5,164 research outputs found

    Orbital decay of protostellar binaries in molecular clouds

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    The evolution of a protostellar binary system is investigated while it is embedded in its parent molecular cloud core and acted upon by gas drag due to dynamical friction. Approximate analytical results are obtained for the energy and angular momentum evolution of the orbit in the limiting cases, where the velocity is much smaller than, and much larger than the velocity dispersion of the gas. The general case is solved numerically. Dissipation causes a decay of the orbit to smaller separations and orbital eccentricity increases with time. As a binary probably spends about a few 10610^6 years embedded in the cloud, significant evolution of the orbit is expected before the dispersal of the cloud. Binary populations have been statistically generated and evolved for comparison with observations of MS and PMS binaries. Dynamical friction changes the initial frequency distribution with period of the binaries, and a maximum is obtained in the distribution as seen observationally. Decay of the orbit due to gas drag causes an evolution of long-period orbits to shorter periods and thus enables the formation of close binaries.Comment: 11 pages, figures available on request, e-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

    A Study of starless dark cloud LDN 1570: Distance, Dust properties and Magnetic field geometry

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    We wish to map the magnetic field geometry and to study the dust properties of the starless cloud, L1570, using multi-wavelength optical polarimetry and photometry of the stars projected on the cloud. We made R-band imaging polarimetry of the stars projected on a cloud, L1570, to trace the magnetic field orientation. We also made multi-wavelength polarimetric and photometric observations to constrain the properties of dust in L1570. We estimated a distance of 394 +/- 70 pc to the cloud using 2MASS JHKs colours. Using the values of the Serkowski parameters namely σ1\sigma_{1}, ϵˉ\bar \epsilon, {\lambda}max and the position of the stars on near infrared color-color diagram, we identified 13 stars that could possibly have intrinsic polarization and/or rotation in their polarization angles. One star, 2MASS J06075075+1934177, which is a B4Ve spectral type, show the presence of diffuse interstellar bands in the spectrum apart from showing H{\alpha} line in emission. There is an indication for the presence of slightly bigger dust grains towards L1570 on the basis of the dust grain size-indicators such as {\lambda}max and Rv values. The magnetic field lines are found to be parallel to the cloud structures seen in the 250{\mu}m images (also in 8{\mu}m and 12{\mu}m shadow images) of L1570. Based on the magnetic field geometry, the cloud structure and the complex velocity structure, we believe that L1570 is in the process of formation due to the converging flow material mediated by the magnetic field lines. Structure function analysis showed that in the L1570 cloud region the large scale magnetic fields are stronger when compared with the turbulent component of magnetic fields. The estimated magnetic field strengths suggest that the L1570 cloud region is sub-critical and hence could be strongly supported by the magnetic field lines.Comment: 26 pages, 22 figures, and 7 tables; Accepted for its publication in A&

    Narasimham Committee Report - Some Further Ramifications and Suggestions

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    This paper while agreeing with the general thrust of the Narasimham Committee Report. Calls attention to some logical corollaries of the Report and analyses some possible fallout from implementing the Report. We agree with the view that control of banking system should be under an autonomous body supervised by the RBI. However at the level of individual banks, closer scrutiny of lending procedures may be called for than is envisaged in the Report. In a freely functioning capital market the potential of government bonds is enormous, but this necessitates restructuring of the government bond market. The government bonds may then also be used as suitable hedging mechanisms by introducing options and futures trading. We recommend freeing up the operation of pension and provident fund to enable at least partial investment of such funds in risky securities. In the corporate sector, we believe that the current 2:1 debt equity norm is too high and not sustainable in the long term. We envisage that high debt levels and higher interest rates, combined with higher business risk may result in greater incidence of corporate sickness. This may call for various schemes for retrenched workers and amendment to land laws for easy exit of companies. On account of interdependencies across different policies, any sequencing of their implementation may be highly problematic. We therefore suggest a near simultaneity in the implementation of various reforms in order to build up a momentum which would be irreversible if people are to have confidence that the reforms will endure, and if we are to retain our credibility with international financial institutions.

    On local structures of cubicity 2 graphs

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    A 2-stab unit interval graph (2SUIG) is an axes-parallel unit square intersection graph where the unit squares intersect either of the two fixed lines parallel to the XX-axis, distance 1+ϵ1 + \epsilon (0<ϵ<10 < \epsilon < 1) apart. This family of graphs allow us to study local structures of unit square intersection graphs, that is, graphs with cubicity 2. The complexity of determining whether a tree has cubicity 2 is unknown while the graph recognition problem for unit square intersection graph is known to be NP-hard. We present a polynomial time algorithm for recognizing trees that admit a 2SUIG representation

    Uniqueness of bounded solutions for the homogeneous Landau equation with a Coulomb potential

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    We prove the uniqueness of bounded solutions for the spatially homogeneous Fokker-Planck-Landau equation with a Coulomb potential. Since the local (in time) existence of such solutions has been proved by Arsen'ev-Peskov (1977), we deduce a local well-posedness result. The stability with respect to the initial condition is also checked

    Multiwavelength Study of NGC 281 Region

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    We present a multiwavelength study of the NGC 281 complex which contains the young cluster IC 1590 at the center, using deep wide-field optical UBVI_c photometry, slitless spectroscopy along with archival data sets in the near-infrared (NIR) and X-ray. The extent of IC 1590 is estimated to be ~6.5 pc. The cluster region shows a relatively small amount of differential reddening. The majority of the identified young stellar objects (YSOs) are low mass PMS stars having age <1-2 Myr and mass 0.5-3.5 M_\odot. The slope (\Gamma) of the mass function for IC 1590, in the mass range 2 < M/M_\odot \le 54, is found to be -1.11+-0.15. The slope of the K-band luminosity function (0.37+-0.07) is similar to the average value (~0.4) reported for young clusters. The distribution of gas and dust obtained from the IRAS, CO and radio maps indicates clumpy structures around the central cluster. The radial distribution of the young stellar objects, their ages, \Delta(H-K) NIR-excess, and the fraction of classical T Tauri stars suggest triggered star formation at the periphery of the cluster region. However, deeper optical, NIR and MIR observations are needed to have a conclusive view of star formation scenario in the region. The properties of the Class 0/I and Class II sources detected by using the Spitzer mid-infrared observations indicate that a majority of the Class II sources are X-ray emitting stars, whereas X-ray emission is absent from the Class 0/I sources. The spatial distribution of Class 0/I and Class II sources reveals the presence of three sub-clusters in the NGC 281 West region.Comment: 29 pages, 21 figures and 11 tables, Accepted for the publication in PAS
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