646 research outputs found

    Imago repraesentativa passionis Christi. L'essenza del sacrificio della Messa nella sua parte formale secondo San Tommaso d'Aquino. [Reseña]

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    Reseña de Stépán Martin FILIP, Imago repraesentativa passionis Christi. L'essenza del sacrificio della Messa nella sua parte forma le secondo San Tommaso d'Aquino, Roma: Pontificia Università S. Tomnnaso d'Aquino di Roma, 2007, 278 pp., 13,5 X 21, ISBN 978-80-7266-264-7


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    Con el objeto de evaluar la eficiencia de la analgesia postoperatoria del Bloqueo Intercostal luego de Cirug\ueda Tor\ue1cica, se estudian prospectivamente 40 pacientes sometidos a Toracotom\uedas posterolaterales. A 20 de ellos se les coloc\uf3 un cat\ue9ter intercostal para administrar Bupivaca\uedna al 0.5% cada 4 horas (Grupo Bupivaca\uedna) y adem\ue1s recibir\uedan drogas opi\ue1ceas si fuera necesario. Los otros 20 pacientes (Grupo Meperidina) fueron tratados exclusivamente con medicaci\uf3n opi\ue1cea. Se determin\uf3 que el grado de analgesia en los pacientes bloqueados (Grupo Bupivaca\uedna) fue mucho mejor que el de los pacientes tratados exclusivamente con Meperidina, mostrado diferencias significativas (p < 0.01) en los registros de dolor postoperatorio de las 4, 24, 48 y 72 horas. As\ued mismo los pacientes del Grupo Bupivaca\uedna, solicitaron un n\ufamero significativamente menor (p < 0.01) de dosis de opi\ue1ceos que los otros pacientes (Grupo Meperidina) durante los tres primeros d\uedas del postoperatorio (31 vs. 178 dosis), esto es una reducci\uf3n del 82,5% de las analg\ue9sicos solicitados. M\ue1s a\ufan 8 de los 20 pacientes bloqueados (40%) no necesitaron de ninguna dosis de Meperidina. Aunque se observaron menos complicaciones respiratorias en los pacientes con bloqueo intercostal (3 vs. 5) \ue9sta diferencia no fue significativa estad\uedsticamente (p>0.05). Sin embargo la reducci\uf3n en la estancia hospitalaria en \ue9stos pacientes bloqueados (4,4 + - 1,18 vs. 6,2 + - 1,96 d\uedas), s\ued mostr\uf3 diferencias significativas (p<0.01). En conclusi\uf3n el bloqueo intercostal utilizando Bupivaca\uedna en bolo, posterior a Cirug\ueda Tor\ue1cica, es un m\ue9todo de analgesia postoperatoria efectivo, sencillo y seguro, que permite un mejor control de dolor en el paciente y una reducci\uf3n tanto del n\ufamero de analg\ue9sicos opi\ue1ceos requeridos, como de la estancia hospitalaria. SUMMARY In order to evaluate the efficiency of postoperative analgesia provided by Intercostal Block following Thoracic Surgery, Forty patients, who underwent posterolateral thoracotomies, were prospectively studied. Twenty of them (bupivacaine group) received 0.5% Bupivacaine every four hours through a single intercostal catheter and additional opiate drugs if requiered. The others twenty patients (meperidine group) only received opiate medications. It was determinated that the analgesia degree was much better in the bupivacaine group than in the meperidine group, reaching significance (p< 0.01) in postoperative pain assessments at 4, 24, 48 and 72 hours. In addition Bupivacaine group patients demanded significantly less analgesic drugs (p < 0.01) than Meperidine group patients (31 vs 178 doses) during the first three postoperative days, that is a 82.5% reduction in the number of doses of meperidine required. Moreover, 8 out of 20 blocked patients (40%) did not demand any meperidine additional dose. Eventhough less number of respiratory complications was observed in the Bupivacaine group (3 vs 5), this was not a statistically significant difference (p > 0.05). However the lower hospital stay, also observed in those patients (4.4 + - 1.18 vs 6.2 + -1.96 days) was significant (p < 0.01). In conclusion, Intercostal Block with 0.5% Bupivacaine bolus injections after thoracic surgery, is an effective, simple and safe method of postoperative analgesia, allowing a better pain alleviation and reduction in both , the total dosis of demanded opiate drugs and the hospital stay

    Automatic symbolic modelling of co-evolutionarily learned robot skills

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    Proceeding of: 6th International Work-Conference on Artificial and Natural Neural Networks, IWANN 2001 Granada, Spain, June 13–15, 2001Evolutionary based learning systems have proven to be very powerful techniques for solving a wide range of tasks, from prediction to optimization. However, in some cases the learned concepts are unreadable for humans. This prevents a deep semantic analysis of what has been really learned by those systems. We present in this paper an alternative to obtain symbolic models from subsymbolic learning. In the first stage, a subsymbolic learning system is applied to a given task. Then, a symbolic classifier is used for automatically generating the symbolic counterpart of the subsymbolic model. We have tested this approach to obtain a symbolic model of a neural network. The neural network defines a simple controller af an autonomous robot. a competitive coevolutive method has been applied in order to learn the right weights of the neural network. The results show that the obtained symbolic model is very accurate in the task of modelling the subsymbolic system, adding to this its readability characteristic

    Effects of active vs. passive interset rest among physiological and perceptual outcomes in bench press exercise.

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    Objectives The aim of this study was to compare the effects between 2-min active and 2-min passive interset rest among intra and interset velocity and power loss, blood lactate level, and effort perception in young resistance-trained male during bench press exercise. Equipment and methods Nineteen volunteers completed a maximal power test for bench press to determine the optimal load for maximum power production. Separated by, unless, 72 hours all participants realised two resistance training bouts consisting of 2 × 8 repetitions at maximal velocity using the optimal load for maximal power, and a 3rd set until muscle failure, with 2-min interset rest passive or active, where participants completed repetitions in vertical chest press at a controlled velocity during active protocol. We measured power and velocity for each repetition using a lineal encoder, and we calculate intraset loss for both outcomes with two different equations. We also measured blood lactate levels and rate of perceived exertion before and after each set, and during recovery period after the last set. Results There was a lower intraset velocity and power loss for active interset rest compared to passive, being these differences statistically significant for the 1st set (P < 0.05) as confirmed by Student's t-test for independent measures. We also found only for the passive protocol a significant increase in blood lactate levels when comparing the values post set and before the consecutive set (P < 0.01), showing a significant increase during the interset rest period (post-set 1–pre-set 2; and post-set 2–pre-set 3). Moreover, blood lactate levels were significantly higher in passive compared to active before starting the 3rd set (P < 0.05). There were no significant differences for rate of perceived exertion between both protocols.pre-print430 K

    Un servidor de la renovación litúrgica en España: Manuel Garrido Bonaño (1925-2013)

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    The life and work of Manuel Garrido Bonaño, OSB (1925-2013), are essential to understand the evolving liturgy of the 20th-century. His liturgical formation, his participation in the Second Vatican Council, and his role in the liturgical renewal have made him an important witness. The picture of his life provides first-hand accounts on the evolution and aims of the Liturgical Movement in Spain.La vida y la obra de Manuel Garrido Bonaño, OSB (1925-2013) constituyen una fuente importante para comprender el devenir de la liturgia en el siglo XX. La formación litúrgica que recibió, así como su participación en el Concilio Vaticano ii y en la reforma litúrgica, le hacen un testigo privilegiado. La presentación de su vida permite conocer de primera mano otros detalles sobre las vicisitudes y anhelos del Movimiento litúrgico en España

    Publicaciones recientes sobre la epistemología de la ciencia litúrgica (2000-2010)

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