582 research outputs found

    A Modular Formalization of Reversibility for Concurrent Models and Languages

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    Causal-consistent reversibility is the reference notion of reversibility for concurrency. We introduce a modular framework for defining causal-consistent reversible extensions of concurrent models and languages. We show how our framework can be used to define reversible extensions of formalisms as different as CCS and concurrent X-machines. The generality of the approach allows for the reuse of theories and techniques in different settings.Comment: In Proceedings ICE 2016, arXiv:1608.0313

    Filter Models: Non-idempotent Intersection Types, Orthogonality and Polymorphism

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    This paper revisits models of typed lambda calculus based on filters of intersection types: By using non-idempotent intersections, we simplify a methodology that produces modular proofs of strong normalisation based on filter models. Building such a model for some type theory shows that typed terms can be typed with intersections only, and are therefore strongly normalising. Non-idempotent intersections provide a decreasing measure proving a key termination property, simpler than the reducibility techniques used with idempotent intersections. Such filter models are shown to be captured by orthogonality techniques: we formalise an abstract notion of orthogonality model inspired by classical realisability, and express a filter model as one of its instances, along with two term-models (one of which captures a now common technique for strong normalisation). Applying the above range of model constructions to Curry-style System F describes at different levels of detail how the infinite polymorphism of System F can systematically be reduced to the finite polymorphism of intersection types

    Sex differences and atrial fibrillation in heart failure with reduced versus preserved ejection fraction

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    Heart failure is a major public health problem. Patients with heart failure often experience dyspnoea, fatigue and/or have peripheral oedema. The prognosis of heart failure remains poor, with a severely impaired quality of life, frequent hospitalizations and a five-year mortality rate around 50%. The two most prevalent forms of heart failure are heart failure with a reduced ejection fraction and heart failure with a preserved ejection fraction. Several medical treatments have greatly improved clinical outcomes in heart failure with a reduced ejection fraction, but these therapies have unfortunately not been proven effective in patients with heart failure with a preserved ejection fraction. Atrial fibrillation is the most common arrhythmia in heart failure, with a prevalence between 25-65% depending on the type and severity of heart failure. Important differences have been observed between men and women with heart failure and atrial fibrillation, yet poorly understood. The aim of this thesis was to examine the complex pathophysiological interplay between men and women with atrial fibrillation and heart failure with reduced versus preserved ejection fraction, which will ultimately lead to better treatments.The thesis describes that the optimal doses of heart failure medication for women appeared lower than in men (around 50% of the doses that are currently recommended), which could have important clinical implications. Another study revealed profound differences in biomarkers profiles in patients with atrial fibrillation and heart failure with a reduced ejection fraction as compared to those with a preserved ejection fraction

    Torn Between Home and Homeland, Present and Future: Identity Formation Among Individuals With Assyrian Background in Sweden

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    None of us are immune to the ongoing identity-processes. Identity formation is something that we are engaged in every day, both in our consciousness and our subconsciousness, from the society levels down to personal levels. This study examines how individuals with Assyrian background form their identities in Sweden. Questions on ”homeland” and ”home”, and statelessness are asked to contribute to the understanding of identity formation among Assyrians in Sweden, as well as questions on expectations and concerns for the future to behold. A qualitative method is used, with the purpose to contribute to the existing knowledge on identity formation among Assyrians in Sweden. The empirical analysis is built on 14 Assyrian voices of different ages and backgrounds. Identity and belonging constitute the central conceptual framework of this study. By analyzing relevant literature and the primary data, the results shows that although Assyrians in Sweden have different ages and backgrounds, their experiences on identity formation are very similar. In relation to their personal identity formation, they emphasize the group-identification as something important. The term of statelessness is recognized to be a burden, at the same time as it is emphasized to be a truthful way of describing the collective identity. Further, questions on the future to behold are highly present, both on individual and collective levels


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    Bernadet Rosita Widiyanti, NIM : I 0301018. PENYUSUNAN RUTE DISTRIBUSI ES BALOK DI PT. PUTRI SALJU MENGGUNAKAN FISHER AND JAIKUMAR ALGORITHM. Skripsi. Surakarta: Jurusan Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Juli 2006 PT. Putri Salju merupakan perusahaan es balok di Karanganyar memiliki kapasitas produksi maksimal 4860 balok es perhari. Setiap hari perusahaan mengirimkan pesanan kepada 30 konsumen yang merupakan agen es balok di 7 kabupaten yaitu Surakarta, Klaten, Purwodadi, Sragen, Karanganyar, Pacitan, Sukoharjo. Pengiriman pesanan menggunakan suatu armada yang terdiri dari 12 truk berkapasitas 110 balok es/truk dengan menempuh 10 rute yang telah ditentukan. Permasalahan yang dihadapi adalah jumlah permintaan konsumen pada beberapa rute melebihi kapasitas kendaraan yang melayani rute tersebut terutama rute-rute yang melayani kota Surakarta. Pesanan yang melebihi kapasitas kendaraan memaksa perusahaan melakukan penitipan pada rute lain atau melakukan pengantaran susulan menggunakan 3 pickup berkapasitas 37 balok es/pickup. Penitipan dan pengantaran susulan tersebut akan menambah jarak yang harus ditempuh kendaraan dan pada akhirnya akan menaikkan biaya pengiriman yang harus dibayarkan perusahaan. Untuk itu maka perlu disusun suatu rute pengiriman usulan yang telah mempertimbangkan kapasitas kendaraan sehingga meminimalkan penitipan terhadap rute lain atau pengantaran susulan yang pada akhirnya akan meminimalkan biaya pengiriman. Tahap pertama dalam proses penyelesaian masalah adalah inisialiasasi yang membagi konsumen menjadi beberapa wilayah pengiriman berdasarkan kedekatan lokasi antar konsumen dan arah pengiriman. Tahap kedua adalah penyusunan rute menggunakan Fisher and Jaikumar Algorithm yang terdiri dari 2 fase yang acap disebut Cluster First , Route Second. Tahap ketiga adalah penghitungan biaya pengiriman dan perbandingan dengan biaya pengiriman rute perusahaan, jika ternyata biaya pengiriman rute usulan lebih kecil maka melangkah ke tahap berikutnya yaitu penyusunan jadwal pengiriman. Tahap terakhir adalah analisis terhadap rute usulan yang dihasilkan. Software yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah Microsoft Excel dengan tool Solver yang terutama digunakan untuk memecahkan Generalized Assignment Problem dalam Fisher and Jaikumar Algorithm. Penelitian ini selain menghasilkan rute usulan yang terdiri dari 13 rute dengan biaya pengiriman yang lebih rendah daripada biaya pengiriman rute perusahaan, juga mampu mengurangi terjadinya kekurangan kapasitas kendaraan pada tiap rutenya. Jadwal pengiriman yang disusun sebagai hasil lanjut rute usulan juga telah sanggup mengatur penggunaan armada dengan lebih optimal sehingga meningkatkan utilitas kendaraan. Kata kunci: Penyusunan Rute Kendaraan, Fisher and Jaikumar Algorithm, Generalized Assignment Problem, Jadwal Pengirima
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