1,475 research outputs found

    Upper Bounds for Randic Spread

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    The Randi´c spread of a simple undirected graph G, sprR(G), is equal to the maximal difference between two eigenvalues of the Randi´c matrix, disregarding the spectral radius [Gomes et al., MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. 72 (2014) 249–266]. Using a rank-one perturbation on the Randi´c matrix of G it is obtained a new matrix whose matricial spread coincide with sprR(G). By means of this result, upper bounds for sprR(G) are obtained

    Relatório final de estágio realizado na Escola Secundária Luís de Freitas Branco

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    O estágio pedagógico constitui-se como uma peça fundamental na formação profissional dos futuros Professores de Educação Física. Este engloba uma formação profissional ao nível da dimensão pedagógica, organizacional, didática e científica, tendo como objetivo último a habilitação dos estagiários para o desempenho das funções próprias de um professor. O presente relatório retrata a minha experiência como professora estagiária da disciplina de Educação Física na Escola Secundária Luís de Freitas Branco do Agrupamento de Escolas de Paço de Arcos, concretizada no ano letivo de 2020/2021, tratando-se do primeiro contacto tangível que tive com a realidade da profissão docente. O estágio pedagógico definiu o momento de confronto entre as crenças, conhecimentos e competências adquiridas ao longo da minha vida e da minha formação inicial e as exigências reais do trabalho de um professor de Educação Física. Tendo em consideração as quatro áreas de intervenção do estágio, foi possível ter ação nos vários campos de atuação de um professor na escola, ao nível das estruturas organizacionais da escola, como parte integrante do núcleo de estágio e do grupo de Educação Física, na coadjuvação de grupos-equipas de desporto escolar, na lecionação da disciplina de Educação Física a uma turma de 10.º ano de escolaridade e trabalho de coadjuvação da mentoria dessa mesma turma. Para o sucesso do trabalho desenvolvido foi necessário praticar, de forma sistemática e intencional, as competências de análise e de reflexão crítica, com o objetivo de melhorar a cada dia a intervenção pedagógica junto da turma e dos grupos-equipa, o projeto de investigação-ação e as funções de mentoria, permitindo-me aprender e melhorar como professora de Educação Física.The pedagogical training assumes a essential part of the professional formation of the future Physical Education teachers. This includes professional formation in a pedagogical, organizational, didactical and scientific dimension, aiming the qualification of the interns for the performance of the teacher own roles and responsibilities. This report portrays my own experience as a trainee physical education teacher at the Luís de Freitas Branco High School from the Grouping of schools of Paço de Arcos fulfilled in the 2020/2021 school year, which was my first tangible contact with the teaching profession. The pedagogical training defined the confrontation moment between the acquire beliefs, knowledge and competences over my life and my initial formation and the real requirements of a Physical Education teacher. Taking into account the internship four intervention areas, it was possible to have a hand in the school’s teacher multiple actuation areas, across the school organizational structures as a member of internship core and the physical education group, coadjuvant work in the school sports team, physical education teaching in a secondary school class and coadjuvant work in the mentoring of this class. To achieve a successful intervention it was essential to practice in a systematic and intentional way the analysis and critical reflection with the aim of improving in each day the pedagogical intervention within the class and the sport school team, the investigation project and the mentoring roles, allowing me to learn and improve as a physical education teacher

    Desenvolvimento profissional para a ação docente em ciência-tecnologia-sociedade : a formação continuada de professores de física do ensino médio

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    Esta pesquisa ocorreu ao longo de um curso de formação continuada, envolvendo quatro professores de Física do ensino médio de escolas públicas do Rio de Janeiro, no Brasil. A ação de formação foi estruturada a partir de um trabalho colaborativo de construção de estratégias didáticas para abordagem do tema produção e consumo da energia elétrica, considerando-se a perspectiva do enfoque Ciência-Tecnologia-Sociedade (CTS) para o ensino de Física. Dentre os aspectos estudados, destacamos a relação entre a precariedade da situação profissional dos participantes e os desafios postos pelo enfoque CTS. Os resultados apontam para a necessidade de desenvolvimento de uma ‘autonomia em CTS’ e, o espaço de formação mostrou-se adequado para um desenvolvimento profissional na direção de práticas mais autônomas em relação papel do ‘educador CTS’

    Sexual Harassment and Bullying in the Workplace in Portugal. Policy brief

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    The research project Sexual Harassment and Bullying in the Workplace was conducted by CIEG (Interdisciplinary Centre for Gender Studies), in 2015 as part of a partnership project led by CITE (Commission for Equality in Work and Employment), involving a number of different partners, with funding from EEA Grants. The starting point for this research, the findings of which are summarised in this brochure, was a comparison with the data gathered in a pioneering survey conducted in 1989 (Amâncio and Lima, 1994) on sexual harassment of women in Portugal. Considering the huge changes in society over the past 25 years, the scope of the research in 2015 was expanded to include bullying, and to include men as survey subjects, and not only women, as had previously been the case. Although the term sexual harassment is relatively recent, the abuse to which it refers, experienced by women in the workplace, is a much older phenomenon. But it was in the 1970s that the term entered the public consciousness as the feminist movement fought for change, locating sexual harassment in the wider context of inequalities of gender and power. Formerly regarded a moral or private issue, sexual harassment was now viewed as a social problem which needed to be addressed. At a later stage, the great diversity of employment situations and the complexity of gender inequalities prompted researchers to take a deeper, interdisciplinary approach to the subject, looking at both the female and male universes, their interactions, power relations and the organisational context. Introduction Bullying in the workplace is a social phenomenon to which little attention has yet been paid in Portugal, but which takes a serious toll on the physical and mental health of the individuals targeted. Internationally, research started to shed light on this problem in the 1980s, but it was in the 1990s that the debate and research in this area really developed. Both phenomena constitute an affront to human dignity, with consequences for society as a whole. In Europe, these are problems which affect tens of millions of workers of both sexes, although women are the main targets (Eurofound, 2015) Civic movements and international organisations, such as the ILO and the Council of Europe, have worked to gain greater visibility for these problems, voicing their condemnation, pushing them up the legal and political agenda, mobilising States and alerting employers, unions and public institutions to the advantages of preventing and combating these phenomena. In order to obtain a picture of sexual harassment and bullying in the workplace in Portugal, the researchers decided to combine and triangulate extensive and intensive methodologies. A representative sample of the Portuguese working population (mainland Portugal, excluding the primary sector) was surveyed by means of a questionnaire. At the same time, semi-structured interviews were conducted with men and women who had suffered bullying and/or sexual harassment.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Objective: to analyze the conceptions of the mental health process and to understand the conception of care technologies and the inclusion of those who suffer mentally, based on the narratives of students of undergraduate courses in Nursing at a Federal University of Bahia. Method: narrative investigation, with a qualitative approach, which analyzed the narratives of students of the Degree in Nursing. Results: we had 42 participants, aged between 19 and 50 years. The students' conception of the mental health-illness process was shown in different ways, such as the understanding of psychosocial interventions for the confrontation of psychic suffering, presenting themselves free of prejudices and stigmas. During the data collection, I made reports of illness in the covid-19 pandemic. The results were grouped into empirical categories: Conceptions of the health process, mental illness and quality of life, Psychosocial interventions for coping with psychological distress, Reflection on the Covid-19 Pandemic on the psychological suffering of university students, and Infrastructure/functioning university impacting health university mentality. Conclusion: This investigation suggests possible pedagogical and clinical interventions at Universities for future nursing students. It revealed that the students understand the need for their practice to be guided by the principles of the Single Health System and the anchor of nursing care.Objetivo: analizar las concepciones del proceso de salud mental y comprender la concepción de las tecnologías del cuidado y la inclusión de quien sufre mentalmente, a partir de las narrativas de estudiantes de cursos de graduación en Enfermería de una Universidad Federal de Bahia. Método: investigación narrativa, con abordaje cualitativo, que analizó las narrativas de estudiantes de la Licenciatura en Enfermería. Resultados: tuvimos 42 participantes, con edades entre 19 y 50 años. La concepción de los estudiantes sobre el proceso salud-enfermedad mental se mostró de diferentes maneras, como la comprensión de las intervenciones psicosociales para el enfrentamiento del sufrimiento psíquico, presentándose libres de prejuicios y estigmas. Durante la recolección de datos realicé reportes de enfermedad en la pandemia del covid-19. Los resultados se agruparon en categorías empíricas: Concepciones del proceso de salud, enfermedad mental y calidad de vida, Intervenciones psicosociales para el enfrentamiento del malestar psicológico, Reflexión de la Pandemia Covid-19 sobre el sufrimiento psicológico de los universitarios, e Infraestructura/funcionamiento universitario impactando mentalidad universitaria de la salud. Conclusión: Esta investigación sugiere posibles intervenciones pedagógicas y clínicas en las universidades para los futuros estudiantes de enfermería. Reveló que los estudiantes comprenden la necesidad de que su práctica sea guiada por los principios del Sistema Único de Salud y el ancla del cuidado de enfermería.Objetivo: analisar as concepções do processo saúde-doença mental mediante narrativas dos discentes dos cursos de graduação em Enfermagem de uma universidade federal baiana. Método: pesquisa narrativa, de abordagem qualitativa, que analisou narrativas de acadêmicos do curso de Enfermagem de uma universidade pública baiana, de abril a julho de 2021. Os dados foram analisados por meio da técnica narrativa de Cardano. Resultados: participaram 40 acadêmicos com idade entre 19 e 50 anos. Os resultados foram agrupados em categorias empíricas: concepções do processo saúde-doença mental e qualidade de vida; intervenções psicossociais para o enfrentamento do sofrimento psíquico; reflexo da pandemia de Covid-19 no sofrimento psíquico dos universitários; e infraestrutura/funcionamento da universidade repercutindo na saúde mental do universitário. Considerações finais: as narrativas dos estudantes sugerem possíveis intervenções pedagógicas e clínicas das Universidades aos estudantes futuros enfermeiros. Os estudantes compreendem a necessidade de sua prática ser balizada pelos princípios do SUS e ancorada no cuidado de enfermagem. Descritores: Saúde Mental. Impacto Psicossocial. Estudantes de Enfermagem. COVID-19. Processo Saúde-Doença

    A avaliação de desempenho docente na perspetiva dos diretores : um estudo empírico

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    A entrada em vigor, em 2008, de um modelo de avaliação de desempenho docente significativamente diferente do anterior gerou um debate acesso em torno das finalidades e funções da avaliação e dos procedimentos avaliativos propostos. O novo modelo inseriu-se numa política educativa adepta da monitorização e dos mecanismos avaliativos com vista à diferenciação de desempenhos, à rentabilização dos recursos, à prestação de contas, à melhoria, à eficácia e à qualidade. Em termos de desempenho docente, pretende-se que este objetivo se cumpra pelo desenvolvimento profissional dos professores, resultante dos processos reflexivos desencadeados e pela cada vez mais explícita obrigatoriedade de melhoria dos resultados escolares. A abordagem ao tema exigiu, numa primeira fase, a compreensão dos pressupostos teóricos, subjacentes à política educativa que legitima o estado-avaliador bem como dos pressupostos teóricos que conferem cientificidade aos modelos de avaliação de desempenho profissional. Numa segunda fase, o recurso à metodologia qualitativa permitiu satisfazer o propósito desta investigação, ou seja, perceber como se posicionam os diretores de escolas face ao fenómeno da avaliação de desempenho docente e ao modelo de avaliação instituído pelo Decreto Regulamentar nº2/2010, de 23 de junho. Como principais conclusões, destaca-se que os diretores consideram que a avaliação de desempenho é muito importante para o desenvolvimento profissional dos professores. No entanto, tal objetivo está dependente do modelo de avaliação implementado, que deverá ser muito diferente do modelo do D.R. nº2/2012, de 23 de junho, já que este não promoveu a melhoria das práticas nem a melhoria dos resultados escolares dos alunos.The introduction of an assessment model of teachers’ practice, in 2008, which is significantly different from its predecessor has led to a fierce debate on the aims and functions of this assessment as well as on its suggested assessment procedures. The new model was part of an educational policy which stood up for the supervision and the assessment mechanisms aiming at differentiation of practices, profitability of resources, accountability, improvement, effectiveness and quality. As regards teachers’ practice, this aim is intended to be achieved both through the professional development of teachers, as a result of the reflexive processes carried out, and through the more and more explicit compulsoriness to improve the academic results. The approach to this subject demanded, in a first stage, the understanding of theoretical presuppositions linked to the educational policy which legitimates the state as evaluator, as well as the theoretical presuppositions which give scientific certification to the assessment models of professional practice. In a second stage, having resorted to the qualitative methodology has enabled to fulfil the purpose of this research, which means to understand the way the schools’ headteachers position themselves not only towards the phenomenon of the assessment of teachers’ practice but also towards the model established by the law the Decreto Regulamentar nº2/2010 from June 23rd. As main conclusions, one should highlight the fact that the headteachers consider that the assessment of teachers’ practice is rather important for the professional development of teachers. However, such aim is dependent on the assessment model put into practice which should be rather different from the model established by the Decreto Regulamentar nº 2/2010 from June 23rd, since this has neither promoted the improvement of the teaching practices nor the improvement of the students’ academic results

    A importância das contas individuais e consolidadas no relato financeiro do munícipio de Torres Novas

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    Dissertação, Mestrado,Contabilidade e Finanças, Instituto Politécnico de Santarém, Escola Superior de Gestão e Tecnologia, 2013Considerando a necessidade de o setor empresarial local fornecer uma informação verdadeira e apropriada da situação financeira do município, deverá apresentar, para além das suas contas individuais, demonstrações financeiras baseadas consolidadas, que sirvam o propósito de obter informação agregada das diversas entidades como se de uma única entidade se tratasse. A consolidação de contas nos municípios surge como uma ferramenta de gestão que tem como principal objetivo a elaboração das demonstrações financeiras de um conjunto de entidades ligadas entre si, procurando dar uma imagem apropriada e verdadeira da situação financeira e dos resultados do grupo municipal, permitindo, assim, fazer a análise e avaliação das políticas públicas locais. É igualmente uma forma de prestar informação útil aos utentes, facilitando o controlo e a tomada de decisão. O processo de avaliação da performance económico-financeira do grupo municipal assume, pois, grande importância, tendo o presente relatório de dissertação aplicabilidade prática no Município de Torres Novas. O nosso principal objetivo é verificar se as contas consolidadas permitem reportar de forma mais fiel e verdadeira a situação financeira do grupo municipal do que as contas individuais que constam quer nas demonstrações financeiras do Município de Torres Novas quer da Turrisespaços–Empresa Municipal de Gestão de Equipamentos Culturais e Desportivos do Município de Torres Novas, E.E.M., para o período em análise. Sendo objetivo específico deste trabalho o estudo da consolidação de contas, em particular no Município de Torres Novas,dado este preencher os requisitos que o obrigam a realizar o processo de consolidação de contas, e apesar de alguns entraves e limitações, pode dizer-se que o mesmo foi atingido. Foi possível a adequação e conciliação dos diversos normativos, de modo a permitir a aplicação prática do processo de consolidação

    Notas sobre a biologia de Centrolabrus caeruleus Azevedo, 1999 (Teleostei: Labridae)

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    Centrolabrus caeruleus is a recently described littoral fish whose biology is poorly known, despite the fact that it is very abundant in the Azores. This paper presents general information about the age and growth, food and reproduction of this species. Males grow to larger sizes than females, and there are sexual differences in colour and behaviour. Preliminary von Bertalanffy growth curves are given for both sexes, based on modal analysis of the monthly length-frequency distributions. The length-weight relationship is also given. Food is dominated by small phytal invertebrates. Reproduction occurs mainly between March and June. Young of the year are seen from July on. Territorial males build algal nests where females spawn. Details of nest building, and of the courtship and spawning behaviours are given

    Hybrid design for automotive body panels

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    The increasing trend for electric mobility adoption brings new challenges to the automotive industry, requiring a new approach to the manufacture processes, materials adopted and adaptation the market needs. The conventional technologies used to manufacture automotive parts imply significant overhead costs (tooling, assembly, etc.) which can only be justified by large series. The need of light and cost effective materials was the driving force of this study, acknowledging that the growth of the electric vehicles market will be driven by price. The study aims to deliver a hybrid design material solution that would offer quality and security to the vehicle, affordable to everyone, developing engineered solutions in terms of design and production process. To the study were considered exterior body panels that are conventionally manufactured by sheet metal stamping or conventional thermoplastic injection, both having associated high investment costs related with tooling. To follow up this case study was defined as constrains that small series should be considered and weight reduction has to be achieved. The adoption of engineered materials leading to hybrid body panel's configuration was studied with increased resistance and reduced weight, using processes with low cost assembly operations and low tooling investment for a start. Structural reinforcement inserts were used on the test case to provide the desired results on the final component behavior. The approach taken considered different materials and methodologies focusing on the use of DCPD RIM components having as baseline the materials used nowadays in the automotive industry for the same type of exterior body panels. For deeper understanding on exterior panels' state of art, an analysis through several vehicle doors was made, analyzing the materials used and their combination. As a result, different combinations of materials were considered as adequate for weight reduction and for production on small production series Virtual simulation of two exterior body panels' solutions was done demonstrating the potential of DCPD as a hybrid solution to deliver structural consistence in conjunction with weigh reduction at a reduced cost.FEDER Funds, through the Operational Programme for Competitiveness Factors - COMPETE under the project 13844. FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia) for PhD scholarship (SFRH / BD / 51119 / 2010) under the scope of the MIT Portugal Program in Engineering Design and Advanced Manufacturing - Leaders for Technical Industries focus area

    Electrical bus performance modeling for urban environments

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    Electric vehicles are seen as a key driver to address the issue of global warming, mainly through their zero tailpipeemissions operation and energy efficiency improvements. However, this does not solve the problem of urban chaos, relatedto traffic congestion and parking space cluttering, which contribute to increase human stress and overall economicproductivity decrease. To address all these issues, electric urban buses come as an obvious solution, and they also have theadvantages of being quieter than regular buses and of promoting a better travel experience to passengers.Nowadays there are already electric buses operating in some parts of the world and one of the main concerns is theirhigh weight, which is mainly due to the amount of batteries they carry in order to have an adequate range. Severalstrategies are possible and are being tested to provide buses with adequate operability in terms of range: battery swappingat central stations, battery charging at central stations on slow or fast charge rates and sizing the battery pack to the route ofthe electric bus using fast charge on bus stops.This paper intends to provide a mathematical model for the electric bus powertrain and its routes, based on a createddriving cycle that simulates an acceleration and deceleration period between two stops of a bus. The main objective is toverify how much of the energy recovered from regenerative braking can be absorbed by lithium-ion batteries and to verifywhether the supercapacitors can excel the batteries for this purpose. The intent is to reduce the amount of batteries carried,in the attempt to increase the bus efficiency by optimizing regenerative braking capabilities and possibly reduce overallsystem weight.This work is financed by FEDER Funds, through the Operational Programme for Competitiveness Factors - COMPETE under the project 13844. Deborah Perrotta thanks FCT (Fundaço para a Cincia e Tecnologia) for PhD scholarship (SFRH / BD / 51256 / 2010) under the scope of the MIT Portugal Program in Engineering Design and Advanced Manufacturing - Leaders for Technical Industries focus area