101 research outputs found

    Patient Experiences in a Linguistically Diverse Safety Net Primary Care Setting: Qualitative Study

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    Background: The patient-centered medical home model intends to improve patient experience and primary care quality. Within an urban safety net setting in Northern California, United States, these desired outcomes are complicated by both the diversity of the patient community and the care continuity implications of a residency program. Objective: The objective of our study was to understand the patient experience beyond standardized satisfaction measures. Methods: We conducted a qualitative study, interviewing 19 patients from the clinic (English-, Spanish-, or Mien-speaking patients). Results: Some themes, such as the desire to feel confident in their doctor, emerged across language groups, pointing to institutional challenges. Other themes, such as distrust in care being provided, were tied distinctly to speaking a language different from one’s provider. Still other themes, such as a sense of powerlessness, were related to cultural differences and to speaking a language (Mien) not spoken by staff. Conclusions: Findings illuminate the need to understand cultural behaviors and interactional styles in a diverse patient population to create a high-quality medical home

    Structurally vulnerable neighbourhood environments and racial/ethnic COVID-19 inequities

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    Preliminary evidence indicates that the experience of the novel coronavirus is not shared equally across geographic areas. Findings in the United States suggest that the burden of COVID-19 morbidity and mortality may be hardest felt in disadvantaged and racially segregated places. Deprived neighbourhoods are disproportionately populated by people of colour, the same populations that are becoming sicker and dying more often from COVID-19. This commentary examines how structurally vulnerable neighbourhoods contribute to racial/ethnic inequities in SARS-COV-2 exposure and COVID-19 morbidity and mortality and considers opportunities to intervene through place-based initiatives and the implementation of a Health in All Policies strategy

    “Feeling clean”: stigma and intravaginal practices among female entertainment workers in Cambodia

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    Background Intravaginal practices (IVPs), methods used by women most often to manage vaginal hygiene and address perceived disruptions to vaginal health, may increase the risk of contracting human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs). This qualitative study explores the social, professional, and peer context surrounding IVPs, the experiences of self-cleaning or getting cleaned from a health professional, and the perceived impacts of IVPs among female entertainment workers (FEWs) in Cambodia. Methods In 2017, we conducted 27 focus group discussions from four provinces, and 16 follow-up semi-structured in-depth interviews with purposively selected participants in two provinces. Data collection occurred over three weeks, with concurrent data transcription and translation. The data from the transcripts were analyzed using Dedoose, an online, open-access qualitative analysis software. Two researchers independently labeled sections of transcripts associated with broader categories and subcategories based on the initial content analysis matrix and created codes. This process continued iteratively until a final coding schema and conceptual model was created. Results We found that IVPs are widely practiced among FEWs in Cambodia and are associated with internalized and enacted stigma. Stigma was an overarching theme that impacted the sub-themes of (1) messages about cleaning, (2) the cleaning process, and (3) the impact of cleaning. Experiences of enacted stigma and internalized stigma permeated conversations about IVP, including feeling pressured by peers to keep themselves clean, practicing internal cleaning after transactional sex, and being called dirty by health providers. Conclusions FEWs who practice IVP talk about it in the context of their lived experiences stigma and discrimination. Highly stigmatized practices such as IVP among FEWs may benefit from a harm reduction approach that emphasizes positive changes without judgment, coercion, or discrimination

    Protective Places: the Relationship between Neighborhood Quality and Preterm Births to Black Women in Oakland, California (2007–2011)

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    Black women have the highest incidence of preterm birth (PTB). Upstream factors, including neighborhood context, may be key drivers of this increased risk. This study assessed the relationship between neighborhood quality, defined by the Healthy Places Index, and PTB among Black women who lived in Oakland, California, and gave birth between 2007 and 2011 (N = 5418 women, N = 107 census tracts). We found that, compared with those living in lower quality neighborhoods, women living in higher quality neighborhoods had 20–38% lower risk of PTB, independent of confounders. Findings have implications for place-based research and interventions to address racial inequities in PTB

    Best Babies Zone Basics: A Step-by-Step Guide

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    BBZ Basics is a step-by-step guide to implementing the Best Babies Zone (BBZ) approach. It is intended for both public health and non-public health organizations looking to start or build upon a place-based, multi-sector, community-driven initiative to reduce racial inequities in infant mortality. The guide moves through the Six Foundational Phases of a BBZ, including how to select a Zone, how to collaborate with residents and build resident leadership, and how to plan for evaluation. The guide also includes a number of tools and resources to help you in the planning process. Use of this guide will enable you to adopt the BBZ approach and support your efforts in creating stronger, healthier neighborhoods where every baby has the best chance in life

    Public Protests and the Risk of Novel Coronavirus Disease Hospitalizations: A County-Level Analysis from California

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    The objective of this study was to assess the relationship between public protests and county-level, novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) hospitalization rates across California. Publicly available data were included in the analysis from 55 of 58 California state counties (29 March–14 October 2020). Mixed-effects negative binomial regression models were used to examine the relationship between daily county-level COVID-19 hospitalizations and two main exposure variables: any vs. no protests and 1 or \u3e1 protest vs. no protests on a given county-day. COVID-19 hospitalizations were used as a proxy for viral transmission since such rates are less sensitive to temporal changes in testing access/availability. Models included covariates for daily county mobility, county-level characteristics, and time trends. Models also included a county-population offset and a two-week lag for the association between exposure and outcome. No significant associations were observed between protest exposures and COVID-19 hospitalization rates among the 55 counties. We did not find evidence to suggest that public protests were associated with COVID-19 hospitalization within California counties. These findings support the notion that protesting during a pandemic may be safe, ostensibly, so long as evidence-based precautionary measures are taken

    Evaluation of a social determinants of health screening questionnaire and workflow pilot within an adult ambulatory clinic

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    Background There is increased recognition in clinical settings of the importance of documenting, understanding, and addressing patients’ social determinants of health (SDOH) to improve health and address health inequities. This study evaluated a pilot of a standardized SDOH screening questionnaire and workflow in an ambulatory clinic within a large integrated health network in Northern California. Methods The pilot screened for SDOH needs using an 11-question Epic-compatible paper questionnaire assessing eight SDOH and health behavior domains: financial resource, transportation, stress, depression, intimate partner violence, social connections, physical activity, and alcohol consumption. Eligible patients for the pilot receiving a Medicare wellness, adult annual, or new patient visits during a five-week period (February-March, 2020), and a comparison group from the same time period in 2019 were identified. Sociodemographic data (age, sex, race/ethnicity, and payment type), visit type, length of visit, and responses to SDOH questions were extracted from electronic health records, and a staff experience survey was administered. The evaluation was guided by the Reach, Effectiveness, Adoption, Implementation, and Maintenance (RE-AIM) framework. Results Two-hundred eighty-nine patients were eligible for SDOH screening. Responsiveness by domain ranged from 55 to 67%, except for depression. Half of patients had at least one identified social need, the most common being stress (33%), physical activity (22%), alcohol (12%), and social connections (6%). Physical activity needs were identified more in females (81% vs. 19% in males, p \u3c .01) and at new patient/transfer visits (48% vs. 13% at Medicare wellness and 38% at adult wellness visits, p \u3c .05). Average length of visit was 39.8 min, which was 1.7 min longer than that in 2019. Visit lengths were longer among patients 65+ (43.4 min) and patients having public insurance (43.6 min). Most staff agreed that collecting SDOH data was relevant and accepted the SDOH questionnaire and workflow but highlighted opportunities for improvement in training and connecting patients to resources. Conclusion Use of evidence-based SDOH screening questions and associated workflow was effective in gathering patient SDOH information and identifying social needs in an ambulatory setting. Future studies should use qualitative data to understand patient and staff experiences with collecting SDOH information in healthcare settings

    Neighborhood disinvestment and severe maternal morbidity in the state of California

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    BACKGROUND Social determinants of health, including neighborhood context, may be a key driver of severe maternal morbidity and its related racial and ethnic inequities; however, investigations remain limited. OBJECTIVE This study aimed to examine the associations between neighborhood socioeconomic characteristics and severe maternal morbidity, as well as whether the associations between neighborhood socioeconomic characteristics and severe maternal morbidity were modified by race and ethnicity. STUDY DESIGN This study leveraged a California statewide data resource on all hospital births at ≥20 weeks of gestation (1997–2018). Severe maternal morbidity was defined as having at least 1 of 21 diagnoses and procedures (eg, blood transfusion or hysterectomy) as outlined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Neighborhoods were defined as residential census tracts (n=8022; an average of 1295 births per neighborhood), and the neighborhood deprivation index was a summary measure of 8 census indicators (eg, percentage of poverty, unemployment, and public assistance). Mixed-effects logistic regression models (individuals nested within neighborhoods) were used to compare odds of severe maternal morbidity across quartiles (quartile 1 [the least deprived] to quartile 4 [the most deprived]) of the neighborhood deprivation index before and after adjustments for maternal sociodemographic and pregnancy-related factors and comorbidities. Moreover, cross-product terms were created to determine whether associations were modified by race and ethnicity. RESULTS Of 10,384,976 births, the prevalence of severe maternal morbidity was 1.2% (N=120,487). In fully adjusted mixed-effects models, the odds of severe maternal morbidity increased with increasing neighborhood deprivation index (odds ratios: quartile 1, reference; quartile 4, 1.23 [95% confidence interval, 1.20–1.26]; quartile 3, 1.13 [95% confidence interval, 1.10–1.16]; quartile 2, 1.06 [95% confidence interval, 1.03–1.08]). The associations were modified by race and ethnicity such that associations (quartile 4 vs quartile 1) were the strongest among individuals in the “other” racial and ethnic category (1.39; 95% confidence interval, 1.03–1.86) and the weakest among Black individuals (1.07; 95% confidence interval, 0.98–1.16). CONCLUSION Study findings suggest that neighborhood deprivation contributes to an increased risk of severe maternal morbidity. Future research should examine which aspects of neighborhood environments matter most across racial and ethnic groups

    Detection of Tilapia Lake Virus (TiLV) in Clinical Samples by Culturing and Nested RT-PCR

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    Tilapia are an important group of farmed fish that serve as a significant protein source worldwide. In recent years, substantial mortality of wild tilapia has been observed in the Sea of Galilee and in commercial ponds in Israel and Ecuador. We have identified the etiological agent of these mass die-offs as a novel orthomyxo-like virus and named it tilapia lake virus (TiLV). Here, we provide the conditions for efficient isolation, culturing, and quantification of the virus, including the use of susceptible fish cell lines. Moreover, we describe a sensitive nested reverse transcription-PCR (RT-PCR) assay allowing the rapid detection of TiLV in fish organs. This assay revealed, for the first time to our knowledge, the presence of TiLV in diseased Colombian tilapia, indicating a wider distribution of this emerging pathogen and stressing the risk that TiLV poses for the global tilapia industry. Overall, the described procedures should provide the tilapia aquaculture industry with important tools for the detection and containment of this pathogen