4 research outputs found

    Thermal or electrical bulk properties of rod-filled composites

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    International audienceThe cell model (or self-consistent scheme) has been largely used to estimate the bulk thermal properties for dilute slender rods embedded in a matrix by applying a thermal gradient perpendicular to the main axis of the rod. This approach is then extended by considering a thermal gradient along the particle, or in other words a thermal flux through the end surfaces of the fiber. For a slender-body, this additional contribution is found to be negligible. Then, to circumvent the diluteness assumption, particle-particle contacts are considered when determining the effective thermal conductivity of the composite. This involves adding to the dilute result a new contribution depending on the magnitude of the Biot number (defined later) and on the micro-structures of the particles, and exhibiting a quadratic dependence on the particle concentration. Two assumed contact surface areas are investigating leading to the development of two micro-mechanical models, the difference being in the choice of the contact area. In addition, the model predictions are in good agreement with previously published data, where in-plane measurements of effective thermal conductivity are performed on highly conductive copper fibers impregnated with a poorly conductive PMMA matrix, for a wide range of fiber orientations and concentrations. When an appropriate cell size dimension for the dilute model is adopted, its predictions are also found to give an accurate fitting. Although this paper focuses on the thermal properties, the derivation can be carried over to the electrical properties with very minor modifications. This has been carried out for estimating the effective electrical conductivity of several CNTs (i.e., SWCNT and MWCNT) embedded in an epoxy matrix, leading again to good agreements

    Steady-shear rheological properties for suspensions of axisymmetric particles in second-order fluids

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    International audienceFollowing Leal who gave the motion of a slender axisymmetric rod in a second -order fluid, we derived a complete rheological constitutive equation for dilute and semidilute slender rod suspensions in a viscoelastic solvent based on a cell model. Numerical solutions for the Fokker -Planck equation are obtained for simple shear flows at low and large Peclet numbers using a finite volume method, hence avoiding the need for closure approximations. The second normal stress difference coefficient of the solvent plays a non -negligible role in the particle contribution to the stress as well as on the rod orientation dynamics: a spread of the particle orientation in the flow-vorticity plane and an enhancement of the alignment along the vorticity direction are predicted when increasing the second normal stress difference coefficient. Brunn extended the Leal analysis to dumbbells and tri-dumbbells, for which both normal stress difference coefficients have to be considered. The original Pipkin diagram is finally modified to help guide the choice of relevant constitutive equations for particles in viscoelastic fluids. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved