33 research outputs found

    Computational Evaluation of Potential Correction Methods for Unicoronal Craniosynostosis

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    Unicoronal craniosynostosis is the second most common type of nonsyndromic craniosynostosis: it is characterized by ipsilateral forehead and fronto-parietal region flattening with contralateral compensatory bossing. It is a complex condition; therefore, which is difficult to treat because of the asymmetry in the orbits, cranium, and face. The aim of this study is to understand optimal osteotomy locations, dimensions, and force requirements for surgical operations of unicoronal craniosynostosis using a patient-specific finite element model and — at the same time — to evaluate the potential application of a new device made from Nitinol which was developed to expand the affected side of a unicoronal craniosynostosis skull without performing osteotomies. The model geometry was reconstructed using Simpleware ScanIP. The bone and sutures were modeled using elastic properties to perform the finite element analyses in MSc Marc software. The simulation results showed that expanding the cranium without osteotomy requires a significant amount of force. Therefore, expansion of the cranium achieved by Nitinol devices may not be sufficient to correct the deformity. Moreover, the size and locations of the osteotomies are crucial for an optimal outcome from surgical operations in unicoronal craniosynostosis