1 research outputs found

    Lifetime production of high-yielding dairy cows

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    Lifetime milk production is a key success factor in fulfilling the production potential of high-yielding cows. Lifetime milk production traits are pronouncedly variable. The life expectancy and the length of productive life of dairy cows are repeatedly limiting factors for improving lifetime milk production. Lifetime milk production is greatly depended on age at first calving and the number of lactations during productive life. Previous researches have implied there are real chances for improving the lifetime milk production of high-yielding cows. The goal of this research was to investigate the significance of key systematic factors on the lifetime production of high-yielding Black-and-White cows. The animals included in the sample had different share of Holstein genes. The researchers determined systematic factors that caused some significant phenotypic variations of the investigated trait. The average lifetime milk production was 25,002.66±7,755.39 kg. When observed by cow genotypes, the mean values of the lifetime milk production varied from 27,061.37 kg (73% HF). The differences in lifetime milk production determined among the animals were due to a highly significant (p≤0.01) impact of the bulls - the sires of the cows and the year of culling; the impact of the class of HF genes was significant (p≤0.05), whereas the impact of the reason for culling was non-significant (p>0.05)