64 research outputs found

    Effect of dissipative forces on the theory of a single-atom microlaser

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    We describe a one-atom microlaser involving Poissonian input of atoms with a fixed flight time through an optical resonator. The influence of the cavity reservoir during the interactions of successive individual atoms with the cavity field is included in the analysis. The atomic decay is also considered as it is nonnegligible in the optical regime. During the random intervals of absence of any atom in the cavity, the field evolves under its own dynamics. We discuss the steady-state characteristics of the cavity field. Away from laser threshold, the field can be nonclassical in nature.Comment: 9 pages in LaTex; 3 PS figure

    Speed dependent polarization correlations in QED and entanglement

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    Exact computations of polarizations correlations probabilities are carried out in QED, to the leading order, for initially polarized as well as unpolarized particles. Quite generally they are found to be speed dependent and are in clear violation of Bells inequality of Local Hidden Variables (LHV) theories. This dynamical analysis shows how speed dependent entangled states are generated. These computations, based on QED are expected to lead to new experiments on polarization correlations monitoring speed in the light of Bells theorem. The paper provides a full QED treatment of the dynamics of entanglement.Comment: LaTeX, 14 pages, 2 figures, Corrected typo

    Entangled States and Entropy Remnants of a Photon-Electron System

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    In the present paper an example of entanglement between two different kinds of interacting particles, photons and electrons is analysed. The initial-value problem of the Schroedinger equation is solved non-perturbatively for the system of a free electron interacting with a quantized mode of the electromagnetic radiation. Wave packets of the dressed states so obtained are constructed in order to describe the spatio-temporal separation of the subsystems before and after the interaction. The joint probability amplitudes are calculated for the detection of the electron at some space-time location and the detection of a definite number of photons. The analytical study of the time evolution of entanglement between the initially separated electron wave packet and the radiation mode leads to the conclusion that in general there are non-vanishing entropy remnants in the subsystems after the interaction. On the basis of the simple model to be presented here, the calculated values of the entropy remnants crucially depend on the character of the switching-on and off of the interaction.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure

    A discrete geometric approach for simulating the dynamics of thin viscous threads

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    We present a numerical model for the dynamics of thin viscous threads based on a discrete, Lagrangian formulation of the smooth equations. The model makes use of a condensed set of coordinates, called the centerline/spin representation: the kinematical constraints linking the centerline's tangent to the orientation of the material frame is used to eliminate two out of three degrees of freedom associated with rotations. Based on a description of twist inspired from discrete differential geometry and from variational principles, we build a full-fledged discrete viscous thread model, which includes in particular a discrete representation of the internal viscous stress. Consistency of the discrete model with the classical, smooth equations is established formally in the limit of a vanishing discretization length. The discrete models lends itself naturally to numerical implementation. Our numerical method is validated against reference solutions for steady coiling. The method makes it possible to simulate the unsteady behavior of thin viscous jets in a robust and efficient way, including the combined effects of inertia, stretching, bending, twisting, large rotations and surface tension

    Photon trains and lasing : The periodically pumped quantum dot

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    We propose to pump semiconductor quantum dots with surface acoustic waves which deliver an alternating periodic sequence of electrons and holes. In combination with a good optical cavity such regular pumping could entail anti-bunching and sub-Poissonian photon statistics. In the bad-cavity limit a train of equally spaced photons would arise.Comment: RevTex, 5 pages, 1 figur

    Wigner's little group and Berry's phase for massless particles

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    The ``little group'' for massless particles (namely, the Lorentz transformations Λ\Lambda that leave a null vector invariant) is isomorphic to the Euclidean group E2: translations and rotations in a plane. We show how to obtain explicitly the rotation angle of E2 as a function of Λ\Lambda and we relate that angle to Berry's topological phase. Some particles admit both signs of helicity, and it is then possible to define a reduced density matrix for their polarization. However, that density matrix is physically meaningless, because it has no transformation law under the Lorentz group, even under ordinary rotations.Comment: 4 pages revte

    Formulation, Interpretation and Application of non-Commutative Quantum Mechanics

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    In analogy with conventional quantum mechanics, non-commutative quantum mechanics is formulated as a quantum system on the Hilbert space of Hilbert-Schmidt operators acting on non-commutative configuration space. It is argued that the standard quantum mechanical interpretation based on Positive Operator Valued Measures, provides a sufficient framework for the consistent interpretation of this quantum system. The implications of this formalism for rotational and time reversal symmetry are discussed. The formalism is applied to the free particle and harmonic oscillator in two dimensions and the physical signatures of non commutativity are identified.Comment: 11 page

    Noncommutative quantum mechanics -- a perspective on structure and spatial extent

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    We explore the notion of spatial extent and structure, already alluded to in earlier literature, within the formulation of quantum mechanics on the noncommutative plane. Introducing the notion of average position and its measurement, we find two equivalent pictures: a constrained local description in position containing additional degrees of freedom, and an unconstrained nonlocal description in terms of the position without any other degrees of freedom. Both these descriptions have a corresponding classical theory which shows that the concept of extended, structured objects emerges quite naturally and unavoidably there. It is explicitly demonstrated that the conserved energy and angular momentum contain corrections to those of a point particle. We argue that these notions also extend naturally to the quantum level. The local description is found to be the most convenient as it manifestly displays additional information about structure of quantum states that is more subtly encoded in the nonlocal, unconstrained description. Subsequently we use this picture to discuss the free particle and harmonic oscillator as examples.Comment: 25 pages, no figure

    Quantum correlations and distinguishability of quantum states

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    A survey of various concepts in quantum information is given, with a main emphasis on the distinguishability of quantum states and quantum correlations. Covered topics include generalized and least square measurements, state discrimination, quantum relative entropies, the Bures distance on the set of quantum states, the quantum Fisher information, the quantum Chernoff bound, bipartite entanglement, the quantum discord, and geometrical measures of quantum correlations. The article is intended both for physicists interested not only by collections of results but also by the mathematical methods justifying them, and for mathematicians looking for an up-to-date introductory course on these subjects, which are mainly developed in the physics literature.Comment: Review article, 103 pages, to appear in J. Math. Phys. 55 (special issue: non-equilibrium statistical mechanics, 2014