27 research outputs found

    Retinoids Regulate the Formation and Degradation of Gap Junctions in Androgen-Responsive Human Prostate Cancer Cells

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    The retinoids, the natural or synthetic derivatives of Vitamin A (retinol), are essential for the normal development of prostate and have been shown to modulate prostate cancer progression in vivo as well as to modulate growth of several prostate cancer cell lines. 9-cis-retinoic acid and all-trans-retinoic acid are the two most important metabolites of retinol. Gap junctions, formed of proteins called connexins, are ensembles of intercellular channels that permit the exchange of small growth regulatory molecules between adjoining cells. Gap junctional communication is instrumental in the control of cell growth. We examined the effect of 9-cis-retinoic acid and all-trans retinoic acid on the formation and degradation of gap junctions as well as on junctional communication in an androgen-responsive prostate cancer cell line, LNCaP, which expressed retrovirally introduced connexin32, a connexin expressed by the luminal cells and well-differentiated cells of prostate tumors. Our results showed that 9-cis-retinoic acid and all-trans retinoic acid enhanced the assembly of connexin32 into gap junctions. Our results further showed that 9-cis-retinoic acid and all-trans-retinoic acid prevented androgen-regulated degradation of gap junctions, post-translationally, independent of androgen receptor mediated signaling. Finally, our findings showed that formation of gap junctions sensitized connexin32-expressing LNCaP cells to the growth modifying effects of 9-cis-retinoic acid, all-trans-retinoic acid and androgens. Thus, the effects of retinoids and androgens on growth and the formation and degradation of gap junctions and their function might be related to their ability to modulate prostate growth and cancer

    Quantitative proteomics of delirium cerebrospinal fluid

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    Delirium is a common cause and complication of hospitalization in older people, being associated with higher risk of future dementia and progression of existing dementia. However relatively little data are available on which biochemical pathways are dysregulated in the brain during delirium episodes, whether there are protein expression changes common among delirium subjects and whether there are any changes which correlate with the severity of delirium. We now present the first proteomic analysis of delirium cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), and one of few studies exploring protein expression changes in delirium. More than 270 proteins were identified in two delirium cohorts, 16 of which were dysregulated in at least 8 of 17 delirium subjects compared with a mild Alzheimer's disease neurological control group, and 31 proteins were significantly correlated with cognitive scores (mini-mental state exam and acute physiology and chronic health evaluation III). Bioinformatics analyses revealed expression changes in several protein family groups, including apolipoproteins, secretogranins/chromogranins, clotting/fibrinolysis factors, serine protease inhibitors and acute-phase response elements. These data not only provide confirmatory evidence that the inflammatory response is a component of delirium, but also reveal dysregulation of protein expression in a number of novel and unexpected clusters of proteins, in particular the granins. Another surprising outcome of this work is the level of similarity of CSF protein profiles in delirium patients, given the diversity of causes of this syndrome. These data provide additional elements for consideration in the pathophysiology of delirium as well as potential biomarker candidates for delirium diagnosis

    “Milk on Ice”: A detailed analysis of Ernest Shackleton's century-old whole milk powder in comparison with modern counterparts

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    ABSTRACT: Whole milk powder (WMP) manufactured in New Zealand in 1907 was sent to the Antarctic continent with the Shackleton-led British Antarctic Expedition from 1907 to 1909. This powder was stored at ambient conditions at Shackleton's Hut at Cape Royds, Antarctica, for over 100 yr before a sample was collected on behalf of Fonterra by the Antarctic Heritage Trust. Having spent most of its existence both dried and in frozen storage, any deleterious reactions within the WMP would have been markedly retarded. The composition and some properties of the roller-dried Shackleton's WMP are reported along with those of 2 modern spray-dried New Zealand WMP. The Shackleton powder was less white and more yellow than the modern WMP and was composed of flakes rather than agglomerated particles, consistent with that expected of a roller-dried powder. Headspace analysis showed lipolytic and oxidative volatile compounds were present in the Shackleton WMP, indicting some deterioration of the milk either before powder manufacture or on storage of the finished product. On a moisture-free basis, the Shackleton WMP had higher protein, higher fat (with a markedly higher free fat level), higher ash, and a lower lactose level than the modern WMP. The lysine level was lower in the Shackleton WMP compared with the spray-dried powders, whereas the fatty acid composition was relatively similar. The sodium level was markedly higher in the Shackleton WMP compared with the spray-dried powder, which is probably due to the addition of an alkaline sodium salt to adjust the pH of the milk before roller drying. Lead, iron, and tin levels were markedly higher in the Shackleton WMP compared with the spray-dried powders, possibly due to the equipment used in powder manufacture and the tin-plated cases used for storage. The proteins in the Shackleton WMP were more lactosylated than in the spray-dried powders. The Shackleton WMP had a higher ratio of κ-casein A to B variants and a higher ratio of β-lactoglobulin B to A variants than the spray-dried powders, whereas the αS1-casein, β-casein, αS2-casein, and α-lactalbumin protein variants were similar in all powders. The total phospholipid content was markedly lower in the Shackleton WMP than the spray-dried powders, primarily due to a lower phosphatidylethanolamine concentration. The molecular species distributions within the phospholipid classes were generally similar in the 3 powders. Claims are sometimes encountered that the milk of today is different from that consumed by previous generations. However, this comparative study has shown that the Shackleton WMP was generally similar to modern WMP. Although differences in some components and properties were observed, these were attributable to the manufacturing equipment and processes used in the pioneering years of WMP manufacture

    Human Milk Oligosaccharide, Phospholipid, and Ganglioside Concentrations in Breast Milk from United Arab Emirates Mothers: Results from the MISC Cohort

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    Human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs), phospholipids (PLs), and gangliosides (GAs) are components of human breast milk that play important roles in the development of the rapidly growing infant. The differences in these components in human milk from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) were studied in a cross-sectional trial. High-performance liquid chromatography‒mass spectrometry was used to determine HMO, PL, and GA concentrations in transitional (5–15 days) and mature (at 6 months post-partum) breast milk of mothers of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The results showed that the average HMO (12 species), PL (7 species), and GA (2 species) concentrations quantified in the UAE mothers’ transitional milk samples were (in mg/L) 8204 ± 2389, 269 ± 89, and 21.18 ± 11.46, respectively, while in mature milk, the respective concentrations were (in mg/L) 3905 ± 1466, 220 ± 85, and 20.18 ± 9.75. The individual HMO concentrations measured in this study were all significantly higher in transitional milk than in mature milk, except for 3 fucosyllactose, which was higher in mature milk. In this study, secretor and non-secretor phenotype mothers showed no significant difference in the total HMO concentration. For the PL and GA components, changes in the individual PL and GA species distribution was observed between transitional milk and mature milk. However, the changes were within the ranges found in human milk from other regions

    Ganglioside Composition in Beef, Chicken, Pork, and Fish Determined Using Liquid Chromatography–High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry

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    Gangliosides (GA) are found in animal tissues and fluids, such as blood and milk. These sialo-glycosphingolipids have bioactivities in neural development, the gastrointestinal tract, and the immune system. In this study, a high-performance liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (HPLC–MS) method was validated to characterize and quantitate the GA in beef, chicken, pork, and fish species (turbot, snapper, king salmon, and island mackerel). For the first time, we report the concentration of GM<sub>3</sub>, the dominant GA in these foods, as ranging from 0.35 to 1.1 mg/100 g and 0.70 to 5.86 mg/100 g of meat and fish, respectively. The minor GAs measured were GD<sub>3</sub>, GD<sub>1a</sub>, GD<sub>1b</sub>, and GT<sub>1b</sub>. Molecular species distribution revealed that the GA contained long- to very-long-chain acyl fatty acids attached to the ceramide moiety. Fish GA contained only <i>N</i>-acetylneuraminic acid (NeuAc) sialic acid, while beef, chicken, and pork contained GD<sub>1a/b</sub> species that incorporated both NeuAc and <i>N</i>-glycolylneuraminic acid (NeuGc) and hydroxylated fatty acids