1,773 research outputs found

    Labour Market Developments in the Maritime Industry of the South Baltic Region

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    There are two aims of this study. The first is to outline the developments in the maritime economy and employment in the South Baltic Region, and the second to identify the emerging activities in the maritime industry and to reveal the prospects and potential for labour market development, taking into account the demand for labour, required professions, qualifications of the labour force, and feasible cross-border mobility. This comparative study refers to four EU Baltic coast regions, namely the Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (D), Zachodniopomorskie (PL), Pomorskie (PL) and Klaipeda (LT) regions. Prospects for the economic development and employment potential specified for each region and selected segments of the maritime economy are consequently elaborated. The analysis of the maritime economy in the South Baltic Region reveals some crucial differences in terms of strategic maritime activities and employment potential and prospects for each of the regions. The phenomenon of the diverse demand for labour force through the various segments of the maritime economy and by region has been identified and is presented in the form of a comprehensive matrix of the projected demand for labour.Dwa główne cele badań, to analiza stanu gospodarki morskiej i zatrudnienia w Rejonie Południowego Bałtyku oraz zidentyfikowanie sektorów gospodarki morskiej wykazujących potencjał dla rozwoju i określenie wpływu, jaki będzie to miało na zatrudnienie i wymagane kwalifikacje zawodowe, a także na możliwości wymiany międzyregionalnej pracowników. Badania porównawcze przeprowadzono dla czterech nadmorskich regionów UE, a mianowicie Meklemburgii-Przedpomorza Przedniego(D), województw: Zachodniopomorskiego i Pomorskiego (PL) oraz Regionu Kłajpedy (LT). Wskazano na perspektywy rozwoju gospodarczego poszczególnych segmentów gospodarki morskiej i ustalono związany z tym wpływ na rynki pracy w poszczególnych regionach. Analiza porównawcza poszczególnych segmentów gospodarki morskiej Rejonu Południowego Bałtyku umożliwiła zidentyfikowanie różnic w możliwościach ich rozwoju i w efektach popytu na pracę i na kwalifikacje zawodowe dla każdego z regionów. Zjawisko zróżnicowanego potencjału rozwoju rynków pracy w wyróżnionych segmentach gospodarki morskiej w ujęciu międzyregionalnym przedstawiono w formie wielokryterialnych macierzy prognoz popytu na pracę

    Improved astigmatic focus error detection method

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    All easy-to-implement focus- and track-error detection methods presently used in magneto-optical (MO) disk drives using pre-grooved media suffer from a side effect known as feedthrough. Feedthrough is the unwanted focus error signal (FES) produced when the optical head is seeking a new track, and light refracted from the pre-grooved disk produces an erroneous FES. Some focus and track-error detection methods are more resistant to feedthrough, but tend to be complicated and/or difficult to keep in alignment as a result of environmental insults. The astigmatic focus/push-pull tracking method is an elegant, easy-to-align focus- and track-error detection method. Unfortunately, it is also highly susceptible to feedthrough when astigmatism is present, with the worst effects caused by astigmatism oriented such that the tangential and sagittal foci are at 45 deg to the track direction. This disclosure outlines a method to nearly completely eliminate the worst-case form of feedthrough due to astigmatism oriented 45 deg to the track direction. Feedthrough due to other primary aberrations is not improved, but performance is identical to the unimproved astigmatic method

    Voluntary Web-Based Self-Assessment Quiz Use Improves Exam Performance, Especially for Learners with Low Prior Knowledge

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    We examined students’ voluntary use of digital self-assessment quizzes as a resource for learning in a large anatomy and physiology lecture course. Students (N = 238) could use 16 chapter quizzes and four analogous unit quizzes to rehearse and self-assess knowledge. Repeated use was uncommon (12%), as was lack of use (13%). Most students (75%) engaged in occasional use of self-assessment quiz items. Exam performance differed between repeated use (84%), occasional use (76%), and no use (72%) groups. Differences were greater among students who lacked prior knowledge of course topics. Quiz use improved performance more for low prior knowledge students, and differences increased over the semester. Overall, repeated users significantly outperformed occasional users (+7.5%) and non users (+11.9%) on course examshttps://digitalscholarship.unlv.edu/btp_expo/1023/thumbnail.jp

    Comparison of different fractal dimension measuring algorithms for RE-TM M-O films

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    Noise in magneto-optical recording devices is discussed. In general, it appears that either the divider technique or amplitude spectrum technique may be used interchangeably to measure the fractal dimension (D) in the domain wall structure of ideal images. However, some caveats must be observed for best results. The divider technique is attractive for its simplicity and relatively modest computation requirements. However, it is sensitive to noise, in that noise pixels that touch the domain boundary are interpreted as being part of the boundary, skewing the measurement. Also, it is not useful in measuring nucleation-dominated films or domains that have significant amounts of structure within the interior of the domain wall. The amplitude spectrum method is more complex, and less intuitive than the divider method, and somewhat more expensive to implement computationally. However, since the camera noise tends to be white, the noise can be avoided in the measurement of D by avoiding that portion of the curve that is flat (due to the white noise) when the least squares line is fit to the plot. Also, many image processing software packages include a Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT) facility, while the user will most likely have to write his own edge extraction routine for the divider method. The amplitude spectrum method is a true two dimensional technique that probes the interior of the domain wall, and in fact, can measure arbitrary clusters of domains. It can also be used to measure grey-level images, further reducing processing steps needed to threshold the image

    Incorporation of Telemedicine at a Rural Orthopedic Practice

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    This project proposes virtual telehealth services at Orthopedic Specialists & Sports Medicine (OSSM) to monitor, treat, and manage rural populations living near Granville, Ohio. According to the National Rural Health Association, rural areas have more significant shortages of primary and specialty health care providers (Henderson et al., 2014). The prevalence of chronic conditions and geographic barriers force patients to travel long distances to gain access to specialty health care services (Henderson et al., 2014). High-quality health care services are needed to promote and maintain a person\u27s health, prevent and manage diseases, and reduce disability (Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, 2019). Telemedicine uses various technologies to allow clinicians to communicate with their patients for routine follow-ups and consultations. This paper describes a pilot project to address the need for specialty, orthopedic services at Orthopedic Specialists & Sports Medicine (OSSM) through telehealth technology. A cost-benefit analysis was performed based on a pilot study conducted from March-August 2020. The research was presented to key stakeholders at OSSM to determine the number of telehealth video visits utilized by providers and patients during that time and to examine reimbursement

    Conceptual draft of a three-stage system for protection of localities of rare and threatened plants on the example of the orchid family (Orchidaceae) in Poland

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    The present state of safeguarding of localities of plants from the orchid family in Poland within the framework of official forms of nature protection is highly random and thus unsatisfactory. This statement is true both with regard to the percentage of localities which are placed under protection and to the distribution pattern of protection sites which is inadequately correlated with the pattern of occurrence of individual species (or subspecies) in the respective regions of the country. In the face of this situation, an attempt was made to prepare the concept of a universal system which would enable a simple, transparent and objective selection procedure for the most valuable localities of rare or threatened species. The presented project relies on two simple and basic assumptions. The first one is a three-stage design of the system. Natural assets and scientific value serve as criteria for selection and classification of the most valuable localities at one of three levels: the highest national level (red points), the medium-value macroregional level (yellow points) and local level (green points). The second assumption states that for each species (subspecies), a maximum number of 10 localities (points) can be selected in each territorial unit for its respective level. Final result of analysis, as individual maps and plans of protection for each species (subspecies), should serve the realisation of the paramount goal which is the rational management of biological resources. The presented system should also make it easier to select localities which require legal protection as well as serve as a reliable and objective tool for choosing sites for monitoring

    Changes in the balance between C3 and C4 plants expected in Poland with the global change

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    We can expect significant changes in the plant cover structure and crop structure due to the climate change, and the response of plants with different photosynthetic pathways to global change may be crucial for agriculture. The paper analyzes the impact of habitat factors connected with the climate change: temperature and concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere on the change of C3 and C4 plants primary production (NPP). The Ehleringer model describing the balance between C3 and C4 plants indicates that a shift in the balance in favor of C4 plants and the increase in CO2 levels, which has continued since the mid-nineteenth up to the present day, would require a temperature increase by 5-10°C. Nonetheless, this increase is much lower, while the review of previous studies and some phenomena observed in the Poland area: high level of NPP in maize crops and the increased in contribution of C4 species in the flora indicate the shift in the balance in favor of C4 plants. This fact can be explained by a factor not included to the Ehleringer model: the availability of water and nitrogen

    Creative accounting in Eastern Europe : the case of the Polish port companies

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    During 1991, a large number of small companies was created to run the operational activity of the Polish seaports, which was until then monopolised by state-owned enterprises. The major part of the shares is held by the employees. Leasing-techniques are used to solve the problem of financing the infrastructure. Although the profit-margins are relatively modest, the return on total assets is rather important because the infrastructure does not appear on the assets-side of the privatised companies. As a consequence of what we call leasing-leverage, the return on equity reaches almost astronomic heights. In the conclusion we indicate the potential dangers of this situation; the financial construction does not solve the ownership-problem of the assets, can lead to only very short-term based decisions and does not guarantee continuity when the assets have to be replaced.peer-reviewe

    Simulated Emerald Ash Borer Induced Changes in Western New York Forests

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    Invasive pests and pathogens are among the biggest threats currently faced by Northeastern forests. The emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis) is one such pest and targets trees in the genus Fraxinus. The primary goal of this research was to determine the ecological effects of EAB on forests in Western New York, emphasizing forest composition, succession, and carbon cycling. Each ash-dominated site contained two 20 x 20 m plots, an experimental plot where ash trees were girdled to simulate the effects of EAB and a control plot with ash trees left intact and healthy. Forest composition was examined in each of the plots to examine how composition and succession would change as a result of EAB. The effect of EAB on carbon dynamics and microclimate was also determined by quantifying soil organic matter, decay rate, soil respiration, tree productivity, soil and air temperature, and soil moisture. Ash was prevalent in all three woody strata (seedlings, saplings, and trees) at the examined sites; however, once these sites are impacted by EAB, ash will not be able to remain the dominant species. Although it remains unclear how different species will respond to the gaps left by ash, it is likely that invasive shrubs will benefit the most from EAB attack due to their current presence in examined sites. Ultimately, these invasive shrubs will likely alter the successional trajectories of the sites they invade. These changes in composition, as well as the loss of ash, will have an impact on ecosystem 2 functioning. Overall, the results of this study suggest that, in the short term (at least two years based on my results), sites impacted by EAB will become C sources as suggested by the slightly increased soil CO2 efflux (one year after girdling) and decomposition rates that were observed in the girdled plots. Additionally, there is a loss of ash productivity in the girdled plots and this loss is not being fully compensated by other species. Based on the results of this study, EAB will have a substantial impact on the composition of the sites it impacts in Western New York, resulting in altered functioning and decreased C sink strength. However, it is important to note that these responses will be site-specific, and therefore, the response of sites will vary with environmental conditions. Finally, EAB will result in altered species composition and, consequently, ecosystem functioning over longer time scales as other species completely fill the gaps left by ash