1,378 research outputs found

    Ganciclovir penetrates into the cerebrospinal fluid of an infant with congenital cytomegalovirus infection

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    Currently, there is no evidence whether ganciclovir, or its oral prodrug valganciclovir, penetrates into the cerebrospinal fluid of human infants treated for congenital cytomegalovirus infection. Here we report a case study providing evidence that ganciclovir, administered as valganciclovir, reaches the infant's cerebrospinal fluid when used at the currently recommended dose for congenital cytomegalovirus infection

    A relação pessoa-ambiente no contexto urbano : uma análise perceptiva do viaduto estaiado Francisco H. dos Santos em Curitiba, PR

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    Orientador : Prof. Dr. Francisco de Assis MendonçaCoorientadora : Profª. Drª. Cristina de Araújo LimaDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento. Defesa: Curitiba, 04/04/2017Inclui referências : f. 177-190Resumo: Paralelamente ao conceito que a identifica como um grupo de grupos, a cidade pode ser considerada como um lugar de lugares. Por lugar entende-se um espaço no qual se constrói uma relação entre as pessoas que nele vivem e o próprio ambiente, baseada nos signos que este contém. Estes signos, compreendidos como elementos que evocam significações para quem os percebe, causam certa identificação entre pessoa e ambiente porque rememoram os elementos do repertório individual de cada ser humano. Em suma, um ser humano pode criar laços para com um lugar a partir das características que este apresenta. Contudo, quando se considera a cidade moderna, pode-se dizer que ocorrem nos espaços urbanos diversas modificações, com vistas a adaptar os lugares às necessidades que se apresentam em determinado momento. Considerando o exposto, o presente estudo analisou as percepções a respeito do monumento do viaduto estaiado Francisco Heráclito dos Santos, construído sobre a Avenida Comendador Franco em Curitiba. A escolha desse elemento foi oportuna por este ter sido um projeto de grande vultuosidade aprovado às pressas, sem a devida participação popular, como requisito da matriz de responsabilidades para a Copa do Mundo FIFA 2014. A construção desse monumento trouxe várias modificações, tanto estéticas quanto relacionadas à mobilidade, para o ambiente em si e para o cotidiano da população local. Assim, tais modificações no ambiente permitiram incluir o estudo das significações que o conceito de impacto ambiental apresenta para essa população, composta de residentes e comerciantes da região. Utilizando uma abordagem metodológica baseada em mapas mentais e entrevistas e analisando os resultados sob os conceitos da Semiótica de Peirce, foi possível concluir, a despeito da necessidade de individualização dos resultados, que a construção do viaduto acabou por recaracterizar o local, afetando a relação pessoa-ambiente. Diferentes perspectivas e valores de uso a ele relacionados são apresentados pela população residente e comerciante, sendo que esta se mostra mais preocupada com questões estéticas enquanto que aquela menciona a descaracterização do lugar e a ineficiência da aplicação de verba pública. Por fim, considera-se esse tipo de estudo como uma possibilidade para que as modificações ocorridas no espaço urbano estejam alinhadas com as aspirações daqueles que dele fazem parte, ou seja, que elas possam ser estudadas para além de um viés físico. Palavras-chave: Meio ambiente urbano. Percepção ambiental. Lugar. Paisagem. Semiótica urbana. Viaduto estaiado.Abstract: One of the concepts for cities characterize them as group of groups, aligned with this concept they could also be defined as a place of places. We could understand a place as a space that has some characteristics which connect the environment with the people that live in it. This connection is based on signs. In other words, some place's elements evoke significations for those who perceive them. It occurs because signs could recollect individual memories. In summary, humans could create a sense of belonging to a place according to its characteristics; it could reinstate in a person some memories, sensations and feelings. However, modern cities places sustain several modifications in order to better adapt cities for humans social needs. Thus, this work pretends to analyze how the cable-stayed viaduct Francisco Heráclito dos Santos that crosses the Avenida Comendador Franco, located in Curitiba - PR, is perceived by its surrounding population. The choice of this research subject is justified because the viaduct was part of a larger project that intended to provide and prepare Curitiba to the 2014 FIFA World Cup, and it was approved without consider the popular opinion. The construction created some modifications on its surroundings, both on aesthetic and mobility senses, and also on the daily routine of local population. These alterations could be understood by the environmental impact bias, and this work also considers the significations of this concept by the local population. In a population composed by habitants and local traders, we applied mind maps and interviews to obtain data which it was analyzed by a semiotic approach. Even if the phenomenological approach demands individual analysis, it was possible to identify some similarities and disparities within the responses. The results show that the viaduct recharacterized its surroundings, which affected the relation personenvironment, in a larger or lesser degree. It was possible to distinguish residents and traders perceptions: the first of them is more concerned about political and environmental questions, while the latter is preoccupied with aesthetical issues. In conclusion, this kind of study represents a possibility to analyze urban environmental interventions apart from its mere physical dimension; it allows to a human approach that may consider the relations that are not visible, but are equally significant. Key words: Urban environment. Environmental perception. Place. Landscape. Urban semiotic. Cable-stayed viaduct

    O uso subvertido do pronome pessoal tu

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    Propuesta de reestructuración cognitiva para mejorar la indefensión aprendida en estudiantes de una universidad privada de Trujillo

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo diseñar una propuesta de reestructuración cognitiva basado en el modelo cognitivo conductual para mejorar la indefensión aprendida en estudiantes de una Universidad Privada de Trujillo. Se utilizó un diseño descriptivo-propositivo, de naturaleza cuantitativa que concluyó con una propuesta de mejora, basada en un modelo teórico. La muestra estuvo conformada por 70 estudiantes universitarios de la carrera de Psicología. Se utilizó como instrumento la Escala de Indefensión Aprendida elaborada por Cruz, I. (2018). Los resultados obtenidos evidenciaron un nivel medio de indefensión aprendida en los estudiantes, con un 44.29%, presentando problemas emocionales, de motivación, autoconcepto y pensamientos distorsionados. Finalmente, se diseñó la propuesta para mejorar el comportamiento de indefensión aprendida

    Technical note: Identification of Prototheca species from bovine milk samples by PCR-single strand conformation polymorphism

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    We report the development of a PCR-single strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) method to identify Prototheca spp. responsible for bovine mastitis: P. zopfii and P. blaschkeae. The method was set up using reference strains belonging to P. zopfii genotype 1, P. zopfii genotype 2, and P. blaschkeae as target species and P. stagnora, and P. ulmea as negative controls. The assay was applied on 50 isolates of Prototheca spp. isolated from bovine mastitic milk or bulk-tank milk samples, and all isolates were identified as P. zopfii genotype 2. We conclude that the described PCR-SSCP approach is accurate, inexpensive, and highly suitable for the identification of P. zopfii genotype 2 on field isolates but also directly on milk, if preceded by a specific DNA extraction method

    Meeting the Challenge of Targeting Cancer Stem Cells

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    Notwithstanding cancer patients benefit from a plethora of therapeutic alternatives, drug resistance remains a critical hurdle. Indeed, the high mortality rate is associated with metastatic disease, which is mostly incurable due to the refractoriness of metastatic cells to current treatments. Increasing data demonstrate that tumors contain a small subpopulation of cancer stem cells (CSCs) able to establish primary tumor and metastasis. CSCs are endowed with multiple treatment resistance capabilities comprising a highly efficient DNA damage repair machinery, the activation of survival pathways, enhanced cellular plasticity, immune evasion and the adaptation to a hostile microenvironment. Due to the presence of distinct cell populations within a tumor, cancer research has to face the major challenge of targeting the intra-tumoral as well as inter-tumoral heterogeneity. Thus, targeting molecular drivers operating in CSCs, in combination with standard treatments, may improve cancer patients' outcomes, yielding long-lasting responses. Here, we report a comprehensive overview on the most significant therapeutic advances that have changed the known paradigms of cancer treatment with a particular emphasis on newly developed compounds that selectively affect the CSC population. Specifically, we are focusing on innovative therapeutic approaches including differentiation therapy, anti-angiogenic compounds, immunotherapy and inhibition of epigenetic enzymes and microenvironmental cues

    The growing but uneven role of European courts in (im)migration governance : a comparative perspective

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    Special Issue on 'Migrants and the law : what European Courts say?'The context in which European and domestic courts adjudicate migrants' rights has never been more complicated than it has been in recent years. A socio-political reality of sequential crises (economic, refugee, rule of law and Covid-19) has empowered the executive to make decisions with regard to migration with minimal legislature and judicial supervision and launch 'open attacks on case law'. The ever-increasing number of persons in need of access to asylum is likely to increase even further over the next decade

    Mesa 1: Políticas nacionales de Acceso Abierto en América Latina

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    Debate sobre las políticas nacionales de Acceso abierto en Argentina, Brasil y Perú, el mandato de FAPESP, ciencia abierta en América Latina, LA Referencia.Ibero-American Science and Technology Education Consortiu