68 research outputs found

    Accurate 3-D radiative transfer simulation of spectral solar irradiance during the total solar eclipse of 21 August 2017

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    We calculate the variation of spectral solar irradiance in the umbral shadow of the total solar eclipse of 21 August 2017 and compare it to observations. Starting from the Sun's and Moon's positions, we derive a realistic profile of the lunar shadow at the top of the atmosphere, including the effect of solar limb darkening. Subsequently, the Monte Carlo model MYSTIC (Monte Carlo code for the phYSically correct Tracing of photons In Cloudy atmospheres) is used to simulate the transfer of solar radiation through the Earth's atmosphere. Among the effects taken into account are the atmospheric state (pressure, temperature), concentrations of major gas constituents and the curvature of the Earth, as well as the reflectance and elevation of the surrounding area. We apply the model to the total solar eclipse on 21 August 2017 at a position located in Oregon, USA, where irradiance observations were performed for wavelengths between 306 and 1020 nm. The influence of the surface reflectance, the ozone profile, the mountains surrounding the observer and aerosol is investigated. An increased sensitivity during totality is found for the reflectance, aerosol and topography, compared to non-eclipse conditions. During the eclipse, the irradiance at the surface not only depends on the total ozone column (TOC) but also on the vertical ozone distribution, which in general complicates derivations of the TOC from spectral surface irradiance. The findings are related to an analysis of the prevailing photon path and its difference compared to non-eclipse conditions. Using the most realistic estimate for each parameter, the model is compared to the irradiance observations. During totality, the relative difference between model and observations is less than 10% in the spectral range from 400 to 1020 nm. Slightly larger deviations occur in the ultraviolet range below 400 and at 665 nm

    Retrieving vertical ozone profiles from measurements of global spectral irradiance

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    A new method is presented to determine vertical ozone profiles from measurements of spectral global (direct Sun plus upper hemisphere) irradiance in the ultraviolet. The method is similar to the widely used Umkehr technique, which inverts measurements of zenith sky radiance. The procedure was applied to measurements of a high-resolution spectroradiometer installed near the centre of the Greenland ice sheet. Retrieved profiles were validated with balloonsonde observations and ozone profiles from the space-borne Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS). Depending on altitude, the bias between retrieval results presented in this paper and MLS observations ranges between -5 and + 3 %. The magnitude of this bias is comparable, if not smaller, to values reported in the literature for the standard Dobson Umkehr method. Total ozone columns (TOCs) calculated from the retrieved profiles agree to within 0.7 +/- 2.0% (+/- 1 sigma) with TOCs measured by the Ozone Monitoring Instrument on board the Aura satellite. The new method is called the "Global-Umkehr" method

    Advances in Measuring the Apparent Optical Properties (AOPs) of Optically Complex Waters

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    This report documents new technology used to measure the apparent optical properties (AOPs) of optically complex waters. The principal objective is to be prepared for the launch of next-generation ocean color satellites with the most capable commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) instrumentation. An enhanced COTS radiometer was the starting point for designing and testing the new sensors. The follow-on steps were to apply the lessons learned towards a new in-water profiler based on a kite-shaped backplane for mounting the light sensors. The next level of sophistication involved evaluating new radiometers emerging from a development activity based on so-called microradiometers. The exploitation of microradiometers resulted in an in-water profiling system, which includes a sensor networking capability to control ancillary sensors like a shadowband or global positioning system (GPS) device. A principal advantage of microradiometers is their flexibility in producing, interconnecting, and maintaining instruments. The full problem set for collecting sea-truth data--whether in coastal waters or the open ocean-- involves other aspects of data collection that were improved for instruments measuring both AOPs and inherent optical properties (IOPs), if the uncertainty budget is to be minimized. New capabilities associated with deploying solar references were developed as well as a compact solution for recovering in-water instrument systems from small boats

    Optical Sensors for Planetary Radiant Energy (OSPREy): Calibration and Validation of Current and Next-Generation NASA Missions

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    A principal objective of the Optical Sensors for Planetary Radiance Energy (OSPREy) activity is to establish an above-water radiometer system as a lower-cost alternative to existing in-water systems for the collection of ground-truth observations. The goal is to be able to make high-quality measurements satisfying the accuracy requirements for the vicarious calibration and algorithm validation of next-generation satellites that make ocean color and atmospheric measurements. This means the measurements will have a documented uncertainty satisfying the established performance metrics for producing climate-quality data records. The OSPREy approach is based on enhancing commercial-off-the-shelf fixed-wavelength and hyperspectral sensors to create hybridspectral instruments with an improved accuracy and spectral resolution, as well as a dynamic range permitting sea, Sun, sky, and Moon observations. Greater spectral diversity in the ultraviolet (UV) will be exploited to separate the living and nonliving components of marine ecosystems; UV bands will also be used to flag and improve atmospheric correction algorithms in the presence of absorbing aerosols. The short-wave infrared (SWIR) is expected to improve atmospheric correction, because the ocean is radiometrically blacker at these wavelengths. This report describes the development of the sensors, including unique capabilities like three-axis polarimetry; the documented uncertainty will be presented in a subsequent report

    Antarctic UV measurements since 2000

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    Póster elaborado para el Quadrennial Ozone Symposium celebrado en Edimburgo del 4 al 9 de septiembre de 2016.The MAR Project was financed by the National R+D Plan of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology (National Research Program in the Antarctic) under contract REN2000-0245-C02-01

    Ozone, DNA-active UV radiation, and cloud changes for the near-global mean and at high latitudes due to enhanced greenhouse gas concentrations

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    This study analyses the variability and trends of ultraviolet-B (UV-B, wavelength 280–320 nm) radiation that can cause DNA damage. The variability and trends caused by climate change due to enhanced greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations. The analysis is based on DNA-active irradiance, total ozone, total cloud cover, and surface albedo calculations with the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts – Hamburg (ECHAM)/Modular Earth Submodel System (MESSy) Atmospheric Chemistry (EMAC) chemistry–climate model (CCM) free-running simulations following the RCP 6.0 climate scenario for the period 1960–2100. The model output is evaluated with DNA-active irradiance ground-based measurements, satellite SBUV (v8.7) total-ozone measurements, and satellite MODerate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Terra cloud cover data. The results show that the model reproduces the observed variability and change in total ozone, DNA-active irradiance, and cloud cover for the period 2000–2018 quite well according to the statistical comparisons. Between 50∘ N–50∘ S, the DNA-damaging UV radiation is expected to decrease until 2050 and to increase thereafter, as was shown previously by Eleftheratos et al. (2020). This change is associated with decreases in the model total cloud cover and negative trends in total ozone after about 2050 due to increasing GHGs. The new study confirms the previous work by adding more stations over low latitudes and mid-latitudes (13 instead of 5 stations). In addition, we include estimates from high-latitude stations with long-term measurements of UV irradiance (three stations in the northern high latitudes and four stations in the southern high latitudes greater than 55∘). In contrast to the predictions for 50∘ N–50∘ S, it is shown that DNA-active irradiance will continue to decrease after the year 2050 over high latitudes because of upward ozone trends. At latitudes poleward of 55∘ N, we estimate that DNA-active irradiance will decrease by 8.2 %±3.8 % from 2050 to 2100. Similarly, at latitudes poleward of 55∘ S, DNA-active irradiance will decrease by 4.8 % ± 2.9 % after 2050. The results for the high latitudes refer to the summer period and not to the seasons when ozone depletion occurs, i.e. in late winter and spring. The contributions of ozone, cloud, and albedo trends to the DNA-active irradiance trends are estimated and discussed.</p

    The success of the Montreal Protocol in mitigating interactive effects of stratospheric ozone depletion and climate change on the environment

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    The Montreal Protocol and its Amendments have been highly effective in protecting the stratospheric ozone layer, preventing global increases in solar ultraviolet-B radiation (UV-B; 280-315 nm) at Earth's surface, and reducing global warming. While ongoing and projected changes in UV-B radiation and climate still pose a threat to human health, food security, air and water quality, terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, and construction materials and fabrics, the Montreal Protocol continues to play a critical role in protecting Earth's inhabitants and ecosystems by addressing many of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.Non peer reviewe

    United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Questions and Answers about the Effects of Ozone Depletion, UV Radiation, and Climate on Humans and the Environment. Supplement of the 2022 Assessment Report of the UNEP Environmental Effects Assessment Panel

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    This collection of Questions & Answers (Q&As) was prepared by the Environmental Effects Assessment Panel (EEAP) of the Montreal Protocol under the umbrella of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). The document complements EEAP’s Quadrennial Assessment 2022 (https://ozone. unep.org/science/assessment/eeap) and provides interesting and useful information for policymakers, the general public, teachers, and scientists, written in an easy-to-understand language
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