983 research outputs found


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    Using a national-historical perspective, the present study intends to explain how monogamy emerges as a result of the reaffirmation of patriarchy in family relationships, resulting in the subjugation of women. Finally, it seeks to demonstrate that the continued obligation of such moral value affects the restriction of fundamental human rights, namely, freedom, equality, affectivity, among others provided for in the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil of 1988.Utilizando-se de um recorte nacional-histórico, o estudo pretende explicar como a monogamia, imposta pelo Estado, é resultado da reafirmação do patriarcado nas relações familiares, promovendo a subjugação da mulher e a reafirmação de papéis a serem exercidos por determinados corpos dentro de uma lógica de divisão sexual da sociedade. Procura demonstrar que a contínua obrigatoriedade de valores morais do sistema patriarcal possibilita a manutenção de uma lógica de relacionamentos excludente, que subjuga formas afetivas fora dos padrões de relacionamentos heterossexuais e adstritos à lógica colonial, fazendo com que a efetivação de direitos fundamentais seja tolhida. Para tanto, realiza análise do instituto da família no direito brasileiro, passando à discussão sobre a monogamia, para, por fim, discutir a necessidade de superação da intervenção estatal nas relações afetivas. O método utilizado foi o dialético, a partir da revisão bibliográfica.

    Age at Onset Influences Progression of Motor and Non-Motor Symptoms during the Early Stage of Parkinson’s Disease: A Monocentric Retrospective Study

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    The interactions between the age at onset with other pathogenic mechanisms and the interplays between the disease progression and the aging processes in Parkinson’s disease (PD) remain undefined, particularly during the first years of illness. Here, we retrospectively investigated the clinical presentation and evolution of the motor and non-motor symptoms and treatment-related complications during the first 5 years of illness in subjects categorized according to age at onset. A total of 131 subjects were divided into “Early-Onset-PD” (EOPD; onset ≤49 years), “Middle-Onset-PD” (MOPD; onset 50–69 years) and “Late-Onset-PD” (LOPD; onset ≥70 years). The T0 visit was set at the time of the clinical diagnosis; the T1 visit was 5 years (±5 months) later. At T0, there were no significant differences in the motor features among the groups. At T1, the LOPD patients displayed a significantly higher frequency of gait disturbances and a higher frequency of postural instability. Moreover, at T1, the LOPD subjects reported a significantly higher frequency of non-motor symptoms; in particular, cardiovascular, cognitive and neuropsychiatric domains. The presented results showed a significantly different progression of motor and non-motor symptoms in the early course of PD according to the age at onset. These findings contribute to the definition of the role of age at onset on disease progression and may be useful for the pharmacological and non-pharmacological management of PD

    Sensibilizando para o turismo: relato de experiência sobre um instrumento pedagógico

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    Conhecer os benefícios de uma atividade econômica e as possibilidades de qualificação em curso técnico ofertado na sua região pode despertar o interesse dos discentes na escolha da profissão, o respeito pelo meio ambiente e pelo turismo e ainda promover um método de ensino participativo. Este consiste em um relato de experiência sobre o projeto de extensão Sensibilizando para o Turismo, desenvolvido no Instituto Federal de Alagoas no campus Marechal Deodoro por uma docente e três discentes dos cursos técnicos Integrados de Guia de Turismo e Meio Ambiente. O projeto foi desenvolvido em 2012 e aplicado em quatro escolas do entorno do Instituto Federal de Alagoas. Inicialmente foram realizadas pesquisas bibliográficas e entrevistas que resultaram na formatação de oficina sobre Turismo e Meio Ambiente. As oficinas aconteceram em escolas da rede pública selecionadas com a participação de discentes dos oitavos e nonos anos

    The ESA MIPAS/Envisat level2-v8 dataset: 10 years of measurements retrieved with ORM v8.22

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    The observations acquired during the full mission of the Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding (MIPAS) instrument, aboard the European Space Agency Environmental Satellite (Envisat), have been analysed with version 8.22 of the Optimised Retrieval Model (ORM), originally developed as the scientific prototype of the ESA level-2 processor for MIPAS observations. The results of the analyses have been included into the MIPAS level-2 version 8 (level2-v8) database containing atmospheric fields of pressure, temperature, and volume mixing ratio (VMR) of MIPAS main targets H2_{2}O, O3_{3}, HNO3_{3}, CH4_{4}, N2_{2}O, and NO2_{2}, along with the minor gases CFC-11, ClONO2_{2}, N2_{2}O5_{5}, CFC-12, COF2_{2}, CCl4_{4}, CF4_{4}, HCFC-22, C2_{2}H2_{2}, CH3_{3}Cl, COCl2_{2}, C2_{2}H6_{6}, OCS, and HDO. The database covers all the measurements acquired by MIPAS in the nominal measurement mode of the full resolution (FR) part of the mission (from July 2002 to March 2004) and all the observation modes of the optimised resolution (OR) part (from January 2005 to April 2012). The number of species included in the MIPAS level2-v8 dataset makes it of particular importance for the studies of stratospheric chemistry. The database is considered by ESA the final release of the MIPAS level-2 products. The ORM algorithm is operated at the vertical grid coincident to the tangent altitudes of the observations or to a subset of them, spanning (in the nominal mode) the altitude range from 6 to 68 km in the FR phase and from 6 to 70 km in the OR period. In the latitude domain, FR profiles are spaced by about 4.7∘, while the OR profiles are spaced by about 3.7∘. For each retrieved species, the auxiliary data and the retrieval choices are described. Each product is characterised in terms of the retrieval error, spatial resolution, and “useful” vertical range in both phases of the MIPAS mission. These depend on the characteristics of the measurements (spectral and vertical resolution of the measurements), the retrieval choices (number of spectral points included in the analyses, number of altitudes included in the vertical retrieval grid), and the information content of the measurements for each trace species. For temperature, water vapour, ozone, and nitric acid, the number of degrees of freedom is significantly larger in the OR phase than in the FR one, mainly due to the finer vertical measurement grid. In the FR phase, some trace species are characterised by a smaller retrieval error with respect to the OR phase, mainly due to the larger number of spectral points used in the analyses, along with the reduced vertical resolution. The way of handling possible caveats (negative VMR, vertical grid representation) is discussed. The quality of the retrieved profiles is assessed through four criteria, two providing information on the successful convergence of the retrieval iterations, one on the capability of the retrieval to reproduce the measurements, and one on the presence of outliers. An easy way to identify and filter the problematic profiles with the information contained in the output files is provided. MIPAS level2-v8 data are available to the scientific community through the ESA portal (https://doi.org/10.5270/EN1-c8hgqx4)

    Variabilidad de la composición química del aceite esencial de Nectandra megapotamica (Spreng.) Mez (Lauraceae)

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    Este trabajo describe la variabilidad química del aceite esencial (AE) de N. megapotamica, utilizando análisis multivariado. Se colectaron hojas de tres individuos en una población en Santa Maria, Brasil, en cada estación durante un año y se clasificaron en hojas jóvenes y viejas. Los AE se obtuvieron por hidrodestilación y la composición química fue determinada por cromatografía de gases acoplada a espectrometría de masas. Se realizó un análisis de agrupamiento jerárquico para formación de grupos químicos (GQ) y análisis de componentes principales (ACP) para verificar cuáles constituyentes influenciaron la formación de grupos. Inicialmente se observaron dos agrupamientos en el dendrograma debido a concentraciones de α-pineno y biciclogermacreno, constituyentes mayoritarios. En el segundo corte se discriminaron cinco GQ, siendo este también el número de componentes principales con valores propios superiores a 1. Los isómeros de asarona se observaron solamente en el AE de dos individuos (GQ5), constituyendo los principales elementos de diferenciación