39 research outputs found
Applicability of the University of Pennsylvania Smell Identification Test (SIT) in Brazilians: pilot study
O teste de identificação do olfato da Universidade da Pensilvânia (SIT) é o exame olfatório mais citado na literatura devido a sua fácil aplicação e alta confiabilidade teste-reteste. Ainda não foram normatizados seus valores de olfação normal para a população brasileira. OBJETIVO: Verificar o escore no SIT alcançado por um grupo de brasileiros e o nível de dificuldade encontrado para a execução do teste. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Transversal. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: O SIT foi aplicado a 25 voluntários brasileiros de diversas classes econômicas, sem queixas olfatórias prévias. Após a aplicação do teste, todos preencheram um questionário com uma escala visual analógica (VAS) referente ao nível de dificuldade encontrado na realização do teste. RESULTADOS: O escore médio da amostra de brasileiros foi 32,5 (desvio-padrão:3,48) de 40, abaixo do considerado normal para a população americana. O nível de dificuldade médio encontrado foi 26mm (desvio padrão: 24,68) segundo a VAS, tendendo a facilidade, e 4(16%) participantes não conheciam algum dos odores escritos nas alternativas. CONCLUSÃO: Nesse estudo piloto, houve indícios de boa aplicabilidade do teste, com o escore dos brasileiros pouco abaixo da normosmia. São necessários estudos futuros para confirmar a existência de diferença de pontuação entre pessoas de diferente classe econômica.The University of Pennsylvania Smell Identification Test (SIT) is the most cited olfactory test in the literature because it is easy to perform and there is high test-retest reliability. There were no standardized olfaction values in a normal Brazilian population. AIM: To measure the SIT score in a group of Brazilians, and to assess the level of difficulty when implementing the test. STUDY DESIGN: A cross-sectional study. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The SIT was applied in 25 Brazilian volunteers of various income levels who presented no olfactory complaints. Following the test, subjects answered a questionnaire with a visual analog scale (VAS) for the level of difficulty. RESULTS: The mean in the sample of Brazilians was 32.5 (SD: 3.48) our of 40; this is below what is considered normal for US citizens. The level of difficulty was on average 26 mm (SD: 24.68) in the VAS, but it trended towards easy; 4(16%) participants did not recognize some of the odors under 'alternatives'. CONCLUSION: In this pilot study, there was evidence of good test applicability; the score of the sample of Brazilians was just below normosmia. Further studies are needed to confirm the existence of differences between people of different income levels
A new cultural adaptation of the University of Pennsylvania Smell Identification Test
OBJECTIVES: The University of Pennsylvania Smell Identification Test, a test of olfactory function that is widely used by otolaryngologists, geriatricians, and neurologists, has been translated into more than a dozen languages. In some instances, cultural and socioeconomic factors have necessitated changes in the odorant items or the response alternatives to make the test scores congruent with North American norms. The objective of this study was to compare the performance of Brazilian subjects on a new Portuguese language version of the University of Pennsylvania Smell Identification Test with their performance on an earlier Portuguese language version of the test, as well as to assess the influences of gender, age, ethnicity, and economic status on the test scores. METHODS: Based on pilot data, several response alternatives of the earlier Portuguese language version of the test were altered in an effort to improve test performance. Forty-nine healthy Brazilian volunteers, who represented several economic classes, were tested. The test scores of the study cohort who received the newer version of the test were compared with those of a group of 25 subjects who received the earlier version of the test. RESULTS: The mean score for the new version [35 (2.1)] was significantly (p = 0.002) higher than that for the earlier version [32.5 (3.5)]. Although no apparent influence of socioeconomic status was observed, the female participants outperformed the male participants in the current subject cohort. CONCLUSION: The changes made in the new cultural adaptation of the Portuguese version of the University of Pennsylvania Smell Identification Test were effective in increasing the average test scores of the participants. Overall, the female subjects outperformed the male subjects on the test
SARS-CoV-2 infection with bilateral intralabyrinthine hemorrhage
A 47-year-old woman presented with the complaint of sudden hearing loss associated with vertigo. Serological testing was positive for IgM and negative for IgG COVID-19 antibodies, with no other associated factors. Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain showed bilateral intralabyrinthine hemorrhage
Biofilm in chronic sinusitis with nasal polyps: pilot study
Apatogenia da rinossinusite crônica não está completamente estabelecida e existem algumas explicações para essa doença, como a osteíte, os superantígenos, a hipersensibilidade mediada por fungos e, mais recentemente, o biofilme. Não existem publicações na língua portuguesa sobre biofilmes na rinossinusite crônica. OBJETIVO: Reproduzir um método para evidenciar a presença de biofilmes em pacientes com rinossinusite crônica com polipose nasossinusal. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Amostras de bula etmoidal de nove pacientes com rinossinusite crônica com polipose nasossinusal sem resposta ao tratamento clínico submetidos à cirurgia foram analisadas com microscopia eletrônica de varredura para evidenciar o biofilme. DESENHO DO ESTUDO: Estudo de coorte contemporânea com corte transversal. RESULTADOS: Observamos o biofilme em 55,56% (5/9) dos pacientes, através da visualização da estrutura tridimensional, de estruturas esféricas envolvidas por uma matriz amorfa e dos canais de água. CONCLUSÃO: Reproduzimos um método de visualização de biofilme bacteriano através da microscopia eletrônica de varredura e evidenciamos a sua presença nos pacientes com rinossinusite crônica com polipose nasossinusal.Chronic rhinosinusitis' pathogenesis is not completely established and there are some explanations for this disease, such as osteitis, superantigens, fungal-mediated hypersensitivity and, more recently, biofilms. There are no reports in Portuguese about biofilms in chronic rhinosinusitis. AIM: To reproduce a method for visualization of biofilms in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis and nasal polyps. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Samples of ethmoid bulla of nine patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps without response to clinical treatment who underwent surgery were analyzed with scanning electron microscopy to evidence bacterial biofilms. STUDY DESIGN: A contemporary cross-sectional cohort study RESULTS: In 55.56% (5/9) of the patients we observed biofilms by seeing three-dimensional structures, spherical structures surrounded by an amorphous matrix and water-channels. CONCLUSION: We reproduced a method for visualization of bacterial biofilms by scanning electron microscopy and evidenced its presence in chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps
Cross-Cultural Adaptation and Validation of SNOT-20 in Portuguese
Introduction. Chronic rhinosinusitis is a highly prevalent disease, so it is necessary to create valid instruments to assess the quality of life of these patients. The SNOT-20 questionnaire was developed for this purpose as a specific test to evaluate the quality of life related to chronic rhinosinusitis. It was validated in the English language, and it has been used in most studies on this subject. Currently, there is no validated instrument for assessing this disease in Portuguese. Objective. Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of SNOT-20 in Portuguese. Patients and Methods. The SNOT-20 questionnaire underwent a meticulous process of cross-cultural adaptation and was evaluated by assessing its sensitivity, reliability, and validity. Results. The process resulted in an intelligible version of the questionnaire, the SNOT-20p. Internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha = 0.91, P < .001), reliability testing-retesting (r = 0.994, P < .001), content validity, validity of discrimination of patients without chronic rhinosinusitis (U = 44, P < .0001) and assessment of sensitivity to change (SRM = 1.53 and 1.09) were evaluated. Conclusion. We conducted a successful process of cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the SNOT-20 questionnaire into Portuguese
Convergence of two major pathophysiologic mechanisms in nasal polyposis: immune response to Staphylococcus aureus and airway remodeling
This review is addressed two pathophysiologic mechanisms implicated in the pathogenesis of nasal polyposis: the unique remodeling process found in nasal polyp tissue and the immune response of patients with nasal polyposis to Staphylococcus aureus.\ud
These two theories converge to the same direction in different aspects, including decreased extracellular matrix production, impaired T regulation and favoring of a Th2 immune response.\ud
In patients with nasal polyposis, an exaggerated immune response to Staphylococcus aureus may aggravate the airway remodeling process
Nasal polyposis : more than a chronic inflammatory disorder : a disease of mechanical dysfunction : the São Paulo position
Introduction The importance of our study lies in the fact that we have demonstrated the occurrence of mechanical dysfunction within polypoid tissues, which promotes the development of polyps in the nasal cavity. Objective To change the paradigm of nasal polyposis (NP). In this new conception, the chronic nasal inflammatory process that occurs in response to allergies, to pollution, to changes in the epithelial barrier, or to other factors is merely the trigger of the development of the disease in individuals with a genetic predisposition to an abnormal tissue remodeling process, which leads to a derangement of the mechanical properties of the nasal mucosa and, consequently, allows it to grow unchecked. Data Synthesis We propose a fundamentally new approach to intervening in the pathological process of NP, addressing biomechanical properties, fluid dynamics, and the concept of surface tension. Conclusion The incorporation of biomechanical knowledge into our understanding of NP provides a new perspective to help elucidate the physiology and the pathology of nasal polyps, and new avenues for the treatment and cure of NP
How to avoid the inappropriate use of antibiotics in upper respiratory tract infections? A position statement from an expert panel
Introduction: Bacterial resistance burden has increased in the past years, mainly due to inappropriate antibiotic use. Recently it has become an urgent public health concern due to its impact on the prolongation of hospitalization, an increase of total cost of treatment and mortality associated with infectious disease. Almost half of the antimicrobial prescriptions in outpatient care visits are prescribed for acute upper respiratory infections, especially rhinosinusitis, otitis media, and pharyngotonsillitis. In this context, otorhinolaryngologists play an important role in orienting patients and non-specialists in the utilization of antibiotics rationally and properly in these infections. Objectives: To review the most recent recommendations and guidelines for the use of antibiotics in acute otitis media, acute rhinosinusitis, and pharyngotonsillitis, adapted to our national reality. Methods: A literature review on PubMed database including the medical management in acute otitis media, acute rhinosinusitis, and pharyngotonsillitis, followed by a discussion with a panel of specialists. Results: Antibiotics must be judiciously prescribed in uncomplicated acute upper respiratory tract infections. The severity of clinical presentation and the potential risks for evolution to suppurative and non-suppurative complications must be taken into 'consideration'. Conclusions: Periodic revisions on guidelines and recommendations for treatment of the main acute infections are necessary to orient rationale and appropriate use of antibiotics. Continuous medical education and changes in physicians' and patients' behavior are required to modify the paradigm that all upper respiratory infection needs antibiotic therapy, minimizing the consequences of its inadequate and inappropriate use. (C) 2018 Associacao Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia e Cirurgia Cervico-Facial. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. This is an open access article under the CC BY license.Introdução: A resistência bacteriana a antibióticos nos processos infecciosos é um fato crescente nos últimos anos, especialmente devido ao seu uso inapropriado. Ao longo dos anos vem se tornando um grave problema de saúde pública devido ao prolongamento do tempo de internação, elevação dos custos de tratamento e aumento da mortalidade relacionada às doenças infecciosas. Quase a metade das prescrições de antibióticos em unidades de pronto atendimento é destinada ao tratamento de alguma infecção de vias aéreas superiores, especialmente rinossinusites, otite média aguda supurada e faringotonsilites agudas, sendo que uma significativa parcela dessas prescrições é inapropriada. Nesse contexto, os otorrinolaringologistas têm um papel fundamental na orientação de pacientes e colegas não especialistas, para o uso adequado e racional de antibióticos frente a essas situações clínicas. Objetivos: Realizar uma revisão das atuais recomendações de utilização de antibióticos nas otites médias, rinossinusites e faringotonsilites agudas adaptadas à realidade nacional. Método: Revisão na base PubMed das principais recomendações internacionais de tratamentos das infecções de vias aéreas superiores, seguido de discussão com um painel de especialistas. Resultados: Os antibióticos devem ser utilizados de maneira criteriosa nas infecções agudas de vias aéreas superiores não complicadas, a depender da gravidade da apresentação clínica e dos potenciais riscos associados de complicações supurativas e não supurativas. Conclusões: Constantes revisões a respeito do tratamento das principais infecções agudas são necessárias para que sejam tomadas medidas coletivas no uso racional e apropriado de antibióticos. Somente com orientação e transformações no comportamento de médicos e pacientes é que haverá mudanças do paradigma de que toda infecção de vias aéreas superiores deva ser tratada com antibióticos, minimizando por consequência os efeitos de seu uso inadequado.Univ Fed Rio Grande do Sul, Dept Oftalmol & Otorrinolaringol, Fac Med FAMED, Porto Alegre, RS, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo UNIFESP, Dept Otorrinolaringol & Cirurgia Cabeca & Pescoco, EPM, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Estadual Campinas, UNICAMP, Dept Otorrinolaringol & Oftalmol, Campinas, SP, BrazilUniv Sao Paulo, FM, Disciplina Otorrinolaringol, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Sao Paulo, FM, Otorrinolaringol, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilHosp Infantil Sabara, Otorrinolaringol, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilHosp Paranaense Otorrinolaringol IPO, Inst Paranaense Otorrinolaringol, Curitiba, Parana, BrazilFac Ciencias Med Santa Casa de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Pernambuco UFPE, Dept Cirurgia, Div Otorrinolaringol, Recife, PE, BrazilUniv Luterana Brasil, Fac Med, Porto Alegre, RS, BrazilUniv Sao Paulo, FM, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilHosp Albert Einstein, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Sao Paulo, FMRP, Dept Oftalmol Otorrinolaringol & Cirurgia Cabeca, Ribeirao Preto, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Ciencias Saude Porto Alegre, Hosp Crianca St Antonio, Serv Otorrinolaringol Pediat, Porto Alegre, RS, BrazilUniv Estado Rio De Janeiro, Fac Ciencias Med, Disciplina Otorrinolaringol, Rio De Janeiro, RJ, BrazilUniv Fed Goias, Goiania, Go, BrazilPontificia Univ Catolica Goias PUC GO, Goiania, Go, BrazilCtr Univ Anapolis, Anapolis, Go, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo UNIFESP, Dept Otorrinolaringol & Cirurgia Cabeca & Pescoco, EPM, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilSciEL
The role of biofilms in chronic sinusitis with nasal polyps
Introdução: A patogenia da rinossinusite crônica com polipose nasossinusal não está completamente estabelecida e existem algumas explicações para essa doença como os superantigenos, o desequilíbrio inflamatório e, mais recentemente, o biofilme. Objetivos: Avaliar a associação entre a presença do biofilme e a presença de rinossinusite crônica com polipose nasossinusal. Avaliar o quadro clínico e radiológico pré-operatória e pós-operatória segundo a presença do biofilme. Métodos: Este é uma estudo realizado em um hospital terciário universitário. A primeira parte foi um estudo caso-controle com um grupo de 33 pacientes consecutivos com rinossinusite crônica com polipose nasossinusal submetidos a cirurgica endoscópica nasossinusal e um grupo controle de 27 pacientes submetidos a septoplastia para tratamento de obstrução nasal. As amostras da mucosa foram coletadas no intra-operatório para avaliação por microscopia eletrônica de varredura para determinar a presença do biofilme. A segunda parte foi um estudo prospectivo em que dados pré-operatórios e pós-operatórios foram registrados, incluindo avaliações padronizadas da qualidade de vida doença-específica relacionadas à obstrução nasal e à rinossinusite, da endoscopia nasal e da tomografia de cavidades paranasais. A análise estatísca foi realizada. Para todos os testes um p=0.05 foi considerado significativo. Resultados: Os biofilmes foram encontrados em 72.7% (24/33) dos pacientes com rinossinusite crônica com polipose nasossinusal e 48.1% (13/27) dos pacientes submetidos a septoplastia (Odd ratio=2.87, IC95% 0.9796-8.419, p=0.051). Este foi o primeiro estudo a analisar o efeito da presença do biofilme nos resultados pós-operatórios com medidas padronizadas de um grupo de pacientes apenas com rinossinusite crônica com polipose nasossinusal. O biofilme estava presente em 72.4% (21/29) dos pacientes que completaram o seguimento. Os pacientes com biofilmes apresentaram uma pior pontuação pré-operatória NOSE e Lund-Kennedy estatísticamente significativos, mas uma mediana semelhante na pontuação total do SNOT-20. Os pacientes com biofilme apresentaram uma melhor resultado na pontuação Lund-Kennedy (p=0.036). Estes pacientes apresentaram piores resultados no SNOT-20 e resultados similares quanto ao NOSE e o Lund-Mackay. Conclusão: Os biofilmes foram demonstrados presentes nos pacientes submetidos a cirurgia endoscópica funcional para rinossinusite crônica com polipose nasossinusal mas também nos controles. Embora a prevalência não tenha sido diferente significativamente, o intervalo de confiança extremamente amplo de 95%, que apenas cruza a unidade, sugere que uma diferença significativa pode ter sido perdida por causa do baixo poder estatístico e estudos futuros serão necessários. Os biofilmes estiveram relacionados com pior qualidade de vida doença-específica pré-operatória NOSE e avaliação endoscópica (Lund-Kennedy), e melhores resultados endoscópicos. Nossos resultados sugerem que nos pacientes com uma melhora clínica significativa após a cirurgia, o biofilme representou um papel mais predominante na fisiopatologia da doença. Neste subgrupo, a cirurgia provavelmente removeu a quantidade de biofilme necessária para restaurar o desequilíbrio inflamatório na mucosaIntroduction: The pathogenesis of chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps is not completely established and there are some explanations for this disease, such as superantigens, inflammatory imbalance and, more recently, biofilms. Objective: Evaluate the association of biofilms presence and chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps. Evaluate outcomes after sinus surgery for chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps according to the presence of biofilms. Methods: This is a University based-tertiary care center study. The first part was a case-control study that evaluated a group of 33 consecutive patients undergoing functional endoscopic sinus surgery for chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps and a control group of 27 patients undergoing septoplasty for nasal obstruction treatment. Mucosal samples were harvested intra-operatively for scanning electron microscopic examination to determine biofilms presence. The second part was a prospective study. Preoperative and follow up data were recorded, including standardized evaluations of disease-specific quality of life related to nasal obstruction and rhinosinusitis, of nasal endoscopy and sinus computer tomography scan. Statistical analysis was performed. For all statistical tests p=0.05 was considered significant. Results: Biofilms were found in 72.7% (24/33) of chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps patients and in 48.1%(13/27) of septoplasty patients (Odds ratio = 2.87, CI95% from 0.9796 to 8.419, p=0.051). This was the first report to analyze the effect of biofilms in outcomes with standardized measures of a group of only chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps patients. Biofilms were present in 72.4% (21/29) of these patients. Patients with biofilms had a statistically significant worst preoperative score related to nasal obstruction and nasal endoscopy, but a similar median sinusitis total score. Patients with biofilms presented better Lund-Kennedy outcome (-3[5]vs.-1[2],U=46.0,p=0.036), but the best endoscopic improvement might reflect the worst clinical preoperative status. These patients had worst outcomes in SNOT-20 (-0.75[1.15]vs.-1.30[1.32],U=69.0,p=0.21) and similar outcomes in NOSE(-55.0[50.0] vs. -60.0[50.0], U=81.0,p=0.67) and Lund-Mackay (-4[5]vs.-4[4]),U=75.5,p=0.49). Patients with biofilms presented better Lund-Kennedy outcome (p=0.036). There was a correlation among some QoL outcome scores in both groups. Conclusion: Biofilms were demonstrated to be present in patients undergoing functional endoscopic sinus surgery for chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps but also in controls. Although the prevalence was not significantly different, the extremely wide 95% confidence interval, which just crosses unity, suggests that a meaningful clinical difference may have been missed because of low statistical power and that further study is necessary. Biofilms were related with worst preoperative disease-specific quality of life questionnaire (NOSE) and endoscopic evaluation (Lund-Kennedy), and better endoscopic outcome. Our findings suggest that in patients with a significant clinical improvement after surgery, the biofilm had a more predominant role in the pathophysiology of the disease. In this subgroup, the surgery probably removed the amount of biofilms needed to restore the mucosal inflammatory imbalanc
Main causes and diagnostic evaluation in patients with primary complaint of olfactory disturbances
INTRODUCTION: Establishing a diagnosis in patients with olfactory disturbances has always been challenging for physicians.One reason for this is the rarity of some of the diseases that affect this sense, such as Kallmann's syndrome and post-viral olfactory loss. OBJECTIVE: To identify the major causes of olfactory disturbances and to describe the diagnostic evaluation in outpatients attended to at an ambulatory clinic specialized in olfaction disorders. METHODS: A retrospective analysis was performed in outpatients with primary olfactory complaint attended to between June 1, 2011 and September 30, 2013 in a center specialized in olfactory disorders. Patient history, nasofibroscopy, and the University of Pennsylvania Smell Identification Test (UPSIT) comprised the examination. RESULTS: Sixty-two patients were evaluated. The major causes were chronic rhinosinusitis (31%); rhinitis, primarily the allergic type (19%); post-viral olfactory loss (13%); and post-traumatic loss (8%). UPSIT scores were statistically different among different etiologies (p = 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: The major diagnoses that should be part of the physician assessment when a patient complains of olfactory disturbance are chronic rhinosinusitis with and without polyps, allergic rhinitis, post-viral olfactory loss, and post-traumatic loss