27 research outputs found

    Validation of a new 60 MeV proton beam-line for radiation hardness testing

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    A 60 MeV proton beam-line has been developed in Nice, France, in collaboration with the Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES). Experimental results are presented here to validate the beam-line for radiation hardness testing.Comment: RADECS conference 202


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    A relação que os grupos sociais estabelecem com a natureza estĂĄ permeada pelos sistemas de representaçÔes e ideias, principalmente, os religiosos e filosĂłficos. Contudo, a trajetĂłria percorrida pela sociedade urbano-industrial, baseada no lucro, tem conduzido a sĂ©rios problemas ambientais, dentre eles o desflorestamento da AmazĂŽnia. É na busca por relaçÔes que atribuam valores nĂŁo econĂŽmicos Ă  natureza que se inicia este artigo, que analisa a relação entre a percepção do sagrado na natureza e uma Ă©tica ambiental associada a comportamentos prĂł-ecolĂłgicos. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida a partir de levantamento bibliogrĂĄfico-documental, observaçÔes diretas, anotaçÔes e entrevistas semiestruturadas dirigida aos integrantes de trĂȘs centros Daimistas, de um centro da Barquinha, e de vinte sete sedes locais da UniĂŁo do Vegetal, religiĂ”es que fazem o uso ritual do chĂĄ da Ayahuasca no Estado de RondĂŽnia/Brasil. Os resultados mostraram que, na medida em que o indivĂ­duo, de forma espontĂąnea, reconhece o sagrado na natureza, amplia paralelamente e gradualmente a sua consciĂȘncia ambiental e a sua postura Ă©tica perante o meio ambiente. Contudo, nas religiĂ”es analisadas, essas atitudes nĂŁo dependem unicamente dos adeptos que chegam, jĂĄ que alguns desses nĂŁo demonstram ter um comportamento ecolĂłgico, mas, principalmente, de diversos arranjos institucionais estabelecidos que direcionam as prĂĄticas dos mesmos na gestĂŁo sustentĂĄvel de seus territĂłrios

    Geometrical pinning of magnetic vortices induced by a deficit angle on a surface: anisotropic spins on a conic space background

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    We study magnetic vortex-like excitations lying on a conic space background. Two types of them are obtained. Their energies appear to be linearly dependent on the conical aperture parameter, besides of being logarithmically divergent with the sample size. In addition, we realize a geometrical-like pinning of the vortex, say, it is energetically favorable for it to nucleate around the conical apex. We also study the problem of two vortices on the cone and obtain an interesting effect on such a geometry: excitations of the same charge, then repealing each other, may nucleate around the apex for suitable cone apertures. We also pay attention to the problem of the vortex pair and how its dissociation temperature depends upon conical geometry.Comment: 13 pages, 06 figures, Latex. Version accepted for PHYSICS LETTERS

    Les usages militants de Facebook au Brésil. De la contestation à la mise en agenda culturel des luttes sociales

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    International audienceCette recherche explore les modes d’appropriation de Facebook par des groupes de militant‱es brĂ©silien‱nes pour coordonner des luttes sociales, en se basant sur une analyse lexicale des contenus de 529 pages, publiĂ©s entre 2013 et 2017. Deux rĂ©pertoires d’action principaux se distinguent. Facebook est mobilisĂ© comme arĂšne de contestation de l’action gouvernementale et comme outil de coordination de leurs mobilisations.Cette recherche montre plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment que les contenus artistiques et l’agenda des Ă©vĂ©nements culturels ont occupĂ© une place centrale dans ces rĂ©pertoires d’action en ligne. Ils ponctuent l’ordinaire des Ă©changes d’informations entre les militant‱es, notamment en dehors des pĂ©riodes et des Ă©vĂ©nements de cristallisation des luttes. Ils ont favorisĂ© la structuration des rĂ©seaux militants sur le moyen terme et la coordination des mouvements sociaux en crĂ©ant les conditions de rassemblements ponctuels, transversaux aux diffĂ©rents types de militantisme et aux diverses luttes sociales

    AprÚs Juin 2013. Structuration d'une gauche militante et extra-institutionnelle au Brésil

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    If the election of Jair Bolsonaro demonstrated, in 2018, the vivacity of liberal and extreme right-wing movements in the Brazilian political field, it should not obscure the slow structuring of a militant and extra-institutional left, before and after the protests in June 2013. This article analyzes this structuring of left-wing political groups by studying their publications on Facebook. This social media is at the heart of the practices of these militant networks strongly inspired by contemporary modes of media activism. It forms a way for exploring the objects of struggles and revealing the most central ones in the exchanges and claims of social movements. It then appears that this extra-institutional left does not cease to point out the limits of existing democracy and to call for a democratic renewal.Si l’élection de Jair Bolsonaro a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ©, en 2018, la vivacitĂ© des mouvements libĂ©raux et d’extrĂȘme droite dans le champ politique brĂ©silien, elle ne doit pas occulter la lente structuration d’une gauche, militante et extra-institutionnelle, en amont et en aval des grandes journĂ©es de manifestations de juin 2013. Cet article rend compte de cette structuration des collectifs de gauche en Ă©tudiant leurs publications dans Facebook. Cette plateforme numĂ©rique est centrale dans lÂŽactivitĂ© de ces rĂ©seaux militants fortement inspirĂ©s par les modes contemporains de mĂ©dia-activisme. Elle forme un rĂ©servoir permettant dÂŽexplorer les objets de lutte et en rĂ©vĂ©lant les plus centraux dans les Ă©changes et dans les revendications des mouvements sociaux. Il apparaĂźt alors que cette gauche extra-institutionnelle ne cesse de toucher du doigt les limites de la dĂ©mocratie existante et d’en appeler Ă  un renouveau dĂ©mocratique

    Digital participation of left-wing activists in Brazil: cultural events as a cement to mobilization and networked protest

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    International audienceThis research explores how Brazilian activist groups participate in Facebook to coordinate their social struggles, based on a lexical analysis of publications on 529 pages, published between 2013 and 2017. These groups set up two main repertoires of action by mobilizing Facebook as an arena for challenging political action and a tool for coordinating their mobilizations. This research shows more specifically that artistic expression and the agenda of cultural events are central to these digital action repositories. Publications and conversations related to culture punctuate the ordinary exchange of information between activists, especially during the lulls of social struggles. They structure activist networks on a medium-term basis and contribute to the coordination of social movements by creating the conditions for occasional gatherings, transversal to different types of activism and to various social struggles

    Chemical Composition and Anti-Inflammatory Activity of the Decoction from Leaves of a Cultivated Specimen of Myracrodruon urundeuva

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    Myracrodruon urundeuva (Anacardiaceae) is the scienti c designation of “aroeira-do-sertĂŁo”, a tree well dispersed at the northeastern Brazil. The medicinal use of this plant is widespread throughout the rural population and the inner trunk bark decoction is used to treat cutaneous affections, urinary and respiratory diseases, and gynecological problems. “Aroeira-do-sertĂŁo” has been included in the list of native species under extinction threat. In order to nd a sustainable source of the plant, seedlings have been cultivated. The purpose of this work was to investigate the chemical composition of the decoction from leaves of cultivated plants (aqueous extract from Myracrodruon urundeuva (AEMU)) and its anti-in ammatory activity on human neutrophils. The addition of AEMU on cells suspension inhibited signi cantly its activation/degranulation induced by phorbol myristate acetate. AEMU since at 50 ÎŒg mL-1 showed better pattern of inhibitions when related to indomethacin, non- selective cyclooxygenase inhibitor used as reference anti-in ammatory. The decoction fractionation was performed by high-speed counter-current chromatography (HSCCC) and semi-preparative high- performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) using a phenyl column as the stationary phase, allowing the isolation of 24 compounds. These results showed how the AEMU is rich in bioactive metabolites, which probably contribute for the anti-in ammatory effects of this plant extract, modulating the degranulation of human neutrophils, one of the pro-in ammatory mechanism of these cells

    Northeast Asian Security Cooperative: Opportunities and Obstacles for a Multilateral U.S. Approach to Asia-Pacific Diplomacy

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    Created as part of the 2010 Jackson School for International Studies SIS 495: Task Force. Christopher Jones, Task Force Advisor; Kenneth C. Brill, Evaluator; Jordan Swarthout, Coordinator