1,438 research outputs found

    Literary Paradoxes in The Philosophical Fragments of Soren Aabye Kierkegaard

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    The purpose of the writing Literary Paradoxes in the Philosophical Fragments of Soren Aabye Kierkegaard, is to exhibit the paradoxes used in the Philosophical Fragments as well as to indicate techniques of deception employed by Kierkegaard for the purpose of shocking the reader into contemplation. Philosophical Fragments was chosen to point out the use of paradoxes in Kierkegaard€™s authorship because it is indicative of the whole Kierkegaardian problem of what it means to become a Christian. Data was gathered by reading the primary writings of the author as well as commentaries on his life and work by his translators and biographers. Quotations from Kierkegaard\u27s Point of View were used to establish instances in which Kierkegaard admitted of the technique of deception. It was assumed that, since he was capable of admitted deception, he was very likely to have used deception which was not admitted but indicated by the nature of his authorship and personal mode of existence. In order to exhibit the paradoxes in a manner, which would indicate to the reader the relationship of paradoxes, deception techniques used to attract attention, and the point of the authorship as a whole, Philosophical Fragments was summarized. Major paradoxes were quoted and apparent deceptions were pointed out as they appeared in context. A pattern was observed in the paradoxical relationships of three which Kierkegaard made use of in his discourse. The progression of the relationship pattern was indicated and found to be important in the exhibition of the paradoxes and in the relationship of Kierkegaard to his reader. In conclusion it was affirmed that Kierkegaard in approaching his reader used the method of shock by means other than those which he admitted being author to and that he was capable of deception as a deliberate technique. It was reiterated that the method of deceit was carried farther than his admission and remained for the reader to discover. Diagrams which exhibit the pattern of Kierkegaard€™s paradoxical relationships were shown for the purpose of clarifying the relationships for the reader. Paramount in the conclusion is Kierkegaard€™s assertion that the learner is not asked to understand the paradox but only to recognize it. As a final conclusion, Kierkegaard is named as the purveyor of truth in a paradoxical relationship involving his reader at the lower end of the scale, Christ at the top of the scale as superior, with Kierkegaard as the central figure in the relationship with the task of giving the contradictories a means of understanding


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    This research take place in Play Group of Specimen Laboratorium Indonesia University of Education. The problem is the song as medium of education. The methode that is used in this research is qualitative descriptive. The techniques is used interview and observation to the research place. Based on the interview result with respondents, got the data which explain that the song could be medium of education in playgroup. This thing influenced by the happy song and could be more interest children about medium of learning so the children will not bored early. The song matter which chosed as medium of education are the matter which have the simple shape of song, use tones which can reached by children’s range, the intervals not too far, and the sentence of song have education element. Result from supervision of respondents and used the research theory showed the song can increase vocabulary to the early childhood. Into the bargain the early childhood not only had the quantity of experience but also in quality, the children knew the word that they said too. The suggestions that are proposed to Play Group of Specimen Laboratorium Education UPI are need the more creative from the teacher to evolving the lyrics of song with the same rhythm which usually used in play group, compromy between the teacher and parents of early childhood to teach their sons in home with sing a songs which learned in school. Penelitian ini dilakukan di TK. Laboratorium Percontohan Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Masalah yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini adalah lagu yang digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dengan cara wawancara dan observasi langsung ke tempat penelitian. Berdasarkan hasil wawancara dengan responden, diperoleh data yang menyatakan bahwa lagu dapat dijadikan sebagai media pembelajaran di TK. Hal ini dikarenakan lagu bersifat menyenangkan dan dapat menambah daya tarik anak terhadap suatu pembelajaran sehingga anak tidak mudah bosan. Materi lagu yang dipilih sebagai media pembelajaran adalah materi yang memiliki bentuk lagu sederhana, menggunakan nada-nada yang dapat dijangkau oleh wilayah suara anak, interval nada yang tidak terlalu jauh, dan kalimat lagu mengandung unsur pendidikan. Data hasil pengamatan terhadap responden dan teori yang digunakan menunjukkan bahwa lagu dapat meningkatkan perbendaharaan kata pada anak usia dini. Selain itu anak juga tidak hanya mengalami kuantitas dalam segi kata-kata nya saja tetapi dalam segi kualitas pun anak dapat mengerti apa yang dia ucapkan. Saran yang diajukan bagi TK Lab. Percontohan UPI adalah perlunya guru lebih berkreativitas dalam mengembangkan lirik lagu dengan irama lagu yang sudah biasa digunakan di TK, kerjasama antara guru dengan orangtua wali murid agar mengajari anaknya di rumah dengan menyanyikan lagu-lagu yang sudah dipelajari di sekolah

    Price Of Membership: The Effect Of Income On A Sense Of Belonging To Canada

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    Liberal market capitalism permeates daily life and carries important social consequences for Canadian citizens. When social relationships between individuals are mediated by class position under a free market society, an interesting question about the relationship between individuals and society itself can be raised: does the amount of economic resources possessed by an individual influence their sense of belonging to Canada? This study examines Canadians’ economic positions, measured by annual personal income, as a determinant of their sense of belonging to Canada. It also investigates the role of known correlates of exclusion, such as being a victim of discrimination, having visible minority status, and being of a particular sex. Although this study finds weak support for a relationship between annual personal income and a sense of belonging to Canada, it determines that an overwhelming majority of Canadians feel a strong sense of belonging to their country regardless of their economic position

    Precarious employment and occupational injuries in Sweden

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    Nowadays, employment arrangements come under many different forms, often difficult to trace in the statistics due to a lack of standard definitions and measurements. Precarious Employment (PE) is a multidimensional construct constituted by several elements of low-quality employment conditions, and increasing evidence has associated this construct with an array of unfavorable mental and physical health outcomes. However, there is still a lack of a commonly recognized definition of PE, which results in methodological challenges when measuring this multifaceted concept. Furthermore, while PE has been associated with a range of health outcomes, little is known in Sweden regarding under-reporting levels of Occupational Injuries (OIs) among precarious workers and, ultimately, how PE is associated with OIs. Therefore, the overarching aim of this thesis was to advance the development of PE as an occupational exposure and investigate its relation to under-reporting levels of OIs and risks of OIs among the precarious and non-precarious working population in Sweden. In Study I, a systematic review of definitions and operationalizations was carried out in the literature. A total of 63 full-text articles were included in the study, and thematic analysis was performed to identify the core characteristics of PE. Three dimensions were identified: employment insecurity, income inadequacy, and lack of rights and protection. The dimensions were further represented by a total of nine items. Dimensions and items identified in the review facilitated guidance and the operationalization of the Swedish Register-based Operationalization of Precarious Employment (SWE-ROPE) in Study II. SWE-ROPE was operationalized in 2014 in the Swedish working population (n. 4,349,322) following a typological and summative scale approach. As a result of latent class analysis (LCA), the typological approach identified six employment types in which one PE-type emerged and was associated with female gender, low education, foreign background, and young age. The summative scale resulted in a score ranging between -10 and +2 with approximately 80% of individuals in PER-type having a score of -4. In Study III, PE was measured as a summative scale, and OIs were stratified according to injury severity (no health care, outpatient care, in-patient care). Swedish registries were used to perform capture-recapture methods and estimate under-reporting levels of OIs among precarious and non-precarious workers in Sweden in 2013. Higher levels of under-reporting of OIs were seen among precarious workers (22.6%, 95%CI 21.3% to 23.8%) compared to the other groups. Also, under-reporting of OIs decreased as injury severity increased and was higher among all occupations in the precarious group. Study IV aimed to investigate PE as a risk factor for OIs in Sweden between 2006-2014, employing multivariate logistic regression models. The study was set as a prospective register-based study that included employed workers aged 18-65. PE was measured as a summative scale and by looking at each specific PE dimension, while OIs were dichotomized as having or not having an OI during the year. Precarious workers were not found at higher risks of OIs compared to non-precarious workers (OR<1). While male workers employed by an agency, workers in multiple jobs/sectors, and women in the low-income groups were at higher risks of OIs. In conclusion, this thesis contributed to the methodological advancement of PE as an occupational exposure in Sweden through the work performed in Study I-II. It further shed light on its relationship with under-reporting levels and risks of OIs in the Swedish labor market. In Study III highest under-reporting levels were found among precarious workers compared to non-precarious workers, and in Study IV, increased risks of OIs were found among multiple-job holders, workers employed by an agency, and individuals with poor income. To date, research practice and policy have based the quantification of workplace hazards on the standard employment relationship (SER). However, today´s segmented labor market structure could intensify existing hazards or create new ones. Thus, conventional approaches to research, interventions, and policies may no longer be adequate. By increasing the understanding between PE and OIs, it may be possible to develop programs and policies to increase workers´ protection in the labor market. Organizations may also develop targeted health and safety programs to address root causes of OIs. Quantifying and monitoring the possible impact of a new exposure such as PE to known occupational risk factors becomes fundamental if we want to avoid reinforcing prevailing inequalities in our society

    Love & Marriage- A Proactive Approach to Pre-Marital Education & Marriage Preparation

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    Through an exploration of social science research, this presentation highlights the physical, emotional, and interpersonal health benefits of happy and healthy marriages for couples and their families. In addition, this presentation looks at the negative effects of divorce and dysfunctional marriages on the overall health and stability of couples and their families. As a solution to marital dissatisfaction, instability, and divorce, this presentation emphasizes the importance of early prevention efforts through psychotherapeutic and educational interventions among pre-marital individuals and relationships. This presentation also notes the key phases and primary components of marriage preparation and pre-marital education efforts and programs. Copyright 2016 Bertina Cannizzar

    Perdas por imparidade em ativos: impactos de transição

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    Mestrado em Contabilidade -AuditoriaA presente dissertação analisa o impacto que a adoção pela primeira vez das Normas Contabilísticas e de Relato Financeiro (NCRF) do Sistema de Normalização Contabilística (SNC) teve no tratamento contabilístico da imparidade em ativos, tenta compreender se as NCRF refletem práticas contabilísticas menos conservadoras do que aquelas exigidas pelo anterior normativo – Plano Oficial de Contabilidade (POC) – e examina os fatores explicativos dos potenciais efeitos relacionados com a transição para o SNC. Os principais resultados indicam que nas rubricas total do ativo e do capital próprio existem diferenças significativas entre os valores apresentados em POC e SNC na data da transição. Relativamente às rubricas das demonstrações de resultados, os resultados antes dos impostos e as perdas por imparidade, os resultados mostram que em nenhuma delas existem diferenças significativas entre os valores apresentados em POC e em SNC na data da transição. No que concerne ao grau de conservadorismo subjacente às práticas contabilísticas sob ambos os normativos, os resultados refletem que a alteração para SNC conduz a práticas menos conservadoras, no caso do total do ativo, capital próprio, total do passivo e resultado líquido. As empresas com rendibilidades superiores ou com taxas de crescimento dos resultados positivas reconheceram e apresentam menores divergências no reconhecimento das perdas por imparidade na data de transição do normativo POC para SNC.This dissertation examines the impact of the first time adoption of Portuguese Accounting Standardization System (SNC – Sistema de Normalização Contabilística) in terms of the accounting treatments for impairment losses. It tries to understand if SNC reflects less conservative accounting practices than those required by the previous accounting frame of reference, Portuguese Accounting Plan (POC - Plano Oficial de Contabilidade), and examines the potential effects of the determinants that explain the accounting differences found in the recognition of impairment losses during the transition to SNC. The main results indicate that there are significant differences in the total assets and equity amounts presented in POC and SNC during the transition date, but there are no significant differences in the income before tax and impairment losses amounts. Regarding the degree of conservatism underlying accountancy practices under both standards, findings indicate that the adoption of SNC has leads to less conservative practices. Companies with greater profitability have shown fewer divergences in the treatment of impairment losses during the transition period to SNC

    Studies In Abdominal Distention

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    Experiments have increased in number within recent years on the problem of Abdominal Distention. Gatch has stated that distention is the primary cause of death from all forms of bowel obstruction, mechanical or paralytic, and most of the other supposed and suggested causes of death cannot exist in the absence of distention. Gilbert, Leroy and Feun have performed a number of experiments showing the effect of abdominal distention on coronary blood flow. In these experiments they have shown that distention of the stomach with air causes a decrease in coronary flow, mediated by a reflex over the vagus nerve causing vasoconstriction of the coronary vessels, as is typical of Angina Pectoris, van Duyn has shown that abdominal distention is concluded to be at least one important cause of a degenerative leucocyte picture. The importance of this problem reflects itself in the great questions concerning gaseous distention of the stomach and intestine, present in obstruction of the bowel and in some cases of Peritonitis associated with Acute Appendicitis. Also involved is this problem, although more chronically, is the distention of the abdomen during the presence of tumors and during pregnancy

    Work-home interaction and psychological distress during the COVID-19 pandemic: The mediation effect of cyberloafing

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    Work from home is one of the policies chosen by the government due to the COVID -19 pandemic; however, work-home interactions (WHIs) can place a burden on one domain. This study aimed to examine the relationship between the dimensions of WHIs and psychological distress and how cyberloafing mediates this relationship. Data were collected with an online survey tool from 2,349 participants who worked at a government institution in Indonesia with employees across the country to test the proposed hypothesis. The results show that all forms of WHIs cause psychological distress. Further, a high level of negative work-home interactions (NWHIs) and negative home-work interactions (NHWIs) increase psychological distress. Conversely, a high level of positive work-home interactions (PWHIs) and positive home-work interactions (PHWIs) reduce psychological distress. In addition, this study’s results also show that cyberloafing mediates the relationships between NWHIs, NHWIs, PWHIs, and psychological distress. This study implies the organization need to provide mental support and technology support to ensure the work of employees effective. Organizations also need to support employees to reduce work-family conflict
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