38 research outputs found

    Permeability, pore connectivity and critical pore throat control of expandable polymeric sphere templated macroporous alumina

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    We have regulated the permeability in macroporous alumina materials by manipulating the connectivity of the pore phase and the sizes of the smallest constrictions between connected pores. Templating with particle-coated expandable polymeric spheres (EPS

    Using a psychosocial subgroup assignment to predict sickness absence in a working population with neck and back pain

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The overall objective was to evaluate the predictive validity of a subgroup classification based on the Swedish version of the MPI, the MPI-S, among gainfully employed workers with neck pain (NP) and/or low back pain (LBP) during a follow-up period of 18 and 36 months.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This is a prospective cohort study that is part of a larger longitudinal multi-centre study entitled Work and Health in the Process and Engineering Industries (AHA). The attempt was to classify individuals at risk for developing chronic disabling NP and LBP. This is the first study using the MPI-questionnaire in a working population with NP and LBP.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Dysfunctional individuals (DYS) demonstrated more statistically significant sickness absence compared to adaptive copers (AC) after 36 months. DYS also had a threefold increase in the risk ratio of long-term sickness absence at 18 months. Interpersonally distressed (ID) subgroup showed overall more sickness absence compared to the AC subgroup at the 36-month follow-up and had a twofold increase in the risk ratio of long-term sickness absence at 18 months. There was a significant difference in bodily pain, mental and physical health for ID and DYS subgroups compared to the AC group at both follow-ups.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The present study shows that this multidimensional approach to the classification of individuals based on psychological and psychosocial characteristics can distinguish different groups in gainfully employed working population with NP/LBP. The results in this study confirm the predictive validity of the MPI-S subgroup classification system.</p

    Migration and precipitation of soluble species during drying of colloidal films

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    The evaporation-induced convection resulted in a transport of dissolved species, a water-soluble polymer (carboxymethylcellulose) and dissolved CaCO3, to the drying front of silica and CaCO3 dispersions where the material eventually precipitates. Scanning electron microscopy and chemical analysis showed that the concentration of carboxymethylcellulose, CMC, is highest in the centre of the dried silica film and decreases towards the perifery. The colloidal films of the monodisperse silica particles displayed a high degree of structural order even at high concentrations of the non-adsorbed polymer CMC, which suggests that any depletion induced interparticle attraction is insufficient to affect the assembly of the colloidal crystal. The CaCO3 particles are slightly soluble and we found that rod-like crystals reprecipitated in the centre of the particle films on top of the polyacrylate-coated particles. Addition of CMC disturbs the formation of distinct crystal shapes which was attributed to a complexation of Ca2+ in solution

    The effect of soluble organic additives on the stress development during drying of calcium carbonate suspensions

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    The effect of polymer, plasticizer, and surfactant additives on stress development during drying of calcium carbonate particulate coatings was studied using a controlled-environment apparatus that simultaneously monitors drying stress, weight loss, and relative humidity. We found that the calcium carbonate coatings display a drying stress evolution typical of granular films, which is characterized by a sharp capillary-induced stress rise followed by a rapid stress relaxation. The addition of a soluble polymer to the CaCO3 suspension resulted in a two-stage stress evolution process. The initial stress rise stems from capillary-pressure-induced stresses within the film, while the second, larger stress rise occurs due to solidification and shrinkage of the polymeric species. Measurements on the corresponding pure polymer solutions established a clear correlation between the magnitude of residual stress in both the polymer and CaCO3-polymer films to the physical properties of the polymer phase, i.e. its glass transition temperature, Tg, and Young's modulus. The addition of small organic molecules can reduce the residual stress observed in the CaCO3-polymer films; e.g., glycerol, which acts as a plasticizer, reduces the drying stress by lowering Tg, while surfactant additions reduce the surface tension of the liquid phase, and, hence, the magnitude of the capillary pressure within the film

    Tunable assembly of truncated nanocubes by evaporation-driven poor-solvent enrichment

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    Self-assembly of nanocrystals is extensively used to generate superlattices with long-range translational order and atomic crystallographic orientation, i.e. mesocrystals, with emergent mesoscale properties, but the predictability and tunability of the assembly methods are poorly understood. Here, we report how mesocrystals produced by poor-solvent enrichment can be tuned by solvent composition, initial nanocrystal concentration, poor-solvent enrichment rate, and excess surfactant. The crystallographic coherence and mesoscopic order within the mesocrystal were characterized using techniques in real and reciprocal spaces, and superlattice growth was followed in real time by small-angle X-ray scattering. We show that formation of highly ordered superlattices is dominated by the evaporation-driven increase of the solvent polarity and particle concentration, and facilitated by excess surfac- tant. Poor-solvent enrichment is a versatile nanoparticle assembly method that offers a promising production route with high predictability to modulate and maximize the size and morphology of nanocrystal metamaterials

    Two-Stage Assembly of Mesocrystal Fibers with Tunable Diameters in Weak Magnetic Fields

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    Controlling the morphology and crystallographic coherence of assemblies of magnetic nanoparticles is a promising route to functional materials. Time-resolved small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) was combined with microscopy and scaling analysis to probe and analyze evaporation-induced assembly in levitating drops and thin films of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanocubes in weak magnetic fields. We show that assembly of micrometer-sized mesocrystals with a cubic shape preceded the formation of fibers with a high degree of crystallographic coherence and tunable diameters. The second-stage assembly of aligned cuboidal mesocrystals into fibers was driven by the magnetic field, but the first-stage assembly of the oleate-capped nanocubes was unaffected by weak magnetic fields. The transition from 3D growth of the primary mesocrystals to the second stage 1D assembly of the elongated fibers was related to the size and field dependence of isotropic van der Waals and directional dipolar interactions between the interacting mesocrystals

    Three-dimensional structure analysis by X-ray micro-computed tomography of macroporous alumina templated with expandable microspheres

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    The three-dimensional (3D) structures of macroporous alumina, produced by a novel method that combines gel casting with expandable polymeric microspheres as a sacrificial templating material, have been characterised by X-ray micro-computed tomography (μ

    Time-Resolved SAXS Study of Polarity- and Surfactant-Controlled Superlattice Transformations of Oleate-Capped Nanocubes During Solvent Removal

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    Structural transformations and lattice expansion of oleate-capped iron oxide nanocube superlattices are studied by time-resolved small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) during solvent removal. The combination of conductor-like screening model for real solvents (COSMO-RS) theory with computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling provides information on the solvent composition and polarity during droplet evaporation. Evaporation-driven poor-solvent enrichment in the presence of free oleic acid results in the formation of superlattices with a tilted face-centered cubic (fcc) structure when the polarity reaches its maximum. The tilted fcc lattice expands subsequently during the removal of the poor solvent and eventually transforms to a regular simple cubic (sc) lattice during the final evaporation stage when only free oleic acid remains. Comparative studies show that both the increase in polarity as the poor solvent is enriched and the presence of a sufficient amount of added oleic acid is required to promote the formation of structurally diverse superlattices with large domain sizes