realm of suitably synthesized nano- and micro-sized building blocks and in nature, where the isotropy of interactions is often a zero-th order description of the complicated reality. In this review, we span a vast range of systems characterized by limited bonding valence, from patchy colloids of new generation to polymer-based functionalized nanoparticles, DNA-based systems and proteins, and describe how the interaction patterns of the single building blocks can be designed to tailor the properties of the target final structures

    On the reconstruction of planar lattice-convex sets from the covariogram

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    A finite subset KK of Zd\mathbb{Z}^d is said to be lattice-convex if KK is the intersection of Zd\mathbb{Z}^d with a convex set. The covariogram gKg_K of K⊆ZdK\subseteq \mathbb{Z}^d is the function associating to each u \in \integer^d the cardinality of K∩(K+u)K\cap (K+u). Daurat, G\'erard, and Nivat and independently Gardner, Gronchi, and Zong raised the problem on the reconstruction of lattice-convex sets KK from gKg_K. We provide a partial positive answer to this problem by showing that for d=2d=2 and under mild extra assumptions, gKg_K determines KK up to translations and reflections. As a complement to the theorem on reconstruction we also extend the known counterexamples (i.e., planar lattice-convex sets which are not reconstructible, up to translations and reflections) to an infinite family of counterexamples.Comment: accepted in Discrete and Computational Geometr

    In vitro cell models merging circadian rhythms and brain waves for personalized neuromedicine

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    New evidence is emerging about the dynamics of interaction between circadian rhythms and brain waves, whose coordination occurs through the entrainment process. The so-called “oscillopathies” or dysfunctions in synchronization of neuronal oscillation in key brain networks lead to the onset of neurodegenerative diseases. A typical example of alteration is insomnia, a risk factor for the oscillopathies, increasingly widespread worldwide. Recently, synchronization of circadian rhythms in cell cultures has allowed an improvement in the physiological relevance of responses to stimuli. Furthermore, brain organoids and neurons cultured in microfluidic systems are the latest frontiers for in vitro reproduction of rhythmic electrical signals. In this review, the combination of these in vitro experimental approaches is proposed as suitable for a more direct investigation on the common mechanisms and neurophysiological substrates underlying brain waves and circadian oscillations, and useful to evaluate the effects of “oscillotherapeutic” drugs for personalized neuromedicine

    Fortification of Durum Wheat Fresh Pasta with Maqui (Aristotelia chilensis) and Its Effects on Technological, Nutritional, Sensory Properties, and Predicted Glycemic Index

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    Pasta, a staple food worldwide consumed, was fortified with maqui (Aristotelia chilensis) berry powder (MBP) and the effect of MBP inclusion was evaluated concerning technological, nutritional, and sensory properties. Fresh pasta samples were formulated by replacing 0, 7.5, and 15 g 100 g− 1 of durum wheat semolina with MBP. The inclusion of MBP did not affect the moisture content, but the water activity decreased in the fortified samples, while pH values decreased with increasing MBP levels in the recipe. The pasta fully cooking time and the swelling index were reduced, while the cooking loss and the firmness increased with increasing MBP levels. In addition, MBP increased the total dietary fiber, ash, and phenol contents, along with the in vitro antioxidant activities. The starch hydrolysis index and the predicted glycemic index of cooked fresh pasta decreased along with the increase of MBP addition. The MPB addition to fresh pasta could represent a valuable strategy for increasing its nutritional value, maintaining pasta’s technological properties without affecting the sensory acceptability

    Predicted Shelf-Life, Thermodynamic Study and Antioxidant Capacity of Breadsticks Fortified with Grape Pomace Powders

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    Grape pomace (GP), is the main winemaking by-product and could represent a valuable functional food ingredient being a source of bioactive compounds, like polyphenols. Polyphenols prevent many non-communicable diseases and could contrast the oxidation reaction in foods. However, the high content in polyunsaturated fatty acid, the described pro-oxidant potential action of some polyphenols and the complex interactions with other components of matrices during food processing must be considered. Indeed, all these factors could promote oxidative reactions and require focused and specific assay. The aims of this study were to evaluate the effects of GP powder (GPP) addition (at 0%, 5% and 10% concentrations) in breadsticks formulations both on the antioxidant activity at room temperature during storage and on the shelf-life by the OXITEST predictive approach. GPP fortification increased the total polyphenols content and the antioxidant activities of breadsticks. FRAP reduced during the first two days of storage at room temperature, TPC increased during the 75 days, while ABTS showed a slight progressive decrease. However, GP negatively influenced OXITEST estimated shelf-life of breadsticks, incrementing the oxidation rate. In conclusion, even if GP fortification of breadsticks could improve the nutritional value of the products, the increased commercial perishability represents a drawback that must be considered

    The Potential of Wine Lees as a Fat Substitute for Muffin Formulations

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    The current study evaluates the prospect of wine lees (WL), a costless by-product from Amarone winemaking, as a fat replacer in muffin formulation. WL have elsewhere replaced sunflower oil, allowing the creation of 0, 25, 50, 75, and 100% fat-substituted muffins named ML0, ML25, ML50, ML75, and ML100, respectively. Batter rheology, in addition to the textural and colorimetric characteristics, the pore dimension, and the sensory aspect of the different formulations were evaluated. The batter consistency (K) of fat-replaced muffins was lower than that of the control, while the hardness and chewiness of the end products were higher. ML25 and ML50 samples reached the highest volume, while the baking loss decreased due to WL's fiber components. ML25, ML50, ML75, and ML100 accounted for caloric reductions of 9, 18, 22, and 26%, respectively, compared to full-fat muffins. Muffins with WL showed a darker crust and crumb as lightness (L*) decreased. Moreover, a* parameter increased with the increment of WL in the formulation, leading to a redder and less yellow-hued fat-replaced muffin. In conclusion, WL could effectively replace fat in the 25-50% range in muffins, achieving a final product with reduced calories, a higher dietary fiber content, higher volume, and promising sensory aspects

    A preclinical model for the ATLL lymphoma subtype with insights into the role of microenvironment in HTLV-1-mediated lymphomagenesis

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    Abstract \uef7f View references (83) Adult T cell Leukemia/Lymphoma (ATLL) is a mature T cell malignancy associated with Human T cell Leukemia Virus type 1 (HTLV-1) infection. Among its four main clinical subtypes, the prognosis of acute and lymphoma variants remains poor. The long latency (3-6 decades) and low incidence (3-5%) of ATLL imply the involvement of viral and host factors in full-blown malignancy. Despite multiple preclinical and clinical studies, the contribution of the stromal microenvironment in ATLL development is not yet completely unraveled. The aims of this study were to investigate the role of the host microenvironment, and specifically fibroblasts, in ATLL pathogenesis and to propose a murine model for the lymphoma subtype. Here we present evidence that the oncogenic capacity of HTLV-1-immortalized C91/PL cells is enhanced when they are xenotransplanted together with human foreskin fibroblasts (HFF) in immunocompromised BALB/c Rag2-/-\u3b3c -/-mice. Moreover, cell lines derived from a developed lymphoma and their subsequent in vivo passages acquired the stable property to induce aggressive T cell lymphomas. In particular, one of these cell lines, C91/III cells, consistently induced aggressive lymphomas also in NOD/SCID/IL2R\u3b3c KO (NSG) mice. To dissect the mechanisms linked to this enhanced tumorigenic ability, we quantified 45 soluble factors released by these cell lines and found that 21 of them, mainly pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines, were significantly increased in C91/III cells compared to the parental C91/PL cells. Moreover, many of the increased factors were also released by human fibroblasts and belonged to the known secretory pattern of ATLL cells. C91/PL cells co-cultured with HFF showed features reminiscent of those observed in C91/III cells, including a similar secretory pattern and a more aggressive behavior in vivo. On the whole, our data provide evidence that fibroblasts, one of the major stromal components, might enhance tumorigenesis of HTLV-1-infected and immortalized T cells, thus throwing light on the role of microenvironment contribution in ATLL pathogenesis. We also propose that the lymphoma induced in NSG mice by injection with C91/III cells represents a new murine preclinical ATLL model that could be adopted to test novel therapeutic interventions for the aggressive lymphoma subtype

    Endogenous erythropoietin as part of the cytokine network in the pathogenesis of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis

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    Erythropoietin (EPO) is of great interest as a therapy for many of the central nervous system (CNS) diseases and its administration is protective in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), an animal model of multiple sclerosis (MS). Endogenous EPO is induced by hypoxic/ischemic injury, but little is known about its expression in other CNS diseases. We report here that EPO expression in the spinal cord is induced in mouse models of chronic or relapsing-remitting EAE, and is prominently localized to motoneurons. We found a parallel increase of hypoxia-inducible transcription factor (HIF)-1 alpha, but not HIF-2 alpha, at the mRNA level, suggesting a possible role of non-hypoxic factors in EPO induction. EPO mRNA in the spinal cord was co-expressed with interferon (IFN)-gamma and tumor necrosis factor (TNF), and these cytokines inhibited EPO production in vitro in both neuronal and glial cells. Given the known inhibitory effect of EPO on neuroinflammation, our study indicates that EPO should be viewed as part of the inflammatory/anti-inflammatory network in MS
