209 research outputs found
If scholarship devoted to the influence of emblematics on Cervantes is a relatively new field, the same cannot be said for Shakespeare. The study of the debt owed by Shakespeare to emblem books began in earnest over a century ago with the publication of Henry Green's pioneering Shakespeare and the Emblem Writers: An Exposition of their Similarities of Thought and Expression. Preceded by a View of Emblem-Literature Down to A.D. 1616 (London: Trübner and Co., 1870). One constant in the approach of Shakespeare critics in their handling of possible emblematic influence is to urge caution and prudence when considering emblem literature as a possible source or influence on Shakespeare.Si la investigación dedicada a la influencia de la emblemática en Cervantes es un campo relativamente nuevo, no podemos decir lo mismo en relación a Shakespeare. El estudio de las deudas del dramaturgo con los libros de emblemas se remonta a más o menos un siglo, con la publicación del estudio pionero de Henry Green, Shakespeare and the Emblem Writers: An Exposition of their Similarities of Thought and Expression. Preceded by a View of Emblem-Literature Down to A.D. 1616 (Londres: Trübner and Co., 1870). Una constante del acercamiento de la crítica a este asunto siempre ha sido recomendar la mayor cautela y prudencia en la consideración de la literatura emblemática como fuente o influencia posible sobre los textos de Shakespeare
Si la intución de vincular a Shakespeare con el mundo de los emblemas fue rastreada por la crítica anglosajona desde antiguo, dando lugar a estudios extensos y minuciosos, no ha sido así con la obra de Cervantes. De hecho, no podemos hablar en rigor de unos primeros —y aún tímidos— análisis de este enlace hasta principios de los años ochenta del siglo pasado, y habrá que esperar a que acabe prácticamente el siglo para contar con una mínima bibliografía dedicada. Sin duda, la multiplicación de estudios coincide con el nuevo interés que gana en nuestro país la literatura de emblemas a impulsos de la Sociedad Española de Emblemática, de sus congresos y las publicaciones de sus miembros. Pero hay que destacar que, aún así, y hasta hoy, la figura de Cervantes se presenta escurridiza para la consolidación de esta bibliografía
"Ahórquese en buen día claro": more on the paremias in the "Comedia Eufrosina"
Se ha señalado la importancia evidente de la paremiología en la construcción literaria de la “Comedia Eufrosina”, pero no se había rastreado hasta ahora de manera exhaustiva la presencia concreta de las fuentes usadas por Ferreira de Vasconcelos. Este trabajo, partiendo del análisis de la traducción de los refranes portugueses llevado a cabo por Fernando de Ballesteros y Saavedra en su versión de la obra (1631), subraya la presencia de “La segunda Celestina” de Feliciano de Silva y del “Libro de Refranes” de Pedro Vallés, pero también de otros refraneros castellanos, concluyendo que ya debió conocerlos y utilizarlos Ferreira de Vasconcelos en el momento de elaborar la versión portuguesa original.The clear importance of paremiology in the literary construction of the “Comedia Eufrosina”, has been noted previously, but up until now the possible sources utilized by Ferreira de Vasconcelos have not been exhaustively studied. In this article, using as our point of departure the analysis of the translation of the Portuguese proverbs and refrains incorporated by Fernando de Ballesteros y Saavedra in his Spanish version of the work (1631), we point out the importance of “La segunda Celestina” by Feliciano de Silva and of the “Libro de Refranes” by Pedro Vallés, as well as other Spanish refraneros of the period, concluding from the evidence that Ferreira de Vasconcelos must have been familiar with them and utilized them while composing the Portuguese original.peerReviewe
A Close Companion Search Around L Dwarfs Using Aperture Masking Interferometry and Palomar Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics
We present a close companion search around 16 known early L dwarfs using aperture masking interferometry with Palomar laser guide star adaptive optics (LGS AO). The use of aperture masking allows the detection of close binaries, corresponding to projected physical separations of 0.6-10.0 AU for the targets of our survey. This survey achieved median contrast limits of ΔK ~ 2.3 for separations between 1.2λ/D-4λ/D and ΔK ~ 1.4 at 2/3λ/D. We present four candidate binaries detected with moderate-to-high confidence (90%-98%). Two have projected physical separations less than 1.5 AU. This may indicate that tight-separation binaries contribute more significantly to the binary fraction than currently assumed, consistent with spectroscopic and photometric overluminosity studies. Ten targets of this survey have previously been observed with the Hubble Space Telescope as part of companion searches. We use the increased resolution of aperture masking to search for close or dim companions that would be obscured by full aperture imaging, finding two candidate binaries. This survey is the first application of aperture masking with LGS AO at Palomar. Several new techniques for the analysis of aperture masking data in the low signal-to-noise regime are explored
Blueberries infected with the fungal pathogen Colletotrichum fioriniae release odors that repel Drosophila suzukii
Spotted-wing drosophila, Drosophila suzukii, is a serious pest of thin-skinned fruits. Alternative methods to control this pest are needed to reduce insecticide use, including new repellents. Previous research demonstrated that D. suzukii adults use odor cues to avoid blueberries infected with the fungal pathogen Colletotrichum fioriniae, which causes the disease anthracnose. To identify novel D. suzukii repellents, we investigated the volatile emission from experimentallyinfected fruit, which were inoculated with C. fioriniae isolates in the laboratory, and from field-collected fruit, which were naturally infected and harvested from a field. We then tested the pathogen-induced volatiles on D. suzukii adult behavior.hanks to Arthur Rudolph for his help operating the GC–MS during pandemic work restrictions, Chelsea Abegg for providing field-collected blueberry fruit infected with anthracnose, to Mustafa Wasti, Robert Holdcraft, and Vera Kyryczenko-Roth for technical assistance. Authors CCR and JJB were supported by USDA ARS CRIS 6036-224300-001-000D and CR-S and AQ were supported by USDA SCRI 2020-51181-32140, The Sridhar Polavarapu Memorial Endowment for Vaccinium Research, and USDA Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (grant no. LNE22-455R).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Beating noise with abstention in state estimation
We address the problem of estimating pure qubit states with non-ideal (noisy)
measurements in the multiple-copy scenario, where the data consists of a number
N of identically prepared qubits. We show that the average fidelity of the
estimates can increase significantly if the estimation protocol allows for
inconclusive answers, or abstentions. We present the optimal such protocol and
compute its fidelity for a given probability of abstention. The improvement
over standard estimation, without abstention, can be viewed as an effective
noise reduction. These and other results are exemplified for small values of N.
For asymptotically large N, we derive analytical expressions of the fidelity
and the probability of abstention, and show that for a fixed fidelity gain the
latter decreases with N at an exponential rate given by a Kulback-Leibler
(relative) entropy. As a byproduct, we obtain an asymptotic expression in terms
of this very entropy of the probability that a system of N qubits, all prepared
in the same state, has a given total angular momentum. We also discuss an
extreme situation where noise increases with N and where estimation with
abstention provides a most significant improvement as compared to the standard
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