186 research outputs found
Tra l’incudine e il martello. Finanza degli enti locali, effettività delle prestazioni e legalità costituzionale nella recente giurisprudenza costituzionale
Il saggio analizza il tema della garanzia dei diritti nella finanza degli enti locali, tra legislazione emergenziale e giurisprudenza costituzionale, sullo sfondo della inattuazione del federalismo fiscale. In via preliminare vengono ricostruiti i tratti fondamentali del quadro normativo (par. 2), oggetto delle sentenze della Corte costituzionale tra il 2019 e il 2021 (parr. 3 - 3.3). Dopo aver evidenziato le ricadute concrete della giurisprudenza analizzata (par. 4), in conclusione si propone qualche riflessione sul futuro delle autonomie territoriali (par. 5)
SUNCT/SUNA in pediatric age: A review of pathophysiology and therapeutic options
The International Classification of Headache Disorders, 3rd edition (ICHD3) defines Short-lasting Unilateral Neuralgiform Headache Attacks (SUNHA) as attacks of moderate or severe, strictly unilateral head pain lasting from seconds to minutes, occurring at least once a day and usually associated with prominent lacrimation and redness of the ipsilateral eye. Two subtypes of SUNHA are identified: Short-lasting Unilateral Neuralgiform headache attacks with Conjunctival injection and Tearing (SUNCT) and Short-lasting Unilateral Neuralgiform headache attacks with cranial Autonomic symptoms (SUNA). These pathologies are infrequent in children and difficult to diagnose. The authors reviewed the existing literature on SUNCT and SUNA, especially in the developmental age, which describes the pathophysiology in detail and focuses on the therapeutic options available to date. SUNHA-type headaches must be considered on the one hand, for the possibility of the onset of forms secondary to underlying pathologies even of a neoplastic nature, and on the other hand, for the negative impact they can have on an individual’s quality of life, particularly in young patients. Until now, published cases suggest that no chronic variants occur in childhood and adolescents. In light of this evidence, the authors offer a review that may serve as a source to be drawn upon in the implementation of suitable treatments in children and adolescents suffering from these headaches, focusing on therapies that are non-invasive and as risk-free as possible for pediatric patients
I piĂą recenti sviluppi costituzionali del ciclo di bilancio
The A. answer to a series of questions by the Director of the "Gruppo di Pisa" Journal. The questions concern the parliamentary procedure followed to enact the State Budget Law for the year 2023 (law No 197/2022). The A. debates over: the possibility to prove the evident violation of parliamentary privileges in the procedure followed by the two chambers of the Italian parliament (Const. court. orders Nos. 17/2019 and 60/2020); the impact of Next Generation EU and of NPRR over the National Budgetary procedures; the role played by the Budget Parliamentary Office (UPB) and by the State General Accounting Office in parliamentary procedures concerning the State Budget Law for the year 202
Mapping the Effect of Interictal Epileptic Activity Density During Wakefulness on Brain Functioning in Focal Childhood Epilepsies With Centrotemporal Spikes
Childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes (CECTS) is the most common type of \u201cself-limited focal epilepsies.\u201d In its typical presentation, CECTS is a condition reflecting non-lesional cortical hyperexcitability of rolandic regions. The benign evolution of this disorder is challenged by the frequent observation of associated neuropsychological deficits and behavioral impairment. The abundance (or frequency) of interictal centrotemporal spikes (CTS) in CECTS is considered a risk factor for deficits in cognition. Herein, we captured the hemodynamic changes triggered by the CTS density measure (i.e., the number of CTS for time bin) obtained in a cohort of CECTS, studied by means of video electroencephalophy/functional MRI during quite wakefulness. We aim to demonstrate a direct influence of the diurnal CTS frequency on epileptogenic and cognitive networks of children with CECTS. A total number of 8,950 CTS (range between 27 and 801) were recorded in 23 CECTS (21 male), with a mean number of 255 CTS/patient and a mean density of CTS/30 s equal to 10,866 \ub1 11.46. Two independent general linear model models were created for each patient based on the effect of interest: \u201cindividual CTS\u201d in model 1 and \u201cCTS density\u201d in model 2. Hemodynamic correlates of CTS density revealed the involvement of a widespread cortical\u2013subcortical network encompassing the sensory-motor cortex, the Broca's area, the premotor cortex, the thalamus, the putamen, and red nucleus, while in the CTS event-related model, changes were limited to blood\u2013oxygen-level-dependent (BOLD) signal increases in the sensory-motor cortices. A linear relationship was observed between the CTS density hemodynamic changes and both disease duration (positive correlation) and age (negative correlation) within the language network and the bilateral insular cortices. Our results strongly support the critical role of the CTS frequency, even during wakefulness, to interfere with the normal functioning of language brain networks
Monocyte Distribution Width (MDW) as novel inflammatory marker with prognostic significance in COVID-19 patients
Monocyte Distribution Width (MDW), a new cytometric parameter correlating with cytomorphologic changes occurring upon massive monocyte activation, has recently emerged as promising early biomarker of sepsis. Similar to sepsis, monocyte/macrophage subsets are considered key mediators of the life-threatening hyper-inflammatory disorder characterizing severe COVID-19. In this study, we longitudinally analyzed MDW values in a cohort of 87 COVID-19 patients consecutively admitted to our hospital, showing significant correlations between MDW and common inflammatory markers, namely CRP (p < 0.001), fibrinogen (p < 0.001) and ferritin (p < 0.01). Moreover, high MDW values resulted to be prognostically associated with fatal outcome in COVID-19 patients (AUC = 0.76, 95% CI: 0.66\u20130.87, sensitivity 0.75, specificity 0.70, MDW threshold 26.4; RR = 4.91, 95% CI: 1.73\u201313.96; OR = 7.14, 95% CI: 2.06\u201324.71). This pilot study shows that MDW can be useful in the monitoring of COVID-19 patients, as this innovative hematologic biomarker is: (1) easy to obtain, (2) directly related to the activation state of a fundamental inflammatory cell subset (i.e. monocytes, pivotal in both cytokine storm and sepsis immunopathogenesis), (3) well correlated with clinical severity of COVID-19-associated inflammatory disorder, and, in turn, (4) endowed with relevant prognostic significance. Additional studies are needed to define further the clinical impact of MDW testing in the management of COVID-19 patients
Mapping the Effect of Interictal Epileptic Activity Density During Wakefulness on Brain Functioning in Focal Childhood Epilepsies With Centrotemporal Spikes
Childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes (CECTS) is the most common type of \u201cself-limited focal epilepsies.\u201d In its typical presentation, CECTS is a condition reflecting non-lesional cortical hyperexcitability of rolandic regions. The benign evolution of this disorder is challenged by the frequent observation of associated neuropsychological deficits and behavioral impairment. The abundance (or frequency) of interictal centrotemporal spikes (CTS) in CECTS is considered a risk factor for deficits in cognition. Herein, we captured the hemodynamic changes triggered by the CTS density measure (i.e., the number of CTS for time bin) obtained in a cohort of CECTS, studied by means of video electroencephalophy/functional MRI during quite wakefulness. We aim to demonstrate a direct influence of the diurnal CTS frequency on epileptogenic and cognitive networks of children with CECTS. A total number of 8,950 CTS (range between 27 and 801) were recorded in 23 CECTS (21 male), with a mean number of 255 CTS/patient and a mean density of CTS/30 s equal to 10,866 \ub1 11.46. Two independent general linear model models were created for each patient based on the effect of interest: \u201cindividual CTS\u201d in model 1 and \u201cCTS density\u201d in model 2. Hemodynamic correlates of CTS density revealed the involvement of a widespread cortical\u2013subcortical network encompassing the sensory-motor cortex, the Broca's area, the premotor cortex, the thalamus, the putamen, and red nucleus, while in the CTS event-related model, changes were limited to blood\u2013oxygen-level-dependent (BOLD) signal increases in the sensory-motor cortices. A linear relationship was observed between the CTS density hemodynamic changes and both disease duration (positive correlation) and age (negative correlation) within the language network and the bilateral insular cortices. Our results strongly support the critical role of the CTS frequency, even during wakefulness, to interfere with the normal functioning of language brain networks
Multiparametric flow cytometry for MRD monitoring in hematologic malignancies: Clinical applications and new challenges
In hematologic cancers, Minimal Residual Disease (MRD) monitoring, using either molecular (PCR) or immunophenotypic (MFC) diagnostics, allows the identification of rare cancer cells, readily detectable either in the bone marrow or in the peripheral blood at very low levels, far below the limit of classic microscopy. In this paper, we outlined the state-of-the-art of MFC-based MRD detection in different hematologic settings, highlighting main recommendations and new challenges for using such a method in patients with acute leukemias or chronic hematologic neoplasms. The combination of new molecular technologies with advanced flow cytometry is progressively allowing clinicians to design a personalized therapeutic path, proportionate to the biological aggressiveness of the disease, in particular by using novel immunotherapies, in view of a modern decision-making process, based on precision medicine. Along with the evolution of immunophenotypic and molecular diagnostics, the assessment of Minimal Residual Disease (MRD) has progressively become a keystone in the clinical management of hematologic malignancies, enabling valuable post-therapy risk stratifications and guiding risk-adapted therapeutic approaches. However, specific prognostic values of MRD in different hematological settings, as well as its appropriate clinical uses (basically, when to measure it and how to deal with different MRD levels), still need further investigations, aiming to improve standardization and harmonization of MRD monitoring protocols and MRD-driven therapeutic strategies. Currently, MRD measurement in hematological neoplasms with bone marrow involvement is based on advanced highly sensitive methods, able to detect either specific genetic abnormalities (by PCRbased techniques and next-generation sequencing) or tumor-associated immunophenotypic profiles (by multiparametric flow cytometry, MFC). In this review, we focus on the growing clinical role for MFC-MRD diagnostics in hematological malignancies-from acute myeloid and lymphoblastic leukemias (AML, B-ALL and T-ALL), to chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) and multiple myeloma (MM)-providing a comparative overview on technical aspects, clinical implications, advantages and pitfalls of MFC-MRD monitoring in different clinical settings
Western Indian Ocean marine and terrestrial records of climate variability: a review and new concepts on land-ocean interactions since AD 1660
We examine the relationship between three tropical and two subtropical western Indian Ocean coral oxygen isotope time series to surface air temperatures (SAT) and rainfall over India, tropical East Africa and southeast Africa. We review established relationships, provide new concepts with regard to distinct rainfall seasons, and mean annual temperatures. Tropical corals are coherent with SAT over western India and East Africa at interannual and multidecadal periodicities. The subtropical corals correlate with Southeast African SAT at periodicities of 16–30 years. The relationship between the coral records and land rainfall is more complex. Running correlations suggest varying strength of interannual teleconnections between the tropical coral oxygen isotope records and rainfall over equatorial East Africa. The relationship with rainfall over India changed in the 1970s. The subtropical oxygen isotope records are coherent with South African rainfall at interdecadal periodicities. Paleoclimatological reconstructions of land rainfall and SAT reveal that the inferred relationships generally hold during the last 350 years. Thus, the Indian Ocean corals prove invaluable for investigating land–ocean interactions during past centuries
Joint Computing and Electric Systems Optimization for Green Datacenters
This chapter presents an optimization framework to manage green datacenters using multilevel energy reduction techniques in a joint approach. A green datacenter exploits renewable energy sources and active Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) units to reduce the energy intake from the grid while improving its Quality of Service (QoS). At server level, the state-of-the-art correlation-aware Virtual Machines (VMs) consolidation technique allows to maximize server’s energy efficiency. At system level, heterogeneous Energy Storage Systems (ESS) replace standard UPSs, while a dedicated optimization strategy aims at maximizing the lifetime of the battery banks and to reduce the energy bill, considering the load of the servers. Results demonstrate, under different number of VMs in the system, up to 11.6% energy savings, 10.4% improvement of QoS compared to existing correlation-aware VM allocation schemes for datacenters and up to 96% electricity bill savings
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