11 research outputs found

    Aplicación del M.E.F. al dibujo de curvas

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    Se presenta una aplicación muy concreta del Método de Elementos Finitos al trazado de carreteras, que puede ser de interés en algunos casos específicos como en el tratamiento del problema de optimización

    Resolución numérica de un problema de valor óptimo de una opción

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    The option value problem with two costs is written as a variational inequality. The advantage of this formulation is that it takes place in a fixed domain. Thus no front tracking is needed for numerical approximation of the free boundary. An iterative algorithm is proposed which can be used to solve the nonlinear system obtained by finite differences or finite elements procedures. Especial care has to be taken in the design of differences finites schemes o finite elements due to the degeneracy of the differential operator. These schemes can be absortion or convection dominated nearly to the axis. This is a preliminary note to the study of this kind of problems

    Mathematical modelling of pulverized coal furnaces

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    The goal of this paper is to show how mathematics and computational science can help to design not only the geometry but also the operation conditions of different parts of a pulverized coal power plant

    The modelling of the generation of volátiles, H2 and CO, and their simultaneous diffusion controlled oxidation, in pulverized coal furnaces

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    The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the mathematical modelling of the combustión of coal particles in pulverized coal furnaces. The model deals with the gas and solid phases of the flow. For the coal particles a Lagrangian description is used, taking into account the simultaneous processes of moisture evaporation and devolatilization together with the heterogeneous gasification reactions of the char. An Eulerian description will be used for the distributions of temperature and concentrations in the gas phase, with the effect of the particles represented by volumetric sources of heat, mass and momentum. The gas phase oxidation reactions of the volátiles, H2 and CO will be modelled using the assumption of infinitely fast rates; the Burke-Schumann analysis will be generalized to account for the competition for oxygen of CO, H2 and the volátiles. These reactions may occur, in the form of group combustión, in a gaseous thin diffusion fíame separating a región without oxygen, where the coal particles genérate volátiles, H2 and CO, from a región with oxygen, where the reactions may occur inside the particles or, outside, in diffusion flames surrounding the individual particles, even though for small particle sizes the gas phase reactions can be considered as frozen near the particles. The analysis will provide relations for the volumetric soürces appearing in the gas phase description, and for the rates that determine the evolution of the temperature and mass content of moisture, volátiles and char in the particles

    Resolución de inecuaciones variacionales y aplicaciones

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    En esta comunicación se pretende dar una breve introducción a las inecuaciones variacionales, y exponer las líneas de trabajo que sobre este tema se desarrollan en el Departamento de Ecuaciones Funcionales de la Universidad de Santiago.Asimismo se resumen algunas contribu ciones publicadas o en curso de realización

    Simulation and Optimization Models of Steady-state Gas Transmission Networks

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    Managing a gas transport network is a complex problem because of the number of possibilities of routing the gas through the pipes. The most important aim in this kind of systems is to fulfill the demand within the pressure bounds, independently of its associated costs. However, in the present work some cost drivers are also taken into account by means of different objective functions in order to manage the network in an efficient way. This work deals with mathematical modeling and optimization of gas transport networks, where a two-stage procedure is proposed. In the first stage, optimization algorithms based on mathematical programming are applied to make some decisions (whether to activate compressor stations, control valves and other control elements) and gives an initial solution to the second stage. This last stage, which is based on control theory techniques, refines the solution to obtain more accurate results. Due to the reduced complexity in each stage, both can be solved within reasonable runtimes for relatively large gas networks. Based on the mathematical methods involved, a software called GANESOTM has been developedThe authors would like to acknowledge the support of Reganosa LNG Company and also Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Spain) under research project MTM2008-02483 and Xunta de Galicia (Spanish region) under research project EM2012/111S

    Aplicacións das matemáticas na industria metalúrxica

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    aplicacións das matemáticas na industria metalúrxica

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    Numerical Methods for Hyperbolic Equations. Theory and Applications. An International Conference to Honor Professor E. F. Toro. Santiago de Compostela, July, 4th-8th 2011. Book of Abstracts

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    [EN] This volume contains the abstracts of the papers presented at the International Conference on Numerical Methods for Hyperbolic Equations: Theory and Applications held in the Faculty of Mathematics of the University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain, from 4th to 8th July 2011. The conference was organized to honour Professor Toro in the month of his 65th birthday.CESGA (The Supercomputing Center of Galicia) i-MATH (Ingenio MATHEMATICA, nodo CESGA) Ministry of Science and Innovation of the Government of Spain Red Mathematica Consulting & Computing de Galicia RSME (The Royal Spanish Mathematical Society) SEMA (Spanish Society of Applied Mathematics) Santander Bank Springer USC (University of Santiago de Compostela) Xacobeo Galici