44 research outputs found

    A Color Dual Form for Gauge-Theory Amplitudes

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    Recently a duality between color and kinematics has been proposed, exposing a new unexpected structure in gauge theory and gravity scattering amplitudes. Here we propose that the relation goes deeper, allowing us to reorganize amplitudes into a form reminiscent of the standard color decomposition in terms of traces over generators, but with the role of color and kinematics swapped. By imposing additional conditions similar to Kleiss-Kuijf relations between partial amplitudes, the relationship between the earlier form satisfying the duality and the current one is invertible. We comment on extensions to loop level.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Dual Conformal Properties of Six-Dimensional Maximal Super Yang-Mills Amplitudes

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    We demonstrate that the tree-level amplitudes of maximal super-Yang-Mills theory in six dimensions, when stripped of their overall momentum and supermomentum delta functions, are covariant with respect to the six-dimensional dual conformal group. Using the generalized unitarity method, we demonstrate that this property is also present for loop amplitudes. Since the six-dimensional amplitudes can be interpreted as massive four-dimensional ones, this implies that the six-dimensional symmetry is also present in the massively regulated four-dimensional maximal super-Yang-Mills amplitudes.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figures, minor clarification, references update

    The one-loop six-dimensional hexagon integral and its relation to MHV amplitudes in N=4 SYM

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    We provide an analytic formula for the (rescaled) one-loop scalar hexagon integral Φ~6\tilde\Phi_6 with all external legs massless, in terms of classical polylogarithms. We show that this integral is closely connected to two integrals appearing in one- and two-loop amplitudes in planar mathcalN=4\\mathcal{N}=4 super-Yang-Mills theory, Ω(1)\Omega^{(1)} and Ω(2)\Omega^{(2)}. The derivative of Ω(2)\Omega^{(2)} with respect to one of the conformal invariants yields Φ~6\tilde\Phi_6, while another first-order differential operator applied to Φ~6\tilde\Phi_6 yields Ω(1)\Omega^{(1)}. We also introduce some kinematic variables that rationalize the arguments of the polylogarithms, making it easy to verify the latter differential equation. We also give a further example of a six-dimensional integral relevant for amplitudes in mathcalN=4\\mathcal{N}=4 super-Yang-Mills.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figure

    Amplitudes for Multiple M5 Branes

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    We study N=(m,0) super-Poincare invariant six-dimensional massless and five-dimensional massive on-shell amplitudes. We demonstrate that in six dimensions, all possible three-point amplitudes involving tensor multiplets are necessarily embedded in gravitational theories. For non-gravitational amplitudes we consider instead five-dimensional massive amplitudes with N=(2,0) supersymmetry, aiming at describing the world volume theory of multiple M5 branes compactified on M^{4,1}x S^1. We find non-gravitational amplitudes whose on-shell degrees of freedom are shown to match those of the massive particle states that arise from self-dual strings wrapping a circle. Along the way we find interesting hints of a fermionic symmetry in the (2,0) theory, which accompanies the self-dual tensor gauge symmetry. We also discuss novel theories with (3,0) and (4,0) supersymmetry.Comment: 49 pages, 4 figures, v2: Better organization and more details in the section on KK interaction

    Simple superamplitudes in higher dimensions

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    We provide simple superspaces based on a formulation of spinor helicity in general even dimensions. As a distinguishing feature these spaces admit a fermionic super-momentum conserving delta function solution to the on-shell supersymmetry Ward identities. Using these solutions, we present beautifully simple formulae for the complete three, four and five point superamplitudes in maximal super Yang-Mills theory in eight dimensions, and for the three and four point superamplitudes in ten dimensional type IIB supergravity. In addition, we discuss the exceptional kinematics of the three point amplitude, and the supersymmetric spinorial BCFW recursion, in general dimensions.Comment: 34 page

    Integrands for QCD rational terms and N=4 SYM from massive CSW rules

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    We use massive CSW rules to derive explicit compact expressions for integrands of rational terms in QCD with any number of external legs. Specifically, we present all-n integrands for the one-loop all-plus and one-minus gluon amplitudes in QCD. We extract the finite part of spurious external-bubble contributions systematically; this is crucial for the application of integrand-level CSW rules in theories without supersymmetry. Our approach yields integrands that are independent of the choice of CSW reference spinor even before integration. Furthermore, we present a recursive derivation of the recently proposed massive CSW-style vertex expansion for massive tree amplitudes and loop integrands on the Coulomb-branch of N=4 SYM. The derivation requires a careful study of boundary terms in all-line shift recursion relations, and provides a rigorous (albeit indirect) proof of the recently proposed construction of massive amplitudes from soft-limits of massless on-shell amplitudes. We show that the massive vertex expansion manifestly preserves all holomorphic and half of the anti-holomorphic supercharges, diagram-by-diagram, even off-shell.Comment: 30 pages, many figure

    Dualities for Loop Amplitudes of N=6 Chern-Simons Matter Theory

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    In this paper we study the one- and two-loop corrections to the four-point amplitude of N=6 Chern-Simons matter theory. Using generalized unitarity methods we express the one- and two-loop amplitudes in terms of dual-conformal integrals. Explicit integration by using dimensional reduction gives vanishing one-loop result as expected, while the two-loop result is non-vanishing and matches with the Wilson loop computation. Furthermore, the two-loop correction takes the same form as the one-loop correction to the four-point amplitude of N=4 super Yang-Mills. We discuss possible higher loop extensions of this correspondence between the two theories. As a side result, we extend the method of dimensional reduction for three dimensions to five dimensions where dual conformal symmetry is most manifest, demonstrating significant simplification to the computation of integrals.Comment: 32 pages and 6 figures. v2: minus sign corrections, ref updated v3: Published versio

    Spinor Helicity and Dual Conformal Symmetry in Ten Dimensions

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    The spinor helicity formalism in four dimensions has become a very useful tool both for understanding the structure of amplitudes and also for practical numerical computation of amplitudes. Recently, there has been some discussion of an extension of this formalism to higher dimensions. We describe a particular implementation of the spinor-helicity method in ten dimensions. Using this tool, we study the tree-level S-matrix of ten dimensional super Yang-Mills theory, and prove that the theory enjoys a dual conformal symmetry. Implications for four-dimensional computations are discussed.Comment: 24 pages, 1 figure