274 research outputs found

    Incentive Stackelberg Mean-payoff Games

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    We introduce and study incentive equilibria for multi-player meanpayoff games. Incentive equilibria generalise well-studied solution concepts such as Nash equilibria and leader equilibria (also known as Stackelberg equilibria). Recall that a strategy profile is a Nash equilibrium if no player can improve his payoff by changing his strategy unilaterally. In the setting of incentive and leader equilibria, there is a distinguished player called the leader who can assign strategies to all other players, referred to as her followers. A strategy profile is a leader strategy profile if no player, except for the leader, can improve his payoff by changing his strategy unilaterally, and a leader equilibrium is a leader strategy profile with a maximal return for the leader. In the proposed case of incentive equilibria, the leader can additionally influence the behaviour of her followers by transferring parts of her payoff to her followers. The ability to incentivise her followers provides the leader with more freedom in selecting strategy profiles, and we show that this can indeed improve the payoff for the leader in such games. The key fundamental result of the paper is the existence of incentive equilibria in mean-payoff games. We further show that the decision problem related to constructing incentive equilibria is NP-complete. On a positive note, we show that, when the number of players is fixed, the complexity of the problem falls in the same class as two-player mean-payoff games. We also present an implementation of the proposed algorithms, and discuss experimental results that demonstrate the feasibility of the analysis of medium sized games.Comment: 15 pages, references, appendix, 5 figure

    Implementation of Max Principle with PCA in Image Fusion for Surveillance and Navigation Application

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    Image fusion is the combination of two or more different images by using suitable algorithms to form an output image. It provides a useful tool to integrate multiple images into a composite image. In this paper, we present an approach that uses the principle component analysis (PCA) along with the selection of maximum pixel intensity to perform fusion. The entropy, mutual information and the universal index based measure are used to evaluate the performance of this fusion algorithm

    Speciation of Co(II), Ni(II) and Cu(II) Complexes with L-Glutamic Acid in Dioxan–Water Mixtures

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    Chemical speciation of Co(II), Ni(II) and Cu(II) complexes of L-glutamic acid in the presence of Dioxan-Water mixtures at an ionic strength of 0.16 mol L–1 at 303 K was studied pH–metrically. Glu is taken as a model compound for amino acid residues and dioxan is used to mimic the low dielectric constant at the active site cavities in bioactive molecules like enzymes and proteins. The active forms of the ligand were LH3+, LH2, LH– and L2–. The models containing different numbers of species were refined using the computer program, MINIQUAD75. The predominant species detected were ML2H2, ML2H–, ML22–, MLH+ and ML. The best fit chemical models were arrived at based on statistical parameters. The trend in variation of complex stability constants with the medium composition was explained on the basis of changes in the dielectric constant of the solution. Effect of errors in the ingredients on the stability constants was also studied. Chemical speciation is discussed based on the distribution diagrams.Keywords: Complex equilibria, chemical speciation, L-glutamic acid, essential metals, dioxa

    Idiopathic multilocular thymic cyst-an incidental anterior mediastinal mass

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    Acquired thymic cyst are multilocular and they occur de novo or in association with mediastinal neoplasm, systemic autoimmune diseases and trauma. Here, we report a case of acquired multilocular thymic cyst due to non-specific inflammatory etiology in a 42-year old gentleman and our approach to diagnosis and management of anterior mediastinal mass. With no specific clinical symptom, he was diagnosed with anterior mediastinal mass incidentally by imaging studies. Definitive diagnosis of multilocular thymic cyst was obtained by tissue diagnosis of the anterior mediastinal mass resected during the surgery

    Ternary Complexes of some Divalent Metal Ions with Potentially Tridentate Ligands in Dioxane-Water Mixtures

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    Chemical speciation of mixed ligand complexes of Ca(II), Mg(II) and Zn(II) with L-histidine and L-glutamic acid have been studied in varying concentrations (0.0–60.0 % v/v) of 1, 4-dioxane-water mixtures maintaining an ionic strength of 0.16 mol L–1 sodium chloride at 303.0 K. Titrations were carried out in the presence of different relative concentrations (M:L:X = 1.0:2.5:2.5, 1.0:2.5:5.0, 1.0:5.0:2.5) of metal (M) to L-histidine (L) to L-glutamic acid (X) with sodium hydroxide. Stability constants of ternary complexes were refined with MINIQUAD75. The best-fit chemical models were selected based on statistical parameters and residual analysis. The predominant species detected were ML2XH2, MLXH2 and MLX2 for Ca(II), Mg(II) and Zn(II). The formation and distribution of different species with relative concentrations of metal and ligands with varying pH are represented in the form of distribution diagrams. The influence of the solvent on the speciation is discussed in terms of the dielectric constant of the medium.Keywords: Speciation, mixed ligand complexes, L-histidine, L-glutamic acid, essential metals, dioxan

    IOT Enabled Smart Charging Stations for Electric Vehicles

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    As we are aware about the mass adoption of EVs on the horizon, the smart electric vehicle charging will become essential for both the charging point network operators, and the National electricity grid. EVs are becoming popular across the globe. As the number of EVs increases, EV charging infrastructure will also be a basic need. This work is to make a smart application to know the different tariff rates of the grid by connecting to the grid. The tariff rates will include both, the power intake rate and also the outgoing power rate. When the user comes to the grid, the application will also display the battery SOC. The main agenda is to optimize low carbon technologies through one connected platform using rule based algorithms, helping to decarbonize both the production and consumption of energy

    Assessment on awareness of rational prescribing practices among medical interns in a tertiary care hospital: a questionnaire based study

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    Background: Awareness about rational use of Medicines is required to improve the quality of health care system. Attitude towards rational drug use is also an utmost importance as they constitute the future generation doctors.Methods: A set of 13 questionnaire is given to the interns through an online link to their e-mail which contains informed consent and questionnaires. Respondents has to select the best suitable option and after which the data will be compiled and statistically analyzed.Results: Age of the study participants range from 22-26yrs. Half of them have finished major postings. Almost 96.1 % of them were aware of the term essential drugs. Only 25% of them said that they have NLEMI at work place, 75% of them were aware of the term Rational use of Medicines. Only 32% of them were aware of the term P drugs. 44% of them were aware of STEP criteria for selection of drug and 47% of them were aware of the updated prescribing format. 8% knew the difference between old and new prescription format, 25% of them always prescribe. Almost 82% of them narrate regarding the disease and drug therapy, 31% of them prescribe only generic name.Conclusions: Educational intervention like CME and practical hands on training in Rational use of Medicines would help them in better understanding of the subject and its clinical implications thereby decreasing the prescribing errors

    Intelligent Vehicle Black Box System Using IoT

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    Humans are currently involved in numerous transportation-related accidents on the roads. Numerous accidents and fatalities caused by human error are the result of the rising number of vehicles on Indian roads and a lack of enforcement of traffic laws. They also suffer loss of life and valuable property as a result of those accidents. As a result, accidents involving driver inattention to traffic laws and driver fatigue follow. The field of computer vision is actively researching real-time eye detection and tracking. Face alignment can benefit from eye localization and tracking. The duration of eye closure and percentage of eye closure (PEC) can be used to measure driver fatigue. It is based on a hardware system that uses a camera to capture images of the driver in real time and software to monitor the driver's eye in order to prevent accidents. In the event of an accident, GSM and GPS are utilised to track the location of the automobile, and the local hospital and police are alerted. Thanks to IoT technology, this position may always be found in the cloud platform service. The 24/7 Governance is notified to call for emergency assistance by using the push and panic button

    Fuzzy Optimised Power Generation from Moving Vehicles

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    Abstract In our Paper regenerative power system for electric motorcycles and cars that performs regenerative energy recovery from the axle of the vehicle based on fuzzy logic control for a boost converter is used to boost (maintain) the voltage level. Autonomous vehicles have potential applications in many fields, such as replacing humans in hazardous environments, conducting military missions, and performing routine tasks for industry. A constant regenerative current control scheme is proposed, thereby providing improved performance and high energy recovery efficiency at minimum cost. Drivers typically respond quickly to sudden changes in their environment. While other control techniques may be used to control a vehicle, fuzzy logic has certain advantages in this area; one of them is its ability to incorporate human knowledge and experience, via language, into relationships among the given quantities
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