30,027 research outputs found

    Validation of a new flying quality criterion for the landing task

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    A strong correlation has been found to exist between flight path angle peak overshoot and pilot ratings for the landing task. The use of flightpath overshoot as a flying quality metric for landing is validated by correlation with four different in-flight simulation programs and a ground simulation study. Configurations tested were primarily medium-weight generic transports. As a result of good correlation with this extensive data base, criterion boundaries are proposed for landing based on the flight path peak overshoot metric

    Nanoscale magnetometry using a single spin system in diamond

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    We propose a protocol to estimate magnetic fields using a single nitrogen-vacancy (N-V) center in diamond, where the estimate precision scales inversely with time, ~1/T$, rather than the square-root of time. The method is based on converting the task of magnetometry into phase estimation, performing quantum phase estimation on a single N-V nuclear spin using either adaptive or nonadaptive feedback control, and the recently demonstrated capability to perform single-shot readout within the N-V [P. Neumann et. al., Science 329, 542 (2010)]. We present numerical simulations to show that our method provides an estimate whose precision scales close to ~1/T (T is the total estimation time), and moreover will give an unambiguous estimate of the static magnetic field experienced by the N-V. By combining this protocol with recent proposals for scanning magnetometry using an N-V, our protocol will provide a significant decrease in signal acquisition time while providing an unambiguous spatial map of the magnetic field.Comment: 8 pages and 5 figure

    The three-body problem and the Hannay angle

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    The Hannay angle has been previously studied for a celestial circular restricted three-body system by means of an adiabatic approach. In the present work, three main results are obtained. Firstly, a formal connection between perturbation theory and the Hamiltonian adiabatic approach shows that both lead to the Hannay angle; it is thus emphasised that this effect is already contained in classical celestial mechanics, although not yet defined nor evaluated separately. Secondly, a more general expression of the Hannay angle, valid for an action-dependent potential is given; such a generalised expression takes into account that the restricted three-body problem is a time-dependent, two degrees of freedom problem even when restricted to the circular motion of the test body. Consequently, (some of) the eccentricity terms cannot be neglected {\it a priori}. Thirdly, we present a new numerical estimate for the Earth adiabatically driven by Jupiter. We also point out errors in a previous derivation of the Hannay angle for the circular restricted three-body problem, with an action-independent potential.Comment: 11 pages. Accepted by Nonlinearit

    Assessing the performance of protective winter covers for outdoor marble statuary: pilot investigation

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    Outdoor statuary in gardens and parks in temperate climates has a tradition of being covered during the winter, to protect against external conditions. There has been little scientific study of the environmental protection that different types of covers provide. This paper examines environmental conditions provided by a range of covers used to protect marble statuary at three sites in the UK. The protection required depends upon the condition of the marble. Although statues closely wrapped and with a layer of insulation provide good protection, this needs to be considered against the potential physical damage of close wrapping a fragile deteriorated surface

    A polyphonic acoustic vortex and its complementary chords

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    Using an annular phased array of eight loudspeakers, we generate sound beams that simultaneously contain phase singularities at a number of different frequencies. These frequencies correspond to different musical notes and the singularities can be set to overlap along the beam axis, creating a polyphonic acoustic vortex. Perturbing the drive amplitudes of the speakers means that the singularities no longer overlap, each note being nulled at a slightly different lateral position, where the volume of the other notes is now nonzero. The remaining notes form a tri-note chord. We contrast this acoustic phenomenon to the optical case where the perturbation of a white light vortex leads to a spectral spatial distribution

    Hierarchical ResNeXt Models for Breast Cancer Histology Image Classification

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    Microscopic histology image analysis is a cornerstone in early detection of breast cancer. However these images are very large and manual analysis is error prone and very time consuming. Thus automating this process is in high demand. We proposed a hierarchical system of convolutional neural networks (CNN) that classifies automatically patches of these images into four pathologies: normal, benign, in situ carcinoma and invasive carcinoma. We evaluated our system on the BACH challenge dataset of image-wise classification and a small dataset that we used to extend it. Using a train/test split of 75%/25%, we achieved an accuracy rate of 0.99 on the test split for the BACH dataset and 0.96 on that of the extension. On the test of the BACH challenge, we've reached an accuracy of 0.81 which rank us to the 8th out of 51 teams

    Musculoskeletal adaptations to physical interventions in spinal cord injury

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