26 research outputs found

    Zeeman effect of the hyperfine structure levels in hydrogenlike ions

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    The fully relativistic theory of the Zeeman splitting of the 1s1s hyperfine structure levels in hydrogenlike ions is considered for the magnetic field magnitude in the range from 1 to 10 T. The second-order corrections to the Breit -- Rabi formula are calculated and discussed. The results can be used for a precise determination of nuclear magnetic moments from gg factor experiments.Comment: 13 page

    Flavor Changing Supersymmetry Interactions in a Supernova

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    We consider for the first time R-parity violating interactions of the Minimal Standard Supersymmetric Model involving neutrinos and quarks (``flavor changing neutral currents'', FCNC's) in the infall stage of stellar collapse. Our considerations extend to other kinds of flavor changing neutrino reactions as well. We examine non-forward neutrino scattering processes on heavy nuclei and free nucleons in the supernova core. This investigation has led to four principal original discoveries/products: (1) first calculation of neutrino flavor changing cross sections for spin one half (e.g. free nucleon) and spin zero nuclear targets; (2) discovery of nuclear mass number squared (A squared) coherent amplification of neutrino-quark FCNC's; (3) analysis of FCNC-induced alteration of electron capture and weak/nuclear equilibrium in the collapsing core; and (4) generalization of the calculated cross sections (mentioned in 1) for the case of hot heavy nuclei to be used in collapse/supernova and neutrino transport simulations. The scattering processes that we consider allow electron neutrinos to change flavor during core collapse, thereby opening holes in the electron neutrino sea, which allows electron capture to proceed and results in a lower core electron fraction. A lower electron fraction implies a lower homologous core mass, a lower shock energy, and a greater nuclear photo-disintegration burden for the shock. In addition, unlike the standard supernova model, the core now could have net muon and/or tau lepton numbers. These effects could be significant even for supersymmetric couplings below current experimental bounds.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figures, typos corrected, abstract modifided, minor additions to conten

    Status of a Supersymmetric Flavour Violating Solution to the Solar Neutrino Puzzle with Three Generations

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    We present a general study of a three neutrino flavour transition model based on the supersymmetric interactions which violate R-parity. These interactions induce flavour violating scattering reactions between solar matter and neutrinos. The model does not contain any vacuum mass or mixing angle for the first generation neutrino. Instead, the effective mixing in the first generation is induced via the new interactions. The model provides a natural interpretation of the atmospheric neutrino anomaly, and is consistent with reactor experiments. We determine all R-parity violating couplings which can contribute to the effective neutrino oscillations, and summarize the present laboratory bounds. Independent of the specific nature of the (supersymmetric) flavour violating model, the experimental data on the solar neutrino rates and the recoil electron energy spectrum are inconsistent with the theoretical predictions. The confidence level of the χ2\chi^2-analysis ranges between 104\sim 10^{-4} and 103\sim 10^{-3}. The incompatibility, is due to the new SNO results, and excludes the present model. We conclude that a non-vanishing vacuum mixing angle for the first generation neutrino is necessary in our model. We expect this also to apply to the solutions based on other flavour violating interactions having constraints of the same order of magnitude.Comment: 17 pages, Latex fil

    Oscillation enhanced search for new interaction with neutrinos

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    We discuss the measurement of new physics in long baseline neutrino oscillation experiments. Through the neutrino oscillation, the probability to detect the new physics effects such as flavor violation is enhanced by the interference with the weak interaction. We carefully explain the situations that the interference can take place. Assuming a neutrino factory and an upgraded conventional beam, we estimate the feasibility to observe new physics numerically and point out that we can search new interactions using some channels, for example νμνμ\nu_{\mu} \to \nu_{\mu}, in these experiments. We also discuss several models which induce the effective interactions interfering with the weak interaction, and show that some new physics effects are large enough to be observed in the oscillation enhanced way.Comment: 25 pages, 20 figure

    Gravitational-wave research as an emerging field in the Max Planck Society. The long roots of GEO600 and of the Albert Einstein Institute

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    On the occasion of the 50th anniversary since the beginning of the search for gravitational waves at the Max Planck Society, and in coincidence with the 25th anniversary of the foundation of the Albert Einstein Institute, we explore the interplay between the renaissance of general relativity and the advent of relativistic astrophysics following the German early involvement in gravitational-wave research, to the point when gravitational-wave detection became established by the appearance of full-scale detectors and international collaborations. On the background of the spectacular astrophysical discoveries of the 1960s and the growing role of relativistic astrophysics, Ludwig Biermann and his collaborators at the Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics in Munich became deeply involved in research related to such new horizons. At the end of the 1960s, Joseph Weber's announcements claiming detection of gravitational waves sparked the decisive entry of this group into the field, in parallel with the appointment of the renowned relativist Juergen Ehlers. The Munich area group of Max Planck institutes provided the fertile ground for acquiring a leading position in the 1970s, facilitating the experimental transition from resonant bars towards laser interferometry and its innovation at increasingly large scales, eventually moving to a dedicated site in Hannover in the early 1990s. The Hannover group emphasized perfecting experimental systems at pilot scales, and never developed a full-sized detector, rather joining the LIGO Scientific Collaboration at the end of the century. In parallel, the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute) had been founded in Potsdam, and both sites, in Hannover and Potsdam, became a unified entity in the early 2000s and were central contributors to the first detection of gravitational waves in 2015.Comment: 94 pages. Enlarged version including new results from further archival research. A previous version appears as a chapter in the volume The Renaissance of General Relativity in Context, edited by A. Blum, R. Lalli and J. Renn (Boston: Birkhauser, 2020

    Beitrag zum Verhalten des Reststickstoffs bei schwerer Muskelarbeit

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