92 research outputs found

    Vascular and Cardiac CT in Small Animals

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    Computed tomography (CT) is increasingly available in veterinary practice. As for humans, CT has a tremendous potential in various clinical scenario. Oncology and traumatized dogs and cats are probably the veterinary patients that get more benefit from new CT applications. However, the most amazing progresses are in vascular and cardiac applications. The advent and rapid diffusion of advanced scanner technology (multidetector row) offer unparalleled diagnostic opportunity in daily practice for comprehensive evaluation of complex cardiovascular diseases. New skills and knowledge are necessary for radiologists and nonradiologists for understanding this revolutionary field of radiology

    Splenic extramedullary hematopoiesis in dogs is frequently detected on multiphase multidetector‐row CT as hypervascular nodules

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    Extramedullary hematopoiesis (EMH) is the formation and development of blood cells outside the bone marrow, and in dogs it frequently occurs in the spleen. Although splenic EMH is a relatively common condition, data regarding its appearance in veterinary medicine are lacking. Our aim was to describe different multidetector computed tomographic (MDCT) features of splenic EMH in dogs. In this descriptive retrospective study, dogs with cytological diagnosis of splenic EMH and three-phase MDCT study of the abdomen were included. Multi-detector CT findings recorded were splenomegaly, appearance of the parenchyma, and mean attenuation of the spleen and lesions. Out of 89 dogs included, 55 (62%) presented multifocal nodular aspect, 14 (16%) mass, 12 (13%) diffuse heterogeneous parenchyma, and eight (9%) normal spleen. Most lesions were hyperattenuating to the parenchyma in the arterial (57/89, 64%) and portal (59/89, 66%) phases; whereas in the interstitial phase only 40 of 89 (45%) were hyperattenuating. The mean attenuations of the lesions were higher compared to the values of the adjacent spleen, and the difference of the mean attenuation between the hyperattenuating lesions and the parenchyma was significantly higher in arterial and portal phases than in interstitial phase (P < .0001). The most frequent MDCT aspect of splenic extramedullary hematopoiesis consists of multiple nodules hyperattenuating to the normal spleen, best visualized in the arterial and portal phases

    Observations on development and anomalies in the appendicular skeleton of sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax L. 1758, larvae and juveniles

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    The development of the fin skeleton has been studied in both the wild and hatchery sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax L., larvae, in order to identify and define morphofunctional criteria for larval quality assessments. The cartilaginous and bony skeletal elements of the larvae were studied and standard length and notochord flexure recorded. Fin anomalies were present in reared larvae, whereas they were rare or absent in specimens from the wild. These anomalies were recognizable from the very beginning of skeletal development, indicating that environmental, genetic and broodstock management factors influence even the very early stages of larval development

    Assessment of the Coagulation Profile in Canine Multiple Myeloma: A Cohort Investigation in 234 Dogs

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    Hypercoagulability in canine multiple myeloma (MM) as described in humans has not been reported and prognostic factors related to hemostasis have not been investigated. Aims of this study were: to describe the haemostatic profile in dogs with MM, to detect a possible hypercoagulable state, and to assess whether coagulation parameters have prognostic value. Haemostatic alteration at the initial visit of dogs affected by MM (Group 1, n = 78) were retrieved from the electronic data- base (P.O.A. System-Plus 9.0®) of the San Marco Veterinary Clinic, between 2002–2015. Dogs with MM met the following criteria: bone marrow plasma cells ≥ 15%, osteolytic lesions, serum mono-biclonal gammopathy and extensive coagulation profile including platelet count, aPTT, PT, fibrinogen, thrombin time (TT), FPDs, D-Dimer and antithrombin (AT). Two groups of dogs individually matched for age, breed, and sex were used as controls: healthy dogs (Group 2, n = 78) and sick dogs without MM (Group 3, n = 78). In addition, the hemostatic profile between clinical bleeding (B-MM, n = 45) (e.g., gum bleeding, epistaxis) and no- clinical bleeding (NB-MM, n = 33) dogs with MM was evaluated. Kruskal-Wallis and Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney tests were used to compare groups. Risk to death at 90 days after diagnosis within B-MM and NB-MM dogs was evaluated by Pearson's X2 test. ROC curves were used to identify the best analyte to predict death. Prothrombin time and aPTT were increased (p = 0.001) in Group 1 vs groups 2 and 3, TT was increased (p = 0.001) in Group 1 vs 3. The platelet count and AT concentration were decreased in Group 1 vs groups 2 and 3 (p = 0.001). Fibrinogen concentration was decreased in Group 1 vs 3 (p = 0.01). No differences between Groups 1 vs groups 2 and 3 for FDPs and D-dimer were observed. Platelet count and AT concentrations were decreased in B-MM vs NB-MM (p = 0.04; p = 0.026); PT and aPTT and were increased in B-MM vs NB-MM (p = 0.026; p = 0.03). No differences between B-MM and NB-MM were observed for TT, FDPs, D-Dimer. B-MM dogs showed lower mortality rate in respect to NB-MM patient (p &lt; 0.028). The TT resulted the best haemostatic analyte in predicting death in dogs affected with MM (p &lt; 0.04; AUC 64%; 95% CI = 0.48–0.82). Primary and secondary haemostasis are compromised in dogs with MM while tertiary haemostasis appears unaffected. The hypercoagulable state, opposite to humans, is unlikely in dogs with MM. Surprisingly, dogs with MM and clinical bleeding apparently have protective effect against death. The prediction of mortality in canine MM was related to TT

    Microbial inactivation of raw chicken meat by supercritical carbon dioxide treatment alone and in combination with fresh culinary herbs

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    The objective of the present study was to assess the potential synergistic effect between supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO2) and fresh culinary herbs (Coriandrum sativum and Rosmarinus officinalis) on the microbial inactivation of raw chicken meat. The microbiological inactivation was performed on Escherichia coli and natural flora (total mesophilic bacteria, yeasts, and molds). High pressure treatments were carried out at 40\ub0C, 80 or 140 bar from 15 to 45 min. Microbial inactivation had a strong dependence on treatment time, achieving 1.4 log CFU/g reduction of E. coli after 15 min, and up to 5 log after 45 min, while a pressure increase from 80 up to 140 bar was not significant on the microbial inactivation. Mesophilic microorganisms were strongly reduced (>2.6 log CFU/g) after 45 min, and yeasts and molds were below the detection limits of the technique (<100 CFU/g) in most cases. The combination of fresh herbs together with SC-CO2 treatment did not significantly increase the inactivation of either E. coli or natural flora, which was similar to the SC-CO2 alone. The synergistic effect was obtained on the inactivation of E. coli using a proper concentration of coriander essential oil (EO) (0.5% v/w), while rosemary EO did not show a significant effect. Color analysis after the treatment showed an increment of lightness (L*), and a decrease of redness (a*) on the surface of the sample, making the product visually similar to cooked meat. Texture analysis demonstrated the modification of the texture parameters as a function of the process pressure making the meat more similar to the cooked one

    Identification of Possible Pre-Slaughter Indicators to Predict Stress and Meat Quality: A Study on Heavy Pigs

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    This study aimed at identifying possible pre-slaughter indicators and/or indexes to be used to predict pig stress response and meat quality variation. Data were collected on 44 shipments (loads) of Italian heavy pigs. For each shipment, several pre-slaughter parameters were recorded on farm, during transport, and at the slaughterhouse. Blood and meat samples were taken from 10 pigs from every of the 44 loads included in the study (N = 440). Blood samples were used to assess cortisol and creatine kinase levels, whereas meat samples were used to assess meat quality (pH, instrumental color, tenderness, water-holding capacity, and sensory analysis). Cluster analysis of blood parameters allowed the categorization of the shipments into two main clusters: Lower Stress (LS) and Higher Stress (HS). The variables/indexes statistically differing between the two clusters were: average vehicle speed during transport, welfare index at slaughter (i.e., \u201cslaughter score\u201d), overall transport and slaughter welfare index (TSWI), distance travelled, and behaviors (slips, falls, overlaps) during unloading, which appeared to be the best descriptors of the welfare conditions experienced by Italian heavy pigs during pre-slaughter handling. No consistent effects of the stress level experienced on meat quality was detected, which warrants the need for further studies conducted under more variable pre-slaughter conditions, with the aim of simplifying and improving the TSWI

    Properties of the permeability transition of pea stem mitochondria

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    In striking analogy with Saccharomyces cerevisiae, etiolated pea stem mitochondria did not show appreciable Ca2+ uptake. Only treatment with the ionophore ETH129 (which allows electrophoretic Ca2+ equilibration) caused Ca2+ uptake followed by increased inner membrane permeability, membrane depolarization and Ca2+ release. Like the permeability transition (PT) of mammals, yeast and Drosophila, the PT of pea stem mitochondria was stimulated by diamide and phenylarsine oxide and inhibited by MgADP and Mg-ATP, suggesting a common underlying mechanism; yet, the plant PT also displayed distinctive features: (i) as in mammals it was desensitized by cyclosporin A, which does not affect the PT of yeast and Drosophila; (ii) similarly to S. cerevisiae and Drosophila it was inhibited by Pi, which stimulates the PT of mammals; (iii) like in mammals and Drosophila it was sensitized by benzodiazepine 423, which is ineffective in S. cerevisiae; (iv) like what observed in Drosophila it did not mediate swelling and cytochrome c release, which is instead seen in mammals and S. cerevisiae. We find that cyclophilin D, the mitochondrial receptor for cyclosporin A, is present in pea stem mitochondria. These results indicate that the plant PT has unique features and suggest that, as in Drosophila, it may provide pea stem mitochondria with a Ca2+ release channel


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    La palafitta \ue8 stata scoperta nel 1955 all'interno della Valle del Menago, poche centinaia di metri a Sud del gruppo di case di Tombola di Cerea (VR). Dopo un primo scavo effettuato nello stesso anno da parte di Francesco Zorzi, direttore del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona, le ricerche sono riprese nel 1999 da parte della Soprintendenza Archeologica del Veneto. I risultati di queste ricerche hanno accertato che l'abitato preistorico era posto su palafitta all'interno di un ambiente di tipo palustre. Sono conservati solo dei pali verticali e alcune travi orizzontali, che fanno ipotizzare l'esistenza di una piattaforma lignea. Gli elementi strutturali della palafitta trovano confronti in altri abitati d'ambiente umido della media et\ue0 del Bronzo. L\u2019inquadramento geomorfologico finalizzato alla ricostruzione paleogeografica mostra che il sito si colloca al centro della Paleovalle del f. Menago, un\u2019incisione larga alcune centinaia di metri e profonda oltre una decina di metri, alla base di un potente spessore di torbe. Gli studi pregressi, relativi all\u2019origine della profonda incisione generata dall\u2019omonimo fiume di risorgiva, si richiamano principalmente a fattori geodinamici legati a linee tettoniche sepolte, quali moventi principali per le incisioni causate dalle diversione di canali di rotta atesini richiamati verso il bacino delle Valli Grandi Veronesi, verificatesi in et\ue0 tardoglaciale-olocenica antica. L\u2019analisi di nuove litostratigrafie rilevate su esposizioni individuate all\u2019interno della paleovalle, ha condotto a riscontrare la presenza di uno spesso e pressoch\ue9 continuo riempimento di sedimenti organico-torbosi, che contrassegnano gli accrescimenti e le sedimentazioni verificatesi a partire dai livelli basali della stazione palafitticola, deposizioni che sono perdurate sino a date piuttosto recenti. Una serie di dettagliati confronti operati con i termini delle sequenze di riempimento torboso-detritiche del bacino che si sviluppava all\u2019esterno delle arginature del vicino e coevo sito di Fondo Paviani, ha portato a verificare un\u2019analoga evoluzione negli accrescimenti che contrassegnano i tratti superiori di queste due importanti successioni alluvio-organiche. Si giunge in definitiva a far intervenire una medesima incidenza di fattori antropici e climatici quali concause principali nello sviluppo dei riempimenti sommitali della Paleovalle del Menago, in corrispondenza della stazione palafitticola della Tombola di Cerea e del sito arginato di Fondo Paviani. Lo scavo ha restituito un notevole quantitativo di materiale ceramico (ca. 620 kg) e una percentuale minoritaria di manufatti in bronzo, terracotta e osso-corno. Il presente contributo si concentra sull'analisi crono-tipologica dei materiali focalizzando l'attenzione sulla ceramica di impasto medio-fine ai fini dell'inquadramento complessivo e del confronto con materiale proveniente da siti geograficamente limitrofi. Le datazioni assolute delle strutture lignee, ottenute dall\u2019applicazione della dendrocronologia e dal radiocarbonio, collocano gli elementi verticali di Tombola di Cerea nella seconda met\ue0 del XV secolo cal BC, o al pi\uf9 tardi nei primi decenni del XIV secolo cal BC; essi sono stati ottenuti da alberi di quercia abbattuti in momenti successivi, a intervalli di circa 10 anni. Le ricerche archeobotaniche hanno compreso un\u2019analisi palinologica condotta su 18 campioni presi da una carota prelevata all'interno dell\u2019abitato palafitticolo, ed un\u2019analisi carpologica e xilo-antracologica su due campioni provenienti da unit\ue0 stratigrafiche cronologicamente corrispondenti alla parte basale della carota. L\u2019analisi dei resti vegetali ha permesso di disegnare il quadro ambientale dell\u2019insediamento. Il luogo era ricco di ambienti umidi soprattutto ripariali, con boscaglie d\u2019igrofile e con elofite, con situazioni di prati periodicamente inondati e fossati poco profondi. La presenza antropica \ue8 suggerita dalla coltivazioni di cereali e altri indicatori antropogenici. Inoltre i dati carpologici e/o pollinici testimoniano la disponibilit\ue0 nell\u2019area di varie piante con frutti eduli, come prugnolo, nocciolo, ribes, noce e vite. Il ritrovamento di reperti di Baldellia ranuncoloides -una specie oggi minacciata sottolinea come le ricerche archeobotaniche forniscano informazioni anche dal punto di vista naturalistico utili per conoscere meglio la storia di specie oggi in rarefazione. L\u2019insieme faunistico \ue8 composto complessivamente da 1995 reperti ossei. Quasi l\u201980% dei resti \ue8 stato identificato a livello specifico. La maggior parte dei resti appartiene alle specie domestiche: bue, pecora, capra e maiale, seguite da cavallo e cane. La distribuzione delle classi d\u2019et\ue0 mostra come l\u2019allevamento degli Ungulati fosse finalizzato non solo all\u2019ottenimento di carni, ma anche alla produzione di latte e lana. La pratica della caccia, volta allo sfruttamento di specie di ambiente forestale (cervo, capriolo, cinghiale), appare un\u2019attivit\ue0 marginale. Le tracce di macellazione sono numerose e attestano l\u2019utilizzo di strumenti sia litici sia metallici. Durante lo studio sono stati riconosciuti 18 manufatti in materia dura animale, ben conservati, che hanno permesso l\u2019identificazione delle tracce di lavorazione utili per la ricostruzione delle catene operative.The pile dwelling was discovered in 1955 in the valley of the river Menago, just a few hundred meters south of the settlement of Tombola di Cerea (VR). A first excavation was carried out that very year by Francesco Zorzi, director of the Museo Civico di Storia Naturale of Verona; the digging has been resumed in 1999 by the Soprintendenza Archeologica of Veneto. The results of these excavations have ascertained that the prehistoric dwelling site was built in a marshy environment. Only some vertical poles and some horizontal beams were preserved, which leads to the hypothesis that there existed a wooden platform on which the sheds were standing. The structural elements of the palafitte find correspondents in others settlements in moist environment from the Middle Bronze Age. The paleogeographic reconstruction of the immediate hinterland confirm the location of the site at the center of the Menago River Paleovalley, an incision a few hundred meters wide and more than ten meters deep, at the base of a thick layer of peat. Previous studies, related to the origin of the deep incision generated by the homonymous spring-line river, mainly refer to geodynamic factors linked to buried tectonic lines, as main motives for the incisions caused by the diversion of Adige breach-channels captured towards the basin of Great Veronese Valleys, which occurred in the late Lateglacial-Holocene age. The analysis of new lithostratigraphies detected on exposures inside the paleovalley, has led to find the presence of a thick and almost continuous filling of organic-peaty sediments, which mark the accretions and the sedimentations verified starting from the basal levels of the pile-dwelling site, depositions that have lasted until fairly recent dates. A series of detailed comparisons made with the terms of the peat-debris-filling sequences of the basin that developed outside the embankments of the near and coeval Fondo Paviani site, led to verify a similar evolution in the growths that mark the upper reaches of these two important alluvio-organic successions. Ultimately, is claimed that the same incidence, of anthropogenic and climatic factors, is involved as the main contributors to the development of the upper fills of the Menago Paleovalley, in correspondence with the pile-dwelling station of the Tombola di Cerea and the embanked site of Fondo Paviani. A great number of ceramic fragments (ca 620 kg) and a smaller amount of bronze, terracotta and bone-horn artefacts had been found. This paper focus on chrono-typological analysis of the archaeological finds, in particular on ceramic of the medium-fine tipe. The goal is the overall classification artefacts, accompanied by a comparison made from materials found in geographically nearbysites. Dendrochronology and radiocarbon allow to date the wooden structures to the second half of the 15th Century cal BC, or in the first decades of the 14th Century cal BC at the latest; the vertical posts come from oak tree felled down once about every ten years. Archaeobotanical study includes pollen analysis carried out on 18 subsamples taken from a core collected in the pile-dwelling settlement and carpological and xilo-anthacological analysis, from 2 samples taken from layers (stratigraphic units) corresponding to the bottom of the core. The results allows to draw the environmental framework of the settlement. The pollen diagram shows that the landscape was rich of wet environments: ponds, wet grassland and hygrophilous wood. The human activity was suggested by a number of anthropogenic indicators: cereal fields, ruderals and weeds. Seeds/fruits and pollen data testify to the presence in the area of edible fruits from plants such as blackthorn, hazelnut, currant, walnut and grapevine. The finds of Baldellia ranuncoloides \u2013 a threatened plants today - underline that the archaeobotanical research provide naturalistic information that allow us to better understand the history of plant species becoming rare today. The faunal assemblage is composed by 1995 bone remains. More than 80% of the faunal remains was identified at species level. Domestic animals are the most frequent. Age at death highlights different breeding strategies focused on meat consumption and secondary products. Hunting was barely practiced on wild ungulates (red deer, roe deer, wild boar). Several anthropic marks were identified on the faunal remains emphasizing the use of lithic and metal tools. During the analysis 18 animal hard material artefacts were identified. The good state of preservation allowed us to identify working traces linked to the reduction sequences of the tools

    Tolerability of Eribulin and correlation between polymorphisms and neuropathy in an unselected population of female patients with metastatic breast cancer: results of the multicenter, single arm, phase IV PAINTER study

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    Background Metastatic breast cancer (MBC) is an incurable disease and its treatment focuses on prolonging patients' (pts) overall survival (OS) and improving their quality of life. Eribulin is a microtubule inhibitor that increases OS in pre-treated MBC pts. The most common adverse events (AEs) are asthenia, neutropenia and peripheral neuropathy (PN). Methods PAINTER is a single arm, phase IV study, aimed at evaluating the tolerability of eribulin in MBC pts. Secondary objectives were the description of treatment efficacy and safety, the assessment of the incidence and severity of PN and its association with genetic polymorphisms. Genomic DNA was isolated from blood samples and 15 Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) were genotyped by Taqman specific assays. The association between PN and SNPs were evaluated by Fisher exact test. Results Starting from May 2014 until June 2018 180 pts were enrolled in this study by 20 Italian centers. 170 of these pts could be evaluated for efficacy and toxicity and 159 for polymorphisms analysis. The median age of pts was 60 years old and the biological subtypes were luminal type (64.7%), Her2 positive (18.3%) and triple negative (17%). Pts were pretreated with a median of 5 lines for MBC. The median follow up of this study was 15.4 months with a median number of 4.5 cycles administered (minimum-maximum 1-23). The median overall survival was 12 months. 48.8% of pts experienced a dose reduction, mainly for neutropenia (23.9%) and liver toxicity (12%). 65 pts (38.2%) reported at least one severe toxicity. Neutropenia and neurotoxicity were the most frequent severe AEs (15.3% and 14.7%, respectively); other reported toxicities were osteo-muscular, abdominal or tumor site pain (19.4%), liver toxicity (6.6%), pulmonary toxicity (6.5%) and dermatological toxicity (3.6%). Among the 15 evaluated SNPs, an association with PN was found for rs2233335 and rs7214723. Conclusions Eribulin is a well-tolerated treatment option in MBC. Schedule and dosage modifications were common, but toxicity rarely led to treatment discontinuation. SNPs rs2233335 (G/T and T/T) in the NDRG1 gene and rs7214723 (CC and CT) in the CAMKK1 gene were associated with PN. These findings, if validated, could allow a tailored treatment with eribulin in cancer patients. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov ID: NCT02864030

    Do dimers of ATP synthase form the PTP in pea stem mitochondria?

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    In animal cells Ca2+ and ROS induce a sudden change in the inner mitochondrial membrane permeability, which has been named Permeability Transition (PT). Recently, it has been proposed that dimers of F-ATP synthase form the Permeability Transition Pore (PTP), the megachannel involved in this phenomenon [1]. This feature has not yet been characterized in plants, even if their mitochondria possess the candidate components for PTP formation. Therefore, wecharacterized the functional properties of PTP in plant mitochondria and verified if F-ATP synthase possesses channel function in electrophysiology experiments. Mitochondria isolated from pea stem underwent PT when Ca2+ was added in the presence of the ionophore ETH129. The membrane electrical potential was then collapsed and the phenomenon matched by Ca2+ release but not by mitochondrial swelling. As is observed with the PT of animal mitochondria, Cyclosporin A (CsA) significantly delayed occurrence of PT, which was inhibited by Mg2+-nucleotides and favored by benzodiazepine Bz-423 and oxidants, such as phenylarsine oxide and diamide. In electrophysiology experiments, F-ATP synthase dimers inserted into an artificial bilayer showed channel activity characterized by a rather small conductance, which could explain the inability of plant PTP to mediate mitochondrial swelling. These data suggest that F-ATP synthase is involved in PTP formation also in plant mitochondria