773 research outputs found

    Experiential Learning and Teaching: One EPP’s Journey Facilitating Clinical Teaching during COVID-19

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    Introduction When circumstances change in the blink of an eye, educators are accustomed to monitoring and adjusting to do whatever it takes to help students be successful. Little did we know that the requisite skills of being nimble, flexible problem solvers would be stretched to the limit as educators around the world addressed the massive educational changes that occurred in response to the global pandemic. Through their commitment to following best practices in educator preparation and ongoing collaboration with many stake holders, the West Texas A & M University’s (WTAMU’s) Educator Preparation Program (EPP) faced the challenges of the COVID-19 quarantine while supporting 90 clinical teachers in completing their vital clinical teaching experience. This included making an overnight shift from “actual” face-to-face teaching to delivering lessons in new “authentic” virtual learning environments

    Complete RNA inverse folding: computational design of functional hammerhead ribozymes

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    Nanotechnology and synthetic biology currently constitute one of the most innovative, interdisciplinary fields of research, poised to radically transform society in the 21st century. This paper concerns the synthetic design of ribonucleic acid molecules, using our recent algorithm, RNAiFold, which can determine all RNA sequences whose minimum free energy secondary structure is a user-specified target structure. Using RNAiFold, we design ten cis-cleaving hammerhead ribozymes, all of which are shown to be functional by a cleavage assay. We additionally use RNAiFold to design a functional cis-cleaving hammerhead as a modular unit of a synthetic larger RNA. Analysis of kinetics on this small set of hammerheads suggests that cleavage rate of computationally designed ribozymes may be correlated with positional entropy, ensemble defect, structural flexibility/rigidity and related measures. Artificial ribozymes have been designed in the past either manually or by SELEX (Systematic Evolution of Ligands by Exponential Enrichment); however, this appears to be the first purely computational design and experimental validation of novel functional ribozymes. RNAiFold is available at http://bioinformatics.bc.edu/clotelab/RNAiFold/.Comment: 17 pages, 2 tables, 7 figures, final version to appear in Nucleic Acids Researc

    The impact of a sliding schedule down payment policy on self-pay patients\u27 access to elective surgery

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    Purpose: Previous research investigating a 50% down payment policy for elective surgeries demonstrated that a substantial number of self pay patients failed to receive recommended surgery due to the down payment cost. The current study analyzes the effect of a new, more liberal sliding scale down payment policy implemented at this same public hospital and assesses the impact on health care access for self pay patients. Methods: Data was collected from the admissions office and the pre-operative assessment office where elective surgery cancellation reasons were recorded. Chi-square tests were used to determine the statistical significance between data sets. Results: 448 recorded cancellations were documented over an 8 month period. Of those records, 6.9% (n=31) were self pay patients and 93% (n=417) had insurance. Of the 31 self pay patients, 51.6% (n=16) had cancelled stating financial reasons, while 4.8% (n=20) of the insured canceled for financial reasons (p\u3c0.0001). In comparison to the previous study performed by Kaufman and Chavez, the results revealed a 50% decrease in the number of self pay patients failing to receive recommended surgery. Of those self pay patients who did not receive surgery, there was no significant difference in the rate of canceling for financial reasons (p=0.18). Conclusions: Despite gender or race, self-pay patients cancel elective surgeries at a rate significantly greater than insured patients. The more liberal sliding scale down payment policy appears effective in reducing the overall number of self pay patients who decline elective surgery for financial reasons. Self pay patients are still facing financial barriers to health care access despite the sliding scale payment policy

    Maternal Antibody and ASD: Clinical Data and Animal Models

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    Over the past several decades there has been an increasing interest in the role of environmental factors in the etiology of neuropsychiatric and neurodevelopmental disorders. Epidemiologic studies have shifted from an exclusive focus on the identification of genetic risk alleles for such disorders to recognizing and understanding the contribution of xenobiotic exposures, infections, and the maternal immune system during the prenatal and early post-natal periods. In this review we discuss the growing literature regarding the effects of maternal brain-reactive antibodies on fetal brain development and their contribution to the development of neuropsychiatric and neurodevelopmental disorders. Autoimmune diseases primarily affect women and are more prevalent in mothers of children with neurodevelopmental disorders. For example, mothers of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) are significantly more likely to have an autoimmune disease than women of neurotypically developing children. Moreover, they are four to five times more likely to harbor brain-reactive antibodies than unselected women of childbearing age. Many of these women exhibit no apparent clinical consequence of harboring these antibodies, presumably because the antibodies never access brain tissue. Nevertheless, these maternal brain-reactive antibodies can access the fetal brain, and some may be capable of altering brain development when present during pregnancy. Several animal models have provided evidence that in utero exposure to maternal brain-reactive antibodies can permanently alter brain anatomy and cause persistent behavioral or cognitive phenotypes. Although this evidence supports a contribution of maternal brain-reactive antibodies to neurodevelopmental disorders, an interplay between antibodies, genetics, and other environmental factors is likely to determine the specific neurodevelopmental phenotypes and their severity. Additional modulating factors likely also include the microbiome, sex chromosomes, and gonadal hormones. These interactions may help to explain the sex-bias observed in neurodevelopmental disorders. Studies on this topic provide a unique opportunity to learn how to identify and protect at risk pregnancies while also deciphering critical pathways in neurodevelopment

    Saúde e educação na ditadura de Batista e transformações das políticas cubanas pós-revolução

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    O artigo analisa como as políticas públicas de saúde e educação em Cuba durante a ditadura de Fulgencio Batista Zaldívar (1952/1958) não atenderam as preocupações e necessidades da população. Essa situação gerou, naquele período, o sofrimento por doenças curáveis, mortes prematuras de crianças, analfabetismo e também a falta de participação da sociedade na solução dos problemas. Após a Revolução (a partir de 1959), foram implementadas mudanças significativas para melhorar a saúde e a educação, tais como a campanha de alfabetização e outros programas para garantir o acesso universal e gratuito aos serviços com qualidade que se tornaram direitos fundamentais, com foco no trabalho preventivo e comunitário, e o sistema de educação integral que se tornou referência para outros povos. É importante ressaltar que, após mais de 60 anos de bloqueio econômico dos Estados Unidos, a COVID-19, assim como outros fatores limitantes internos, condicionaram um impacto negativo na vida econômica e social do país, contudo, ao mesmo tempo, estimularam a resistência do país e o desenvolvimento de inovações

    Programa de tutoría para desarrollar la asetividad en los estudiantes del tercer grado de educación primaria de la institución educativa "Fanny Abanto Calle" - José Leonardo Ortiz

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    El objetivo del estudio fue determinar la efectividad de un Programa de Tutoría para desarrollar la asertividad de un grupo de estudiantes de Educación Primaria, con problemas de agresividad y timidez. La muestra estuvo constituida por un número de 32 estudiantes entre 08 y 09 años, de ambos sexos. Se trata de un solo grupo con pre y post test. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron un cuestionario incluyendo 30 ítems. El programa de tutoría consistió en administrar al grupo de estudiantes, una sesión de intervención semanal de dos horas de duración durante un trimestre escolar. Las actividades del programa estimulan la comunicación, la interacción amistosa y cooperativa, el control de la ira, la autoestima, los derechos asertivos, el respeto, etc . La evaluación de los logros alcanzados en lo referente a la habilidad asertividad demuestra que se ha logrado una mejor comunicación del grupo, por haberse generado actitudes positivas en las relaciones interpersonales del grupo, así como un mejor cumplimiento de las normas de disciplina, la participación de las estudiantes en la elaboración de las normas de convivencia, a saber agradecer, a elogiar, a no insultar, a no gritar en el aula, a pedir disculpar, a saber agradecer. En esta misma perspectiva los resultados confirman un incremento significativo de la asertividad, y de las estrategias cognitivas asertivas de solución de situaciones sociales conflictivas, así como una disminución de las conductas de agresividad y timidez

    Modelo de gestión financiera de la Terminal de Transportes de Melgar

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    Diseñar un modelo de gestión operativa y financiera que apoye la toma de decisiones de la gerencia de la Terminal de Transportes de Melgar 2021Para toda organización es importante tener la información a la mano con el fin de comunicar a los accionistas, Junta Directiva y al gerente todos los resultados operacionales, contables y financieros que pueda permitir una toma de decisiones. Por lo anterior, se efectuó un estudio en el cual se evidencia la necesidad de generar un plan de mejora para la Terminal de Transportes de Melgar; por ello se crea un modelo financiero que compile la información y la procese de manera fácil y ágil y con esto se convierta en una herramienta que permita observar la situación financiera real y así realizar diagnóstico sobre lo desarrollado. Es importante entender que lo que se pretende con este modelo no se limita a definir conceptos, pues mediante el tipo de investigación exploratorio-Descriptivo se identifica la situación real de la Terminal a partir de situaciones que no han sido objeto de un análisis profundo. Al abordar las características financieras de la Terminal de Transportes de Melgar, mediante el ciclo PHVA (planear, hacer, verificar y actuar) de lo general a lo particular, permite cumplir con el objetivo trazado de generar una herramienta fácil de la medición de la gestión, considerada como la columna vertebral de todas las estrategias empresariales. De acuerdo con la información recolectada y los análisis de esta, se logra estructurar el modelo de gestión financiera, el cual cuenta con un cuadro de mando alimentado con la situación de este, basada en resultados reales que permite validar indicadores que evalúan la gestión permitiendo ser medibles, entendibles y controlables Dentro de las grandes ventajas que genera esta herramienta es la de permitir a la alta dirección hacer un seguimiento y monitoreo de todos los parámetros de la gestión financiera, facilitando la toma de decisiones asertivas que generen un impacto positivo a través del alcance de los planes de mejoramiento y las acciones correctivas definidas. Este modelo financiero pretende servir de patrón estándar de buenas prácticas financieras y como soporte para entender mejor la situación real y cuantificar el riesgo a la hora de tomar una u otra decisión, de manera que sus directivos puedan tomar mejores decisiones en el proceso de planificación.For every organization it is important to have the information at hand in order to communicate to the shareholders, the Board of Directors and the manager all the operational, accounting and financial results that can allow decision-making. Therefore, a study was carried out which shows the need to generate an improvement plan for the Melgar Transport Terminal; For this reason, a financial model is created that compiles the information and processes it in an easy and agile way and with this it becomes a tool that allows observing the real financial situation and thus making a diagnosis of what has been developed. It is important to understand that what is intended with this model is not limited to defining concepts, because through the type of exploratory-descriptive research the real situation of the Terminal is identified from situations that have not been the subject of a deep analysis. By addressing the financial characteristics of the Melgar Transport Terminal, through the PHVA cycle (plan, do, verify and act) from the general to the particular, it allows to fulfill the objective set of generating an easy tool for the measurement of management , considered as the backbone of all business strategies. According to the information collected and its analysis, it is possible to structure the financial management model, which has a scorecard fed with the situation of this, based on real results that allows to validate indicators that evaluate the management allowing to be measurable, understandable and controllable Among the great advantages generated by this tool is that it allows senior management to follow up and monitor all the parameters of financial management, facilitating assertive decision making that generates a positive impact through the scope of the financial management plans. improvement and defined corrective actions. This financial model is intended to serve as a standard pattern of good financial practices and as a support to better understand the real situation and quantify the risk when making one or another decision, so that its managers can make better decisions in the planning process

    Endeudamiento empresarial y rentabilidad de la asociación de productores agropecuarios ande peruanos, Jaén 2022

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    Se consideró como objetivo general: analizar cómo el endeudamiento empresarial aumenta la rentabilidad de la asociación de productores agropecuarios Ande Peruanos, Jaén 2022, para ello, se estableció una metodología cualitativa, de diseño fenomenológico, con estudio de caso, análisis de los estados financieros y descriptivo. Los resultados revelaron que, en 2022, la Asociación de Productores Agropecuarios Ande Peruanos en Jaén enfrentaba problemas financieros. Su endeudamiento corporativo era central, con una deuda significativa de 1,386,778.00 nuevos soles, 5.91 veces su patrimonio neto. Aunque alcanzaron un ROE del 44,43%, un análisis ajustado mostró que la deuda no afectaba negativamente a la rentabilidad. Sin embargo, preocupaba su capacidad para cubrir los gastos financieros y controlar los costes administrativos y de producción. El descenso de la rentabilidad planteaba a la organización riesgos financieros, de impago de la deuda y de sostenibilidad a largo plazo. Se concluye que la Asociación de Productores Agropecuarios Ande Peruanos presenta una intrigante historia empresarial de acuerdo a los datos financieros; estos datos revelaron una serie de retos y oportunidades en su gestión, especialmente en sus activos y pasivos; el tema del endeudamiento corporativo destaca en este análisis, pues se observa un pasivo total considerable en comparación con el patrimonio neto