662 research outputs found

    Accuracy of numerical relativity waveforms from binary neutron star mergers and their comparison with post-Newtonian waveforms

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    We present numerical relativity simulations of nine-orbit equal-mass binary neutron star covering the quasicircular late inspiral and merger. The extracted gravitational waveforms are analyzed for convergence and accuracy. Second order convergence is observed up to contact, i.e. about 3-4 cycles to merger; error estimates can be made up to this point. The uncertainties on the phase and the amplitude are dominated by truncation errors and can be minimized to 0.13 rad and less then 1%, respectively, by using several simulations and extrapolating in resolution. In the latter case finite-radius extraction uncertainties become a source of error of the same order and have to be taken into account. The waveforms are tested against accuracy standards for data analysis. The uncertainties on the waveforms are such that accuracy standards are generically not met for signal-to-noise ratios relevant for detection, except for some best cases using extrapolation from several runs. A detailed analysis of the errors is thus imperative for the use of numerical relativity waveforms from binary neutron stars in quantitative studies. The waveforms are compared with the post-Newtonian Taylor T4 approximants both for point-particle and including the analytically known tidal corrections. The T4 approximants accumulate significant phase differences of 2 rad at contact and 4 rad at merger, underestimating the influence of finite size effects. Tidal signatures in the waveforms are thus important at least during the last six orbits of the merger process.Comment: Physical Review D (Vol.85, No.10) 201

    On the Shear Instability in Relativistic Neutron Stars

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    We present new results on instabilities in rapidly and differentially rotating neutron stars. We model the stars in full general relativity and describe the stellar matter adopting a cold realistic equation of state based on the unified SLy prescription. We provide evidence that rapidly and differentially rotating stars that are below the expected threshold for the dynamical bar-mode instability, beta_c = T/|W| ~ 0.25, do nevertheless develop a shear instability on a dynamical timescale and for a wide range of values of beta. This class of instability, which has so far been found only for small values of beta and with very small growth rates, is therefore more generic than previously found and potentially more effective in producing strong sources of gravitational waves. Overall, our findings support the phenomenological predictions made by Watts, Andersson and Jones on the nature of the low-T/|W|.Comment: 20 pages; accepted to the Classical and Quantum Gravity special issue for MICRA200

    Intermediate behavior of Kerr tails

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    The numerical investigation of wave propagation in the asymptotic domain of Kerr spacetime has only recently been possible thanks to the construction of suitable hyperboloidal coordinates. The asymptotics revealed an apparent puzzle in the decay rates of scalar fields: the late-time rates seemed to depend on whether finite distance observers are in the strong field domain or far away from the rotating black hole, an apparent phenomenon dubbed "splitting". We discuss far-field "splitting" in the full field and near-horizon "splitting" in certain projected modes using horizon-penetrating, hyperboloidal coordinates. For either case we propose an explanation to the cause of the "splitting" behavior, and we determine uniquely decay rates that previous studies found to be ambiguous or immeasurable. The far-field "splitting" is explained by competition between projected modes. The near-horizon "splitting" is due to excitation of lower multipole modes that back excite the multipole mode for which "splitting" is observed. In both cases "splitting" is an intermediate effect, such that asymptotically in time strong field rates are valid at all finite distances. At any finite time, however, there are three domains with different decay rates whose boundaries move outwards during evolution. We then propose a formula for the decay rate of tails that takes into account the inter--mode excitation effect that we study.Comment: 16 page

    Second release of the CoRe database of binary neutron star merger waveforms

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    We present the second data release of gravitational waveforms from binaryneutron star merger simulations performed by the Computational Relativity(CoRe) collaboration. The current database consists of 254 different binaryneutron star configurations and a total of 590 individual numerical-relativitysimulations using various grid resolutions. The released waveform data containthe strain and the Weyl curvature multipoles up to â„“=m=4\ell=m=4. They span asignificant portion of the mass, mass-ratio,spin and eccentricity parameterspace and include targeted configurations to the events GW170817 and GW190425.CoRe simulations are performed with 18 different equations of state, seven ofwhich are finite temperature models, and three of which account fornon-hadronic degrees of freedom. About half of the released data are computedwith high-order hydrodynamics schemes for tens of orbits to merger; the otherhalf is computed with advanced microphysics. We showcase a standard waveformerror analysis and discuss the accuracy of the database in terms offaithfulness. We present ready-to-use fitting formulas for equation ofstate-insensitive relations at merger (e.g. merger frequency), luminosity peak,and post-merger spectrum.<br

    Three little pieces for computer and relativity

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    Numerical relativity has made big strides over the last decade. A number of problems that have plagued the field for years have now been mostly solved. This progress has transformed numerical relativity into a powerful tool to explore fundamental problems in physics and astrophysics, and I present here three representative examples. These "three little pieces" reflect a personal choice and describe work that I am particularly familiar with. However, many more examples could be made.Comment: 42 pages, 11 figures. Plenary talk at "Relativity and Gravitation: 100 Years after Einstein in Prague", June 25 - 29, 2012, Prague, Czech Republic. To appear in the Proceedings (Edition Open Access). Collects results appeared in journal articles [72,73, 122-124
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