48 research outputs found

    Relaxation in the XX quantum chain

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    We present the results obtained on the magnetisation relaxation properties of an XX quantum chain in a transverse magnetic field. We first consider an initial thermal kink-like state where half of the chain is initially thermalized at a very high temperature TbT_b while the remaining half, called the system, is put at a lower temperature TsT_s. From this initial state, we derive analytically the Green function associated to the dynamical behaviour of the transverse magnetisation. Depending on the strength of the magnetic field and on the temperature of the system, different regimes are obtained for the magnetic relaxation. In particular, with an initial droplet-like state, that is a cold subsystem of finite size in contact at both ends with an infinite temperature environnement, we derive analytically the behaviour of the time-dependent system magnetisation

    Long-Time Tails and Anomalous Slowing Down in the Relaxation of Spatially Inhomogeneous Excitations in Quantum Spin Chains

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    Exact analytic calculations in spin-1/2 XY chains, show the presence of long-time tails in the asymptotic dynamics of spatially inhomogeneous excitations. The decay of inhomogeneities, for tt\to \infty , is given in the form of a power law (t/τQ)νQ (t/\tau_{Q}) ^{-\nu_{Q}} where the relaxation time τQ\tau_{Q} and the exponent νQ\nu_{Q} depend on the wave vector QQ, characterizing the spatial modulation of the initial excitation. We consider several variants of the XY model (dimerized, with staggered magnetic field, with bond alternation, and with isotropic and uniform interactions), that are grouped into two families, whether the energy spectrum has a gap or not. Once the initial condition is given, the non-equilibrium problem for the magnetization is solved in closed form, without any other assumption. The long-time behavior for tt\to \infty can be obtained systematically in a form of an asymptotic series through the stationary phase method. We found that gapped models show critical behavior with respect to QQ, in the sense that there exist critical values QcQ_{c}, where the relaxation time τQ\tau_{Q} diverges and the exponent νQ\nu_{Q} changes discontinuously. At those points, a slowing down of the relaxation process is induced, similarly to phenomena occurring near phase transitions. Long-lived excitations are identified as incommensurate spin density waves that emerge in systems undergoing the Peierls transition. In contrast, gapless models do not present the above anomalies as a function of the wave vector QQ.Comment: 25 pages, 2 postscript figures. Manuscript submitted to Physical Review

    Real-time dynamics in spin-1/2 chains with adaptive time-dependent DMRG

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    We investigate the influence of different interaction strengths and dimerizations on the magnetization transport in antiferromagnetic spin-1/2 XXZ-chains. We focus on the real-time evolution of the inhomogeneous initial state with all spins pointing up along the z axis in the left half and down in the right half of the chain, using the adaptive time-dependent density-matrix renormalization group (adaptive t-DMRG). We find on time-scales accessible to us ballistic magnetization transport for small Sz-Sz-interaction and arbitrary dimerization, but almost no transport for stronger Sz-Sz-interaction, with a sharp crossover at Jz=1. At Jz=1 results indicate superdiffusive transport. Additionally, we perform a detailed analysis of the error made by the adaptive time-dependent DMRG using the fact that the evolution in the XX-model is known exactly. We find that the error at small times is dominated by the error made by the Trotter decomposition, whereas for longer times the DMRG truncation error becomes the most important, with a very sharp crossover at some "runaway" time.Comment: 13 pages, 20 figure