866 research outputs found
The shape memory effect in systems Cu-based alloys
330a The aim of this work was to analyse the mechanisms of hindered internal passivation of silver based alloys which was obtained by the modification of basic chemical composition. A generalisation of the phenomenon, experimental verification and the estimated range of micro-element concentration is also introduced. The ability for inoculation of a particular alloy is determined by the differences between the formation energies of oxides, as well as their crystallographic similarity. Therefore, for the investigated Ag-Zn alloys, Mg was selected as the micro-alloying element. The influence of 0.001 up to 0.5 mass % of Mg added to the selected alloys was analysed. By changing the chemical composition,internal passivation was hindered, internal oxidation rate was increased, and considerably greater (redoubled) depths of internal oxidation were achieved
Globalizacija državljanstva: Vpliv globalnih migracij na formacijo koncepta
Answers to the question of what it means to be a citizen are as old as political theory itself. These answers have changed throughout history because citizenship is an open and unstable concept, which is provided its contents and meanings based on diverse political relations and contexts, in interaction with which it is formed and changed. For centuries the concept of citizenship has been associated with the nation-state and nationality. Today, this modern notion of citizenship has been challenged by globalisation and global migrations. Contemporary global transformations give rise to a new form of citizenship that is not constituted exclusively around the ideas of territoriality and belonging. The main thesis of this article is that a theory of citizenship for a multicultural and global society must be based on the separation between citizenship and nationality. Global citizenship should be understood as an inclusive political community without any claim to common identity and belonging. We identify some major theoretical implications of global migration through which we can understand the need for contemporary conceptual changes that marks a rupture with the ways in which we have previously considered citizenship. By exploring the intersections of citizenship, community, and migration, we aim to deconstruct the contradictions of national citizenship and their simplistic transference to the global level in order to find ways of achieving new concept of imagining and practising political citizenship without belonging.Odgovori na vprašanje, kaj pomeni biti državljan, so stari toliko kot sama politična teorija. Ti odgovori so se spreminjali skozi zgodovino, kajti državljanstvo je odprt in nestabilen koncept, ki svojo vsebino in pomene dobiva na podlagi različnih političnih odnosov in kontekstov, v interakciji s katerimi nastaja in se spreminja. Koncept državljanstva je bil stoletja povezan z nacionalno državo in nacionalnostjo. Tovrstno moderno predstavo državljanstva danes spreminjajo globalizacija in globalne migracije. Sodobne globalne spremembe ustvarjajo novo obliko državljanstva, ki se ne konstituira izključno preko idej teritorialnosti in pripadnosti. Temeljna teza članka je, da teorija državljanstva za multikulturno in globalno družbo mora temeljiti na ločitvi med državljanstvom in nacionalnostjo. Globalno državljanstvo je treba razumeti kot inkluzivno politično skupnost brez sklicevanj na skupno identiteto in pripadnost. V članku identificiramo nekaj temeljnih teoretskih implikacij globalnih migracij, s katerimi razlagamo potrebo po sodobnih konceptualnih spremembah, ki pomenijo prelom z načini, na katere smo do sedaj premišljali državljanstvo. Z raziskovanjem povezave med državljanstvom, skupnostjo in migracijami dekonstruiramo kontradikcije nacionalnega državljanstva in njegove preproste preslikave na globalno raven, da bi našli načine, s katerimi je mogoče misliti in izvajati politično državljanstvo brez pripadnosti
Prepoznavanje poteškoća u učenju i prilagodba satova povijesti učenicima s disleksijom u osnovnim školama
Pupils with dyslexia belong to a group of children with learning disabilities, whose problems are seen as reading and writing disorders. Due to their difficulties in reading, writing, and processing information, their problems with dyslexia are also visible in history lessons in primary schools. With the help of empirical research and survey responses of history teachers from primary schools in northeastern Slovenia, we found that history teachers recognize some learning difficulties of pupils with dyslexia. These can be seen in achieving the minimum standards of the goals of the history curriculum, taking into account their shortcomings and trying to help them with didactic and methodological adjustments in teaching (in particular in the methods of interpretation, and in evaluating and assessing knowledge). However, we suggest that history teachers constantly improve their professional skills, as this is the only way they can better adjust history lessons to pupils with dyslexia.Učenici s disleksijom pripadaju skupini djece s poteškoćama u učenju, čiji se problemi vide kao poremećaji čitanja i pisanja. Zbog poteškoća učenika s disleksijom u čitanju, pisanju i obradi informacija, problemi učenika s disleksijom vidljivi su i na satovima povijesti u osnovnim školama. Empirijskim istraživanjem, odnosno anketiranjem učitelja povijesti, utvrdili smo da učitelji povijesti u sjeverozapadnoj Sloveniji prepoznaju neke poteškoće s kojima se susreću učenici s disleksijom pri postizanju minimalnih standarda postavljenih kurikulumom povijesti. Učitelji, uzimajući u obzir poteškoće učenika pokušavaju pomoći didaktičko-metodičkim prilagodbama (osobito pri obradi, vrednovanju i ocjenjivanju znanja). Međutim, predlažemo da učitelji povijesti stalno usavršavaju svoje profesionalne vještine, jer jedino tako mogu adekvatno prilagoditi nastavu povijesti učenicima s disleksijom
Prepoznavanje poteškoća u učenju i prilagodba satova povijesti učenicima s disleksijom u osnovnim školama
Pupils with dyslexia belong to a group of children with learning disabilities, whose problems are seen as reading and writing disorders. Due to their difficulties in reading, writing, and processing information, their problems with dyslexia are also visible in history lessons in primary schools. With the help of empirical research and survey responses of history teachers from primary schools in northeastern Slovenia, we found that history teachers recognize some learning difficulties of pupils with dyslexia. These can be seen in achieving the minimum standards of the goals of the history curriculum, taking into account their shortcomings and trying to help them with didactic and methodological adjustments in teaching (in particular in the methods of interpretation, and in evaluating and assessing knowledge). However, we suggest that history teachers constantly improve their professional skills, as this is the only way they can better adjust history lessons to pupils with dyslexia.Učenici s disleksijom pripadaju skupini djece s poteškoćama u učenju, čiji se problemi vide kao poremećaji čitanja i pisanja. Zbog poteškoća učenika s disleksijom u čitanju, pisanju i obradi informacija, problemi učenika s disleksijom vidljivi su i na satovima povijesti u osnovnim školama. Empirijskim istraživanjem, odnosno anketiranjem učitelja povijesti, utvrdili smo da učitelji povijesti u sjeverozapadnoj Sloveniji prepoznaju neke poteškoće s kojima se susreću učenici s disleksijom pri postizanju minimalnih standarda postavljenih kurikulumom povijesti. Učitelji, uzimajući u obzir poteškoće učenika pokušavaju pomoći didaktičko-metodičkim prilagodbama (osobito pri obradi, vrednovanju i ocjenjivanju znanja). Međutim, predlažemo da učitelji povijesti stalno usavršavaju svoje profesionalne vještine, jer jedino tako mogu adekvatno prilagoditi nastavu povijesti učenicima s disleksijom
Possible Correction of Preferential Orientation of Crystallites in Quantitative X-ray Determination by Means of Basal Reflections
In a previously published work1 we have described a method by which the
intensity of an X-ray reflection that has been strengthened by preferential crystallite orientation can be corrected by measuring its ratio to the intensity of a reflection that is weakened by the same effect. In this way the intensity can be corrected to that given by a sample with a selected define degree of preferential orientation and then applied in quantitative analysis
The Crystal and Molecular Structure of Phthalyl-Urea
Using the methods of X-ray analysis we have shown that phthalyl-urea has the structure given by the formula (I). Thus we have confirmed the result previously obtained by V. Hah
Correction of Preferential Crystallite Orientation in X-ray Quantitative Analysis. Quantitative X:ray Determination of Ca (OH)2
The work deals with the problem of preferential orientation
of crystallites in quantitafrwe X-ray analysis. A n ew method has
been worked out theoretically. and practically for the correction
of reflection intensities from \u27polycrystalline samples w ith preferentially
oriented crystallites. Equations are included for the
determination of correction parameters. Practical a pplication of
the new method is demonstrated on quantitative X-ray analysis of
calcium hydroxide. The work includes a calibration graph for the
determination of coefficient a, comparing corrected and uncorrecte
d values of analytical intensities of Ca(OH)2
Teaching History and Civic Education in Slovenia
The article explains how civic education is included in the subject of history in elementary and secondary schools in Slovenia. History is a compulsory subject taught in elementary and secondary schools and plays an important role in the cultural, social and political education of young people – young citizens. The analysis of current history curricula indicates that they contain civic and patriotic elements in the general and specific objectives and learning outcomes, as well as in the content. The analysis of selected history textbooks shows that Slovenian textbooks include more European history than Slovenian history. The article explains what social and civic competences can be developed and fostered in the subject of history and how elementary and secondary school students can use various examples from the past to develop a positive attitude towards Slovenian identity and the protection of Slovenian cultural heritage, a respectful attitude towards human rights and democratic citizenship, towards different cultures, religions and nations, and responsible socio-political activity. It has been noted that history teachers have many opportunities to teach students the relevant values of democratic citizenship and to enable them to know and understand themselves as individuals and as members of the local and global communities. However, more attention should be paid to contemporary Slovenian history and active citizenship.El artículo explica cómo se incluye la educación cívica en la asignatura de historia en las escuelas primarias y secundarias de Eslovenia. La historia es una asignatura obligatoria que se imparte en las escuelas primarias y secundarias y desempeña un papel importante en la educación cultural, social y política de los jóvenes – los jóvenes ciudadanos. Un análisis de los actuales planes de estudio de historia muestra que contienen elementos cívicos y patrióticos en los objetivos generales y específicos y en los resultados del aprendizaje, así como en el contenido. Un análisis de los libros de texto de historia seleccionados muestra que los libros de texto eslovenos incluyen más historia europea que eslovena. El artículo explica qué competencias sociales y cívicas pueden desarrollarse y fomentarse en la asignatura de historia y cómo los alumnos de primaria y secundaria pueden utilizar diversos ejemplos del pasado para desarrollar una actitud positiva hacia la identidad eslovena y la protección del patrimonio cultural esloveno; una actitud respetuosa hacia los derechos humanos y la ciudadanía democrática; hacia las diferentes culturas, religiones y naciones; y finalmente una actividad sociopolítica responsable. Se observó que los profesores de historia tienen muchas oportunidades de enseñar a los alumnos los valores relevantes de la ciudadanía democrática y de permitirles conocerse y comprenderse a sí mismos como individuos y como miembros de la comunidad local y global. Sin embargo, debería prestarse más atención a la historia eslovena contemporánea y a la ciudadanía activa
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