120 research outputs found

    Interpreting mega-development projects as territorial traps: the case of irrigation schemes on the shores of Lake Chad (Borno State, Nigeria)

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    From the colonial era up to the present, mega-irrigation projects for agriculture have played a key role in the production of state space in Sahelian Africa. Transferring a concept proposed by Agnew (1994) onto a different scale, it is possible to interpret these mega-projects as \u201cterritorial traps\u201d. In fact, they set up boundaries (physical, relational, cognitive and operative) that force evolutive trajectories of the areas involved along rigid pathways. In the aftermath of the systematic failure of the mega-projects, farmers are faced with constraints determined by the trap imposed, without having any of the promised benefits in terms of productive growth, i.e. income. In many situations, the farmers have identified \u201ca means of escape\u201d from these catastrophes by transgressing the boundaries imposed by the territorial traps and reintroducing parts of the infrastructure to a common use. The case study presented regards the irrigation mega-projects on the shores of Lake Chad, in Nigeria

    Cómo la réplica del modelo del distrito industrial del noreste italiano ha fallado en Timisoara (Romania)

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    Italy's industrial districts of the Northeast are often cited as beings models of success due to their economic organisation, thus they have almost become an archetypal myth. One of the reasons for the Northeastern firms' success is proximity (both geographical and relational), particularly with regard to the creation and development of the districts and their innovative and competitive capacity on a global scale. Our research compares the structures of proximity in Montebelluna, an industrial district in Northeast Italy, with Timisoara (in Romania), which has been one of the more favoured areas of delocalisation for Veneto firms. This comparison made it possible to focus on the non-economic categories (such as trust, face-to-face relations, cooperative attitudes, local context…) that have contributed to a large part of their success, although, in reality, they are often overvalued. Above all, the analysis reveals how these Italian industrial districts have concealed an unequal distribution of power, not only inside the firms and between the firms, but also between the firms and their delocalised territories. Today the "Northeast" model is questioned and debated; however a rethinking of regional dynamics is only possible if these hidden dimensions of district development are taken into consideration. Los distritos industriales del noreste italiano son considerados frecuentemente como modelos de éxito por su organización económica y por eso se han vuelto casi un mito arquetípico. Una de las razones de este éxito es la proximidad (sea geográfica que relacional), particularmente en lo que respecta a la creación y desarrollo de los distritos y a sus capacidades de innovación y competitividad global. Esta investigación compara Montebelluna, un distrito en el noreste italiano, con Timisoara (Romania) que ha sido una de las áreas de deslocalización preferidas de las firmas vénetas. Esta comparación ha permitido centrar la atención en las categorías no económicas (como la confianza, las relaciones cara a cara, las actitudes cooperativas y el contexto local...) que han contribuido a su éxito, pero que en realidad son a menudo sobrevalorados. Sobre todo, este análisis revela como estos distritos han ocultado una distribución inicua del poder, no solo al interno de las firmas y entre ellas, sino también entre las firmas y sus territorios deslocalizados. Hoy el modelo "noreste" es cuestionado y discutido; sin embargo, un replanteamiento de las dinámicas regionales solo es posible si se toman en consideración estas dimensiones ocultas de desarrollo de distrito

    Tesi di Dottorato: "Il Delta del Po. Logiche di terre e acque"

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    The PhD thesis concerns, from a theoretical perspective, the analysis of the elements and relations between them within the territorial action procedure. From the practical one, it goes in depth with the analysis through water and land dynamics within the chosen case study: the Po Delta

    Po AcquAgricolturAmbiente (Review)

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    The 12 volumes analyse the whole aspects concerned with Po river environment. The aim of the research is to foster a more rational management of the natural and human resources

    Geography and Education

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    The article deals with methodological issues and the design of contents for the IV Erasmus Intensive Programme, 10 days Seminar planning

    Logiche di terre e acqua. Le geografie incerte del Delta del Po.

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    The book contents concern the analysis of the elements and processes of a territorial action procedure. The cognitive approach is validated through a 15 years fieldwork research in Po Delta territory

    Il Parco del Delta del Po. Il Delta veneto.

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    The article presents the fundamental phases that have lead to the establishment of the Po Delta regional Park

    Il Delta: uno spazio irrisolto

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    The article analyzes the main topics in the evolution of Po Delta territory underlying the situation of mismanagement occured on a particularly fragile territory, instable between water and land dynamics

    Ricerche sulle carestie e sui sistemi di produzione alimentare. Secondo Seminario Internazionale, El Minia, Egitto 26 ottobre-3 novembre 1991 (Review).

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    The review is about the meeting on " Famine, Vulnerability and most critical regions/places" held in El Minia (Egypt) 26 oct.-3 nov. 1991. The attention is on food supplies and strategies for agricultural development

    "Implicazioni" produttive e rischio dell'acqua nel delta del Po.

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    The article considers the various uses of water resources in the territory of the Po Delta, highlighting conflicts between the actors involved
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