49 research outputs found

    Conceptual analysis of transactional-, capacity-driven web services

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    This paper examines capacity-driven Web services from a transactional perspective. Such services are empowered with different sets of operations that are selectively triggered in response to requirements posed on them and hence, need to be satisfied. Each set of operations forms a capacity that either fails or succeeds at run-time. In case of failure and for the sake of business continuity, a capacity driven Web service binds to some transactional properties such as pivot, retriable, and compensatable, and behaves in accordance with the guidelines that each transactional property sets. This paper, also, shows that the particular nature of capacity-driven Web services calls for reviewing these transactional properties\u27 guidelines. © 2011 IEEE

    Transactional Patterns for Reliable Web Services Compositions

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    http://portal.acm.org/International audienceReliability is one of the main challenge that encounter Web services compositions. Due to the inherent autonomy and heterogeneity of Web services it is difficult to predict the behavior of the overall composite service. Current related technologies are unable to resolve this problem efficiently. These technologies rely on two existing strong approaches: transactional processing and workflow systems. In one hand transactional processing ensures reliability. However, they are too rigid to support process based applications like composite Web services. On the other hand, workflow systems focus mainly on coordination and organizational aspects and ignore reliability issues. In this paper we propose a new solution that combines the business process adequacy of workflow systems and the reliability of transactional processing. We introduce the concept of transactional patterns to ensure reliable composite services. A transactional pattern can be seen as a convergence concept between workflow patterns and advanced transactional models. We show how we use it to define composite services and how we ensure their reliability according to the designers specific needs

    Extending workflow patterns with transactional dependencies to define reliable composite Web services

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    http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/In this paper, we introduce the concept of a transactional pattern for specifying flexible and reliable composite Web services. A transactional pattern is a convergence concept between workflow patterns and advanced transactional models; thus it combines workflow flexibility and transaction reliability. Designers can simply connect together transactional patterns to define a composite Web service. In relation, we provide technics to ensure control and transactional consistency of such services

    Mining and Improving Composite Web Services Recovery Mechanisms

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    International audienceEnsuring composite services reliability is a challenging problem. Indeed, due to the inherent autonomy and heterogeneity of Web services it is difficult to predict and reason about the behavior of the overall composite service. Generally, previous approaches develop, using their modeling formalisms, a set of techniques to analyze the composition model and check “correctness” properties. Although powerful, these approaches may fail, in some cases, to ensure CS reliable executions even if they formally validate its composition model. This is because properties specified in the studied composition model remains assumptions that may not coincide with the reality (i.e. effective CS executions). Sharing the same issue, we present a reengineering approach that starts from CS executions log to improve its recovery mechanisms. Basically, we propose a set of mining techniques to discover CS transactional behavior from an event based log. Then, based on this mining step, we use a set of rules in order to improve its reliability

    A Transactional Framework for Reliable Web Services Compositions to support Inter Enterprises Cooperations

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    Colloque avec actes et comité de lecture. internationale.International audienceThe evolution of Internet, as a communication support between applications and organizations, is reshaping inter enterprizes cooperations. Cooperating organizations can externalize their business processes as Web services and make them accessible. Then, they can cooperate by composing this externalized Web Services to form an inter enterprizes cooperative process. However, multi partners aspect, peer to peer architecture and collaborative nature leads to face and solve many problems. First, we have to deal with heterogeneity of internal processes transaction models. Second, we should be able to model complex interactions of the cooperation in a peer to peer and loosely coupled context. Finally, composed Web Service must be consistent. Unfortunately current Web services and business processes technologies do not provide efficient solutions for correct compositions and reliable executions of Web services compositions. In this paper we present an abstract of our doctoral work and its current state. We present a transactional framework which allows to define, model and carry out inter enterprizes cooperations byWeb services composition in a correct and reliable manner

    Approche Transactionnelle pour Assurer des Compositions Fiables de Services Web

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    The Web services approach is extending the role of the Web from a support of information interaction to a middleware for B2B interactions. One of the interesting concepts that this technology offers is the possibility to define a new service by combining existing Web services. In thisthesis, we are interested in ensuring reliable Web services compositions.For that purpose, we propose a model that (i) extends Web services description to express better their transactional properties and that (ii) extends and merge workflow systems and advanced transactional models (ATM).We develop three approaches, based on this model, to ensure reliable Web services compositions. Contrary to the ATM, the first approach starts from the designers requirements to determine the transactional mechanisms allowing to ensure correct executions.The second approach proceeds by re-engineering of the composite service (CS). This approach allows to improve a CS recovery mechanisms by analysing its executions traces.The third approach is based on the concept of "Transactional Patterns", a new concept we introduce. A "Transactional Pattern" is a pattern that combines the workflow flexibility and the ATM reliability. We define a CS by connecting together a set of transactional patterns. We use a set of coherence rules to ensure that the defined CS is reliable. The major contribution of our approach is her ability to merge the workflow systems flexibility and the ATM reliability. Thus, it allows to ensure correct executions according to the criterion specified by the designers.L'approche "services Web" étend le rôle du Web d'un simple support d'information vers un intergiciel d'applications B2B. Un des concepts intéressants qu'offre cette technologie est la possibilité de définir un nouveau service par composition de services Web existants. Dans cette thèse nous nous intéressons à assurer des compositions fiables de services Web. Pour ce faire, nous proposons un modèle qui (i) enrichit la description des services Web pour mieux exprimer leurs propriétés transactionnelles et qui (ii) étend et fusionne les systèmes de workflow et les modèles transactionnels avancés (MTA).Nous proposons trois approches, basées sur ce modèle, pour assurer des compositions fiables. Contrairement aux MTA, la première approche part des spécifications des concepteurs pour déterminer les mécanismes transactionnels permettant d'assurer des exécutions correctes.La deuxième approche procède par ré-ingénierie du service composé (SC). Elle permet d'améliorer les mécanismes de recouvrement d'un SC après analyse de ses traces d'exécutions.La troisième approche repose sur le concept de "patron transactionnel", un nouveau concept que nous introduisons. Un "patron transactionnel"est un patron qui combine la flexibilité des workflows et la fiabilité des MTA. Nous définissons un SC en connectant des patrons transactionnels.Nous utilisons un ensemble de règles de cohérence pour assurer que le SC défini est fiable. La contribution majeure de notre proposition est qu'elle a pu fusionner la flexibilité des systèmes de workflow et la fiabilité des MTA. Ainsi elle permet d'assurer des exécutions correctesselon les critères spécifiés par les concepteurs

    Approche transactionnelle pour assurer des compositions fiables de services web

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    Dans cette thèse nous nous intéressons à assurer des compositions fiables de services Web. Pour ce faire, nous proposons un modèle qui (i) enrichit la description des services Web pour mieux exprimer leurs propriétés transactionnelles et qui (ii) étend et fusionne les systèmes de workflow et les modèles transactionnels avancés (MTA). Nous proposons trois approches, basées sur ce modèle, pour assurer des compositions fiables. Contrairement aux MTA, la première approche part des spécifications des concepteurs pour déterminer les mécanismes transactionnels permettant d'assurer des exécutions correctes. La deuxième approche procède par ré-ingénierie du service composé (SC). Elle permet d'améliorer les mécanismes de recouvrement d'un SC après analyse de ses traces d'exécutions. La troisième approche repose sur le concept de >, un nouveau concept que nous introduisons. Un > est un patron qui combine la flexibilité des workflows et la fiabilité des MTA. Nous définissons un SC en connectant des patrons transactionnels. Nous utilisons un ensemble de règles de cohérence pour assurer que le SC défini est fiable.In this thesis, we are interested in ensuring reliable Web services compositions. For that purpose, we propose a model that (i) extends Web services description to express better their transactional properties and that (ii) extends and merge workflow systems and advanced transactional models (ATM). We develop three approaches, based on this model, to ensure reliable Web services compositions. Contrary to the ATM, the first approach starts from the designers requirements to determine the transactional mechanisms allowing to ensure correct executions. The second approach proceeds by re-engineering of the composite service (CS). This approach allows to improve a CS recovery mechanisms by analysing its executions traces. The third approach is based on the concept of Transactional Patterns , a new concept we introduce. A Transactional Pattern is a pattern that combines the workflow flexibility and the ATM reliability. We define a CS by connecting together a set of transactional patterns. We use a set of coherence rules to ensure that the defined CS is reliable.NANCY1-SCD Sciences & Techniques (545782101) / SudocNANCY-INRIA Lorraine LORIA (545472304) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Procédés transactionnels

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    A Scenario-View Based Approach to Analyze External Behavior of Web Services for Supporting Mediated Service Interactions

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    Web service interactions have triggered the initiative to identify and solve mismatches from a behavioral aspect. Current approaches are limited since they mainly focus on control-flow but largely ignore data-flow. In this paper, we propose an approach to automatically generate scenarios and views for describing external behavior of Web services, i.e. the public process, considering both control-flow and data-flow. We define a scenario as a set of complete execution paths for a public process. Data dependencies are presented as a dependency graph, which is optimized into a minimal dependency graph. Then, a view is generated to describe a scenario for analysis purposes, and external behavior of a Web service is described as a finite set of views. Our approach is very useful for service modelers and users to better understand the external behavior of Web services, to identify and solve mismatches from a behavioral aspect, and thus to facilitate Web service interactions.peer-reviewe