20 research outputs found

    Neuropathie optique compressive secondaire Ă  une pseudo-tumeur inflammatoire

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    La neuropathie optique regroupe l'ensemble des lĂ©sions du nerf optique. Le diagnostic est habituellement clinique: diminution de l'acuitĂ© visuelle, altĂ©ration de la vision des couleurs, dĂ©ficit du champ visuel. Les Ă©tiologies sont multiples, l'origine compressive est rarement rapportĂ©e. La souffrance du nerf optique peut ĂȘtre dĂ» dans ce cas soit Ă  l'augmentation de la pression du liquide cĂ©phalo rachidien, soit Ă  une compression par un processus intraorbitaire, intracanalaire ou intracrĂąnien. Nous rapportons un cas rare de neuropathie optique d'origine compressive. Il s'agit d'un patient ĂągĂ© de 43 ans ayant consultĂ© pour une baisse de vision de l'oeil droit. L'examen a retrouvĂ© une acuitĂ© visuelle limitĂ©e Ă  50 cm, un oedĂšme palpĂ©bral sans exophtalmie, un rĂ©flexe photomoteur affĂ©rent altĂ©rĂ© et un oedĂšme papillaire au fond d'oeil. L'IRM orbitaire a mis en Ă©vidence des lĂ©sions en faveur de pseudotumeur inflammatoire engainant le nerf optique avec extension au niveau des fissures orbitaires. Le patient a Ă©tĂ© mis sous corticothĂ©rapie par voie gĂ©nĂ©rale avec bonne Ă©volution.Pan African Medical Journal 2015; 2

    Dilatation de bronches sĂ©quellaire d’une tuberculose pulmonaire au cours d’un syndrome de Rhupus

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    La fréquence de la tuberculose est beaucoup plus élevée au cours des maladies systémiques que dans la population générale, il s'agit le plus souvent de la réactivation d'une tuberculose latente. A cÎté de l'immunodépression induite par la maladie sous-jacente, il faut souligner le rÎle favorisant des glucocorticoïdes et des traitements immunosuppresseurs. Nous rapportons un cas de tuberculose pulmonaire compliquée d'une dilatation des broches (DDB) au cours d'une entité trÚs rare appelée rhupus syndrome (lupus érythémateux systémique et polyarthrite rhumatoïde). Une patiente ùgée de 41 ans suivie depuis 10 ans pour rhupussyndrome, elle était mise sous corticothérapie à fortes doses associée à des anti paludéens de synthÚse et du méthotrexate. L'évolution ultérieure était marquée par l'amélioration de la  symptomatologie cutanée et articulaire avec l'apparition d'une symptomatologie respiratoire trainante et récidivante. Le dernier épisode était marqué par une fiÚvre à 39°, une asthénie, un amaigrissement, une dyspnée et une toux. Le bilan tuberculeux était positif et la radiographie thoracique montrait un foyer de dilatation des bronches lobaire supérieur droit séquellaire d'une tuberculose pulmonaire. La patiente était mise antituberculeux avec bonne amélioration clinique et radiologique.Pan African Medical Journal 2015; 2

    Forme trĂšs amyotrophique et invalidante d’une sclĂ©rodermie masculine

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    La sclĂ©rodermie systĂ©mique (SS) est une maladie rare qui se caractĂ©rise par des anomalies de la microcirculation et des lĂ©sions desclĂ©rose cutanĂ©e et/ou viscĂ©rale. Les lĂ©sions de sclĂ©rose cutanĂ©e peuvent ĂȘtre modestes ou Ă©tendues. Elle touche avec prĂ©dilection les femmes, sa physiopathologie est mal connue et chez l'homme l'existence d'un facteur dĂ©clenchant environnemental est discutĂ©e. Le sexe masculin semble ĂȘtre, un critĂšre pĂ©joratif d'Ă©volution. A ce propos, nous rapportons un cas exceptionnel de SS masculine Ă  prĂ©sentation atypique. Un malade, ĂągĂ© de 41 ans, suivi pour uneSS. Le diagnostic Ă©tait retenu devant une sclĂ©rose cutanĂ©e diffuse et une sclĂ©rodactylie, il avait par ailleurs une rarĂ©faction des anses capillaires Ă  la capillaroscopie et une hypotonie du sphincter du bas oesophage Ă  la manomĂ©trie. L'interrogatoire ne retrouvait pas de facteur dĂ©clenchant. L'examen physique trouvait une sclĂ©rose diffuse avec amyotrophie trĂšs importante et limitation des mouvements au niveau des 4 membres Ă  l'origine d'une impotence fonctionnelle. Le bilan d'amaigrissement (bilan thyroĂŻdien, glycĂ©mie, enzymes musculaires, marqueurs tumoraux...) Ă©tait normal. La biopsie cutanĂ©e Ă©tait en faveur d'une SS. IL Ă©tait traitĂ©e par de la colchicine et des sĂ©ances rĂ©guliĂšres de rĂ©Ă©ducation physique, l'Ă©volution est restĂ©e stable.Pan African Medical Journal 2015; 2

    Fibrose pulmonaire révélant un lupus érythémateux systémique du sujet ùgé

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    No Abstract.Key words: Fibrose pulmonaire, lupus érythémateux systémique, sujet ùg

    Occlusion de la veine centrale de la rĂ©tine du sujet jeune rĂ©vĂ©lant une hyperhomocystĂ©inĂ©mie: Ă  propos d’un cas

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    L'occlusion de la veine centrale de la rĂ©tine (OVCR) du sujet jeune est une entitĂ© clinique diffĂ©rente de celle du sujet ĂągĂ©. Elle est moins associĂ©e aux facteurs de risque cardiovasculaires et l'Ă©tiologie spĂ©cifique reste souvent inconnue. L'hyperhomocystĂ©inĂ©mie est connue pour ĂȘtre un facteur de risque rare Nous rapportons le cas d'un patient ĂągĂ© de 25 ans ayant une baisse brutale et indolore de l'acuitĂ© visuelle de l'oeil gauche. L'examen ophtalmologique a retrouvĂ© une acuitĂ© visuelle Ă  10/10e, P2 Ă  droite et Ă  compte les doigts Ă  1m Ă  gauche non amĂ©liorable. L'examen des segments antĂ©rieurs Ă©tait normal aux deux yeux. Le fond d'oeil gauche retrouvait un oedĂšme papillo-rĂ©tinien; des veines dilatĂ©es et tortueuses; et des hĂ©morragies superficielles en flammĂšche et profondes en nappe. L'angiographie rĂ©tinienne Ă  la fluorescĂ©ine confirma le diagnostic d'une (OVCR) gauche, forme mixte Ă  prĂ©dominance oedĂ©mateuse. La tomographie en cohĂ©rence optique (OCT) montre un oedĂšme maculaire cystoĂŻde (OMC) responsable de l'acuitĂ© visuelle effondrĂ©e. Un bilan Ă©tiologique demandĂ© (bilan lipidique complet, bilan inflammatoire, bilan immunologique, bilan de thrombophilie) Ă©tait normal. Par ailleurs, le taux plasmatique de l'homocystĂ©ine Ă©tait Ă©levĂ© Ă  19,2 ÎŒmol/L. Un traitement Ă  base de vitaminothĂ©rapie a Ă©tĂ© commencĂ©. L'Ă©volution Ă©tait marquĂ©e par une amĂ©lioration de l'acuitĂ© visuelle Ă  2/10, P8 avec rĂ©gression partielle de l'OMC.Pan African Medical Journal 2015; 2

    Co-existing sarcoidosis and Takayasu arteritis: report of a case

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Takayasu arteritis (TA) is a chronic vasculitis of unknown origin, affecting mainly the aorta and its main branches. As a result of the inflammation, stenosis, occlusion or dilatation of the involved vessels may occur and cause a wide range of symptoms. It has been described in association with various auto-immune disorders (mainly inflammatory digestive tract diseases). However, only few cases of TA associated with sarcoidosis have been reported, raising the question of an association by chance.</p> <p>Case report</p> <p>We report a case of a 34 year-old woman, with one year history of sarcoidosis, who presented with asymmetric high hypertension revealing inflammatory humeral, axillary and subclavian arteritis related to TA, successfully treated by steroid and immunosuppressive therapy(Methotrexate<sup>R</sup>).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>TA and sarcoidosis may be related, rising the hypothesis that TA or Takayasu arteritis-like granulomatous vasculitis may be, in fact, a complication of sarcoidosis.</p

    Interest of the therapeutic education in patients with type 2 diabetes observing the fast of Ramadan

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    AbstractThe fast of Ramadan is a dilemma for diabetic patients due to the complexity of the management of diabetes during this holy month and the multiple risks they face (hypoglycemia, etc.).ObjectivesEvaluate the impact of a structured protocol of therapeutic education in a sample of type 2 diabetes, who were authorized by their doctors to fast, on metabolic and anthropometric profiles.MethodsThis prospective study was conducted among 54 type 2 diabetic patients (28 men and 26 women) aged 36–65years, recruited from National Nutrition Institute. Patients were divided into two groups: the first group (n=26) received an education session one to two weeks before the month of Ramadan; the second group (n=28) did not have appropriate therapeutic education except therapeutic adjustments. All our diabetic patients benefited from anthropometric measurements, determination of body composition and metabolic assessment (HbA1c, cholesterol, triglycerides, etc.) before and after the month of Ramadan.ResultsThe fast was completed without complications in 25 diabetic patients educated group and 22 control patients.We found that weight loss was greater among educated diabetic patients (−1.05kg) than in controls (−0.58kg), but without statistical significance. Body composition has not undergone significant changes in both diabetic groups.Therapeutic education has led to a decline of 0.27% in HbA1c in the educated group while glycemic control in diabetic patients uneducated remained stable. Furthermore, we observed a better lipid profile in diabetic patients educated than those who did not have education.ConclusionOur results justify the interest of patient education centered on the month of Ramadan in all type 2 diabetic patients observing the fast of the holy month. This education should be continued during Ramadan in order to fulfill this religious rite safely

    Salt intake in a group of Tunisian obeses

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    Background: Salt is directly related to hypertension and cardiovascular disease associated with it. As obesity facilitates the effect of salt, a quantification of obese salt intake is necessary.Methods: Our patients numbering 56 have been recruited in the consultation of the obesity unit. Patients were given a questionnaire about their knowledge concerning salt. Natriuresis of 24 h was quantified. The average amount of sodium consumed per day from foods was determined (SAL), the average amount of sodium consumed per day from table salt added to cooking and seasoning (SAC) and the average total amount of sodium consumed per day (STOQ).Results: The mean age of our patients was 44.31 ± 12.8 years. The average BMI of our patients was 37.12 ± 5.9 kg/m2. The average systolic blood pressure was 123.8 ± 14 mmHg and mean diastolic blood pressure was 76.45 ± 10.7 mmHg. The average amount of sodium consumed per day from food (SAL) was 1 915 ± 1038 mg. The average amount of sodium consumed per day from cooking salt (SAC) was 2487 ± 1663 mg. The total amount of sodium consumed per day (STOQ) was 4402 ± 1831 mg. This addition is equivalent to 11 ± 4.6 g of salt per day. The total sodium intake exceeded 2000 mg/day in 89.2% of patients. More than half (57%) of spontaneous sodium intake comes from salt added. The average natriuresis in our population is 158 ± 68 mmol/24 h, higher than the norm in 18% of cases. The majority (85%) of our patients have claimed that excess salt is bad to very bad for health.Conclusion: Our study showed the importance of salt consumption in obeses and especially table salt and yet the majority of our patients consider it to be harmful to health.It will be necessary to take into account the sodium intake when prescribing the diet.Keywords: Obesity, Salt, Sodium intake, Natriuresis 24

    Plasma Levels of Pentosidine, Carboxymethyl-Lysine, Soluble Receptor for Advanced Glycation End Products, and Metabolic Syndrome: The Metformin Effect

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    Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is considered one of the most important public health problems. Several and controversial studies showed that the role of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) and their receptor in the development of metabolic syndrome and therapeutic pathways is still unsolved. We have investigated whether plasma pentosidine, carboxymethyl-lysine (CML), and soluble receptor for advanced glycation end products (sRAGE) levels were increased in patients with MetS and the effect of metformin in plasma levels of pentosidine, CML, and sRAGE. 80 control subjects and 86 patients were included in this study. Pentosidine, CML, and sRAGE were measured in plasma by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Plasma pentosidine, CML, and sRAGE levels were significantly increased in patients compared to control subjects ( &lt; 0.001, &lt; 0.001, and = 0.014, resp.). Plasma levels of pentosidine were significantly decreased in patients who received metformin compared to untreated patients ( = 0.01). However, there was no significant difference between patients treated with metformin and untreated patients in plasma CML levels. Plasma levels of sRAGE were significantly increased in patients who received metformin and ACE inhibitors ( &lt; 0.001 and = 0.002, resp.). However, in a multiple stepwise regression analysis, pentosidine, sRAGE, and drugs treatments were not independently associated. Patients with metabolic syndrome showed increased levels of AGEs such as pentosidine and CML. Metformin treatment showed a decreased level of pentosidine but not of CML. Therapeutic pathways of AGEs development should be taken into account and further experimental and in vitro studies merit for advanced research

    Nutritional risk factors for postmenopausal osteoporosis

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    Background: Osteoporosis is a bone disease that combines both a decrease in bone density and its internal architecture changes. Nutrition is one of the major determinants of osteoporosis.Aim: The purpose of our study was to identify nutritional risk factors of osteoporosis of two groups of osteoporotic women and witnesses.Methods: We conducted a comparative cross-sectional study including 60 postmenopausal women and screening for osteoporosis by a bone densitometry, recruited the outpatient service of Rheumatology of the Institute KASSAB.Results: We have identified excessive supply of saturated fatty acids (SFA) in the osteoporotic compared with controls (13.27% vs 10.23%, p= 0.002) and an inadequate intake of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) (12.6% vs 16.16%, p=0.012).A low calcium intake is another factor of risk of osteoporosis (574.27 ± 336.9 mg/day vs 782.45 ± 340.54 mg/day; p= 0.021). This is explained by the low consumption of milk and milk products objectified in the osteoporotic group (p= 0.001). We also found a negative relationship between inadequate intakes of potassium and osteoporosis (2241.55 ±1049.85 mg/day vs 2988.17 ± 1146.52 mg/day; p= 0.011). This may be due to the low consumption in fruit and vegetables, sources of potassium, found in the osteoporotic group (p= 0.003).We found a significant increase in the consumption of the VVPO group in the osteoporotic toward women witness (2.23 ± 0.99 number of times/day vs 1.67 ± 0.76 number of times/day; p= 0.019). A high consumption of coffee appears also as a risk factor since the osteoporotic group consume almost twice than controls (p= 0.002).Conclusion: Nutritional risk factors of osteoporosis are all the most important that they are editable and can take their place in a prevention of public health policy.Keywords: Osteoporosis; Menopause; Risk factors; Nutritio