118 research outputs found

    From Outsiders to On-Paper Equals to Cultural Curiosities? The Trajectory of Diversity in the USA

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    This paper examines the genesis and trajectory of diversity in the USA. It argues that unfortunately diversity was more a product of market interests and differential processes in the recruitment of workers at different times and for different purposes than a smooth process of incorporation of immigrant groups from different cultures and continents. At the end, diversity assumed a highly hierarchical form with blacks at the bottom and whites at the top within a framework of manifest destiny and inequality. Confronting an unequal status, non-whites engaged in group-based struggles that transformed them into political communities and the process into a social struggle. The paper concludes with a call for European countries to learn from this experience and try to preempt it by moving to incorporate newcomers in such a way that they become fully contributing members of the societies they enter within a mutually transforming processDiversity, Race Relations, Racial Politics, Immigrants, Identity Formation

    Minimally invasive robotic surgery: force and torque analysis

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    La cirugía mínimamente invasiva y la incorporación de la robótica en este tipo de procedimientos representa grandes ventajas para el paciente, el cirujano y los sistemas de salud. Sin embargo, los dispositivos comerciales disponibles en la actualidad no cuentan con realimentación de fuerza y tacto, que faciliten al cirujano la identificación de los tejidos y consecuentemente, la reducción de errores en los procedimientos quirúrgicos; por lo cual, el desarrollo de sistemas que cuenten con este tipo de realimentación se convierte en un tema de interés a nivel mundial. El presente artículo contiene una revisión del estado de la técnica con respecto a los sistemas comerciales y experimentales desarrollados en esta área. También, se presentan algunos sensores y modelos matemáticos utilizados para calcular las fuerzas y torques en cirugía mínimamente invasiva.Minimally Invasive Surgery and the adaptation of robotics to these procedures represent many advantages for the patient, the surgeon, and the health program. However, commercial devices used nowadays lack haptic feedback. This fact makes the tissue identification more difficult and increments the injuries risk during the surgical procedure. The development of systems with this kind of feedback has become a topic of interest throughout the world. The present article contains a revision of the state of the art about commercial and experimental systems developed in this area. Models for the force and torque propagation, used in Minimally Invasive Surgery, are also presented

    Structure and function of an insect α-carboxylesterase (α Esterase 7) associated with insecticide resistance

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    Insect carboxylesterases from the αEsterase gene cluster, such as αE7 (also known as E3) from the Australian sheep blowfly Lucilia cuprina (LcαE7), play an important physiological role in lipid metabolism and are implicated in the detoxification of or

    Invasive Lionfish Drive Atlantic Coral Reef Fish Declines

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    Indo-Pacific lionfish (Pterois volitans and P. miles) have spread swiftly across the Western Atlantic, producing a marine predator invasion of unparalleled speed and magnitude. There is growing concern that lionfish will affect the structure and function of invaded marine ecosystems, however detrimental impacts on natural communities have yet to be measured. Here we document the response of native fish communities to predation by lionfish populations on nine coral reefs off New Providence Island, Bahamas. We assessed lionfish diet through stomach contents analysis, and quantified changes in fish biomass through visual surveys of lionfish and native fishes at the sites over time. Lionfish abundance increased rapidly between 2004 and 2010, by which time lionfish comprised nearly 40% of the total predator biomass in the system. The increase in lionfish abundance coincided with a 65% decline in the biomass of the lionfish's 42 Atlantic prey fishes in just two years. Without prompt action to control increasing lionfish populations, similar effects across the region may have long-term negative implications for the structure of Atlantic marine communities, as well as the societies and economies that depend on them

    Mapping the sex determination locus in the hāpuku (Polyprion oxygeneios) using ddRAD sequencing

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    Background  Hāpuku (Polyprion oxygeneios) is a member of the wreckfish family (Polyprionidae) and is highly regarded as a food fish. Although adults grow relatively slowly, juveniles exhibit low feed conversion ratios and can reach market size in 1–2 years, makingP. oxygeneiosa strong candidate for aquaculture. However, they can take over 5years to reach sexual maturity in captivity and are not externally sexually dimorphic, complicating many aspects of broodstock management. Understanding the sex determination system ofP. oxygeneiosand developing accurate assays to assign genetic sex will contribute significantly towards its full-scale commercialisation.  Results  DNA from parents and sexed offspring (n = 57) from a single family of captive bredP. oxygeneioswas used as a template for double digestion Restriction-site Associated DNA (ddRAD) sequencing. Two libraries were constructed usingSbfI–SphI andSbfI –NcoI restriction enzyme combinations, respectively. Two runs on an Illumina MiSeq platform generated 70,266,464 raw reads, identifying 19,669 RAD loci. A combined sex linkage map (1367cM) was constructed based on 1575 Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) markers that resolved into 35 linkage groups. Sex-specific linkage maps were of similar size (1132 and 1168cM for male and female maps respectively). A single major sex-determining locus, found to be heterogametic in males, was mapped to linkage group 14. Several markers were found to be in strong linkage disequilibrium with the sex-determining locus. Allele-specific PCR assays were developed for two of these markers, SphI6331 and SphI8298, and demonstrated to accurately differentiate sex in progeny within the same pedigree. Comparative genomic analyses indicated that many of the linkage groups within theP. oxygeneiosmap share a relatively high degree of homology with those published for the European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax).  Conclusion  P. oxygeneioshas an XX/XY sex determination system. Evaluation of allele-specific PCR assays, based on the two SNP markers most closely associated with phenotypic sex, indicates that a simple molecular assay for sexingP. oxygeneiosshould be readily attainable. The high degree of synteny observed withD. labraxshould aid further molecular genetic study and exploitation of hāpuku as a food fish

    SHANK proteins limit integrin activation by directly interacting with Rap1 and R-Ras

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    SHANK3, a synaptic scaffold protein and actin regulator, is widely expressed outside of the central nervous system with predominantly unknown function. Solving the structure of the SHANK3 N-terminal region revealed that the SPN domain is an unexpected Ras-association domain with high affinity for GTP-bound Ras and Rap G-proteins. The role of Rap1 in integrin activation is well established but the mechanisms to antagonize it remain largely unknown. Here, we show that SHANK1 and SHANK3 act as integrin activation inhibitors by sequestering active Rap1 and R-Ras via the SPN domain and thus limiting their bioavailability at the plasma membrane. Consistently, SHANK3 silencing triggers increased plasma membrane Rap1 activity, cell spreading, migration and invasion. Autism-related mutations within the SHANK3 SPN domain (R12C and L68P) disrupt G-protein interaction and fail to counteract integrin activation along the Rap1-RIAM-talin axis in cancer cells and neurons. Altogether, we establish SHANKs as critical regulators of G-protein signalling and integrin-dependent processes

    A novel approach of homozygous haplotype sharing identifies candidate genes in autism spectrum disorder

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    Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a highly heritable disorder of complex and heterogeneous aetiology. It is primarily characterized by altered cognitive ability including impaired language and communication skills and fundamental deficits in social reciprocity. Despite some notable successes in neuropsychiatric genetics, overall, the high heritability of ASD (~90%) remains poorly explained by common genetic risk variants. However, recent studies suggest that rare genomic variation, in particular copy number variation, may account for a significant proportion of the genetic basis of ASD. We present a large scale analysis to identify candidate genes which may contain low-frequency recessive variation contributing to ASD while taking into account the potential contribution of population differences to the genetic heterogeneity of ASD. Our strategy, homozygous haplotype (HH) mapping, aims to detect homozygous segments of identical haplotype structure that are shared at a higher frequency amongst ASD patients compared to parental controls. The analysis was performed on 1,402 Autism Genome Project trios genotyped for 1 million single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). We identified 25 known and 1,218 novel ASD candidate genes in the discovery analysis including CADM2, ABHD14A, CHRFAM7A, GRIK2, GRM3, EPHA3, FGF10, KCND2, PDZK1, IMMP2L and FOXP2. Furthermore, 10 of the previously reported ASD genes and 300 of the novel candidates identified in the discovery analysis were replicated in an independent sample of 1,182 trios. Our results demonstrate that regions of HH are significantly enriched for previously reported ASD candidate genes and the observed association is independent of gene size (odds ratio 2.10). Our findings highlight the applicability of HH mapping in complex disorders such as ASD and offer an alternative approach to the analysis of genome-wide association data

    Why ‘Good Governance’ Fails: Lessons from Regional Economic Development in Colombia

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    By critically reviewing different strands of literature on institutional change and development, this essay argues that, in order to fully understand subnational economic development, we need to move away from ‘good governance' explanations in which geography‐specific analyses of power structures and elite interests are largely absent. Using findings for Colombia and insights from economic geography and heterodox political economy theories, this essay gives theoretical and conceptual guidelines and approximations for future studies on regional economic development. The contribution provides a place‐based discussion of how the historically evolved distribution of power balances, context‐specific elite interests, and the interaction between place‐bound actors and place‐less dynamics affect subnational institutional arrangements shaping policies and development outcomes. The conclusions drawn are not limited to Colombia and will prove beneficial to researchers studying regional economic development in subnational contexts elsewhere in the world