16,219 research outputs found

    Constraining supersymmetry from the satellite experiments

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    In this paper we study the detectability of γ\gamma-rays from dark matter annihilation in the subhalos of the Milky Way by the satellite-based experiments, EGRET and GLAST. We work in the frame of supersymmetric extension of the standard model and assume the lightest neutralino being the dark matter particles. Based on the N-body simulation of the evolution of dark matter subhalos we first calculate the average intensity distribution of this new class of γ\gamma-ray sources by neutralino annihilation. It is possible to detect these γ\gamma-ray sources by EGRET and GLAST. Conversely, if these sources are not detected the nature of the dark matter particls will be constrained by these experiments, which, however, depending on the uncertainties of the subhalo profile.Comment: 19 pages, 5 gigures; references added, more discussions adde

    Split Two-Higgs-Doublet Model and Neutrino Condensation

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    We split the two-Higgs-doublet model by assuming very different vevs for the two doublets: the vev is at weak scale (174 GeV) for the doublet \Phi_1 and at neutrino-mass scale (10^{-2} \sim 10^{-3} eV) for the doublet \Phi_2. \Phi_1 is responsible for giving masses to all fermions except neutrinos; while \Phi_2 is responsible for giving neutrino masses through its tiny vev without introducing see-saw mechanism. Among the predicted five physical scalars H, h, A^0 and H^{\pm}, the CP-even scalar h is as light as 10^{-2} \sim 10^{-3}eV while others are at weak scale. We identify h as the cosmic dark energy field and the other CP-even scalar H as the Standard Model Higgs boson; while the CP-odd A^0 and the charged H^{\pm} are the exotic scalars to be discovered at future colliders. Also we demonstrate a possible dynamical origin for the doublet \Phi_2 from neutrino condensation caused by some unknown dynamics.Comment: version in Europhys. Lett. (discussions added

    Difference of optical conductivity between one- and two-dimensional doped nickelates

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    We study the optical conductivity in doped nickelates, and find the dramatic difference of the spectrum in the gap (ω\omega\alt4 eV) between one- (1D) and two-dimensional (2D) nickelates. The difference is shown to be caused by the dependence of hopping integral on dimensionality. The theoretical results explain consistently the experimental data in 1D and 2D nickelates, Y2x_{2-x}Cax_xBaNiO5_5 and La2x_{2-x}Srx_xNiO4_4, respectively. The relation between the spectrum in the X-ray aborption experiments and the optical conductivity in La2x_{2-x}Srx_xNiO4_4 is discussed.Comment: RevTeX, 4 pages, 4 figure

    Modified pedicle screw-rod fixation versus anterior pelvic external fixation for the management of anterior pelvic ring fractures: a comparative study

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    Background Anterior pelvic ring fracture, as high-energy trauma, needs to be effectively treated. The purpose of the current study was to evaluate the clinical applications of modified pedicle screw-rod fixation and anterior pelvic external fixation for the treatment of anterior pelvic ring fracture. Methods Either modified pedicle screw-rod fixation (modified PSRF group, N = 21) or anterior pelvic external fixation (APEF group, N = 22) was performed to 43 patients, with or without fixation of posterior ring. Clinical outcomes were evaluated via Majeed scores. Relevant clinical evaluation indicators including operation time, intraoperative blood loss, hospitalization duration, and complications were compared between these two groups. Results The operation time in APEF group was significantly less than that in modified PSRF group (P < 0.0001). No significant difference with respect to intraoperative blood loss and hospitalization duration between the two groups was shown (P = 0.51 and P = 0.33, respectively). Six patients developed surgical site infection in APEF group. Three patients experienced loss of fixation, and two patients experienced loosening of fixator in APEF group. Temporary lateral femoral cutaneous nerve irritation occurred in three patients in modified PSRF group while two patients in APEF group. One patient experienced femoral nerve palsy in modified PSRF group. Fractures of all patients healed well eventually. No statistical difference regarding Majeed evaluation scores was found between two groups. Conclusions Application of both modified PSRF and APEF could provide similar satisfactory clinical outcomes for anterior pelvic ring fracture. Modified PSRF, a minimally invasive technique with the advantages of internal fixation, could be performed as an alternative method for instable pelvic fractures

    Phenomenology of quintessino dark matter -- Production of NLSP particles

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    In the model of quintessino as dark matter particle, the dark matter and dark energy are unified in one superfield, where the dynamics of the Quintessence drives the Universe acceleration and its superpartner, quintessino, makes up the dark matter of the Universe. This scenario predicts the existence of long lived τ~\tilde{\tau} as the next lightest supersymmetric particle. In this paper we study the possibility of detecting τ~\tilde{\tau} produced by the high energy cosmic neutrinos interacting with the earth matter. By a detailed calculation we find that the event rate is one to several hundred per year at a detector with effective area of 1km21 km^2. The study in this paper can be also applied for models of gravitino or axino dark matter particles.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures, a new section about NLSP stau is added, references adde

    Geodesic motion in the Kundt spacetimes and the character of envelope singularity

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    We investigate geodesics in specific Kundt type N (or conformally flat) solutions to Einstein's equations. Components of the curvature tensor in parallelly transported tetrads are then explicitly evaluated and analyzed. This elucidates some interesting global properties of the spacetimes, such as an inherent rotation of the wave-propagation direction, or the character of singularities. In particular, we demonstrate that the characteristic envelope singularity of the rotated wave-fronts is a (non-scalar) curvature singularity, although all scalar invariants of the Riemann tensor vanish there.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figures. To appear in Class. Quantum Gra

    A new form of the rotating C-metric

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    In a previous paper, we showed that the traditional form of the charged C-metric can be transformed, by a change of coordinates, into one with an explicitly factorizable structure function. This new form of the C-metric has the advantage that its properties become much simpler to analyze. In this paper, we propose an analogous new form for the rotating charged C-metric, with structure function G(\xi)=(1-\xi^2)(1+r_{+}A\xi)(1+r_{-}A\xi), where r_\pm are the usual locations of the horizons in the Kerr-Newman black hole. Unlike the non-rotating case, this new form is not related to the traditional one by a coordinate transformation. We show that the physical distinction between these two forms of the rotating C-metric lies in the nature of the conical singularities causing the black holes to accelerate apart: the new form is free of torsion singularities and therefore does not contain any closed timelike curves. We claim that this new form should be considered the natural generalization of the C-metric with rotation.Comment: 13 pages, LaTe

    Partition Function Expansion on Region-Graphs and Message-Passing Equations

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    Disordered and frustrated graphical systems are ubiquitous in physics, biology, and information science. For models on complete graphs or random graphs, deep understanding has been achieved through the mean-field replica and cavity methods. But finite-dimensional `real' systems persist to be very challenging because of the abundance of short loops and strong local correlations. A statistical mechanics theory is constructed in this paper for finite-dimensional models based on the mathematical framework of partition function expansion and the concept of region-graphs. Rigorous expressions for the free energy and grand free energy are derived. Message-passing equations on the region-graph, such as belief-propagation and survey-propagation, are also derived rigorously.Comment: 10 pages including two figures. New theoretical and numerical results added. Will be published by JSTAT as a lette

    Modeling ϵ\epsilon Eridani and asteroseismic tests of element diffusion

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    Taking into account the helium and metal diffusion, we explore the possible evolutionary status and perform seismic analysis of MOST target: the star ϵ\epsilon Eridani. We adopt the different input parameters to construct the models by fitting the available observational constraints: e.g., TeffT_{eff}, LL, RR, [Fe/H][Fe/H]. From computation, we obtain the average large spacings of ϵ\epsilon Eridani about 194±1μ194\pm 1 \muHz. The age of the diffused models has been found to be about 1 Gyr, which is younger than one determined previously by models without diffusion. We found that the effect of pure helium diffusion on the internal structure of the young low-mass star is slight, but the metal diffusion influence is obvious. The metal diffusion leads the models to have much higher temperature in the radiation interior, correspondingly the higher sound speed in the interior of the model, thereby the larger frequency and spacings.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in ChjA