16 research outputs found

    A comparative study of the properties of industrially produced humic substances

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    Humic substances (HSs) are produced industrially in large quantities from low rank coal, weathered coal, peat, also from soils, composts and other sources. Considering that the applications of industrially produced HSs also include food, pharmaceutical applications and environmental technologies, it is important to evaluate their composition and quality and to identify their sources. The aim of the present study is to compare the properties of industrially produced HS samples. HSs were characterised using spectroscopic and other methods. For the identification of origin of HSs, different methods can be used, such as elemental analysis and ratios of light stable isotopes. The results of the study indicate that many industrially produced HSs are of poor quality (low concentration of basic substance, admixture of undesirable substances, pollutants, no quality indications). In this situation, rigorous quality control should be implemented, providing detailed characteristics of the product. The composition of materials suggested for agricultural applications has not been analysed much. Most of the studied materials were designated as HAs, followed by fulvic acids (FAs) and HSs. However, an analysis of the humic matter types indicates that the majority of substances offered on the market are in fact mixtures of HAs and FAs; so, it would be more appropriate to designate them as HSs or their salts. This study identifies the main quality problems of industrially produced humic substances: 1) lack of strict quality indicators, 2) absence of indication of source materials/origins of HSs

    Impact of different fertilisers on elemental content in young hybrid aspen stem wood

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    The biomass production using fast-growing tree species such as hybrid aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx. x Populus tremula L.) has been recognized as an environmentally friendly and cost-effective approach. Growing these species can reduce the negative impact of earlier land mismanagement and at the same time provide additional biomass growth. The application of fertilisers may introduce not only the necessary macro elements (N, P, K) but also significant amounts of toxic heavy metals. Therefore, the knowledge about elemental flows from fertilised soil to the different parts of hybrid aspen trees is essential and especially meaningful for the evaluation of element content in specific environmental ecosystems. The impact of different fertilisers (sewage sludge, digestate and wood ash) on the concentrations of micro- and macro elements in the wood of six-year-old hybrid aspen stands grown on former agricultural land was studied. The determination of element concentrations in different tree rings of hybrid aspen trees was accomplished by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP–MS). Isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) was used to determine the nitrogen and carbon content and isotope ratios in different parts of hybrid aspen trees. Stem disc samples from hybrid aspen trees were obtained from agricultural land in the central part of Latvia. Samples were taken from six-yearold hybrid aspen trees that at the moment of planting were fertilised with sewage sludge, a residue of biogas production (digestate) and wood ash. The obtained results indicated that the chemical element accumulation in hybrid aspen was affected by the applied fertiliser type. In this study, the use of wood ash, as well as digestate, affected the elemental content in hybrid aspen to a greater extent than the use of sewage sludge, relative to unfertilised (control) subplot. The analysed elements varied in the analysed stem plane (across the tree rings). The most significant changes between the rings were observed for the content of K and Ca

    The cosmological significance of Low Surface Brightness galaxies found in a deep blind neutral-hydrogen survey

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    We have placed limits on the cosmological significance of gas-rich low surface-brightness (LSB) galaxies as a proportion of the total population of gas-rich galaxies by carrying out a very deep survey (HIDEEP) for neutral hydrogen (HI) with the Parkes multibeam system. Such a survey avoids the surface-brightness selection effects that limit the usefulness of optical surveys for finding LSB galaxies. To complement the HIDEEP survey we have digitally stacked eight 1-hour R-band Tech Pan films from the UK Schmidt Telescope covering 36 square degrees of the survey area to reach a very deep isophotal limit of 26.5 R mag/sq. arcsec. At this level, we find that all of the 129 HI sources within this area have optical counterparts and that 107 of them can be identified with individual galaxies. We have used the properties of the galaxies identified as the optical counterparts of the HI sources to estimate the significance of LSB galaxies (defined to be those at least 1.5 magnitudes dimmer in effective surface-brightness than the peak in the observed distribution seen in optical surveys). We calculate the contribution of LSB galaxies to the total number, neutral hydrogen density, luminosity density, baryonic mass density, dynamical mass density and cross-sectional area of gas-rich galaxies. We do not find any `Crouching Giant' LSB galaxies such as Malin 1, nor do we find a population of extremely low surface-brightness galaxies not previously found by optical surveys. Such objects must either be rare, gas-poor or outside the survey detection limits.Comment: 13 pages, 14 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Latvia in European Monetary Union gains and losses

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    Burning of Fountain Candles Indoor—A Moment of Joy versus Indoor Air Quality Concerns

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    Burning candles, magic candles, incense, and pyrotechnics such as fountain candles creates a sense of joy and celebration in various life and social events [...

    Multi-Element Profile Characterization of Monofloral and Polyfloral Honey from Latvia

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    Honey is of scientific interest mainly due to its health-promoting and antibacterial properties, which are also associated with its floral origins. However, the methods for confirming honey floral origins are quite limited and require improvements. One method suggested in the search for a multi-method approach to evaluating the floral origins of Latvian honey is inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). This study investigated the multi-element profile of 83 honey samples of well-specified floral origins. The main findings included using Ba, Ca, Cs, Fe, and Rb as indicator elements for heather honey. The chemometric evaluation supported the use of ICP-MS for distinguishing heather honey from other types of honey. The Latvian polyfloral honey multi-element profile was defined and compared to honey samples with other geographical origins. Additionally, the multi-element profiles of buckwheat, clover, and polyfloral honey proteins were investigated to clarify whether the majority of elements were bound with proteins or not. Preliminary results indicated that Ca, K, Mg, Mn, Na, and Sr were mainly found in non-protein-bound forms, while the majority of Al, Cu, Ni, and Zn were in the form of large chemical structures (>10 kDa)

    Multi-Element Profile Characterization in Monofloral Honey

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    Apiculture, in general, is an important sector of the national economy due to the environmental benefits of pollination [...

    Caesium-133 Accumulation by Freshwater Macrophytes: Partitioning of Translocated Ions and Enzyme Activity in Plants and Microorganisms

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    The potential of aquatic plants to accumulate Cs may be of notable importance in the environmental monitoring of radioactive wastes. This study aimed to evaluate the accumulation of Cs-133 by freshwater macrophytes Bacopa amplexicaulis, Elodea densa, Ceratophyllum submersum, and Limnobium laevigantum after a 10-day incubation period with CsCl (1–1000 ÎŒM). The partitioning of Cs and other elements, including 21 metals, such as P, B, and As, was analyzed using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry combined with principal component analysis (PCA). The enzymatic activity of plant crude extracts and aquatic microorganisms was characterized. The transfer factor (TF) reached the highest values of 0.13 and 0.10 for C. submersum and L. laevigantum, respectively, at 1000 ÎŒM Cs. The TFs in the other sets were below 0.1. In the presence of Cs-133, there was a significant increase in dehydrogenase activity (p < 0.05) and a decrease in the activity of the Folin–Ciocalteu assay. A three-fold decrease in culturable microorganisms was found in plants with 1000 ÎŒM Cs. PCA analysis revealed the species-specific elemental distribution in plant biomass and the aquatic phase. A negative correlation between Na, Ca (2.0–2.5, PC1) and Mg, K, and P (−2, PC1) was found. Certain enzyme groups can serve as bioindicators of Cs pollution in aquatic ecosystems

    Impact of Wood Ash and Sewage Sludge on Elemental Content in Hybrid Alder Clone

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    In this study, the focus was on evaluating the effects of the initial treatment of wood ash and sewage sludge on hybrid alder clones’ aboveground biomass and elemental content. To measure the element concentrations in the tree rings, laser ablation–inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) was utilized, which is a valuable tool for dendrochemistry research, albeit with some challenges in accurate quantification. One important aspect of the study was the development and comparison of different “in-house” matrix-matched standards for the precise quantification of element concentrations in tree rings. It was found that the commercially available reference materials, IAEA 413 (algae) and IAEA 392 (algae), were the best choices due to their homogeneity. The study also revealed that the use of sewage sludge and wood ash as soil improvers significantly benefited the increase in hybrid alder biomass. However, no significant increase in element content was found in the obtained wood mass, and for some elements, there was a decrease in concentration